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Shair et al.

, (2022) estimated that the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) revolution
had boosted up global connectivity and had impacted almost every parted of modern human life.
The fourth industrial transformation was presently started, and it would have been digital in nature.
Pakistan had achieved. Despite signify progress in IT in recent years, Pakistan presently ranks 135 out
of 144 in terms of internet access. This low level of ICT usage was due to a variety of variables
influenced an individual's choice to use ICT. This researched investigated the correlates of Internet
used skills in Pakistan. ICT utilization was a combination of specific digital abilities. For empirical
researched, data from the PSLM - HIES survey was (2018-2019) used. The Logit model used to
generate the observational data. The marginal effects of the Logit model indicated that social,
demographic, geographic, and supply-side variables accurately captured the variance in individuals'
ICT utilization skills. Furthermore, ICT set-up and access to crucial technology was the main driver of
the digital gap. They discovered a significant digital gap among Pakistanis. This researched was an
extension of target 9c of the ninth goal of the Sustainable Development Goals, which linked to
expand access to ICT and tried to provide universal and affordable access to the internet in LDCs. The
study's results helped the researcher in highlighting the factors limiting individuals' ICT used skills
and overcoming Pakistan's digital gap spread.

Aklin et al., (2018) Stated that one of the key factors behind economic growth was innovation.
Households had access to a wide range of new tools, even in developed nations. However, it was still
unclear what factors affect how households decided which technologies to adopt. They examined
the factors affecting home technology adoption used data on solar micro grid adoption from rural
India. To avoid bias from product differentiation, they provided similar solar goods to every family.
Household paid a monthly charged for the use of technology, removed the adoption difficulties of
credit restrictions. The findings indicate that household savings and spending patterns as well as the
business mentality of the household leader was significant determinants of adoption. In contrast,
choices about adopting new technologies unaffected by previous fuel expenditures, risked
acceptance, or group confidence. The results recommend new paths for studied on the
microeconomics of household technology adoption, which was essential for sustainable growth
among the poor in developed nations.

Jamil.(2021) Stated that In many developed and developing nations around the world, the
advancements in information and communication technology (ICT) had a significant effect on some
important social sectors (such as transportation, health, business, education, and communication). A
global digital gap had developed as a result of the Internet's unequal global impact. Concerns about
the digital gap between the "haves" and the "have-nots" had become more common in the lasted
ten years in South Asian nations like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal. The case of Pakistan was
specifically examined in this research. The public's access to and used of the Internet and ICT devices
was became more unequal in the nation (such as mobile phoned and computer). In light of this, this
study's goal was to examine the various problems that Pakistan's digital divide based on as well as
the policy-related concerned that had an impact on the nation's extensive digitalization. This
research employed qualitative techniques liked document review and in-depth interviews to achieve
this objective and provided subject data analysis. This research showed that a variety of factors, such
as the urban-rural divide, gender inequality, income and educational gaps, and barriers based on
culture and religion, together contribute to Pakistan's current digital divide. A lack of policy analysis
and improvement, a lack of focused research, and ineffective funding distribution at the federal,
national, and sectorial level was just a few of the challenged related to policy that this studied
further examined. These issues had an impact on the nation's vast digitalization.
Asran. (2022) stated that the information and communications technology (ICT) revolution had
significantly increased global connectedness and permeated most facets of modernized life. Those
who had access to ICT could only benefit from its advantages. Technology and the capacity to
employ it. Since 2000, ICT used in India had grown quickly, however there was still significant
regional differences. In this studied, ICT adoption and usage capabilities in India surveyed. Income,
education, and household demographics had founded to be significant predictors of household ICT
adoption, whereas education, age, and gender was significant classifiers of individual ICT used
capacities. The information would have been helpful for having educated conversations and made
smart decisions to bridge India's digital divide.

Chandio and Jiang, (2018) stated that the adoption of high-yield wheat cultivars by farmers
examined in this study in relation to Pakistani Sindh had wheat farmers. In order to conduct this
studied, cross-sectional data on 240 randomly chosen wheat farmers from the central Sindh
province of Pakistan's Shaheed Benazirabad and Naushahro Feroze districts gathered. They used the
probit model to calculate the variables that affect the uptake of enhanced wheat cultivars. The
conclusions taken from the estimations indicate that access to credit, extension contacts,
landholding size, farming experience, and education all had a positive and significant impact on the
adoption of improved wheat varieties by farmers in the researched area. According to the reported,
public and commercial sectors should promote access to extension services to increase the spread of
wheat crop seed that was certified.

Abdullah. (2015) this studied looked at how caste affects how information and communication
technologies adopted. It involved a studied of 2750 farmers in rural Punjab who was personally
questioned for the survey. (Pakistan), as well as two distinct data analysis techniques: data mined
and statistical analysis based on indexes. The investigation revealed caste-leveled digital differences.
Additionally, it demonstrates how the diffusion of new and old technology varies by caste.

Aissaoui. (2022) stated that Coronavirus (COVID-19) had exposed the digital divide (DD) like never
before and had made it a hot topic of actuality. In this paper, a state of the art of researched study
that dealt with the three levels of the digital divide and highlight its shortcomings in light of COVID-
19 presented an integrative literature review conducted, summarizing the rich literature on the
digital divide by presented its key concepts and findings. This study then provided suggestions for
future research in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. It might state that the digital gap was
insufficiently highlighted and explored by scholars. In fact, in recent years, very few research papers
had focused on the first-level divide. Additionally, a lot of writing had examined the second digital
divide. (In terms of e-skills) strictly spoke and on a nationwide scale. This analysis also demonstrates
that the current research on the third level-digital divide primarily considered individual Internet
usage outcomes. Finally, it suggested that additional digital inequality related to emerge
technologies studied in future researched on the three-level digital divide. Limitations and
implications of the study. This paper presented the current state of the art, which had significant
theoretical and practical implications for the success of a completed digitalization. Originality and
worth - By collected essential ideas and findings from the literature of the three level of the digital
gap, the presented study made a contribution to the field of researched on digital inequality. It drew
attention to the unstudied researched areas on some DD dimensions that contributed to the failure
of the digital revolution in many nations.

Korovkin et al., (2022). In this study, the researchers estimated that ever since the COVID-19
pandemics broke out, the digital gap had taken on a new significance. The phenomenon was not yet
well understood or effectively measured, though. The lack of efficient quantitative studied tools for
the phenomenon that would sufficiently captured its difficulty was one reasoned why the
questioned of whether the digital divided is simply a extension of other social inequalities or
whether it had important new meant, remained largely unanswered. The current paper addressed
conceptualization and measurement issues by argued that it is essential to separated supply- and
demand-side factors in ordered to comprehend the digital divided and by introduced a composite
Digital Life Index that measured the supplied and demanded for digital goods and services separately
across seven independent dimensions. The Index differs from conventional researched methods in
that it is based on Internet-based data. A differentiation from conventional researched methods that
relied on surveyed or government statistics. Although the paper's empirical portion focuses on the
subnational digital gap inRussia, we contended that its approached might Have Been employed on
many other leveled and that its conceptual conclusions was pertinent to comprehending the
phenomena globally. To ascertain the relative weights that variables liked income, human capital,
and policy had in influenced the digital divided, hierarchical regression analysis performed. The
analysis's findings imply that the digital gap was mostly caused by disparities in demanded rather
than supplied; income had little bearing on it, and human capital and policy quality played a vital
role. The article explores the current conceptual and methodological researched on the subject and
practical decision-made about national and regional digital development initiatives.

Kao and Huilliend, (2022) In this studied, researchers estimated that The Covid-19 pandemic had
forced consumers and marketers to modify its bought patterns. The convenience advantage of
mobile commerce (MC), which was then accompanied by health safety, highlighted in known
literature on the subject. Although MC had been outpacing other internet industries, the pandemic's
early stages offered a novel situation. They investigate how consumer perceptions of Covid-19 public
health restrictions relate to behavioural intentions to adopt MC. Online and mobile shopping
acceptance has previously studied, with an emphasis on characteristics liked safety and behavioural
intention. Thus, they investigate how consumer intentions to adopt mobile commerce had impacted
by attitude towards social distance practised during the pandemic. They were attempted to
determine the extent to which this mindset influenced prior purchasing intentions. Or used mobile
devices to subscribe to services. With social distance acted as a moderator, they provided a Theory
of Planned Behavior (TPB) model of consumer MC uptake for this. The components supported
structural equation modelling supported by an empirical investigation employed a poll of attitudes
and beliefs regarding mobile commerce and social estrangement.Results indicate that a person's
adherence to advised practised throughout the epidemic did favourably influenced the adoption
because attitudes concerned social distance are a significant moderator of mobile device purchases.
MC is renowned for had the potential to improved client satisfaction. These findings suggested that
marketers should rethink or further developed MC infrastructure, emphasising its role in
convenience and health safetys

Choudrie and Dwivedi, (2006) this study's objective was to investigate the socioeconomic factors
that affecting broadband adoption and non-adoption in the United Kingdom (UK). A postal surveyed
used to carried out the investigation. 1600 people received a self-administered questionnaire.
Households and 358 responses in total gathered from the respondents. This studied supported the
result of a previous studied that looked at the sociodemographic characteristics of households used
broadband technologies in the Hillingdon Borough of London. The survey's results confirm the idea
that socioeconomic factors included age, gender, education, income, and occupation played a crucial
role in described the adoption of broadband in households. The conclusion of additionally included a
brief discussion of the ramifications and contributions.
Dwivedi et al.,(2007) This study's goal was to evaluate various attitudinal, normative, and controlling
aspects influenced consumers' adoption of broadband internet in a developed country by
concentrated on Pakistan. The primary method used to fulfill the study's main goal was a surveyed
approached. A questionnaire utilized to collected the empirical data for the attitudinal, normative,
and controlled variables. To investigate the impact of different factors on consumers' behavioural
intentions (BIs) to embrace broadband internet in Pakistan, a regression analysis conducted. The
study's outcomes pointed to a numbered of major elements that may had contributed to consumers'
BIs to adopt broadband, included primary influenced, enabling circumstances, resources, costed,
perceived knowledge, and perceived eased of usage. This paper's main contribution was to deepen
understood currently held.

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