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1. Write the letter to match the parts of the sentences.

___ 1. They mustn’t a. has to call her mom when she finishes class.
___ 2. We don’t have b. forget to do their homework.
___ 3. I have to c. take a math test tomorrow.
___ 4. You must d. have to go to school on the weekend.
___ 5. Jennifer e. clean up the mess that you made.
___ 6. A teacher doesn’t f. sunscreen to protect your skin.
___ 7. You must wear g. to go to bed early tonight.

2. Look, read the prompts and complete the sentences using may, might or could.

1. She _____________________________________________________________________________.
2. We _____________________________________________________________________________.
3. It. ______________________________________________________________________________.
4. They ____________________________________________________________________________.

3. Write the numbers.

Amazing Earth Facts!

Tallest mountain: 8,848 m eight thousand eight hundred and forty eight meters

Highest clouds: 85,000 m _____________________________________________________________________________________

Circumference: 40,075 km _____________________________________________________________________________________
Deepest point of the ocean: 10,924 m ____________________________________________________________________________
Distance to Moon: 384,403 km _________________________________________________________________________________
Distance to Venus: 38,200,000 km ______________________________________________________________________________

4. Look at the tornado chasers’ plans for the following week and write sentences with going to or might.

Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun

Alexa - watch John and Alexa Alexa - give a John and Alexa John and Alexa Alexa- buy a John - get
the radar - chase a storm talk at a school - drive to a - give a new camera some rest
screens for ? ? weather presentation at ?
storms conference the conference

1. Alexa is going to watch the radar screens for storms on Monday.

2. _________________________________________________________________________________________________.
3. _________________________________________________________________________________________________.
4. _________________________________________________________________________________________________.
5. _________________________________________________________________________________________________.
6. _________________________________________________________________________________________________.
7. _________________________________________________________________________________________________.

5. Look and complete the rules using must, musn’t or don’t have to.

1. At school, you have listen and answer when your name is called
2. You _________________ talk when the teacher is talking.
3. You __________________ be silent at all times, but you shpuld listen when the teacher is talking.
4. You __________________ respect your classmates.
5. At the park, you _________________throw trash on the ground.
6. You ___________________wear a helmet when you ride a bike.
7. You ___________________buy a ballon or a snack at the park, but you can if you want.
3. Complete the sentences.

Everybody anything somebody everywhere nothing something

1. I invited my friends to a party, and they all said yes. __________________ is coming.
2. ______________________________is in that box. I can hear it!
3. I’ve looked ____________________and I still can’t find my cell phone!
4. There’s _________________________to worry about. You’ll be fine, I know it!
5. He doesn’t know______________________about computers.
6. _____________________has been in the living room. The TV is still on.

4. Report the commands.

1. Don’t talk on your cell phone. 4. Don’t run in the hallway!

2. Open the door, please. 5. Join hands!
3. can you sing, please? 6. Can you pick up the props, please?

1. The teacher told me not to talk on my cellphone.

2. She __________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________
6. ______________________________________________________

5. Read the article about Angela and write what she said.

Angela told us that her newest film was for children. She also said she played the role of a detective. The she explained that her
character solved mysteries for rich clients. Angela mentioned that the movie director was good at working with actors. Finally, she
said that she was taking her children to the movie!
1. She said __________________________________________________________.
2. _________________________________________________________________.
3. _________________________________________________________________.
4. _________________________________________________________________.
5. _________________________________________________________________.

6. Find 10 verbs that you find in all the test and write their meanings.

1.________________________________ 6.__________________________________
2.________________________________ 7.__________________________________
3.________________________________ 8.__________________________________
4.________________________________ 9.__________________________________
5.________________________________ 10._________________________________

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