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States of Matter
Unit 3 Week 1

Well, hello there! I’m

Zach! I really love
science! I have been
learning about states
of matter and it is
really cool! I will tell
you all about it. Just
promise you will listen
Stop and Ask: Why does Zach want us to listen closely? 1
Unit 3 Week 1

There are three states of

matter: solid, liquid, and gas.
They all have their very own
characteristics that help us
know if something we find is
a solid, liquid, or gas! Your
teacher tells me that you
are trying to figure out
what state of matter
oobleck is. I hope I can help
you figure it out!
Stop and Ask: What are the three states of matter? 2
Unit 3 Week 1
It is really simple to tell if
something is a solid.
Something that is solid does
not change shape and does
not pour or fall apart. Solids
have their own shape and
do not change shape to fit
inside of a container, like
my blocks. Even when I put
them into my toy box, they
are still blocks!
Stop and Ask: Do our blocks change their shape when we
put them in the basket? 3
Unit 3 Week 1
Liquids are very cool. Liquids
change shape when you put
them into a container. They
are always the same shape
as the container they are in.
You can pour a liquid and it
will move very easily. My
water is a liquid. When it is
in the cup, it is the shape of
the cup. But when I pour it
into my mouth, it fills up my
mouth and takes it’s shape!
Unit 3 Week 1
Gas is the trickiest state of
matter because you can’t really
see it. The air we breathe is a
gas. The air inside a balloon is a
gas. Gas is all around us and it
moves really easily. When gases
move, we can feel them even
when we can’t see them. We can
also feel gases moving when we
breathe. When it is windy outside,
I can see the gases blow my
dog’s fur around. Isn’t Zoey cute
with the wind in her fur?
Stop and Ask: Who is Zoey? Why did Zach show a
picture of Zoey on this page? 5
Unit 3 Week 1

Well, now that you have

learned all about the three
states of matter, what do you
think oobleck is? Is it still
tricking you? That’s because
oobleck is called a non-
newtonian fluid. That is just
some big science word that
means that scientists have
decided that oobleck is kind of
a solid and kind of a liquid! It
has characteristics of both!
Stop and Ask: What are the characteristics of solids and liquids? 6

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