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Constitution and Disciplinary Standards of NBM

najuju najuju
7 years ago

The NBM aka Black Axe has its own constitution as well as disciplinary standards. While some
parts of these documents sound useful and good, it is deeply ironical that enforcing them would
actually mean removing a huge percentage of members (uncluding most of the “big guys” in the
cult) from the NBM.




The Movement shall be known, called and addressed as the Neo Black
Movement of Africa.

(i) This Constitution is supreme and its provisions shall bind all members

and overide any enactments, bye-laws, rules and regulations that may be

drawn by any committee, council or authority established by this


Whereby, any bye law, rules and regulations or enactment referred to in

paragraph (i) above is inconsistent with the provisions of this

constitution, this constitution shall prevail, and the bye-laws, rules,

regulations or enactments shall, to the extent of its inconsistency be null

and void.

The Neo Black Movement of Africa is one indivisible and indissoluble


(i) The Neo Black Movement of Africa shall be a movement consisting of zones

throughout the world.

(ii) The National Headquarters shall be situated in Benin City, Edo State of



(i) There shall be the National Council of Elders which shall be the highest

legislative and judicial organ of the movement.

(ii) There shall be a Zonal Council of Elders which shall be the highest

legislative and judicial organ of the zone.

(i) There shall be a National Executive Body which shall be the highest

Administrative and executive organ of the movement.

(ii) There shall be a Zonal Executive Council which shall have

administrative and executive powers over the Lords within their


There shall be a legal Committee at the National and Zonal levels.

There shall be a joint meeting of the National Executive and the zonal
heads, which shall be heard quarterly, or as may be directed by the National


Article 2Fundamental Objective and Directive Principles of Movement Policy

It shall be the duty and the responsibility of all authorities and

persons exersising legislative, executive or judicial powers, to conform to,

observe and apply the provisions of the articles of this constitution.

(i) The Neo Black Movement shall be a Movement based on the principles of

democracy, equality and social justice.

(ii) It shall be the cardinal policy of the Movement to co-operate and

exchange ideas with other related organisations whose aims and objectives
are in harmony with that of the Movement.

(iii) It is hereby accordingly declared that the Movement belongs to all

members of the Neo Black Movement from whom the various bodies established

by this constitution derive thjeir powers and authority.

(i) The Neo Black Movement of Africa is a non-partisan, non-religious and

non tribal organisation.

(ii) The motto of the Movement shall be “Social Justice and Equality for


(iii) The Movement shall inculcate a deep sense of belonging and patriotism

among members.

(iv) The Movement shall protect, defend and propagate the interest and

welfare of members.

(v) The Movement shall strive to eradicate all forms of oppression,

intimidation, corruption, neo-colonialism and other vices from society.

The Movement shall dedicate its resources to promoting, defending and

advancing black solidarity (Blackism), culture and world peace.

Article 3Membership

(1) Membership shall be open to interested qualified candidates provided

that such persons shall:

(a) share the vision of world equality and social justice

(b) be a graduate or matriculated undergraduate of an institution of higher


(c) be sponsored by three dedicated Lords

(d) be of good character and not convicted of a criminal offence considered

inimical to the Movement and the public in general bu the Council of


(e) be approved for membership by the National Exco/National C.O.E. where


(f) undergo the process of initiation organised and conducted by the zone

in accordance with the membership procedure of the Movement.

(2) No person shall be qualified as a member except he has taken the oath

of membership as contained in Shedule 2 of the membership procedure of

the Movement.

(3) No member shall be addressed as a Black Lord except he has been

inducted as such in accordance with the membership procedure of the


(4) Only graduate members shall be inducted as Black Lords after a

successful one year stewardship under the supervision of an appointed

responsible Lord.

(5) A list of those initiated as members or inducted as Black Lords shall

be fowarded to all zones and the National body.

A person shall forfeit his membership of the Movement if:

(1) He acquires membership of any organisation which is in conflict with

N.B.M as determined by the National Council of Elders.

(2) The Council of Elders break his axe or he is suspended for misconduct
at the instance of the Executive Council.

Article 4Order of precedence

(1) Save as, otherwise provided by any provision of this constitution,

the order of precedence in the Movement shall be as follows:

(a) National Head

(b) Chairman, National Council of Elders

(c) National Chief Priest

(d) Members, National Council of Elders

(e) Members, National Executive body

(f) Chairman, zonal Council of Elders

(g) Zonal Chief Priest

(h) Members Zonal Executive Council

(i) Members of the Movement according to their year of initiation.

(2) The priviledges of the order of precedence are that honour shall be

given in that order. No person in a lower order shall show disrespect to a

person in a higher position save on the order of a person of higher and

appropriate authority.

Article 5Government and Organs of the Movement

Part 1

National Convention

(1) The National Convention shall be held annually on the weekend of

Sharpville Memorial Day (being the 21st day March) or the weekend

immediately following where the 21st day of March falls on a week day.
(2) The venue of the convention shall be decided by the National Council of


(1) The National Convention shall be composed of the following:

(a) National Head

(b) Other National Executive body members

(c) Chairman, National Council of Elders

(d) Other accredited members of N.C.O.E

(e) Zonal Heads of accredited zones

(f) Chairman Council of Elders, accredited zones

(g) Ex National Heads

(h) Ex Chairmen National Council of Elders

(i) Trustees of the Movement

(j) Other delegates as may be invited/accredited from the zones by the

National Boby

(2) All zones shall be represented at the Convention

(3) Notwithstanding the provisions of article 5, 17 (1a – j) above, all

Lords are mandated by this constitution to attend the National Convention.

(1) The National Convention shall be convened, organised and executed by

the National Executive Body.

(2) The National Head shall preside over the National Convention.

The National Eye shall be the secretary to the convention.

(1) The convention shall receive written reports from the National
Executive body and zones.

(2) The supreme authority of the Movement shall be vested on the National
convention which shall ratify policies, constitutional amendments,

reports, disciplinary measures, committees, sanctions, projects and

reforms as may affect the overall interest of the Movement.

(3) The National convention shall deal with other matters as may be

referred to it by other organs of the Movement.

Any zone not represented at the National Convention shall be liable to a

fine which shall be determined by the National Council of Elders.

Part 2National Council of Elders

(1) The National Council of Elders shall be made up of the following:

(a) Chairman

(b) National Head

(c) National Chief Priest

(d) Zonal Heads of accredited zones

(e) Ex National Heads

(f) Ex Chairman of National Council of Elders

(g) Two representatives each of accredited zones

(h) Chairman, Legal Committee

(i) Ten dedicated elders appointed by the Council for a period of 2 years.

(j) Trustees of the Movement

Permanent members of the council shall include ex National Heads,

Trustees and Ex Chairman of NCOE.

(1) The Council shall be headed by a Chairman elected amongst members

provided such person so elected is not a member of the National/Zonal

(2) The Council Chairman shall be elected at the first council meeting

after the convention proceeding the expiration of the term of the

incumbent chairman.

(3) The tenure of office of the Council Chairman shall be two years from

the day of the previous election.

(1) There shall be an Eye who shall be the Scribe of the Council.
(2) The Eye shall be appointed amongst members of the Council of Elders,

provided that such person is not a member of the Executive Council.

(3) Any appointment so made as Eye shall be at the pleasure of the N.C.O.E

and shall cease when the council considers it so or when the Council

Chairman’s tenure whom he serves has expired or is removed.

(1) A meeting of the National Council of Elders shall be summoned by the


(2) A quorum of the Council meeting shall comprise of a simple majority

representation of the members present at each council meeting.

(1) The National Council of Elders shall act as a check on the National
Executive body.

(2) The Body shall act as an advisory body to the National Executive body.

(3) It shall be the Council’s duty to scrutinize and approve the National

budget proposed by the National Executive body.

(4) The Council shall determine the composition of delegates at the

National Convention.

(5) The Council shall deal with cases of appeals referred to it by any

member/body of the Movement.

(6) The National Council of elders shall suspend or the dissolve the zonal

executive or Council of Elders at the instance of the National Executive

Body, if found wanting in the discharge of its duties, and a caretaker

committee shall be set up to run the zone for a period not exceeding three


(7) The National Council of Elders shall perform any other functions

assigned to it by any other provisions of this constitution.

(1) Any member of the National Council of Elders who becomes a member by
virtue of his office shall cease to become a member of the Council when he

ceases to hold such office.

(2) Any National Head, Chairman indicted or who for any reason abandoned

his tenure shall not be qualified to be a permanent member of the National

Council of Elders as Ex Head/Chairman.

(3) In the event that any member of the Council of Elders (National/Zonal)

is found wanting in the discharge of his duties or gross misconduct, he

shall be removed from office by two third majority of the members present

at a meeting where the issue was discussed/resolved.


(1) the National Executive Body shall be composed of the National Head, National Chief Priest,
National Eye, National Butcher, National Ihaza, National Crier and the National Legal Officer.
(2) The National Executive Body shall only consist of Black Lords of the Neo-Black MOvemnet.

The National Executive Body shall meet from time to time to ensure the effective administration
of the movement.
30 (1)Every National Executive Body member shall be lisble to perform duties assigned to his
office in accordance with the provisions of this constitution.
(2) the National Executive Body shall have power to deal with issues bordering on
Administration, Emergencies, Publicities, Security, etc for good governance of the movement.

31 (1) the Tenure of the National Executive Body shall be two years.

(2) in the event that any executive officer of the National Body is found wanting in the discharge
of his duties or of a gross misconduct, he shall stand removed from office by two-third majority
resolution of the executive council of the Elders present in the meeting where the issue was

32 The National Head shall be the Chief Executive of the Movement.

33 (1) The National Head shall:-

(a) Co-ordinate activities and preside over meetings of the National Executive Body

(b) Supervise all aspect of the Movement’s activities.

(c) Perform any other function that may be assigned to his office by any other section of this

34 (1) The National Chief Priest shall:-

(a) be the principal custodian of the movements’ paraphernalia

(b) be the sole person to prepare Kokoma

(C) Lead procession during Jollification ceremonies

(d) Perform any other function that may be assigned to him by any other provision of this

35 The National Butcher shall:

(a) be the National Security Officer of the Movement

(b) Discipline any erring member on the orders of the appropriate authorities (Head/ Council of

36 The National Eye Shall:

(a) be the Scribe of the Movement

(b) prepare and keep records of proceedings of National meetings

(c) Perform any other function that may be assigned to him by any other provision of this

37 The National Ihaza shall:

(a) be the treasurer of the movement

(b) keep all financial records of the National Body

(c) collect dues from Zones and members of the movement as provided for by this constitution
or as may be approved from time to time by the National council of Elders.

(d) Perform any other function that may be assigned to him by any other provision of this

The National Crier shall:

(a) be the public relations officer of the Movement

(b) be the chief editor of the movement’s magazine

(c) Perform any other function that may be assigned to him by any other provision of this

The National Legal Officer shall:

(a) be the Legal Adviser of the movement

(b) be the Chairman of the National Legal Committee

(c) Treat all matters bordering on interpretation or application of this constitution

(d) Perform any other function that may be assigned to him by any other provision of this


40 (1) There shall be a Legal Committee for the National Body/Zone comprising of five Legal
practitioners who are members of the movement, appointed by the council of Elders.

(2) The Legal Committee shall be headed by a Chairman

(3) The Legal Committee shall act as advisory Body to the Movement/Zone where Legal
interpretation arises, and shall perform such duties imposed on the Chairman in accordance
with any other provision of this constitution.

(4) the Legal Committee shall perform and handle all Legal issues concerning the

(5) Ant member of the Movement desiring legal assistance may forward his request to the legal
Committee through the National Head or Zonal Head.

PART 5Zones and Zonal Executive

41 (1) Zones shall be formed in accordance with the dictates of geographical proximity

(2) The formation of a new Zone shall be at the discretion of the National Body

(3) The Zones shall have Executive appointed amongst its registered members.

42 (1) Zones shall comprise of only resident Black Lords within the Zones

(2) Members of a Zone shall not be less than ten Lords

43 (1) Zonal Executives shall consist of Zonal Head, Zonal Chief Priest, Zonal Butcher, Zonal
Ihaza, Zonal Eye, Zonal Crier and Zonal Legal Officer and shall perform such functions each
corresponding office on the National level vis-à-vis the Zone.

44 The Tenure of Zonal Executive shall be two years which shall run concurrently with the
National Executive Body

45 (1) It shall be the duty opf the Zonal Executives to assist the National Executive in procuring
payments of dues from Black Lords within their Zones.

(2) The Zonal Executive is the second most powerful administrative organ of the Movement

(3) The Zonal Executive shall appoint members of the Zonal Council of Elders other than
members whoare such by virtue of their position in the Zonal Executive Council and shall refer
such appointments to the general house for ratification.

46 In the event that any Executive Officer of the Zone is found wanting in the discharge of his
duties or gross misconduct, he shall stand removed from office by two-third majority of Council
of Elders and supported by two-third majority of the Zonal members present at the meeting
where the issue shall be resolved.


47 The Council shall consist of the Chairman, Zonal Head, Former Chairman, Former Zonal
Head, Zonal Legal Officer and four other dedicated Lords of the Zone with not less than ten
years of proven experience from the year of initiation.

48 The Council shall be headed by a Chairman elected amongst its members and shall not be a
member of the Zonal Executive

49 (1) the Council shall screen candidates for the executive council of the Zone subject to the
approval of the Zonal members.

(2) The Council shall perform other similar duties assigned to the N.C.O.E at the Zonal level.

(3) The Council shall perform any other function as may be provided by any other provision of
this constitution.

50 The tenure of Zonal Council of Elders shall be two years which shall run concurrently with
the National Council of Elders.




51 (1) There shall be appointments into the National Executive office which shall be done on a
National Convention day called for such purpose.

(2) For the purpose of appointment into the National Executive, the accredited delegates to the
convention shall constitute the congress for the Sole purpose of ratification of the appointments
made by the N.C.O.E.

(3) Whereby any appointment is rejected by the Congress, the National Council of Elders shall
be constituted into an electoral college for the purpose of refilling the rejected appointment and
such replacement shall be further presented to the Congress for ratification.

(4) (1) Candidates to be appointed into the National Executive Office shall:-

(a) Be recommended by their respective Zones and such recommendation shall reach the
N.C.O.E. 3 months before the Convention, such recommended candidate shall be contacted 2
months before the Convention through their Zonal C.O.E or Executive, where there is no C.O.E.

(b) Be subject to screening by the Council of Elders.

52 (1) A candidate shall be qualified for an appointment into the National Executive Office if:

(a) He is a duly initiated member of NBM

(b) He is a registered dues paying Lord of his Zone

(c) He has attained ten years membership in the Movement, in the case of National Head/Chief
Priest, and not less than eight years membership in other offices, and must have graduated
from a higher institution of learning.

(d) He has held an executive or elder position in his Zone in case of National Head/Chief Priest

(2) A Lord shall not be eligible for appointment into the National Executive Office if:-

(a) He has been found financially bankrupt

(b) He has been convicted of a felony

(c) He has been appointed to such office at any two consecutive appointments.

(d) He does any act, requires any status or suffers any disability that would have disqualified
him by any provision of this constitution.

(e) Within the preceding seven years he has been removed as the holder of any office of the
Movement or as a member of any of the Bodies of the Movement on the grounds of misconduct.

(f) He has been indicted and punished for gross indiscipline in his Zone

(g) He belongs to any other organization whose membership is kept secret unless he so
discloses it voluntarily.

(3) Any person indicted and or found guilty of financial misappropriation in the Movement shall
not be eligible for appointment.

(4) Any person once suspended or de-axed would first required a clearance of 2/3 members of
his Zone and be subjected to extra-ordinary screening by the National C.O.E.

(5) The Zonal Head of a Zone shall attest to the financial and social status of any person
seeking appointment as a National Head, Chairman National Council of Elders.

53 (1) The National C.O.E. is empowered by the constitution to appoint a Legal practitioner a s
National Legal Officer who shall be the Chairman of the National Legal Committee.

(2) Any appointment so made as a Legal Officer shall be at the pleasure of the National C.O.E
and shall cease when the Council considers it so, or when the Executive which he serves is
dissolved at its expiration period of two years.

54 A person appointed shall be deemed to have been duly appointed, if appointed by the
N.C.O.E. and such appointment ratified by the Congress at the Convention.

55 Save as otherwise expressly provided for by any other section of this constitution, the Zones
are empowered by this section to adopt or make guidelines in the conduct of its appointments in
accordance with the provision of this constitution vis-à-vis the procedure of National

56 Any person appointed into any Government and Organ of the Movement shall take the Oath
of Office prescribed in the membership procedures of the Movement.


57 There shall be a National Account maintained by three signatories; namely National Head,
National Ihaza and the National Eye.


(1) All members of the Movement shall pay dues to the National Account a s may be decided by
the National C.O.E from time to time.

(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1) above, dues shall be payable annually by
the Zones to the National Body.

(3) It shall be the duty of the National Executive to ensure payment of members’ dues which
they may adopt any measure to achieve.

59 (1) The National Head shall submit a statement of account for the previous year to the
Council of Elders at least 21 days before the National Convention.

(2) The Executive Committee (National and Zone) shall at the end of it’s tenure of office submit
to the incoming Executive Committee a comprehensive report on the finance of the Movement.
The executive shall also be required to give a report of the activities of their office during their

60 Zone are empowered by this article to open and maintain bank accounts with reputable
banks. The signatories to the account shall be the Head, Ihaza and the Eye.

61 (1) The Official name of the Movement’s magazine shall be called the UHURU

(2) The magazine shall be produced quarterly in a year.

(3) The publication of the magazine shall be made by the National Body.

(4) The magazine shall propagate the objectives of the Movement as spelt out in this

62 (1) There shall be membership/ceremonial procedures established by the Movement, such

procedures shall include initiations, Jolly format, dressing, Oath of secrecy and the likes.

(2) The membership and the ceremonial procedures shall be established by the National
Council of Elders with the consent of two-third majority of members present at its meeting.

(3) No section of the membership/ceremonial procedure shall be amended except by consent of

two-third majority of members present at the NCOE meeting.

(4) The traditional mode of dressing by members at any official engagement shall be as
prescribed in the membership procedure of the Movement.

(5) All approved ceremonies shall be deemed to be National Ceremonies presided over by the
National/Zonal Head.

63 (1) Zones are empowered under this section to hold zonal meetings at their own discretion
and convenience.

(2) Zonal meetings shall be attended by all Black Lords in the Zone.

64 Subject to the provision of this constitution, a jolly shall take the format stated in the
membership procedures of the constitution.

65 (1) There shall be code of conduct applicable to all members of the Movement, violation of
which shall attract disciplinary action.

(2) Members shall be present and punctual at meetings, jollies and other Movement activities.

(3) Members shall not get kpampous at any time.

(4) Members shall not Braitwaite during Movement activities.

(5) Members shall uphold at all times the spirit of brotherhood

(6) Members shall always be civil in their relationship with non-members

(7) Members shall not offer nor receive bribes.

(8) Members shall keep secret secret.

(9) Members shall carry out the Movement assignment with dispatch.

(10) Members shall always fight for the advancement of the Black Race

(11) Members shall always show good example to others.



Axeman: Shall refer to a general form of reference tp any member of the Movement

Aye: The traditional salute of members of the Movement.

Uhuru: The Official magazine/mouth piece of the Movement

Black Lord: Shall refer to any member who has been initiated as such in accordance with the
provision of this constitution.

Council of Elders: Shall refer to a Body of person (National or Zonal) appointed as Legislative,
Judicial and Advisory Organ of the Movement.

Country: As used in this constitution shall mean an independent nation throughout the world
where freedom, equality and social justice exist among races, and creed.

De-Axe: A process or ceremony of dismissal of a member from the Movement.

Graduate: A member who has attained or acquired the N.C.E; OND; HND; or First Degree in
any University or Institution of Higher Learning.

Head: The Chief Executive of the Movement (National/Zonal)

Initiation: The ceremony of induction of member performed by the Zone.

Jolly/Jollification: A get together ceremony by members of the Movement.


National Body: Shall include the National Executive, National COE and any other body having a
National function.

National Executive: As described in Article 5, Part 3 of this constitution.

Working Day: Monday through Friday in a week.

Zone: Any area earmarked by the National Executive as a Zone on the basis of geographical

Zonal Executives: Officer of Zones as listed in Article 5, Part 5 Section 43 of this constitution.


AMENDMENT: No section of this constitution shall be amended except by consent of two-third

majority of members present in the National COE meeting and subsequent ratification by simple
majority at any National convention.
CITATION: This constitution may be citied as the Constitution of the Neo-Black Movement of
Africa, 2004 as amended and it supersedes and repeals the constitution of the Neo-Black
Movement 2000.

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