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Topik : kerja sama Rusia dan Belarusia menghadapi NATO dan sekutunya

Hari/Tgl : Jumat 8 April 2023

Sumber :

The creation of a security concept of the Union State of Russia and Belarus is a
logical response to NATO's military buildup, Vladimir Kireev, deputy director of
the Center of Social and Integration Studies on the Union State and Eurasian
Integration, told Sputnik. He added that the time is ripe to develop algorithms to
overcome the challenge.
On April 6, Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Belorussian counterpart
Alexander Lukashenko participated in a meeting of the Union State’s Supreme
State Council.
The summit's agenda included the Union State's strategic planning, security and
conditions for sustainable socio-economic development of the supranational
political body.
Putin emphasized the necessity of working out a security concept of the Union
State to withstand growing tensions on external borders of Russia and Belarus, the
pressure of sanctions and ongoing information war unleashed by the West on
Moscow and Minsk.
"The initiative has been proposed in the face of high foreign policy risks: we see
that a rather dangerous situation is emerging for Russia and Belarus in the
international arena," said Kireev. "Against the background of the consolidation of
NATO countries against Russia, a certain consensus has been reached in Ukraine
that the NATO member states agree to participate in one way or another in an
indirect or even direct conflict against the Union State by military and non-military
means (…) This concept is, in fact, a regulated and formalized scheme of
interaction between the two countries in response to external threats (…) [T]hese
are retaliatory measures in response to [Western] aggression, we did not start it.
For now, [it's hard] to say what will be exactly included in this concept, but this
will definitely improve the coordination of the actions of the joint mechanism of
cooperation between Belarus and Russia."
Russian Iskanders in Belarus is Response to NATO's Expansion and
Militarization of Europe

Kireev suggested that the concept would include responses at political, economic,
cyber-security and military levels, adding that a direct confrontation between the
Union State and the transatlantic alliance cannot be ruled out. The expert noted that
over recent years, a bipolar system has been forming with NATO steadily
expanding towards the borders of Russia and Belarus, something that Moscow and
Minsk cannot ignore. In addition, Western countries repeatedly issued threats
towards the leaders of the Union State, the political scientist stressed.
"We can see a vast variety of methods [employed by the West – Sputnik] to
influence Russia and Belarus ranging from political and economic means to
various military provocations, such as entering the airspace of our countries,
deploying military contingents directly near our borders. At the same time, we are
now talking about growing [military] contingents [of NATO], which did not really
threaten our security 10-15 years ago being at the time purely symbolic. At the
moment, a real offensive army is being formed in Poland and in the Baltic states.
That is, given that there are 150,000 troops in Poland and they plan to increase this
contingent to 300,000, then collectively all NATO troops, including new NATO
members such as Sweden, Finland and slightly more experienced ones, such as
Romania, Bulgaria, would comprise a really large grouping, which is already
enough to wage a full-scale war against the Union State of Belarus and Russia."

menurut saya memang sudah sepantasnya Rusia bergerak cepat mengamankan
diri terhadap serangan langsung maupun tak langsung dari Nato dan sekutunya.
Menggandeng negara-negara tetangga dengan kerjasama yang apik akan
membuat permainan menjadi semakin seimbang. Dan Belarus sementara
merupakan harapan untuk membentuk persekutuan
Menggunakan pepatah, siapapun yang menjadi musuhnya musuh saya adalah
kawan saya mungkin perlu diterapkan agar Rusia mampu mempunyai peluang
yang lebih kuat. Cina yang sedang melebarkan sayap Hegemoninya di dunia
cukup bisa dijadikan alasan untuk membentuk kerjasama khusus yang saling
Dengan adanya sanksi yang diterima maka Rusia perlu berbenah untuk
menstabilkan perekonomian dalam negeri. Memastikan bahwa sanksi dan
embargo tidak mengakibatkan keterpurukan ekonomi terutama terhadap
kebutuhan pokok masyarakat dapat memastikan Rusia dapat bermain cukup lama
sambil menunggu momentum untuk membalas dan bangkit.
Nato dan sekutunya yang berlindung dibalik Ukraina sepertinya tidak akan terlalu
bodoh untuk mengobarkan genderang perang secara terang-terangan mengingat
mereka masih berpikir dua kali jika membuat Rusia terjepit maka Rusia dapat
bertindak brutal dengan meluncurkan armada Nuklirnya yang berakibat fatal bagi
eropa dan Nato.
Rusia saat ini diuntungkan dalam beberapa segi karena negara ini merupakan
negara pengekspor terbesar untuk gas alam dan gandum yang sangat diperlukan
eropa.# tolong dicek data ini.
Jadi perang ini atau paling tidak invasi kata berita barat akan masih bertahan
cukup lama.

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