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Review Report on Paper Sustainability-2570270

Exploring Self-Similarity and Iterative Algorithm Using Plant Growth

Urfa Gul Malik, Anand Paul and Choon-Wook Park

In this article, the authors claim that they introduce a novel statistical approach to plant simulation,
combining two powerful techniques, namely Iterated Function Systems (IFS) and Lindenmayer-
System (L-System), to achieve highly realistic and natural plant growth and structure simulations.
The theme of the paper is good but writing style and contents of the paper are well written. This
paper needs major improvements. The following are comments and suggestions:
Abstract: It should be reduced and write specifically what has been done in the paper?

Page 3: Provide some references at the end of the paragraph to justify and verify works.

Page 3, line 120-121: Delete “If you need further details or specific examples, please let me know!”.

Page 4, line 141: Delete heading “Organization of Paper”.

Page 5, line 198: “Mathematical Modeling of Self-Similarity in Plants” should be heading.

Line 196: It shift to after line 206.

Page 5, line 213: Figures of construction of Romanesco Broccoli should be provide.

Page 5, lines 225-231: No need to provide detail definitions of Translation, Scaling, Rotation,
Shearing. Just provide reference here since these are well known definitions.

Page 6, Figure 1 and its detail: Not understand, why authors have given Figure 1 and its
description from lines 241-249 between discussion on Bernsley’s fern.

Page 6, in third row: f2 --> f3

Page 6, Bernsley’s fern: It is given many books and research papers. Why authors have described
here in more details?

Page 9, lines 358-393: Why description is given? These things are already found literature. Write
only what are needed in this paper.

Page 10: Write mathematical expressions properly.

Page 11, line 462: Which (b)? Write full with number.

Page 11, lines 483-486: Write mathematical equations/expressions in math mode. Same to do in the
whole paper.

Page 13: What is new in detail provided on this page? Update things up to the end of the paper.

In Conclusion: It should be rewritten. Write clear and shorten it.

References: Add some recent references.

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