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Jumie: Hi everyone, please come inside, welcome guys to our batch reunion of 2023-2024
Jumie: Amanah can you please prepare the venue for our batch reunion
Amanah: Oh, sure why not
Medina: Oh my gosh! I can’t wait to start our party, I am super excited I think this is gonna be
the best memory to keep
Jumie: I know right this party gonna be amazing and special
Jumie: Oh before I forgot thank you guys for coming I am so glad that we meet again after all
this years we got so busy of our works I hope guys, you enjoy the party and lets Celebrate our
Calimpon: Wow guys let’s get drunk all night lets party, come on guys let’s dance
Medina: I know let’s start the party the moon gets down
Rolen: hi beshy capcake im really sorry that I am late because I got a little problem at my home.
Jummie: what is your problem beshy capcake tell me so I can help.
Rolen: dahh! Don’t worry beshy capcake it just my sister arghh super annoying all the time.
Don’t worry lets just enjoy the party come on let’s dance.
Jummie: ohh, wait a minute besh thank you for coming besh into our batch reunion party, besh
you’ve change a lot besh this past few years you look so different you look amazing and
gorgeous at the same time.
Rolen: I know besh it’s my pleasure I would never miss this party, ohh my god because I came
here prepared because my confident and courage is my power and I use it to depend myself to
others rolen is my name and im not going down without a fight I am born to win I any games,
charizz. Let’s just dance beshy cupcakes.
Jumie: okay, okay. You talk a lot lets just start the party.
Jumie: okay everyone please take a sit before we start the party first of all thank you guys for
coming into our party batch reunion of 2023-2024 and now may I announce to you all the
professional jobs of our schoolmates and classmates the most successful of among all of us the
one and only my beshy cupcakes and our cum laude when were in college and the job that he
got right now is a fashion designer again the one and only please around of applause Rolen B.
Canedo and also our two lovers Vince and Amanah I want to thank both of you especially to
Amanah who arrange and organize it our venue thank for your help Amanah and also Amanah is
a famous decorator when it comes to her design its stunning and special, and last but not the
least our handsome and most kind person our Atty. The one and only Mr. John Berson
Calimpon: Jumie Lynne did you forgot me?
Jumie Lynne: ohh sorry about that Mr. Calimpon my mistake, the job of Mr. Calimpon is a civil
engineer and also this gentleman a CEO of his own company please around of applause Mr.
John Ford Torino
Jumie Lynne: and now let’s start the party just enjoy the night guys and feel at home.
John Ford: stop where do you think you’re going the party is not over yet!!!
Gabiola: ohh my mom just called me she need me at home, sorry
John Ford: you didn’t bring any phone of you just tell me the truth Gabiola, What is your
problem so I can help you.
Gabiola: okay fine im just scared and I am not belong to this party you got your own jobs and
congrats all of you and Im just a poor and no job.

John Ford: its okay to be not accomplish to your life is not your profession make you special in
life its your attitude and personality makes you amazing and that’s the most important thing of
a person don’t compare yourself to others just be yourself. and positive always and do what
makes you happy don’t waste any time of your life.

Gabiola: thanks for that wonderful words torino it feels amazing to hear that. I am not like all of
you, you treat me the same.

John Ford: come on let’s go inside maybe the others worried about us come on take my hand
and let’s dance inside.
Gabiola: okay let’s go
Berson: guy’s where were you don’t miss the party come on and go inside!
Jumie: ohh yeah where were you guy’s what’s wrong did something happen
John: no it just’s gabiola got offend because you didn’t announce her name
Jumie: oh im so sorry about that my mistake I hope you forgive me gabiola please accept my
Gabiola:that’s okay let’s just forget all off this happened let’s continue the party and let’s dance
and drunk all night woahhh party, party.

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