ADAS.H PHT K10 TA Writing Process Evolution

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TRƯỜNG TH, THCS & THPT ARCHIMEDES ĐÔNG ANH Ngày __ tháng __ năm_____

Họ và tên ______________
PHIẾU HỌC TẬP Lớp ______________
Môn Tiếng Anh | Khối 11 | IELTS Writing

Process & Evolution

The diagram below shows the
development of the horse over a
period of 40 million years.
Summarize the information by
selecting and reporting the main
features, and make comparisons
where relevant. Write at least 150

species pronounced
depicts emergence
massive noteworthy
evolutionary doubled
mane compared to
descendant remained
predecessor refined
ancestors While

The picture given _________________ how the horse has developed over a 40-million-year period,
with a focus on the evolution of its foot structure [the skeletal structure of its foot]. Overall, this species
has undergone _________________ evolution. _________________ changes involve its significantly
increasing size and the _________________ of new features. Also _________________ is the horse’s
transition from a five-toed animal to an one-toned one.
40 million years ago, the ancestor of the horse, which is named/ called “Eohippus”, was a small-
sized animal that had a relatively short head and neck. In addition to this, its forelimbs had developed five
toes. 10 million years later, Eohippus thrived with significant _________________ changes: its size almost
_________________, its neck and head became much longer and its mane started emerging. At this stage,
the horse is called by a scientific name “Mesohippus”. In terms of foot structure, it walked on three toes,
and the middle one was much larger _________________ the outer ones.
The _________________ of Mesohippus, known as Merychippus, was slightly larger in size, and its
mane became more noticeable. _________________ the number of toes of Merychippus
_________________ the same as its _________________, the middle toe and outer ones were much
larger. However, 15 million years later (today), the horse has become a single-toe animal. Moreover, the
current horse generally possesses a more _________________ appearance compared to its

The diagram below shows the
development of cutting tools in the
Stone Age.

Summarize the information by selecting

and reporting the main features, and
make comparisons where relevant. Write
at least 150 words.

Suggested vocabulary:
- Sample
- Artefact
- Specimen
- Permutation
- Primitive
- Rudimentary
- Advanced





Task Response (TA) Coherence & Lexical Resource (LR) Grammar (GRA) Grammar (GRA)
1. OFF-TOPIC (off- Cohesion (CC) 1. INF (informal 1. RV (redundant 7. UNPAR
topic ideas) 1. REF (incorrect language) verb) (unparalleled)
2. LF (lack focus) reference) 2. WC (word choice) 2. FRAG (fragmented 8. COUNT/ UNCOUNT
3. UNCLEAR (unclear 2. LINK (linking 3. SP (spelling) sentence) (countable/
ideas) devices) 4. WF (word form) 3. SVA (subject- verb uncountable)
4. OG 5. COL (collocation) agreement) 9. PLURAL/ SING
(overgeneralization) 6. RPT (repetition) 4. PUNC (plural/ singular)
5. EXAG (punctuations) 10. ARTICLE (a/ an/
(exaggeration) 5. VF (verb form) the/ zero article)
6. RC (relative clause) 11. PREP (Preposition)

TRƯỜNG TH, THCS & THPT ARCHIMEDES ĐÔNG ANH Ngày __ tháng __ năm_____
Họ và tên ______________
PHIẾU HỌC TẬP Lớp ______________
Môn Tiếng Anh | Khối 10 | IELTS Writing

Process & Evolution

The diagram below shows the
development of the horse over a
period of 40 million years.
Summarize the information by
selecting and reporting the main
features, and make comparisons
where relevant. Write at least 150

The picture given depicts how the horse has developed over a 40-million-year period, with a focus
on the evolution of its foot structure [the skeletal structure of its foot]. Overall, this species has
undergone massive evolution. Pronounced changes involve its significantly increasing size and the
emergence of new features. Also noteworthy is the horse’s transition from a five-toed animal to an one-
toned one.
40 million years ago, the ancestor of the horse, which is named/ called “Eohippus”, was a small-
sized animal that had a relatively short head and neck. In addition to this, its forelimbs had developed five
toes. 10 million years later, Eohippus thrived with significant evolutionary changes: its size almost
doubled, its neck and head became much longer and its mane started emerging. At this stage, the horse is
called by a scientific name “Mesohippus”. In terms of foot structure, it walked on three toes, and the
middle one was much larger compared to the outer ones.
The descendant of Mesohippus, known as Merychippus, was slightly larger in size, and its mane
became more noticeable. While the number of toes of Merychippus remained the same as its
predecessors, the middle toe and outer ones were much larger. However, 15 million years later (today),
the horse has become a single-toe animal. Moreover, the current horse generally possesses a more
refined appearance compared to its ancestors.

The diagram below shows the
development of cutting tools in the
Stone Age.

Summarize the information by selecting

and reporting the main features, and
make comparisons where relevant. Write
at least 150 words.

The illustration describes the evolution of stone cutting tools used by prehistoric men. As is
evident from the diagram, the key difference between the cutting tools in the two periods is the size, with
the later permutations becoming noticeably larger. The sample/ artefact/ specimen dating back to 0.8
million years ago also appears more refined than the primitive tools used 600,000 years prior to that.
1.4 million years ago, cutting tools were 7-8 centimeters long/ measured 7-8 centimeters in
length. They were also rather uneven in appearance: the front and the back were shaped differently, and
the surface appears to have been quite rough/rugged.
600 000 years later, it is obvious that the cutting tools used by man in the Stone Age had become
significantly more advanced/ evolved. They were larger, measuring 10-11 centimeters in length, and had
a more definite tear-drop shape: fat at the base and tapering aggressively toward a sharp tip whereas the
prior versions tended to be obtuse. A common feature/ trait of both specimens was that the front had a
more rugged (rough) appearance while the back was smoother.


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