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‘OBJECTIVES First Quarter REFLECTION NOTE What has transpired? Last August 5, 2022, | consulted with Mes. Andrea Santos, our Master Teacher in English, about my struggles in teaching reading with my Grade 2.class, we have agresd ta do Peer Observation on her class, She agreed to let me in on her English class so that |can obeerve ‘on haw she uses different strategies in teaching reading. After the observation, we also had a post-conference about my observations and that things I have learned frarn her class. ‘What were your learnings? | have learned that the pupils enjoy learning through wideos, | have observed that the ‘chants used in the video threugh rapping caught the children's attention and they even sang ‘with it. know that as they sing with the chante, it will be easier for them to remember the lesson. | alse like the guessing game that Mes Santos did during her elass, | saw the excitement in the childoer as they eagerly guess the object inside the bax. | beliewe that letting the children enjoy the lesson will help them learn more, What are your plans? After dang the peer observation with Ics, Santos’ class, | arn now confident to adat ‘he learsing I had ta my class, | will start using games that my pupils will ejay sa [can instantly atch their attention to learning. | will alsa try te find videos that will help my pupils understand the lesson wall while they aie also enjoying, From now on, | will make ita aint to make my lesson not baring and tough for my young pupil, instead, | will make suce that ‘they will enjoy tery part of it far easy retention Pregaad by fd (ELM ABANTAD ‘ug 0, 2022 jeacher Observer ‘ANDREA SANTOS ‘Aug 10, 2022 Teacher Hos]

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