Amendmet List Update

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i real City Council Requests Received for Potential Amendments to the FY 2024 Proposed Budget ‘As of Soptomber 12, 2023 Eerie ue Requested by Bed Ered ie aarp ays per week Maver. CD1, CD2, 4, [Pxpand 3 SA Core Teams to 24 hour per day, 7 days perweek Jong, cps, CDE, | $ 3,640,718 | $ 9,708,805 | $7,249,628 letfective summer 2024, \co7, cbs, Increase Neighborhood Accessibilty and Mobilty Program per |CD1, CD 2, CDS, 2 |Couneil District by $250,000 ($700,000 tota) \co7, ope 2.500.508 — loot, co2, cos, 3 [Reproductive Justice Fund Spe cos 00,000 00,000 leatistic glass for police vehicles: Windshield and side glass 4 |(Speciatzed Units and Patrol Vehicies as they are replaced). |D4, D7, D8, D10 20,000] 1,540,000] 1,750,000 city Menager has directed SAPD to begin procurement. [Greate an Opportunity Home Accessibilty and Operations fund '5 ho provide key minor maintenance needs for public housing |GD1, CD 2, CDS 3,500,000 3,500,000 residents. [Animal Care Services (ACS) Store Front for spay and neuter © [curgeries located between CDS & CD7 and in CD 2. Joos, cor, cob2 ess 30.400 | 2,078,000 7. |Adtional Marketing for Animal Care Services. Ico, cps, co 150,000 460,000 300,000 Increase City Council Infrastructure funds n the Capital Budget 8 |p) gaeo.000 ($1.25 tion tte). \co1, 002, cbs 2,600,000 2,500,000 ‘spay and Neuter Mobile Clinic - could provide up to 2,000 See eect surges annus lco1, cos 500,000 ei1g08 | 1,111,898 40 |code Enforcement Tool Shed \coe, cos 50,000 50,000 414. |cetieorite Premium technology license for SAPD. 105, CO7 400,000 400,000 200,000 \senior Assistance Pilot Program for assist property owners and 12 [rors wih cost associated with code compliance issues, [PCO "00,000 0) laccelerates the ACS three year plan to response to all eitical aya 13 eee saing ta postions IMayor, cO2 4,218,783 1,060,220] 2,279,003 big Brothers/Big Sisters - Funding to maintain current level of 14 [consolidated funding (total funding $113,348). jeptncne 68.348 sss) od 45. |san Antonio Housing Trust Corpus. \cos, cos 250,000 250,000 Icommunity Engagement Discretionary fund ($50,000 per City 18 orice jco2, cba 500,000 500,000 Prepared by OMB. syzjeans 1:30PM City Council Requests Received for Potential Amendments to the FY 2024 Proposed Budget As of September 12, 2023 Satie tec em FY 2024 EMeeewsctd Fy 2025 Budget Impact |Any Baby Can - Funding to maintain current level of TT Anton nae lco1, co2 87,400 67,400 114,800 18 [Create an Air Service Incentive Fund, IMayor 600,000 600,000 19. Increase allocation to Dream Week to $175,000, IMayor 75,000 75,000 150,000 20 {One time allocation to address sidewalk obstructions citywide, |cD1 ‘500,000 500,000 21. [Permanent Construction Mitigation Grants. lot 500,000 500,000] 1,000,000 22 |Support San Antonio Book Festival Authors in School Program, |CO1 30,000 30,000 Update of Complete Streets Policy (Consultant and 23 |promeenig Secees) jco1 750,000 750,000 24 |Increased Liter Collection for Martinez Creek. loot TBD TaD |Add a 4th SACORE Team. (annual cost fs $2.3 milion pis 25 |¢175,000 for one-time oquisront ooo joo 2493335] 2:318,335 | 4,811,670 26 {Small Business Construction Grant Program. lcp2 TBD Teo [Reallocate one position fromthe Innovation Office to create a 27 |crime and Recidivism Prevention Grant Coordinator, jcoz 9 q [Expand Teen Court to Operate Year-Round and Increase 28 |espaty (ali two posters) lcoz 180,000 180,000 300,000 28. installation of a new mural above New Braunfels Street Bridge. [coz 50,000 50,000 so [Pest suppor fer Diabetes Continuum -Insuin Coste [og oe 100,000 24 [Senior & Disabled Veteran Home Repair and Rehabiltaton for Joy, 20000 280,000 Distt 3. {Construction Displacement Fund for District 3 specific small 32 [businesses impacted by City.initiated construction with a cos 180,000 150,000 [scheduled project duration of 12 months or longer. [Adcitional funding for City Owner-Occupied Rehabiltaton 33 |Program to rehabilitate substandard and non-code compliant |OD3 500,000 500,000 Jesidental properties (D3 specific) Prepared by OMB 2ofs s/r2pa003 130°M City Council Requests Received for Potential Amendments to the FY 2024 Proposed Budget As of September 12, 2023 ay Berg FY 2025 Peele as Pete et caer nss |Food Policy Council of San Antonio for Urban Farming Seed 34 eee riot tes, loos 60,000] 60,000 Homeless Relocation Assistance City Wide for houseless youth “| 35 Jand young adults between 18-24 years of all self-identified [D3 250,000 250,000 genders Funding for Diaper Changing stations District 3 Parks and 38 [community Gentes. ie 10,000 == [Food forest mainienarice through community partners and 37 |rnatching grant to increase tree canopy. [ees $00,000 soot IPurchase of one new van to transport older adults specific to Fe eee oreo othe iy ‘cos +25,000 428,000 |Funaing for Brooks Spay and Neuter Facility to service the 39 |citys Souther Sector to provide free spay and neuter lcs 4,000,000] 1,000,000} 2,000,000 jvouchers and free vaccination services. Increase Standup SA from 10 to 19 positions with focus on 10 eee Aeneas loos 488,330 595,350 | 1,083,680 lads funds to activate vacant lots to include creation of 44 [Community spaces and cretion of parks ($360,000 Tota), [°P> = 250000) |Westside Homestead Preservation Center to provide 42. [assistance to property owners/nouseholds in areas atrisk of [CDS 200,000 200,000 lgentriication and displacement ladaitional funds to purchase smoke detectors for the Fire 43 Department to equip residential homes. a 50,000 — = «4 [ban Faming Seed Funding for Food PoteyComotot San long ental 25000 645,000 lincrease funding for the Diez y Seis Commission for a total of 45 |ot00.000. loos 50,000 50,000 increase to City Council Print Budget - Increase by $50,000 48 loach District fora total of $68,150. co” smn) 00,0001}; 1,000,008 [Reallocates $175,000 from Lighting for Cricket Fields to 2 47 Custal Courts at Bonnie Connor Parks ($375,000 tot). [coe 200 00a) = |Reatiocates $176,000 from Lighting for Cricket Fields to a 48 |Mountain/BMX ike skils and pump track at Buddy Caulk Park |CO8 228,000 228,000 ($400,000 total. [Funding for Summer of Service which provides students 48 lopportunties for experiential learning to develop young leaders |CD8 0,000 0,000 hth global perspective to salve local problems lopportunity Home for Casiano homes efficiency upgrades and 50 Seer mintonance loos 500,000 500,000 Prepared by OMB aot, s/t2p2003 130M Requests Received for Potential Amendments to the FY 2024 Proposed Budget As of September 12, 2023 eon Sarton enn Geena mera eee 51. |Assistin Debt Payment for Child Safe lco9 00,000 500,000 52. |Funds Children's Rehabiltation Institute TeletonUSA. cos 00,000 500,000 53. |Phinarmonic Funding loos 400,000 400,000 4. [Putchase of 20 dectet readers for Code Compliance and |oyg an ae a IsaPo. 55 [Body Cams for ACS Dangerous Animal Response Team, __|cD8 TBD ep lextend Code Enforcement Hours to respond to late night code 55 |concenrs through overtime and scheduling jeoe = ioe 57 |100 Flashing Stop Signs in key accident locations. \coe 300,000 300,000 58. |Traffic Signal a Heimer and Gross Ganyon icoo 500,000 500,000 59. |Increase Big Brothers/Big Sisters to $275,000 lcs 225,000 225,000 increase Employee Student Loan monthly asistance to $76 lemployee holds @ Bachelor's and to $100 employee holds a 8° |craduate degree. For employees holding an Associate's |CO® Te * {degree the monthly assistance remains at $80. 61 |Moalister Park Lite League Improvements lcor0 300,000 300,000 62 |Morgan’s Wondertand Inclusion Foundation lcor0 4,000,000 41,000,000 63. |oistict 10 Street Maintenance for Urban Crest and Dotente, coro 720,000 720,000 [Funds Chidron's Rehabiitation institute TelotonUSA at the 64 requested amount submitted through the delegate agency _|co10 1,200,000 1,200,000 process, increase Neighborhood Accessibilty and Mobilty Program per © |counci District by $50,000 ($500,000 tot. jrere S00000 “ Prepared by OMB sofs s/o 1:30 4 City Council Requests Received for Potential Amendments to the FY 2024 Proposed Budget As of September 12, 2023 Sean ee ce en ae Increase City Counci Infrastructure funds in the Capital Budget je bs {$60,000 ($1.05 Mion tota, ‘co10 00,000 500,000 Total Expenditure Adjustments RE yee ee CPT Prepared by OMB sof 9/32/2023 130M = e * me 1 | Bea eo a | ore = S a ae he

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