AI Won't Kill The Creative Star - How AI Will Make Industries Thrive, Not Die.

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AI won't kill the Creative Star: How AI will make industries thrive, not die.

"They took the credit for your second symphony, Rewritten by machine on new technology. And
now I understand the problems you could see." The Buggles sang these almost prophetic words
44 years ago in their 1979 hit song "Video Killed the Radio Star". The song became an anthem
for the end of an era in the music industry. MTV chose the video as the first one they played,
launching the new channel. The advent of music videos on television had signaled a shift in the
way people consumed music. But while the song eulogized the demise of radio, the medium
survived and thrives to this day. When we look at the current AI revolution, we look to the past
and see that the industries that AI are disrupting will also adapt and survive.

AI is a burgeoning field, creating software that can perform tasks that usually needs human
input. It has already affected many creative fields like graphic design, writing and music
production. But as radio has not disappeared, these industries will not vanish either.

Companies that are being disrupted by AI are adapting to the new reality. For example, in the
healthcare industry, hospitals are using AI-powered diagnostic tools to assist doctors in making
accurate diagnoses. In finance, banks are using AI algorithms to detect fraudulent transactions
and manage risks.

Another reason why radio has survived well into the internet age is that it has a unique value
proposition. Radio provides listeners with access to live news, sports, and music broadcasts that
they could not get elsewhere. Similarly, industries disrupted by AI will continue to have unique
value propositions that cannot be replicated by machines. No amount of AI can replace the
human touch of a skilled nurse comforting a patient or a teacher inspiring a student.

Radio survived because it evolved from what it used to be.

Radio stations now offer podcasts, live streaming, and other forms of digital content to go along
with their traditional broadcasts. In the same way, industries that AI is impacting will continue to
change and add new products and services that complement their existing ones.

AI may be disrupting many industries, but it is important to recognize that these disruptions do
not spell the end of those industries. Just as radio adapted and survived the video era, these
industries will adapt and survive the AI era. The key is to embrace the technology and use it to
augment human abilities, rather than replace them.

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