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Task #1: AP Psych Movie Analysis

Directions: While viewing the film of your choice (check out the list below the chart for some ideas), your task is to identify 10
psychological concepts that are referenced in the film. Complete the chart below as you spot the psychological concept and how it is
referenced / shown in the film.
My selected film was… High School Musical 2

# Psychological Concept: How it is referenced in the film:

Ego is referenced in the movie because Sharpay thinks she’s

1 Ego the best singer meaning better, than anyone else at East
High.Even though she isn’t.

Implicit memory is referenced in the movie when Gabriella and

2 Implicit Memory Troy go swimming because it’s something they are able to do
without thinking. Their body does it when they're in water.

Confirmation bias is referenced in the movie when Sharpay

3 Confirmation Bias constantly says that Gabriella and Troy want to steal the
spotlight at the show even after they said they didn’t want to.

Explicit memory is referenced when Troy is recalling the song

c Explicit Memory he had just learned on the final show. He knows the song but
he has to try to remember it.

Selective attention is referenced in the movie when there's a

lot of noise at the pool and Sharpay’s friends are talking to
5 Selective Attention
her but she is paying attention to Troy coming into the pool

Grit is referenced in the movie when Troy is constantly

6 Grit focusing on getting into U of A and becoming a professional
basketball player.

Self- efficacy is referenced when Sharpay says that she’ll sing

7 Self- efficacy the song Kelsey wrote better than Gabriella and Troy and that
she’ll win the showcase because of how good she is.

Divergent thinking is referenced in the movie when the kid in

8 Divergent thinking the golf class that’s being taught by Troy uses a golf club as a

Observational learning is referenced in the movie when Troy

hits the ball with the golf club in a certain way and it goes in,
9 Observational learning so the kid watching him does the same thing because he sees
that if he does the same as Troy, then his golf ball will go in

Id is referenced in the movie when Chad has the desire for

10 Id food since he was super hungry and eats the burger that was

Suggested Psychology Films:

- Inside Out
- 50 First Dates
- The Vow
- Charlie & The Chocolate Factory
- 2012
- Sex & The City (The Movie)
- Bird Box
- Jupiter Ascending
- Dolphin Tale
- Kung Fu Panda
- Back to the Future
- Freedom Writers
- The Patriot
- Life As We Know It
- A Beautiful Mind
- Inception
- Breakfast Club
- Mean Girls
- The Sixth Sense
- Blind Side
- The Notebook
- Save the Last Dance
- The Aviator
- The Pursuit of Happiness
- As Good As It Gets
- Curious Case of Benjamin Button
- Gone with the Wind
- Juno
- Anywhere but Here
- Perks of Being a Wallflower
- Any Marvel Movie
- Any DC Superhero Movie
- Any Star Wars Movie
- Any Disney Movie

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