Actividad 2

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Nombre: Nelson Ivan Matrícula: 02966798

Garza Valdez

Nombre del curso: Nombre del profesor:

Ingles 6

Módulo: 1 Actividad:

Fecha: 18/08/2023

Reading 1

Reading 2

Witring 1

Person A - Alex
Person B - Bailey

Classmates working on a group project together.

University library, working on the group project.

Other group members present in the library.

Working on a presentation for a group project.

A's thoughts and assumptions:

Alex thought that Bailey was being dismissive of his ideas and not taking the project
seriously. He assumed that Bailey wasn't contributing much and was slacking off.

Thoughts and assumptions of B:

Bailey thought that Alex was being too controlling and not open to any suggestions.
Bailey assumed that Alex wanted to do everything his way and was not valuing Bailey's

A What he or she said or did:

Alex suggested a detailed plan for the project and started assigning tasks to everyone.
He said, "I've come up with a plan that I think will work well for our presentation. Let's
stick to this schedule and make sure we follow it."

Intended meaning of words or actions:

Alex wanted to ensure that the group stayed organized and followed a clear plan to
complete the project efficiently.

Perceived meaning of words or actions (by B):

Bailey felt that Alex was disregarding any potential improvements or changes to the
plan. It seemed like Alex was dictating the entire project without considering others'

Reason for behaving or speaking like this:

Alex had previous experiences in group projects where disorganization caused prob-
lems. He wanted to make sure everyone was on the same page to avoid any last-
minute rush.

B What he or she said or did:

Bailey suggested that they could add some visuals to the presentation to make it more
engaging. Bailey said, "I think we should also consider adding some visuals to the pre-
sentation. It could help us explain the concepts better."

Intended meaning of words or actions:

Bailey wanted to contribute an idea to enhance the quality of the presentation and
make it more interesting for the audience.

Perceived meaning of words or actions (by A):

Alex interpreted Bailey's suggestion as a challenge to his plan. He thought Bailey was
questioning the effectiveness of his approach and trying to take control of the project.

Reason for behaving or speaking like this:

Bailey had been in projects before where his ideas were ignored, and he wanted to en-
sure that his input was valued in this project. He believed that his suggestion would im-
prove the project's overall quality.

In reality, Alex's intention was to ensure a structured approach to the project, while Bai-
ley's intention was to contribute valuable ideas. Both were misinterpreting each other's
actions due to their own past experiences and assumptions.

The miscommunication led to tension between Alex and Bailey. They were not able to
work together effectively on the project. Eventually, other group members noticed the
conflict and intervened, helping both Alex and Bailey understand each other's perspec-
tives better. This allowed them to find a middle ground and work collaboratively to cre-
ate a successful presentation.

Listening 2

Activity Age Reason

Increased independence
Obtain a driver's license 16-18 and mobility.

Get married with Desire to establish an early

parental permission 18-21 family life.

Get married without Greater autonomy in per-

parental permission 21+ sonal decisions.

Earn money and gain work

Get a part-time job 16-18 experience.

Financial stability and pro-

Get a full-time job 18+ fessional growth.

Build credit history and

Obtain a credit card 18+ make purchases.

Experience independence
Live away from parents 18+ and self-sufficiency.

Serve the country and re-

Join the military 18-25 ceive training.

Activity Age Reason

Participate in the demo-

Vote 18+ cratic process.

Become the leader of Varia- Responsibility to lead and

your country ble make decisions.

Retire (with government Rest and enjoy retirement

benefits) 60+ years.

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