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Calculus is the best way to solve

problems involving:

Objects in curved paths

Curved or irregular shaped areas
Volumes in irregular containers
Calculus is concerned
with two types of limiting
processes. 1) The
problem of determining
the instantaneous rate of
change of position of
moving body. For
example, if a guava fruit
drops from a tree, how
fast is it moving at an
An investigation of this
problem leads you to the
introduction of a new
concept – that of a
derivative. A study of
these quantities forms
the basis for the
differential calculus.
Differential calculus deals
with derivatives and
Differential calculus deals with
derivatives and limits.
2) The problem of
determining a
definition for the area
of a plane figure when
some of its
boundaries are
curved. For example,
why is it an area of a
circle is given by π r²?
An investigation of
this problem leads
you to the
introduction of a new
concept – that of an
A study of these quantities gives rise to the
theory called integral calculus.

Integral calculus deals with functions to be

Integration is the reverse process of
differentiation. The function to be integrated is
referred to as the integrand while the result of
an integration is called the integral.
So, what are the uses of CALCULUS in our lives?
Quantifying Building Materials (Quantity

Quantity surveyors use calculus integration to calculate the

amount of material required to complete a construction
Calculating the weight of structures
(Architectural Engineers)

Architectural engineers use calculus to calculate the shapes of curved

structures like domes, sports arenas, suspended bridges, etc. They
use calculus to improve on the architectural design of the structure.
Structural analysis – Seismic design

Structural engineers use calculus to determine complex configuration

forces of structural elements that relate to seismic activities. They use
calculus to create earthquake-proof structures that can withstand any
level of earthquake tremors.
Soil structure
Calculus is also used in calculating soil structure and finding out the bearing
capacity and strength of specific soil compositions. This helps determine lateral
earth pressure and slope stability for complex projects before embarking on
structural construction.
Building bridges (Civil Engineers)
Designing bridges has three structural elements; the beam, compression
members and tension members. The beam links the shores. Calculus is used to
calculate the elements of the forces acting on the beam. These will include
anticipated traffic, pedestrians, traffic, etc. calculus helps determine which
material to use while constructing the beam.
Building storm drains

Storm drains used to drain storm waters and open channels systems
must have a surface area that is big enough and does not hinder the
flow of water. Calculus is used to calculate the derivation of the
Hydraulic Analysis Programs

Hydraulic analysis programs aid in the design of storm drains. It is calculated

using numerical methods of calculus. The volume of water is calculated as the
area under the curve of a plot of flow versus time.
Calculating Cable lengths (Electrical)

Integration Calculus is used in electrical engineering to

calculate the exact length of power cables between two
points which may be miles away from each other.

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