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( 10 TOPICS)
Topic 1: It is said that science and technology are making people lazier. Do you
agree or disagree?
Topic 2: "Human activities are making natural disasters more destructive." What
should be done about this?
Topic 3: Social networks such as Facebook and Twitter do more harm than good."
Do you agree or disagree?
Topic 4: Should cell phones be used during class? Why/ why not?
Topic 5: Do you think teenagers nowadays suffer from more stress and pressure
than teenagers in the past? Why/Why not?
Topic 6: "Tourism is destroying the local environment." What's your opinion?
Topic 7: "Sports should be an essential part of middle school” Do you agree or
Topic 8: Should students be allowed to judge teachers? Why/Why not?
Topic 9: Parents should be responsible for their kids' mistakes. What's your
Topic 10: Do you like Tet holiday? What do you like doing on Tet holiday? Why?

Topic 1: It is said that science and technology are making people lazier. Do
you agree or disagree?
I. Outline
1. Introduction
- Greetings
- Topic sentence: I disagree with the idea that science and technology are making
people lazier.
2. Body
- Machines help produce more goods.
+ Replace human
+ Work faster
+ Work in hard condition
+ Produce more goods
- Computers bring easy life.
+ Replace most devices: phone, TV, DVD player, radio...
+ Help people work more efficiently
+ Help people communicate faster and easier
- Smartphones bring people closer.
+ Make a call rapidly
+ Contact people from everywhere
+ Assist at work and study
- High-tech devices are amazing.
+ Bring amazing life
+ Give more choice to enjoy life.
3. Conclusion: Science and technology do not make people lazier. They save time
and labour so that people can live free and better.
II. Full speech:
Hello everyone. My name is... I'm from... My topic today is about science and
technology. We all know that science and technology have completely changed our
lifestyles. However, some may assume that the development of science and
technology are making people lazier. To some extent, I disagree with this idea.
Firstly, let me take the industrial machines as an example. Machines were invented
to replace human's labour. Surely, they can perform work much faster than human
in order to produce more goods to meet the demand of the society. In addition,
only machines can work in hard and toxic conditions. This save people from
getting accidents or health damage. But this doesn't mean to make workers lazy.
They are to do other tasks like quality control, production management, or business
administration. Secondly, computers are the greatest technology of all times. They
bring people and easy life. Computers can replace most devices in human's history,
for example, telephone, television, radio, DVD player, etc. With only a computer, a
laptop or a tablet, one can do any task at ease: typing, searching for information,
writing emails, drawing, designing, listening to music, watching movies and so on.
We are not lazy at all because the computer can not work by itself, but it is us
ourselves to operate the device. We use our brains to work with the help of the
machine. By this, our work can be done fast and efficiently, leaving us more time
to create or to enjoy life. Before the existence of smartphones, computers provided
an easy way to communicate. Webcams enabled users to make video calls to
people from all parts of the globe and even from the outer space. Websites on the
internet had any kinds of news, knowledge, and entertainments. People could refer
to these sources of reference for their work and study. Finally, I would like to talk
about other high-tech devices. Some examples of these can be gadgets for
smartphones, smart household devices, advanced machines in hospitals, energy
saving vehicles, etc. They don't make people lazy at all. They help preserve natural
resources. They bring us an amazing life. Or at least, they give us more choices to
enjoy life better. To sum up, people don't get lazier by using technological devices
and relying on scientific advance. People become more human because the life
becomes better and easier, thanks to the development of science and technology.
III. Questions and answers: That's the end of my talk. Thank you for listening. I
would love to answer any of your questions. Please go ahead.
1. According to you, what is the most important technology of our society
- I think it is the smartphone. It can replace most necessary devices and it can be a
controller to all tasks in all areas of work and study.
2. Nowadays, humans are relying too much on science and technology. Do you
think that humans will lose control of the world to robots, for example?
- It is true that humans are relying on science and technology. But I don't think we
will lose control over everything. Robots are only our products. We can make them
work, so we can stop them from working or threatening our lives.
3. Can you tell us some disadvantages of technologies?
- Yes, there are some disadvantages. For example, people can lose contact in real
life. People spend more time on using social networks, and less time for meeting
family members of doing research and other creativities. People also spend more
money in buying new technology.
4. Do you own any high-tech devices? Are they useful for you?
- Yes, I do. I have some gadgets for my smartphone. They are bluetooth earphones
and a bluetooth power bank. They are really useful and convenient.
5. What do you think about people who never use any kinds of technological
- Yes, there are people like that. They may be old people or people in remote areas.
It is their choice of using or not using the devices as long as they feel comfortable
in life at present.
Topic 2: "Human activities are making natural disasters more destructive."
What should be done about this?
I. Outline
1. Introduction - Greetings - Topic sentence: Human activities are making natural
disasters more destructive. We should take actions about this.
2. Body
+ Action 1: stop damaging the environment - Stop activities that can have impact
on natural disasters: deforestation, urban development, hydroelectric power dam
construction - Call for responsibilities of businesses, organizations, governments.
+ Action 2: preserve the environment - Keep environment clean - Save energy -
Use alternative energy
+ Action 3: raise awareness among the community - Be a good sample individually
- Tell people about state of the environment - Participate in environmental events
3. Conclusion: Human should stop the activities that have impact on natural
disasters. This will save the environment as well as human's life.
II. Full speech
Hello everyone. My name is... I'm from... My topic today is about natural disasters.
"It is said that human activities are making natural disasters more destructive."
What should be done about this? We usually think that natural disasters like
earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, landslides or droughts are activities of the nature
and people can do nothing about this. In fact, according to Clair Seaward, human
activities can have impact on the disasters and make them more destructive. We, as
human beings, are living in the environment, we should take actions to stop this in
order to survive and maintain the mankind. The first action I think we should do is
to call for responsibilities from businesses, organizations and governments.
We ask them to stop building hydroelectric power dams, which causes dreadful
floods or droughts every year. We also ask farmers to stop deforestation, which
causes erosion and floods. Instead, they should choose other ways to do farming or
change their jobs, with the help of the authorities. Urban development,
overpopulation, and pollution should also be in good control.
The second action that we should take is to preserve the environment. As we have
all known, our environment has been being polluted badly. Natural resources are
running out of rapidly. Poverty is seen everywhere because of droughts, floods or
low economic development. If we don't preserve the environment now, the world
will come to an end very soon. There are easy things that we can do. For examples,
we can keep the environment around us clean and tidy by putting garbage into the
bin, by not dirtying in the air and the water, and by asking people around us to do
the same. Also, we should save as much energy as possible. And we should try not
to waste electricity, water, gas, and fuel. Scientists and organizations have already
invented and produced alternative energy such as wind energy, solar energy and
other kinds of green energy. All we should do is changing ordinary devices into the
ones that use these kinds of alternative energy.
Thirdly, we can follow the solution called "Becoming an Avocate for the Planet".
This means the extending of individual actions to a much larger group, creating a
positive impact on protecting the planet. Firstly, we should be a good sample of
protecting the environment. After that, we can tell other people about its state, in
order to raise awareness among the community. Then we can participate in local
environmental events, recycling competitions at work, or share a commitment for
environment on social networking sites. From actions of a person, we extend
actions to the whole world for the environment to be protected throughoutly.
In summary, although natural disasters can not be completely avoided, human can
stop the activities that make them more destructive. As long as the environment is
protected, human can survive so that we can maintain the mankind.
III. Questions and Answers: That's the end of my talk. Thank you for listening.
Would you like to ask me some questions?
1. Can you give some examples of how you protect the environment?
- Thank you for your question. I am aware that our environment is in danger and I
myself are doing things to protect it. I try to save electricity, water gas and fuel. I
also try not to pollute the air and the water. And I tell members in my family to do
2. How can you ask the governments to stop building hydroelectric power drains?
- It's difficult. The governments have had their projects and strategies for
economical and political purposes. By now, I haven't thought of any possible ways
to talk to them. I hope some people can do this. They can be famous actors and
actresses, Misses Beauty or Ambassadors.
3. What will happen if one day we run out of fuel and gas?
- That's what we all worried about. I hope we will have had several kinds of
alternative energy by then.
4. Have you ever joined a campaign to raise awareness of environmental
protection? What do you think about that?
- Yes, I have several times. They are meaningful activities, and they need to be
extended throughout the country.
5. In the future, will you study or work on the fields of environmental reservation?
- I hope I can. That will be an interesting occupation. Then I can contribute to the
world's environmental reservation activities.
Topic 3: Social networks such as Facebook and Twitter do more harm than
good." Do you agree or disagree?
I. Outline
1. Introduction - Greetings - Topic sentence: Social networks bring people more
benefits than harm.
2. Body
+ Definition of social networks: platforms for communication
+ Harms of social networks: depression, anxiety, loneliness, self-harm, suicidal
+ Benefit 1: connect to people all over the world - Instantly reach people from
everywhere - Facebook keeps old friends in touch - Google Meet connects
relatives form far away - Twitter brings brand new people
+ Benefit 2: easy and instant communication - Don't have to rely on old means of
communication - Social networks take over all communication processes
+ Benefit 3: real-time news and information discovery. - No more waiting for news
programs or newspaper delivery - Know the world's news right away - Customize
news and information discovery experiences
+ Benefit 4: great opportunities for businesses - connect with customers - sell
products - expand reach
+ Benefit 5: general fun and enjoyment - provide plain fun - relax people - give
satisfaction - convenient to know people's thinking
3. Conclusion: Despite a lot of upsides, social networks give people more
II. Full speech:
Good morning, everyone. I would like to introduce myself. My name is... I am...
years old. I'm from... Today, I'm going to talk about the benefits of social network.
Nowadays, social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram are completely
changing the way people are doing things. As we have known, social networking is
a platform for communicating with one another. People usually warn us that they
do more harm than good. There is misinformation spread, risk of depression,
feeling of anxiety, scammers, and criminals out there on cyber world. I myself are
using social networks for personal goals and study purposes, and I somehow don't
agree with this idea. I think social networks bring people more benefits than harms.
Firstly, social networks enable us to connect to other people all over the world. We
can instantly reach people from anywhere. We use Facebook to stay in touch with
your old high school friends who've relocated all over the country. We use Google
Meet to connect with relatives who live halfway around the world. Or we want to
meet brand new people on Twitter from cities or regions we've never even heard of
before. Secondly, social networking provides easy and instant platforms of
communication. Now that we're connected wherever we go, we don't have to rely
on our landlines, answering machines or snail mail to contact somebody. We can
simply open up our laptops or pick up our smartphones and immediately start
communicating with anyone on platforms like Twitter or one of the many social
messaging apps available. Thirdly, they are means to access real-time news and
information discovery. There is no more waiting around for the six o'clock news to
come on TV or for the delivery boy to bring the newspaper in the morning. If you
want to know what's going on in the world, all you need to do is jump on social
media. An added bonus is that you can customize your news and information
discovery experiences by choosing to follow exactly what you want. Fourthly,
there are great opportunities for businesses on social networks. Business owners
and other types of professional organizations can connect with current customers,
sell their products and expand their reach using social media. Lots of entrepreneurs
and businesses out there develop almost on social networks and wouldn't even be
able to operate without it. Last but not least, the networks actually bring general
fun and enjoyment. You have to admit that social networking is just plain fun
sometimes. A lot of people turn to it when they catch a break at work or just want
to relax at home. Since people are naturally social creatures, it's often quite
satisfying to see comments and likes show up on our own posts, and it's convenient
to be able to see exactly what our friends are up to without having to ask them
directly. In summary, despite a lot of upsides, social networks do give people more
III. Questions and answers: Thank you for listening. Do you have any questions?
1. What are some harms of a social network?
- The harms can be misinformation spread, risk of depression and anxiety, feeling
of loneliness, scammers, criminals, etc.
2. How can you use social networks safely?
- There are many ways, for examples, using privacy settings, setting strong
passwords, spotting fake accounts, or not over sharing.
3. Are you ready to help or rescue a stranger on social networks.
- Maybe I won't. Because I don't know if that is a good person or a scammer. He or
she also has close friends and relatives. They will help. But if it is in emergency, I
will ask somebody like a police officer to help.
4. In some countries, Facebook and Twitter are not allowed to use by the
government. Do you think is fair?
- I cannot tell. The government have their purposes. And they will provide
alternative ways for the citizens.
5. What is your favorite social network? Why?
- Of course, I like Facebook. It is the easiest to use and most popular network in
the world. It is free, too.
Topic 4: Should cell phones be used during class? Why/ why not?
I. Outline
1. Introduction
- Greetings
- Topic sentence: Cell phones shouldn't be used during class for some reasons.
2. Body
+ Reason 1: Distractions and interruptions - Students check cell phones more than
11 times a day. - Phone checking distracts students and peers. - Teachers
constantly ask students to turn off the devices.
+ Reason 2: Cyber bullying - Cell phones increase bullies. - Harder to see and stop
+ Reason 3: Disconnection from face- to- face activities - Cell phones encourage
participation. - Lead to less in- person discussion, fewer learning opportunities. -
Teamwork can be lost.
+ Reason 4: Cheating - Students access to information while doing tests. - Lead to
poor understanding in the future - Unfair to honest students
3. Conclusion There are pros and cons to students having cell phones in school.
They can be used as learning tool, this only works when students use them
II. Full speech
Good afternoon, everyone. My name is... I'm from... I'm glad to be here today to
present my topic. It is the answer about weather cell phones should be used during
class or not. These days, more and more students are bringing cell phones to class.
Even primary students have cell phones in their pockets and backpacks. There are
still arguments on whether or not students should have cellphones in school and
use the during class. I myself think that they shouldn't be used. There are reasons
for my opinion as follows. First, I think cell phones can be used as learning tools.
But it is a challenge to make sure students are using them properly, for school-
related tasks. A cell phone can easily turn from “classroom learning tool” into
“classroom disruption”. Using a cell phone can cause distractions and interruptions
during lessons. This is the first reason for the use to be banned. When students use
their cell phones to check social media and text their friends in class, it leads to
distractions for those students as well as for their peers. This can cause disruptions
in class, particularly if the teacher is constantly telling students to turn their devices
off. The second reason is that cyber bullying can happen when students keep using
the phones. There are many problems with bullying on the school ground, which is
caused by using cell phones. Cyber bullying can be harder to see than other forms
of bullying, making it difficult for teachers to identify and stop when it is
happening. Moreover, cell phone use causes disconnection from face- to- face
activities. While cell phones can help encourage participation by offering different
channels, this can also lead to less in-person discussion and fewer learning
opportunities. Learning to work together with others, or teamwork, is an important
part of students’ education, and can be lost with too much dependence on cell
phones and other digital technology. Cheating in exams is another reason. Cell
phones can be a helpful learning tool in class. But they can also be used by
students to access information while taking a test, leading to cheating. Even if a
student isn’t caught, this can lead him or her to having a poor understanding of the
material in the future, and is unfair to students who studied hard to do well.
In summary, cell phones are useful for students as learning tools. There are still
reasons for them not to be used during class.
III. Questions and answers: That's the end of my presentation. I'm so thankful to
your participation. And I'm glad to answer any of your questions now.
1. How can cell phone check distract students and teachers?
- As I have said before, students check their cell phones and pay attention on
what's going on on Facebook or other social networks. They no longer focus on the
lessons as they can be excited or worried about the information they have read.
Teachers have to stop the lessons to ask students to turn the cell phones off. This is
so annoying.
2. Can you give an example of cyber bullying?
Yes, of course. These actions can be considered as cyber bullying. Sending mean
texts to someone, spreading secrets or rumours about people online, pranking
someone’s cell phone, or hacking into someone’s profile.
3. Do you have a cell phone? Do you bring it to school and use it during class
- Yes, I do have a cell phone with me at school for calling my parents only. And I
always set the phone into silent mode when I am having lessons. Because I know
the importance of learning. I have to concentrate on the lessons in order to study
4. Many students are not interested in learning at all, but they are a very excited
when using cell phones. What do you think about this?
- I think it's not a good habit. Teachers and parents should find ways to help them.
Teachers can create more lively lessons. Parents can spend more time talking and
playing with the children, instead of leaving them alone with the cell phones.
5. Have you ever seen any of your friends cheating in exams by using cell phones?
What did you do then?
- Luckily I haven't seen such case. If I saw my friend cheating, first I will remind
him to stop doing like that, second I would inform the teachers if he didn't stop his
6. There are many learning apps that we can install in our cell phones. Are the apps
really useful to students?
- I find some really useful like Google Meet for online study. Some are not very
useful. For example, Google Translate can only translate single word. Sometimes,
it gives totally wrong definition.

Topic 5: "Do you think teenagers nowadays suffer from more stress and
pressure than teenagers in the past? Why/Why not?
I. Outline:
1. Introduction - Greetings - Topic sentence: Teenagers nowadays suffer from
more stress and pressure than teenagers in the past. There are many reasons for
2. Body
+ Reason 1: Higher demands from parents - In the past: Teenagers should be
healthy. Should study well to have a job when they grow up. Spend less time at
school. In free time, they enjoy playing with the neighbour kids. Do housework
within their abilities. Live a joyful life - Nowadays: Have to be outstanding at
school. Have to be excellent in all subjects. Have to get high-paid or high-classed
jobs. Have to learn to become a genius. Spend most time at school, less time for
leisure and rest. Lack of sleep, lack of joy, lack of freedom, feel more stressed
+Reason 2: Higher self-desires - In the past: Low technology give news and
entertainment. Teenagers spend time with friends and family members. Have
ordinary dreams and goals in life. Reach the goals easily. Live a normal life. -
Nowadays: Social networks show ideal people with ideal life. Teenagers build up
dreams of perfect future. Pursue bigger dreams of becoming rich and famous.
Study harder to get highest results. Exchange joy and entertainment to success.
Become depressed when fail.
+ Reason 3: Peer pressure - In the past: Pure friendship. Less competition. Less
love affairs. Focus on study, school activities. Study easily. Live innocent life -
Nowadays: Fake friends. Bullies. More competitions in more fields. Complicated
relationships. Complicated character development. Live life of adults. Have
pressure of grown-ups
+ Reason 4: heavy responsibilities - In the past: Only responsible for study and
behaviours. No need to earn to feed the family. No worries about future life -
Nowadays: Have more duties at school, more responsibilities at home. Need to
help with family business. Worries much about future
3. Conclusion: Teenagers, at present, have more stress and pressure compared
with life of teenagers in the past. Their life becomes less joyful and more
II. Full speech
Good morning, everyone. My name is... I'm from... Today I'm going to talk about
the stress and pressure that teenagers nowadays have to suffer. It is said that they
have to suffer more stress and pressure than in the past. For some reasons, I totally
agree with this. Firstly, parents now have more demands on children than in the
past. Back then, in the generations of our parents and grandparents, teenagers
should have been healthy and studied well at school. All the parents wanted was a
good job for them in the future. They also spent less time at school, just a few
hours for three or four subjects. Then they went home and they had a lot of free
time playing with the neighbor kids or doing housework within their abilities.
Thus, they lived a joyful life. Nowadays, a teenager in the family is required to be
outstanding at school. This means that they have to be excellent in all subjects and
have to get a high- paid job or a high- class job in the future. Now that they are
learning to become a genius, they spend most of their time at school. That's why
they have less time for leisure and rest. This leads to lack sleep, lack of joy and
freedom. So they will feel more stressed.
Secondly, teenagers nowadays have higher self-desires. This means that they
pursue bigger dreams and more goals, and put more efforts on getting them come
true. Social networks show ideal people with ideal life, which makes teenagers
build bigger dreams. They dream of becoming rich and famous, so they study
harder to get the highest results to make the dreams come true. They are ready to
exchange joy and entertainment for whatever they can do to be successful. In the
past, people had low technology which only gave news and entertainment.
Teenagers spent more time with friends and family members. They just had
ordinary dreams and fewer goes in life. They wanted to have a good job, a happy
family with beautiful children. That was enough for them. They lived a normal life
free from stress and pressure.
Thirdly, stress and pressure on teenagers can come friends and people around
them. It is called peer pressure. Decades ago, friendship between teenagers was
pure relationship. They treated one another with love and faith. There was less
competition at school and less romantic relationship. Most of their concerns was
about studying. That was why they lived a life of innocent children. Since then, the
world has changed rapidly, result in changes in teenagers' relationships. They can
meet fake friends, they can be bullied. This is the biggest fear of young adults.
There are more tests and competitions at school. Teenagers become more worried
and pressured. Also, they develop complicated characters and involve in
complicated relationships. They live the life similar to that of adults and they have
the same pressure with grown up people.
And finally, I think, teachers and parents give more responsibilities to teenagers.
Before, the child's only responsibility was to study well or to behave nicely. There
was no need for them to earn a living to feed the family. There were no worries
about the future as well. Parents did all the things to support the family. Nowadays,
things are different. Teenagers have more duties at school and more
responsibilities at home. In some places, they need to help with the family
business. So there are more worries about the future.
III. Questions and answers: Thank you for your listening. Would you like to raise
a question?
1. You are a teenager. So do you feel stressed in your study or in life?
- Yes, I feel stressed sometimes. Some subjects at school are really hard. My
parents are always beside me. They give me support and advice. That's why I can
overcome all pressure.
2. How can you overcome stress?
- There are different kinds of stress. I will feel worried before exams. So I try to
study well in class and learn all the lessons with all effort. I also have pressure on
how to become excellent to make my parents proud of me. I often tell my Mom
and Dad about my problems and they give me good advice and good solutions.
3. There are teenagers who committed a suicide because of pressure and
depression. What do you think about this?
- I feel so sorry about this. I understand how much sorrow the parents have. I don't
know how to help them. But when it comes to the case that my friends are in
pressure or depression, I will tell the teachers and the parents in order for them to
be saved in time.
4. What about young kids? Do they have stress?
- I think they may have. I'm not sure. But I can see that they feel sad or they can
become silent or overactive. I think it's the time when they feel stressed.
5. Are you afraid of becoming an adult? Why?
- There's no reason for me to be afraid. The future is bright and beautiful. I'm eager
to grow up.
Topic 6: "Tourism is destroying the local environment." What's your
I. Outline
1. Introduction - Greetings - Topic sentence: I agree that tourism is destroying the
local environment in different ways.
2. Body
+ Example 1: Da Lat city - Warmer weather - Less forest land, less farming land -
Farming products decrease - Result in climate change
+ Example 2: Beaches in Vietnam - Tourists throw garbage - Hotels and
restaurants throw waste - Pollute sea water - Endanger marine life
+ Example 3: Accidents to tourists all over the world - Accidents can happen to
tourists - Reasons: unsafe and insecure areas, weak constructions, low awareness
of safety - Criminals, robbers... appear + Example 4: change in attitude towards
environment protection - Foreign tourists bring new lifestyles and cultures - Local
people are affected - Change in ways of protecting the environment
3. Conclusions - Tourism helps develop the economy yet destroys the local
II: full speech:
Tourism is an important part of economical development of a country. The more
tourists come, the more money they spend in the country, but the more pollution
they make and the more damage they do to the environment. It is true that tourism
is destroying the local environment. Firstly, let's take Da Lat city as an example.
This place is very famous for cool weather and nice natural landscapes. As more
tourists come every year, the weather becomes warmer and warmer. This can be an
effect of global warming or this can be a result of crowded city. In addition, the
need for accommodation is increasing rapidly. So there is more construction. This
means people cut down the trees, clear the farming land to give space for building
hotels and restaurants. Consequently, farming products are reduced leaving much
influence on farmers’ life. One more thing, there will be erosion and flood. This is
a big damage to the environment.
Beaches in Vietnam are being much damaged as tourism develops. Tourists throw
garbage everywhere, on the sand and in the into the sea water. This is a danger to
marine life. Hotels and restaurants are secretly throwing waste water into the sea.
This is a big harm to the environment. Also, this will lessen the number of tourists
come because they are afraid of pollution. Moreover, bigger demand of seafood
leads to overfishing activities then sea creatures will decrease in number and in
species. Local people will no longer have clean beaches and sea creature varieties.
In other places in the world, there have been many accidents and disasters reported.
The numbers of tourists who are in health damage or even in death goes up. There
are many reasons, for example, lack of safe or security, weak constructions, or low
awareness of safety. Moreover, tourism may increase criminals in the area.
Wherever there are tourists, there are beggars, robbers and cheaters. This will give
bad image of the area and tourists won't be attracted to come anymore.
And finally, there may be changes in the culture of the area when many foreign
tourists come. They come along with different lifestyles and different cultures.
Local people may learn from them and change the way they live and think. This is
not a damage to the environment but this will contribute to the preservation. There
are many articles and videos on the internet in which tourists clean up the beaches
full of garbage, leaving the areas clean fresh later.
In conclusion, tourism helps develop the economy, bringing local people richer and
better life. Together with the benefits, tourism is destroying the local environment.
This is a challenge to the community and the government.
III. Questions and answers: So far, I have given some examples to show that
tourism is destroying the local environment. I hope that you all agree with my
opinion. Thank you for listening. Would you like to ask me some questions?
1. Do you like traveling?
- Yes, I like traveling a lot. I have traveled to many places in Vietnam and to some
countries in the world.
2. Are you a helpful tourist or a destructive tourist?
- I try to be kind to the environment so I think I'm a helpful tourist.
3. What should we do to lessen the damage that tourism brings?
- It takes a lot of time and effort. The government should have actions. Local
people should be aware of protecting the environment. And tourists need to be kind
to it.
4. What would you do if you see a tourist throwing garbage on the street?
- Maybe I would pick it up and put it into the bin. And I will tell him or her not to
repeat the action, with a smile, of course, to show my hospitality.
5. What are the good things that you've learned from tourists come to your town?
- Foreign tourists have high awareness of protecting the environment. They don't
pollute the water, the land, and the air where they come. They if they cannot find
the garbage bin, they will gather the trash and put them into their bags. They are
also very polite on public transports. They never smoke or talk loudly.
Topic 7: "Sports should be an essential part of middle school? Do you agree
or disagree?
I. Outline
1. Introduction - Greetings - Topic sentence: Sports should be included as an
essential subject in middle school. There are many reasons for this.
2. Body
+ Reason 1: Sports maintain good health and physical fitness. - Exercise regularly -
Active brain, ab, body - Improve mental and physical health
+ Reason 2: Sports improve self- confidence - Build confidence - Trust themselves
+ Reason 3: Sports help boost self- esteem - Build personal value - Self-esteem
will be useful + + Reason 4: Sports help develop leadership skills - Take various
leadership roles - Prepare for future leadership
3. Conclusion - There are many benefits that sports can bring students. That's why
sports training should be an essential part and middle school.
II. Full speech
Sports can be defined as an activity that requires both skill and physical exertion as
either a team or individual effort to achieve a particular goal. Sports not only
ensure students emotionally, mentally, and physically happy but also get them
ready for life after college. Therefore, sports should be included in middle school,
as an essential subject, ensuing students can enjoy the following benefits. Firstly,
sports maintain good health and physical fitness. Participating in sports presents
students with the opportunity to exercise regularly. This keeps their brain, ab, and
body active for more extended periods, which helps to improve both their mental
and physical health. Secondly, sports improve self-confidence. Participating in a
sport you are good at can help students build on their self-confidence by learning
to trust their own abilities, talents, and judgment. Thirdly, sports help to boost
student's self-esteem. By building your image in sports, you also improve your
personal value, which directly impacts your self-esteem. Besides, it will be useful
for your future. With better self-esteem, you will no longer need the help of essay
writing service UK to deliver assignments you can easily write. Moreover, sports
help to develop leadership skills in specific individuals. In sports, you can take on
various leadership roles, which can play a significant role in preparing you for
future leadership positions. Nonetheless, schools should also consider that not all
students are sports-oriented and should be flexible in how they enroll them. In
addition to including sports in the curriculum, school officials should also let
students participate in sports with minimal interference, such as maintaining their
safety and providing the necessary equipment. This way, students will get to enjoy
the benefits of sports from an early age.
III. Questions and answers
1. What is your favorite sport?
- I like swimming. I can swim different styles. Swimming is fun and cheap.
Moreover, swimming gives me a fit body and improves my height.
2. Should we train sports to boys and girls separately?
- There are sports for boys and sports for girls. Each should play suitable sports for
them. But they are also neutral Sports were both boys and girls can play and I
suggest teaching these sports in school. So there's no need to separate boys and
girls when they learn sports.
3. What do you think of students who are always weak at sports and show no
interest in learning them.
- Maybe they have health and mental problems which cannot enable them to do
any physical activities. The teachers should suggest easy exercises for them to do.
4. Besides sports, what do you think is an essential subject in middle school?
- I think all subjects are important. They help developed students both physically
and mentally. 5. If we can cut off one subject in school what should it be?
- I think all subjects are important so no subject should be excluded
Topic 8: Should students be allowed to judge teachers? Why/Why not?
I. Outline
1. Introduction - Greetings - Topic sentence: Students should be allowed to judge
their teachers. There are many reasons for this.
2. Body
+ Definition of judgment: the process of forming an opinion or evaluation by
discerning and comparing
+ Reason 1: Students can have opinion about teachers. - Giving opinion is natural -
Different opinions: like, dislike, respect, admiration...
+ For students' sake - Studying forms the future - Need to have good teachers -
Teachers have different characters - Bad characters need to be informed and
+ For teachers' sake - Know how they teach - Know favourite skills to keep -
Realize mistakes to correct
+ Feedback rather than grading - Grading is unfair - Feedback help teachers
3. Conclusion: It is natural for students to judge their teachers. Students and
teachers benefit from the judgment.
II. Full speech
Good evening, everyone. My name is... I'm from... In my today's presentation, I'm
going to talk about whether students are allowed to judge teachers or not. Let's
consider these benefits of judgment. First of all, judgment is defined as the process
of forming an opinion or evaluation by discerning and comparing. Students meet
teachers at school the whole time. They see teachers teach lessons. They hear
teachers explain new knowledge. They contact teachers in other contexts at school.
So it is natural to have opinions about their teachers. Some may like this teacher,
some may like that teacher and others may find interest in particular teaching
styles. The judgement can be like, dislike, respect or admiration. Teachers can not
avoid all of these opinions but to know and to respond. Secondly, for students'
sake, judgment is necessary. Studying is all that students do to form their future.
The teachers have big influence on this process. What will happen if there are
teachers with bad manners or poor teaching methods teach students year by year.
Students with their observation in comparing ability will define which teachers are
suitable for them and which teachers are not. For younger students, the judgment
can be expressed through the interest and cooperation to the lessons. Then the
teachers with their senses and understanding abilities can find out how they teach
and who they are in the eyes of the students. By this, teachers adjust themselves in
time for students to have the best lessons in school.
Thirdly, fair judgment is always good for teachers' sake. In class, teachers need to
observe students' feeling and performance to the lessons. This will tell them how
they teach, what their favorite skills are and make them realize the mistakes to
correct themselves properly. Better teachers make better students. And finally,
students should give feedback rather than grading. In some schools, students can
give grades to teachers. This is somehow unfair. There are young students who
don't care about the criterias. Also, there can be students who dislike specific
teachers for some reason. Feedback helps the teachers to improve their methods
and develop different styles of teaching. Better teachers make better students.
In short, it is natural for students to judge teachers. Both students and teachers can
benefit from the judgment.
III. Questions and answers
1. Do you like your teachers at school?
- Yes, I do. I have many teachers at school. I like some, I respect some, and I
admire some.
2. Who is your favorite teacher? Why do you like him or her best?
- I cannot tell you. I love all my teachers. They have done their best to give me
good lessons.
3. There was a case that parents of a student requested to change the teacher. Do
you agree with the parents?
- I think the parents should have formal conversation with the teacher and the
School Management Board. Then we let the Board decide.
4. What do you think are bad manners of teachers?
- Well, I don't like male teachers who smoke in school. I don't like female teachers
who badmouth about colleagues. Also, there are aggressive teachers and bullying
5. Do you want to become a teacher in the future.
- Right now I cannot make up my mind yet on which occupation I would take in
the future. But I think teaching is a great job. Who can tell?
Topic 9: Parents should be responsible for their kids' mistakes. What's your
I. Outline
1. Introduction - Greetings - Topic sentence: it is a partly yes and a partly no for
the question whether parents should be responsible for their kids' mistakes.
2. Body
+ A partly yes:
- Reason 1: Parents don't teach what is good, what is bad. Children become bad
-Reason 2: Parents are not good samples. Children follow bad behaviours.
- Reason 3: Parents don't have proper punishments. Kids repeat the mistakes.
+ A partly no:
- Reason 1: Bad friends spoil kids. Kids don't realize bad effects.
- Reason 2: Bad impacts of social media. Kids imitate bad actions. - Kids' nature:
not listen, incapable of respecting and maintaining dignify
3. Conclusion: The parents are partly to be blamed for the kids mistakes. But the
kids are partly responsible for the mistakes the make.
II. Full speech
Hello everyone. My name is... I'm from... I'm very thankful to have a chance to be
here to present my topic. The question is whether parents should be responsible for
their kids' mistakes? In my opinion, the answer is a partly yes and a partly no.
As a saying goes in Vietnam, it is the mother to be blamed when her kid makes a
mistake. For centuries, people still believed that it is right. But the society has
changed a lot. Every person has both rights and duties. When a kid makes a
mistake, first the parents need to be responsible and then the kid also needs to be
responsible, too. That's why as the question raised: should parents be responsible
for the kids' mistakes, the answer is both a partly yes and a partly no.
Firstly, when the answer is a partly yes, we can consider these as reasons for the
responsibility. Parents leave all the education on teachers at school and they don't
do anything to teach the kids what is right and what is wrong. Without realizing,
the kids can make mistakes. Gradually, the kids have become bad persons. One
more thing, parents are not good samples for the kids. They always tell their kids
not to do this, not to do that because it's not right. At the same time, they perform
wrong actions and the kids follow them. Unknowingly, the kids make mistakes.
Bullying is the most typical example. The next reason for parents to be blamed is
that they don't have proper punishments the mistakes. Every mistake is forgiven.
Then the kids keep repeating wrong behaviours.
On the other hand, the answer is partly no. It means that the kids should also be
blamed for their faults. Number one reason is from bad friends. Kids tend to follow
friends' actions and behaviors without knowing if the friends are good or bad. In
this case, bad friends spoil the kids. Bad impacts of social media can be counted as
number two reason. Action movies make kids more violent. Weird lifestyles they
see on social networks result in the kids' strange behaviors. Murder, robbery, and
scam can happen when kids imitate people on cyber world. And the last reason is
from the kids' nature. The parents have tried their best to teach their children, they
have also had different methods of teaching and proper punishments on the
mistakes, then the kids keep repeating bad actions. There's no other answer than
the kids' nature. They don't want to listen to the parents. Moreover, they are
incapable of respecting and maintaining dignify. By this nature, the kids can grow
up to be criminals in the future. To sum up, the parents cannot avoid being
responsible for the kids' mistakes. But the kids are partly responsible for their
mistakes, on the other hand.
III. Questions and answers:
1. Have you ever made a mistake? What was that? How did your parents react to
- Yes, I have had several times. I didn't remember my lesson so I get low scores.
Another time, I didn't finish my duties at home that made my parents angry. Or I
fought with the neighbor kids. Of course, I was furnished.
2. Is punishments always good methods in teaching behaviors to children?
- It is not always a good method, but it is necessary in some cases when the
children make really serious mistakes.
3. What do you owe your parents for a good life?
- Actually I owe a lot to my parents for giving birth to me, for feeding me, for
supporting me at school, and for preparing me a good future.
4. How can you keep yourself away from bad friends?
- It's quite hard, isn't it? First we need to identify who the bad friends are. Then I
try not to contact them. I only focus on my study and I go home right after school.
5. How can you stay away from bad information on the internet?
- It's simple as long as I know it is bad and I switch to another channel. Of course, I
must report that website.
Topic 10: Do you like Tet holiday? What do you like doing on Tet holiday?
I. Outline:
1. Introduction: - Greetings - Topic sentence: I like doing many things on Tet
2. Body: Tet holiday is also known as Chinese lunar New year. It is the biggest
ceremony and festival in some Asian countries such as China Vietnam and
- Activity 1: worshipping the ancestors. Help parents make dishes. Help with the
arranging the worshipping table. Memorize and respect the ancestors
- Activity 2: reunion with family members. Come back to the hometown. Do things
together. Play games. Take photos. Give and receive lucky money and presents.
Fun and relaxing
- Activity 3: Go to the Fair. Interesting events. Traditional games. Music concerts.
Surprising awards. Fun and exciting
- Activities 4: visiting relatives, teachers, and friends. Meet with grandparents, old
teachers, old friends. Review the past times. Give and receive lucky money, gifts.
Enjoy the food and drinks. Keep connection with them
II. Full speech:
Hello everyone. I'm sure all of you here like holidays and festivals. I myself really
like Vietnamese Tet holiday. I like doing many things on this occasion. Tet holiday
is also known as Chinese lunar New year. It is the biggest ceremony and festival in
some Asian countries such as China Vietnam and Cambodia. The first thing I like
doing on Tet is worshipping the ancestors. I can help parents make dishes. I can
also help with the arranging the worshipping table. By doing this, we memorize
and respect the ancestors. The second thing I like is the reunion with family
members. Wherever I live or go, I must come back to the hometown with my
family. Then we do things together on this occasion. We play traditional games.
We enjoy wearing new clothes to take photos. We give and receive lucky money
and presents. These are so fun and relaxing. Thirdly, I will be taken by my parents
to the Fair.
There are Interesting events there. We pay to play traditional games and win some
surprising awards. We can enjoy music concerts, eat delicious street food, and take
photos as well. It must be so fun and exciting. After all the entertainment activities,
I should visit my relatives, my teachers, and my friends. I'm going to meet with
grandparents, my old teachers, and old friends. Then in the cozy house, we enjoy
candies, jam, and coke, reviewing the past times. It's common to give and receive
lucky money and gifts. That's how we show our love and respect to each other and
also to keep in touch within the years. Although the world keeps changing and
developing, traditional holidays like Tet is always my favourite. I hope Tet will be
maintained and exist forever in our society.
III. Questions and answers
1. What is the thing you like doing the most?
- Because I'm just a kid, I like wearing new clothes and taking many beautiful
photos on Tet holiday.
2. There is an idea that we should stop celebrating that holiday? Do you agree with
- Tet and other traditional holidays and festivals in Vietnam make the country' s
identity and I don't want our country to lose it that's why I don't agree with that
3. Nowadays, people consider lucky money as a scale of wealth of the giver, and
tend to look down on those who only give a little amount. How can we teach our
children to respect any kind of money the receive?
- We as parents should be a good sample first, we are grateful to people, so are the
4. What is your most memorable Tet holiday?
- Yeah, any occasion in my life is memorable, not the holiday only, I treasure
every moment in my life. So I cannot tell what is the most memorable time.
5. There is a tendency that people prefer traveling than reunion with the family and
Tet holiday. Do you think it will ruin this tradition?
- Well... thank you. This is an interesting question and I need time to think about
the answer later. Sorry I cannot tell you now. I think traveling is also fun, isn't it?

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