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Board of Directors Meeting

Friday, August 18th 2023
1:00-3:00 pm Meeting

Vision: All Coloradans are environmentally literate and make choices that support the health and well-
being of all life on our planet.
Mission: CAEE’s mission is to advance environmental education in Colorado by fostering collaboration,
mobilizing support, and driving excellence.
Values: Collaboration, Community, Equity and Inclusion, Leadership, Impact Oriented
Ways of Being: We are present. ~ We are imperfect. ~ We are transparent, empathetic
communicators. ~We actively engage and welcome meaningful participation. ~ We value process. ~ We
are better together.

Present: Katie, Rachel, Erika, Kathryn, Tim, Chris A., Susan B., Sherry, Maya, Liz, Susan T.

Presenter Presenter Action Ti

Welcome and Introductions
 Check in and Board Community Building: Erika Update 20
o How is everyone doing? Share personal or
professional update.
o Favorite Song
 Review ways of being
Approval of Board Minutes from last meeting Rachel Moved- 5
Susan B.
Second- Chris
All Pass

1536 Wynkoop St. #314

Denver, CO 80202
Ph. 303.273.9527
New Business & Discussion Items
-Katie has reached out to 5 different bookkeepers and is Katie -Maya moves
leaning towards Joan Hunter (charges hourly). Prices would to approve
double with her. $350 flat now (per month). $500 to 600 a amendment
month with Joan. to support
-Sherry has been involved in the process, seems like a good fit. additional
-We have reserve to support increase and will save us time. costs around
-Chris-Supportive bookkeeping.
-Rachel-Supportive/Do we need a vote? Yes -Sherry
-Liz- best to cover with a vote second.
-Maya-what is budget shift? Double cost. All pass.

 Strategic Planning Katie 25

o Member Involvement in Planning: 5 Questions
for the Annual Meeting
-How do we engage our members? Questions
for members at conference.
-Room reserved for feedback during lunch.
-Retreat to guide new things in Sept.
-Few meetings to go through ideas after retreat.
-Second retreat in 2024 for big questions to be
What to do around climate change?
How do we support org needs around members
(hiring, recruiting, retention)?
Advocacy goals?
How to support teachers?
Communications beyond our constituency?
Funding and fundraising?
-Jamboard to decide questions to ask members:
Will continue to evolve. Katie will distill down.

o Brainstorm: What are the most important things Katie Discuss 40

we can do in the next 5 years to advance Equity
and Inclusion?
Katie-2020- PointV strategies to put together plan. Have been
working through. 2021- training with PMBushman for
members and staff did coaching sessions.
Note- a lot of repetition between plans. Would like one plan
to keep track of and integrate these into strategic plan.

-2 groups to explore/answer questions: breakout.

-Any Q’s about strategic planning?
-Pull Q about belonging for conference

1536 Wynkoop St. #314

Denver, CO 80202
Ph. 303.273.9527
 Summer Committee Update: Fundraising Katie Discuss 5
-Overarching year plan
-Not doing much with acquire stage (not outside net)-
talked about strategies.
-What does end of year campaign look like?
Segmenting list of folks with different messaging.
-12% at individual giving.

 Next Meeting: September 15th 1-2pm, Virtual Erika Update

 Oct. 16th board retreat
Executive Session (If Time Allows) NA NA

1536 Wynkoop St. #314

Denver, CO 80202
Ph. 303.273.9527

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