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Statement of profit or loss and other
comprehensive statement
A single statement of profit or loss and
other comprehensive income (Statement of
Comprehensive Income); or
Two statements – (1) A statement of profit Profit or Loss
or loss (Income Statement) and (2) Statement Profit or loss is income less expenses,
Presenting Comprehensive Income excluding the components of other comprehensive
o So, mayroong dalawang way of income
presenting na inaallow ang standard. Transaction Approach
First, single statement and yung isa
is in two statements o Usually, entities will prefer to
present their profit or loss under
PAS 1 requires an entity to present transaction approach
information on the following: o Method or approach wherein your
Profit or loss computing your profit or loss for the
Other Comprehensive Income period is called transaction
Comprehensive Income – includes income approach
from your profit and loss and the income Income and Expenses are usually
from your other comprehensive income recognized in profit or loss unless:
Examples of Single Statement Presentation They are items of other comprehensive
income; or
They are required by other PFRSs to be
recognized outside of profit or loss
*Basically, lahat ng items ng income and expenses
by default pumapasok sila sa profit or loss unless
standard says otherwise.*
*Standards actually have a list of OCI, so pag hindi
pumapasok yung item na yon sa list, then that
income or expense should be included in your profit
or loss*

Example of Two Statement Presentation

The following are not included in determining the 4. Transactions  Recognized
profit or loss during the period with owners directly in
(e.g., insurance equity.
Transactions Accounting of share capital, Transactions
1. Correction of  Direct declaration of during the
price period adjustment to dividends, and period are
error the beginning the like) presented in
If ever there are balance of the statement
errors retired of changes in
committed in earnings. The equity
the prior adjustment is Examples:
period, they will presented in
not affect the the statement Correction of price period error
profit or loss of of changes in
the current but equity
rather they will
be reflected in
the beginning
balance of your
2. Change in  Similar
accounting treatment to
policy correction of
prior period
3. Other  Changes during
comprehensive the period are
income presented in
Basically, the the “other
cumulative comprehensive
balance of your income” section  Hindi mo na babaguhin yung FS mo nung
other of the
2020 since it has been authorized na,
comprehensive statement of
instead, yung mga errors in 2020 will be
income will not comprehensive
corrected sa beg. balance ng RE ng 2021
be included or income.
even the Cumulative Method: (Utility bill na 10,000)
change during balances are
the period of presented in  If naaccrue or nabayaran yung entry in
your OCI will the equity 2021, you have to reverse the original entry
not form part section of the because that is not related sa 2021 FS
on your P/L. statement of
instead, it is financial Original Entry:
presented on position
the equity
section in
statement of
Reversing Entry: o Ex. Notes Receivable. Yung
pinautang mo is in financial distress
at hindi na talaga makakabayad, you
have to recognize your notes
receivable on its net realizable value
o The difference between its book
 If ever di pa rin value and net realizable value is
nag entry ng accrual in 2021, you have to: actually recognized as impairment
Dr: RE 10,000 ; Cr: Accrued Liability 10,000 loss/gain
Gains and losses on reclassifications of
Profit or loss line items
financial assets from amortized cost or
Revenue, presenting separately interest FVOCI to FVPL
revenue; o You can actually reclassify the gains
o Through interest revenue, makikita and losses of financial assets from
agad ni readers or users kung amortized cost or FVOCI to FVPL
papaano niuutilize ni company yung based on the its criteria for
cash niya reclassification
o Cash when used properly can o It will affect the P/L of the current
provide passive income period
o Ex. You can actually deposit your Share in the profit or loss of associates and
cash in a short term deposit and joint ventures
earned interest revenue from that o Associate – you hold a 20-50% of its
o Kaya siya pinepresent separately outstanding capital stock
Finance cost; o Net income during the period should
o Magkano ba yung interest na be allocated based on your
binabayad ng company dun sa loans percentage of holding
na hinihiram niya o Joint Ventures – two companies
Gains and losses arising from the joining in order to form a new
derecognition of financial assets measured company
at amortized cost; o Both information affects the
o Financial assets – usually are being company’s P/L
measured at amortized cost Tax expense
o So basically upon derecognition, the Result of discontinued operations
gains and losses arising are o Branches ng company na nag iincur
recognized in profit or loss ng loss kaya need nila isara
o Ex. Selling of receivables to a third o As a result, need siya ireport sa
party. Orig. price 100,000 then profit and losses rin
nabenta mo ng 102,000. Yung 2,000
Circumstances that would give rise to the separate
is gain mo na siya
disclosure of items of income and expense
Impairment losses and impairment gains on
financial assets;
o Nagkakaroon ng impairment if the Write-downs of inventories to net realizable
financial asset is not completely value or of property, plant and equipment
recoverable to recoverable amount, as well as reversals
of such write-downs
o You need to have these items which o Mas pinapahaba niya yung
flow to you P/L have to be disclosed presentation sa FS, since you are
in your notes required to disclose ano-ano ba
o You need to disclose saan ba siya yung nagcocompose ng expenses
Function of Expense Method (Cost of Sales
Restructurings of the activities of an entity
and reversals of any provisions of
restructuring costs; Under this method, an entity classifies
o Restructuring Activities – may expenses according to their function (e.g.,
ginawa kang pagbabago sa cost of sales, distribution costs,
management mo sa company mo administrative expenses, and other
Disposals of items of PPE functional classifications). At a minimum,
Disposals of investments cost of sales shall be presented separately
Discontinued operations from other expenses
Litigation settlements If the function of expense is used, additional
Other reversals of provisions disclosures on the nature of expenses shall
be provided
PAS 1 prohibits the presentation of
extraordinary items in the statement of profit or *Usually, ang ginagamit ng mga companies is
loss and other comprehensive income or in the function of expense method, then they will just
notes provide disclosure on the note as o the breakdown
of that specific function*
o Extraordinary Items – unusual items,
not expected to happen in the Illustration
future (example: calamities)
o Sabi ni standard, hindi recognized as
extraordinary items but rather, as
nonrecurring items
o Minsan kasi namimisunderstood ng
readers yung term na extraordinary
o You need to properly define yung
nature ng extraordinary items Other Comprehensive Income
o You can use Loss on Calamity na Comprises items of income and expense
item than using extraordinary (including reclassification adjustments) that are not
gain/loss recognized in profit or loss as required or permitted
Presentation of Expenses by other PFRSs

Nature of Expense Method o By definition, there are certain

income and expenses na pwede lang
Under this method, expenses are pumasok sa other comprehensive
aggregated according to their nature (e.g., income. If yung income or expense
depreciation, purchases of materials, ay hindi pumasok sa list ng OCI, by
transport costs, employee benefits and default need mo siya ipasok sa profit
advertising cost) or loss
The components of OCI include the o All items of P/L at the end of the
following: period are being closed to retained
earnings, same as OCI
Changes in revaluation surplus
o Items of income and expenses in OCI
o The movement in the fair value of
instead of closing it to retained
earnings, cinocolose mo siya sa
Remeasurements of the net defined benefit
other comprehensive income which
liability (Assets)
is part of SFP during the period
o PAS 19 Employee Benefits or PAS 26
o Related to the fund needed by the Reclassification Adjustments
company in order for its employee
Are amounts reclassified to profit or loss in
to have employee benefits
the current period that were recognized in other
Gains and Losses on Investments
comprehensive income in the current or previous
designated or measured at FVOCI
Gains and Losses arising from translating
the financial statements of a foreign Reclassification adjustments arise from the
operation following:
Effective portion of gains and losses on
o These are the ONLY items part of
hedging instruments in a cash flow hedge
reclassification adjustment
Changes in Fair Value of Financial liability
o Memorize lang muna ito (as per
designated FVPL that are attributable to
maam uy)
changes in credit risk
On disposal of foreign operations
o PFRS 9
Derecognition of debt instruments
Changes in the time value of option when
measured at FVOCI
the option’s intrinsic value and time value
o Discussed in PFRS 9
are separated and only the changes in the
When cash flow hedge becomes ineffective
intrinsic value designated as the hedging
or affects profit or loss
Changes in the value of the forward The amount reclassified is called the
elements of forward contracts when reclassification adjustment
separating the forward element and spot
A reclassification adjustment for a gain is a
element of a forward contract and
deduction in OCI and an addition to profit or loss
designating as the hedging instrument only
the changes in the spot element, and A reclassification adjustment for a loss is
changes in the value of the foreign currency an addition to OCI and a deduction from profit or
basis spread of a financial instrument when loss
excluding it from designation of that
o Hindi kasi pwedeng parehong mong
financial instrument as the hedging
iaadd at idededuct kasi
magkakaroon ng double deduction
Amounts recognized in OCI are usually or overstated/understated ng OCI
accumulated as separate components of equity
Reclassification adjustments do not arise o
o The accumulated amount of OCI changes in revaluation surplus, derecognition of
usually its being part of your equity equity instruments designated at FVOCI, and
section in SFP remeasurements of the net defined benefit liability
(Asset), on derecognition, the cumulative gains and Effects of change in accounting policy
losses that were accumulated in equity on these (Retrospective Application) or correction or
items are transferred directly to retained earnings, prior period error (Retrospective
rather than to profit or loss as a reclassification Restatement)
adjustment Total Comprehensive Income for the period;
o Not all items under OCI will fall
For each component of equity, a
under reclassification adjustments.
reconciliation between the carrying amount
Pag wala siya don sa tatlong given,
at the beginning and the end of the period
yung reclassification niya will fall
showing separately changes resulting from:
part to retained earnings but not to
o Profit or loss
profit or loss
o Other comprehensive income
Presentation of OCI o Transaction with owners, e.g.,
contributions by and distributions to
The other comprehensive income section
shall group items of OCI into the following:
Retrospective adjustments and
Those for which reclassification adjustment
retrospective restatements are presented in the
is allowed; and
statement of changes in equity as adjustments to
Those for which reclassification adjustment
the opening balance of retained earnings rather
is not allowed
than as changes in equity during the period
o If you’re going to present in your
statement of changes in equity the
retrospective adjustment and
retrospective restatements, they will
not form part in the changes in
equity, rather they will reflect on the
opening balance of retained
PAS 1 allows the disclosure of dividends,
and the related amount per share, either in the
Total Comprehensive Income
statement of changes in equity or in the notes
Total comprehensive income is a change in
equity during a period resulting from transactions
and other events, other than those resulting from Statement of Cash Flows
transactions with the owners in their capacity as
Is a component of financial statements
summarizing the operating, investing, and financing
o Composed of P/L and OCI activities of an entity

Total comprehensive income is the sum of The statement of cash flows provides
profit or loss and other comprehensive income information about the cash receipts and cash
payments of the entity during the period
Statement of Changes in Equity
Cash Equivalents
Shows the following information:
The statement of cash flows is designed to Are the cash flows derived from the equity
provide information about the change in an entity’s capital and borrowings of the entity
cash and cash equivalents
Between the entity and the owners – Equity
o Part ng presentation ang cash and Financing
cash equivalents Between the entity and the Creditors –
Debt Financing
Cash comprises cash on hand and demand
Cash equivalents are short-term highly
liquid investments that are readily convertible to
known amount of cash and which are subject to an
insignificant risk of change in value o Investments of share owners to the
entity are actually loan to the entity
o 3 months
– dividends
Operating Activities
Non-Cash Transactions
Are the cash flows derived primarily from
Non-Cash investing and financing
the principle revenue producing activities of the
transactions shall be disclosed only either in the
notes to financial statements or in a separate
schedule or in a way that provides all relevant
information about these transactions

Investing Activities
Are the cash flows derived from the
acquisition and disposal of long-term assets and
other investments not included in cash equivalents

o Regarding letter E: kapag kasi cash

advances was made to a financial
institution, magfoform part siya sa
financing activities mo kaya may
effect rin siya sa investing activities
Financing Activities
o Doesn’t affect your cash flows users to determine the ability of the entity to pay
dividends out of operating cash flows
Interest Paid and Interest Received
PAS 7 provides that interest paid and
interest received shall be classified as operating
cash flows because such items enter into
determination of net income or loss
o However, some companies classify it
as a part of financing cash flows.
Because it is a cost of obtaining
financial resources
Alternatively, interest paid may be classified
as financing cash flow because it is a cost of
obtaining financial resources
Alternatively, interest received may be
classified as investing cash flow because it is a
return on investment
For a financial institution, interest paid and
interest received are usually classified as operating
cash flows
o Dahil yung normal operating activity
ng bank is related sa
Dividends Received and Paid
PAS 7 provides that dividend received shall
be classified as operating cash flow because it
enters into the determination of net income
o Some companies are classifying
dividends received as a part of their
investing cash flow kasi return of
Alternatively, dividend received may be
classified as investing cash flow because it is a
return on investment
PAS 7 provides that dividend paid shall be
classified as financing cash flow because it is a cost
of obtaining financial resources
Alternatively, dividend paid may be
classified as operating cash flow in order to assist

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