Adas.2022.k12.Pht - Tieng Anh. Moet Unit1. Review

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Phiếu học tập Họ và tên _______________________

Lớp _______________________
Môn Tiếng Anh | Khối 12 | U1. Review

Exercise 1. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
1. A. achievement B. anonymous C. dedication D. distinguished
2. A. diagnose B. prosthetic C. respectable D. expand
3. A. figure B. humble C. unique D. talented
4. A. generosity B. willingness C. perseverance D. preservation
5. A. carelessness B. magnificent C. different D. charity
Exercise 2. Put the verb into the correct form, past continuous or past simple. Use the negative form or
passive voice if necessary.
1. When the post man _____________(arrive), my father _____________(have a shower).
2. While my brother _____________(study), my grandma _____________ (make) some muffins.
3. I ____________(go) to the doctor 2 days ago because I _____________ (have) a terrible headache.
4. When I _____________(be) 10, I (eat) a sandwich every evening.
5. He _____________(miss) the train because he _____________(talk) with some friends.
6. The thieves _____________ (come) into the house while the man _____________(sleep).
7. I _____________(drink) a glass of water at eleven. I'm not thirsty now.
8. _____________ you _____________(write) the composition last week?
9. My mother _____________(not/be) at home when she _____________(fall) down the stairs.
10. The children _____________(plant) a tree when their mummy _____________ (call) them.
Exercise 3. Write the most suitable words in each gap (ago, yesterday, last, while, when, as, on, in, at)
1. Tommy's father worked in that office 2 years ______.
2. The plane was flying ______ 8 p.m.
3. My best friend went to London ______ month
4. ______ I was having dinner, my sister was having a shower
5. ______ did the supermarket close?
6. Your aunt studied German ______ 2001
7. Rose played in an orchestra ______ she was 12 years old
8. Jason was swimming ______ his girlfriend was drinking a coke
9. The TV broke ______ 26th October
10. ______ did he deliver the shopping?
11. My father's friend had a baby ______.
12. The suspect can't have committed the crime. He was having dinner in the restaurant ______ that
time ______.
13. My cousin bought the PSP ______ he was in London.
Exercise 4. Fill in the correct article (a, an or the) where necessary – or leave blank!
1. Would you like to come with us to see _____________ Titanic at the cinema tomorrow?
2. I had _____________ experience at work today.
3. The car sped past at 100 miles _____________ hour.

Archimedes school|Rise above oneself grasp the world

4. _____________ Mount Everest is the highest mountain in _____________ wold.
5. _____________ Middle East is one of the world’s hot spots.
6. We lived in _____________ Netherlands before moving here.
7. If you ever go to London you must see _____________ Tower of London and _____________ Tate
8. We noticed _____________ strong smell coming from _____________ refrigerator.
9. She lives in _____________ England, which is part of _____________ UK.
10. After his wife’s death he left _____________ home and joined _____________ army.
11. He should have called me _____________ hour ago.
12. They visited grandmother in _____________ hospital.
13. _____________ history is an interesting subject, but what I like most is _____________ history of the
United States.
14. The Browns often watch _____________ television in the evening.
15. Munich lies in _____________ south of Germany.
Exercise 4. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the
other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. none B. phone C. stone D. zone
2. A. life B. like C. live D. lively
3. A. beard B. hear C. rear D. swear
4. A. ancient B. educate C. stranger D. transfer
5. A. account B. astound C. country D. mounting
6. A. accident B. jazz C. stamps D. watch
7. A. spear B. gear C. fear D. pear
8. A. bought B. nought C. plough D. thought
Exercise 6. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
1. She's a down-to-earth woman with no pretensions.
A. ambitious B. creative C. idealistic D. practical
2. It is crucial that urban people not look down on rural areas.
A. evil B. optional C. unnecessary D. vital
3. Polish artist Pawel Kuzinsky creates satirical paintings filled with thought-provoking messages
about the world.
A. inspirational B. provocative C. stimulating D. universal
4. She was brought up in the slums of Leeds.
A. downtown area B. industrial area C. poor area D. rural area
5. The Freephone 24 Hour National Domestic Violence Helpline is a national service for women
experiencing domestic violence, their family, friends, colleagues and others calling on their behalf.
A. in the same country B. in the same family C. in the same office D. in the same school
Exercise 6: Give the correct form of the words in the following sentences
1. He wishes to straighten up and lead a ________________________ life. RESPECT
2. Doing things with ________________________ will give us true happiness. The more we give away, the
happier we are. GENEROUS
3. Mother Teresa was a living saint who offered a great example and ________________________ to the
world. INSPIRE
4. Do you know Professor Phan Huy Le whose great ______________________ was his books on the
history of Vietnam in the 19th century? ACHIEVE
5. To be successful takes hard work and ________________________. DEDICATE
Archimedes school|Rise above oneself grasp the world

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