30 MDEC Descrip - Parameter - Structur

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MTU Friedrichshafen Abt.

VZE Projekt ECU 2000/4000

Dialog Designation for a Analog Measuring Canal (for Analog Sensors and Analog Signals)

Dialogue No. Designation

x.00 Measuring Value Value in physical dimensions ( bar, °C, RPM, etc.)
x.01 Limit1 programmable value or programmable curve
x.02 Delay Limit1 delay time to actvate the alarm after Measuring Value exceed the Limit 1
x.03 Limit2 programmable value or programmable curve (see ‘Offset’ !!)
x.04 Delay Limit2 delay time to actvate the alarm after Measuring Value exceed the Limit 2
x.05 Offset only used, when ‘Limit1’ is a curve and ‘Limit2’ = ‘Limit1’ + ‘Offset’

x.06 Sensordefect status information = TRUE ⇒ Sensor is defect

x.07 Limit 1 Alarm status information = TRUE ⇒ There is a ‘Limit 1 Alarm’
x.08 Limit 1 Failure status information = TRUE ⇒ Measuring Value exceed the Limit 1
x.09 Limit 2 Alarm status information = TRUE ⇒ There is a ‘Limit 2 Alarm’
x.10 Limit 2 Failure status information = TRUE ⇒ Measuring Value exceed the Limit 2
x.11 Red Alarm status information = TRUE ⇒ ‘Limit 1 Alarm’ is active AND ‘Lim1RedAlarm’ = TRUE
OR ‘Limit 2 Alarm’ is active AND ‘Lim2RedAlarm’ = TRUE
x.12 Alarm Suppression status information = TRUE ⇒ No Alarm
x.13 Missing Data status information = TRUE ⇒ No Signal over CAN

x.14 AutoStopAnalog = TRUE ⇒ the engine stopped if ‘Limit 2 Alarm’ = TRUE

x.15 Lim1RedAlarm = FALSE ⇒ Yellow–Alarm
x.16 Lim1HIGH = FALSE ⇒ ‘Limit 1 Failure‘ = TRUE, if the ‘Measuring Value’ < ‘Limit1’
x.17 Lim1Aktiv = FALSE ⇒ ‘Limit1’ function disabled
x.18 Lim2RedAlarm = FALSE ⇒ Yellow–Alarm
x.19 Lim2HIGH = FALSE ⇒ ‘Limit 2 Failure‘ = TRUE, if the ‘Measuring Value’ < ‘Limit2’
x.20 Lim2Aktiv = FALSE ⇒ ‘Limit2’ function disabled
x.21 Monitor On = FALSE ⇒ sensor monitoring and alarm functions are disabled

Edition Dok.Name Änd.Stand Speicherdatum Druck-Datum Status Ersteller Seite

00.00 Description_Parameter_Structur.doc 7 31.08.2001 12:35 01.07.2003 14:54 in Arbeit Schmidberger 1 von 3
MTU Friedrichshafen Abt. VZE Projekt ECU 2000/4000

Dialog Designation for a Binary Measuring Canal (for Switches and Binary Signals)

Dialog No. Designation

x.00 Signal Active 1 ⇒ Starting a action, You wish to do with this sensor (values are only 0 and 1)
x.01 Sensor Signal signal from sensor value = 0 , if the optocoupler is active
value = 1 , if the optocoupler is inactive
x.02 Limit Delay Delay time ‘Signal Active’ is set to 1 after ‘Sensor Signal’ are equal ‘Active Level’
x.03 not used
x.04 not used
x.05 not used
x.06 Sensordefect status information = TRUE ⇒ Sensor is defect (available only with CAN–Signals)
x.07 Limit 1 Alarm status information = TRUE ⇒ Dialog No. = 1
AND ‘Bin Lim Active’ = TRUE
AND ‘Bin Monitor On’ = TRUE
x.08 Limit 1 Failure status information = TRUE ⇒ Dialog No. = 1
AND ‘Bin Lim Active’ = TRUE
x.09 Limit 2 Alarm status information not available with binary channel
x.10 Limit 2 Failure status information not available with binary channel
x.11 Red Alarm status information = TRUE ⇒ Limit 1 Alarm = TRUE
AND ‘Bin Lim Red Alarm’ = TRUE
x.12 Alarm Suppression status information = TRUE ⇒ If there are a limit failure, there are no alarms and ‘Signal Active’ = 0
x.13 Missing Data status information = TRUE ⇒ CAN–Signals Transmit is defect ⇒ Sensordefect = TRUE

x.14 Binary Active Level ‘Sensor Signal’ = ‘Binary Active Level’ ⇒ ‘Signal Active’ = 1 ⇒ Starting a action
‘Sensor Signal’ ≠ ‘Binary Active Level’ ⇒ ‘Signal Active’ = 0 ⇒ no action
x.15 Bin Lim Red Alarm = FALSE ⇒ Yellow–Alarm
x.16 not used
x.17 Bin Lim Active = FALSE ⇒ all alarm functions are disabled for this canal
x.18 not used
x.19 not used
x.20 Auto Stop Bin = TRUE ⇒ if ‘Signal Active’ = 1, then the engine will stopped

Edition Dok.Name Änd.Stand Speicherdatum Druck-Datum Status Ersteller Seite

00.00 Description_Parameter_Structur.doc 7 31.08.2001 12:35 01.07.2003 14:54 in Arbeit Schmidberger 2 von 3
MTU Friedrichshafen Abt. VZE Projekt ECU 2000/4000

x.21 Bin Monitor On = FALSE ⇒ sensor monitoring and alarm functions are disabled

Edition Dok.Name Änd.Stand Speicherdatum Druck-Datum Status Ersteller Seite

00.00 Description_Parameter_Structur.doc 7 31.08.2001 12:35 01.07.2003 14:54 in Arbeit Schmidberger 3 von 3

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