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Topic: Many people say the gap between rich and poor people is
wider, as rich people become richer and poor people grow poorer.
What problems could this situation cause and what measures can be
done to address those problems?
SUB: the gap between rich and poor – wider
PEOPLE: the rich = the affluent = the wealthy = the upper income
The poor = the disadvantaged
QUESTIONS: problems (1)
Measures (2)
(1) lead-in: It is true that the gap/disparity between the wealthy and
the disadvantaged is widened/ has been widened, since the rich is
gaining more income while the poor are struggling more with their
financial situations. (2)This essay would analyze the consequences
(hệ quả) and propose several possible/feasible solutions/approaches
to tackle this global issue.

Adding more details

(1) In the contemporary world, income inequality has proven to be a
major obstacle for humanity in both developed and developing nations.
To deal with its negative ramifications, it is felt that some changes on tax
policies and government subsidies for low-income families should be
implemented. In this essay, an analysis of the consequent problems and
their suggested remedies will be made.
In conclusion, while the main issues of this income discrepancy result in
high crime rate and bigger gap between social classes, some viable
solutions could be taken into account including governmental stricter
policies as well as grants/subsidies.

In conclusion, While A and B are considered as the main/major

consequences of this phenomenon, C+D should be taken into account to
handle/tackle/solve/deal with this issue effectively. It is believed that all
nations have been supporting egalitarianism; however, it could be a long
time to see the belief turning into reality at least in the foreseeable
Although all countries in the world have been supporting egalitarianism,
I believe that this could take time/be time-consuming to turn into reality
at least in the foreseeable future.

Social problems arising due to income inequality
(1) directly correlates to growing discrepancy >< social classes
=>low-income individuals -are likely to/tend to/ might receive inferior
social welfare services
Ex: educational opportunities + career opportunities/prospects -upper
class -prestigious schools ><
Their counterparts – not given the same privilege
(2) power to manipulate to enact policies (taxes) -compromising other
classes’ interests
Admittedly, there are a number of social problems (which arise) arising
due to income inequality. First, it directly correlates to the growing
discrepancy between social classes, which means that the likelihood of
lower-income groups receiving inferior social welfare services will
ensue. Youthful upper-class members in India, for example, tend to
attend prestigious schools at an early age, thereby having better
educational opportunities and career prospects in the future, while their
lower-class counterparts are not given the same privileges. In addition,
possessing the majority of wealth, the rich have the power to manipulate
politicians to enact policies, especially taxes, compromising other social
classes’ interests. The media, in particular, has revealed many instances
of Vietnamese millionaires increase their accumulated wealth due to tax
cuts made by the government.

BODY 2: solutions
By +Ving
Noun phrase – facilitation

Nevertheless, some feasible solutions to the issue should be considered.

First, by imposing higher taxes on the upper-class, the government
would receive a substantial tax revenue not only to improve public
infrastructure and education but also to assist the less fortunate. This
would give those young students, who live under the poverty line,
equally good educational opportunities through scholarships and
philanthropic activities in remote areas. Facilitation and encouragement
of access to employment, moreover, would reduce the wealth gap. Since
the majority of low-income individuals are in the low-skilled workforce,
it necessitates conducting job-related training and education to boost
their productivity, which eventually improves their future earnings.

Impose/enact stricter laws/ enforce stricter laws on violating laws of

manipulating politicians
-act as a deterrent to prevent illegal activities
-> promote egalitarianism in the society
In conclusion, while the main issues of this income discrepancy result in
high crime rate and bigger gap between social classes, some viable
solutions could be taken into account including governmental stricter
policies as well as grants/subsidies. It is believed that all nations have
been supporting egalitarianism; however, it could be a long time to see
the belief turning into reality at least in the foreseeable future.
1. Income inequality: Bất bình đẳng thu nhập
2. Problems/issues /obstacles/Challenges: Khó khăn
3. Tax policies: Chính sách thuế
4. Government subsidies: Hỗ trợ từ chính phủ
5. Solutions = Remedies: Giải pháp
6. Should be implemented/carried out: Nên được tiến hành
7. Should be taken into account to (v) : Nên được cân nhắc để làm gì
8. Handle/tackle/solve/deal with (v): Giải quyết
9. High crime rate: Tỷ lệ tội phạm cao
10. Phenomenon: Hiện tượng
11. Have been supporting egalitarianism: đã và đang hỗ trợ một xã hội
công bằng, văn minh
12. take time (v)/ be time-consuming (a): mất thời gian
1. Income inequality (n.p) sự mất cân bằng về thu nhập
2. Growing discrepancy (n.p) Sự chênh lệch ngày càng tăng
3. Low-income individuals: những cá nhân thu nhập thấp
Likelihood of lower-income groups: Nhóm có khả năng thu nhập thấp
4. Inferior social welfare services: Nhận phúc lợi xã hội ít hơn
5. Thereby + V-ing: Bằng cách đó, do đó
6. Educational opportunities (n.p): cơ hội học tập
7. Career prospects/opportunities (n.p): triển vọng nghề nghiệp/cơ hội
việc làm
8. Compromise (v) thỏa hiệp
9. Manipulate (v) thao túng
10. Enact laws (v): ban hành luật
Enact stricter laws/enforce stricter laws on + V-ing:
11. Enforce the laws (v): Thắt chặt luật
12. Directly correlate to (v): Liên quan trực tiếp tới
13. Social problems arising (n.p): Những vấn đề xã hội nảy sinh
14. Impose higher taxes on the upper-class (v): Áp thuế cao lên người
15. Improve public infrastructure and education (v) Cải thiện giáo dục
và cơ sở hạ tầng công cộng
16. Facilitation (n) Sự hỗ trợ
Encourage/ facilitate/ assist/ support/ give an aid to (v): hỗ trợ
17. Low-skilled workforce (n.p) Lực lượng lao động không có kỹ năng
18. It necessitates + V-ing: Nó quan trọng/cần thiết để làm gì đó
19. Promote egalitarianism (v): Thúc đẩy xã hội công bằng văn minh
(chủ nghĩa quân bình)
20. Assist the less fortunate (v) hỗ trợ những người kém may mắn
21. Remote areas (n.p) Vùng sâu vùng xa
22. Boost the productivity (v) Đẩy năng suất lao động
23. Equally good educational opportunities (n.p): Cơ hội học tập tốt
tương đương
24. Receive a substantial tax revenue (v): Nhận được một khoảng thuế
25. Through scholarships and philanthropic activities: Thông qua học
bổng và hoạt động thiện nguyện
26. Boost/ enhance their earnings (v): Cải thiện thu nhập


- Passive voice
Present perfect tense (has been widened)
-complex sentence / compound sentence
Although S+V, S+V.
In spite of N/Ving, S+V.
While S+V, S+V.
S+V, since/as S+V.
Facilitation and encourangement of … would reduce …
I would analyze the negative ramifications => An analysis of the
negative ramifications would be made.
Rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ
By – Ving
What the government could implement is the proper tax policies.

2. Adding details
Time – In this day and age
In recent years/decades
Place – in the contemporary world / developed and underdeveloped
Adverb – effectively/ negatively / positively /poorly
Modify VERB
Not only A but also B
, which might affect A negatively /positively in the long term
, which eventually improves their physical and mental health
, which results in an improvement in the physical and mental health
, who live under the poverty line
Especially _ who (teenagers who…)

- Admittedly,
First and foremost,
More importantly,
For example,
The issue
Similar words
4. PEER + CC
Point + explanation + example + result + comparison (while/compared)
+ condition (Had it not been for …, it would have been destroyed…)
Not only …but also
Purpose – in order to / so as to


The pie charts show the main methods of transport of people travelling to one
university in 2004 and 2009.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.


OVERVIEW: trend(while) + level (although)

BODY 1: hai bieen lon nhat

Car _ bus

Bat dau -so lon nhat

In 2004, more than/over a half of students in this campus commuted/traveled to

school by car, which was the biggest figure reported and significantly higher/bigger
than the one for bus, at around a third/ precisely 33%. By 2009, while the former
witnessed a plunge of 23% (giam mat di 23%) to 28%, the latter soared/surged by 13%
(tang len them 13%) to 46%, which made this vehicle the most common/ leading.


Regarding other means of transports, in the beginning their figures /percentages

/proportions were remarkably lower at 9% for bicycle and 3% and 4% for train and
walking respectively. Over the next 5 years, the figure for bicycle witnessed/saw a 7%
increase while /whereas a minimal change/increase of around 1% to 2% was also
seen in the percentages of students using train and walking to school.



S+V While/whereas S+V.

A stood at 120 compared to/in comparison with 100 of B.

Although S_V, S+V.

Passive voice

The percentage of those using car witnessed a remarkable decline to nearly a quarter in the final year
while the figure for public transport increased dramatically to 33%.

= A remarkable decline was seen/ observed in the percentage of car users to nearly…, while …

(adj) + (n) -> a gradual decline

(v) + (adv) => declined gradually

So sanh nhat , which was the biggest figure reported

So sanh hon,

7% higher than
Double A

Three times bigger than

The former, the latter

Increase 7%

Witnessed a 7% increase

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