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a)Decide if the following statements are TRUE(T), FALSE(F) or DOESN’T SAY (DS)

1. Humphrey’s mother’s room was at the back of the house.

2. Reg Carter brought a letter for H’s mother.
3. H’s mother was 92 years old.
4. Mrs Denton was the village librarían.
5. H couldn’t go to the village meeting because he didn’t want to leave his mother
6. H’s garden was the most beautiful one in the village.
7. People in the village knew that H wanted to go to Canada.
8. One day H received a package which was too big to go under the door.
9. The package contained good news for H because it was a cheque for a lot of
10. The rose seeds were very expensive because they came from France.
11. Mr Brownlow was H’s friend.
12. Mr Brownlow asked H to go to work in Paris.
13. H wanted to travel for work but unfortunately, because of his mother’s condition,
he had to stay with her.
14. Mr Brownlow understood H’s reasons very well.
15. The first person who suspected there was something wrong with H’s mother was
the postman.
16. The garden looked untidy because H had planted some rose bushes.
17. The police officer who came to H’s house was a close friend of his.
18. The fact that H didn’t have a death certifícate made things worse for him.
19. H’s real mother was a poor nice old lady.
20. H lied to everyone but the truth came out in the end.
b) Complete these ideas about the story.
1. Reg Carter went into the house through _______________________because he
wanted to save __________________from the __________________.
2. Reg was really surprised when he saw that there
3. H had to explain the absence of his mother, so he said that
4. The people of the village started talking about Mrs Patridge’s unexpected and
mysterious death, so Sergeant Wallace, the ___________________________, went to
talk to H about these rumours.
5. The policeman began to ask questions about the _____________________________of
H’s mother’s_______________________, the _______________________, which no
one knew about and the ______________________, which nobody had attended. He
didn’t even have a copy of the ______________________________.
6. H finally confessed to the police officer that he had never had a__________________.
He had invented one because he didn’t like ___________________ or parties. He liked
to be _____________________________, so whenever he was invited to a social
gathering, he used his mother as an _____________________not_________________.
7. The police officer saw something suspicious in H’s decision to go to _______________.
Another thing that the police officer suspected was the _______________________
that H had planted in the garden.

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