Environmental Pollution: Sutapa Ghosal, Michael Chen, Jeff Wagner, Zhong-Min Wang, Stephen Wall

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Environmental Pollution 233 (2018) 1113e1124

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Environmental Pollution
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Molecular identification of polymers and anthropogenic particles

extracted from oceanic water and fish stomach e A Raman micro-
spectroscopy study*
Sutapa Ghosal*, Michael Chen, Jeff Wagner, Zhong-Min Wang, Stephen Wall
California Department of Public Health, Environmental Health Laboratory Branch, 850 Marina Bay Parkway, Richmond, CA 94804, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Pacific Ocean trawl samples, stomach contents of laboratory-raised fish as well as fish from the sub-
Received 20 March 2017 tropical gyres were analyzed by Raman micro-spectroscopy (RMS) to identify polymer residues and any
Received in revised form detectable persistent organic pollutants (POP). The goal was to access specific molecular information at
26 September 2017
the individual particle level in order to identify polymer debris in the natural environment. The iden-
Accepted 5 October 2017
tification process was aided by a laboratory generated automated fluorescence removal algorithm. Pacific
Available online 13 October 2017
Ocean trawl samples of plastic debris associated with fish collection sites were analyzed to determine the
types of polymers commonly present. Subsequently, stomach contents of fish from these locations were
Microplastic identification
analyzed for ingested polymer debris. Extraction of polymer debris from fish stomach using KOH versus
Microplastic extraction ultrapure water were evaluated to determine the optimal method of extraction. Pulsed ultrasonic
Raman micro-spectroscopy extraction in ultrapure water was determined to be the method of choice for extraction with minimal
Marine litter chemical intrusion. The Pacific Ocean trawl samples yielded primarily polyethylene (PE) and poly-
Fish stomach contents propylene (PP) particles >1 mm, PE being the most prevalent type. Additional microplastic residues
(1 mm - 10 mm) extracted by filtration, included a polystyrene (PS) particle in addition to PE and PP.
Flame retardant, deca-BDE was tentatively identified on some of the PP trawl particles. Polymer residues
were also extracted from the stomachs of Atlantic and Pacific Ocean fish. Two types of polymer related
debris were identified in the Atlantic Ocean fish: (1) polymer fragments and (2) fragments with com-
bined polymer and fatty acid signatures. In terms of polymer fragments, only PE and PP were detected in
the fish stomachs from both locations. A variety of particles were extracted from oceanic fish as potential
plastic pieces based on optical examination. However, subsequent RMS examination identified them as
various non-plastic fragments, highlighting the importance of chemical analysis in distinguishing be-
tween polymer and non-polymer residues.
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction effects of physical contamination as documented by wildlife

entanglement and smothering, plastic debris represent a source of
Plastic contamination of the environment and our food chain chemical contamination in the environment (Gall and Thompson,
represents an area of growing environmental concern (Teuten et al., 2015; Koelmans et al., 2016). Polymers can be a direct source of
2009). There is great urgency in understanding the extent and the chemical pollutants such as flame retardants and can concentrate
potential effects of this contamination (Arthur et al., 2008). For pollutants present in the environment through adsorption (Bakir
instance, plastic debris have been detected in broad regions of the et al., 2014a). Hence, chemical identification of the plastic debris
marine environment as well as in marine wildlife, as documented and any associated chemicals is necessary for understanding the
in several recent publications (Andrady, 2011; Eriksen et al., 2014; nature and potential effects of this contamination such as carci-
Cozar et al., 2014; Wright et al., 2013). Apart from the obvious nogenesis and endocrine disruption (Oehlmann et al., 2009;
Talsness et al., 2009).
Current approaches to polymer identification in environmental
This paper has been recommended for acceptance by Eddy Y. Zeng. samples involve sample collection and preparation followed by
* Corresponding author. identification of the sample composition (Rocha-Santos and Duarte,
E-mail address: sghosal@cdph.ca.gov (S. Ghosal).

0269-7491/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1114 S. Ghosal et al. / Environmental Pollution 233 (2018) 1113e1124

2015; Hidalgo-Ruz et al., 2012; Qiu et al., 2016; Vandermeersch particles from the North Pacific Ocean, and 4) fish guts from the
et al., 2015). Identification of polymer debris typically relies on one North Pacific and South Atlantic Oceans.
of the following methods e 1) visual inspection of the sample with Two sets of laboratory-based freshwater Japanese medaka
or without the aid of a microscope, 2) chemical identification of the (Oryzias latipes) were used to develop the extraction method e an
constituents using spectroscopic methods such as Raman micro- optimal procedure for the extraction of plastics from fish stomach.
spectroscopy (RMS) and/or Fourier transform infra-red spectros- The fish were obtained from a laboratory population at the School
copy (FTIR) (Song et al., 2015; Collard et al., 2015). Plastics debris in of Veterinary Medicine at University of California, Davis (UCD).
the marine environment are typically subject to biofouling and Care, maintenance, handling, and sampling of the fish followed
degradation which can alter the physical appearance of the poly- protocols that were in accordance with and approved by the UCD
mer surface significantly, thereby complicating the process of visual Animal Care and Use Committee. The fish were exposed to purified
identification. Spectroscopic identification offers insights into the casein fish diet mixed with several common microplastics - poly-
chemical nature of the particles, thereby minimizing potential vinyl chloride (PVC), polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), poly-
misidentification of polymers based on visual inspection alone. The styrene (PS), polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and a mixture of
measured chemical spectrum is typically a composite of all spec- anthropogenic fibers from laundry lint. While the concentration of
troscopically active ingredients including the polymer and any microplastics added to the diet was not specifically quantified, it
additional constituents. This is relevant since the associated was sufficiently higher than what is typically expected in the nat-
chemicals can be important sources of contamination in the marine ural environment to ensure intake by the fish and their subsequent
environment (Wardrop et al., 2016; Rochman et al., 2013). Spec- identification.
troscopic identification not only enables differentiation between Surface trawl samples from the North Pacific Ocean were
polymer and natural particles with identification of the exact examined for the presence of polymer debris in oceanic water
polymer type, but may also provide insight into the chemistry of (Gassel et al., 2013). The trawl samples were collected for a duration
any associated additives. of 1 h each in a 333 mm mesh net for two days in August 2009 and
In recent years, FTIR micro-spectroscopy has dominated the were stored frozen in large glass jars. In addition, gastrointestinal
spectroscopic identification of polymer debris and related items in (GI) tracts of oceanic lantern fish from the family Myctophidae were
the marine environment (Harrison et al., 2012). In contrast, Raman received from two different locations e South Atlantic Ocean and
micro-spectroscopy based assessment of marine polymer residues North Pacific Ocean. Six of these myctophid fishes were collected in
has been less extensive. RMS offers spatially resolved composi- NovembereDecember 2010 via manta trawl on a sailing trip led by
tional information at the micrometer scale, and is suitable for non- 5Gyres across the South Atlantic Ocean (Rochman et al., 2014).
invasive molecular identification/characterization of small plastic Another six myctophid fishes were from Project Kaisei, collected via
residues in the bio/marine environment (Lenz et al., 2015). It is manta trawl in August 2009 during a research cruise in the North
typically characterized by minimal interference from water, thus Pacific Ocean (Gassel et al., 2013). The average length and mass of
making it suitable for analyzing biological samples. In addition, the analyzed Pacific fish were 9.2 ± 0.5 cm and 7.5 ± 0.9 g,
RMS is a nondestructive technique requiring minimal sample respectively (mean and standard deviation). The average length
preparation. As such, we have used Raman micro-spectroscopy to and mass of the analyzed Atlantic fish were 9.3 ± 1.3 cm and
examine polymers and anthropogenically derived chemicals in 12 ± 3.9 g, respectively. Contents of the GI tracts were examined for
laboratory based fish and select samples from the marine the presence ingested polymers and any associated primary organic
environment. pollutants (POPs).
Raman spectroscopy of biological samples is often accompanied
by a broad auto-fluorescence background. This broad background is 2.2. Sample extraction from fish and oceanic particulate debris
typically of no quantitative interest and tends to overshadow the
less intense Raman peaks, thereby complicating the identification Initially, laboratory raised Japanese medaka gut samples were
process. Given the abundance of biological material in ocean received as two separate suspensions in e 1) deionized (DI) water
samples, the removal of intrinsic auto-fluorescence background and 2) 10% potassium hydroxide (KOH) solution. For these samples,
from individual spectrum was of major concern for the identifica- the entire GI tract was used for microplastic extraction. GI samples
tion of potential plastic residues. In this work, we have imple- suspended in DI water were analyzed either as an air-dried drop on
mented an automated algorithm to remove the fluorescence quartz slide or as particles filtered onto a 0.8 mm pore size poly-
background from RMS spectra to enhance Raman peak identifica- carbonate (PC) filter. The KOH suspended sample was neutralized
tions (Lieber and Mahadevan-Jansen, 2003). Extraction of polymer using 10% nitric acid (HNO3) solution prior to filtration onto a PC
debris from laboratory based fish is briefly examined here to filter, in order to prevent damage to the filter surface from the basic
demonstrate the optimal method of polymer extraction and the solution. The neutralized sample was subsequently filtered onto
acquisition of relevant RMS spectra. The extraction procedure is 0.8 mm pore-size PC filters for analyses. The polymer particles used
explored in further detail by Wagner et al. (2016). Subsequently, to spike the diet in this case were 200e2000 mm PET, PE, PP par-
marine debris and fish from the marine environment are examined ticles and 50e150 mm PVC particles. A second set of laboratory
to assess the applicability of RMS in the identification of plastic and medaka suspended in ultrapure water was processed using pulsed
associated debris in the marine environment. ultrasonic extraction (PUE) to remove ingested particles from the
stomach, which were then filtered onto 10 mm pore-size PC filters
2. Experimental for analysis (Wagner et al., 2016). The PUE extracted solution was
separated into three portions e top, middle and bottom e to
2.1. Samples identify any density related distribution of the extracted micro-
plastics in the water column. Each of the three portions was filtered
Four different types of sample were examined in this study to individually onto a PC filter. In this case, polymer particles of sizes
explore the application of Raman micro-spectroscopy in identifying 100e300 mm for PE, PS, PVC, PET and 400e800 mm for PP were
polymer debris in the marine environment. These included 1) used. The microplastic particles used to spike the diet were also
reference polymer particles added to the diet of laboratory based analyzed separately to determine their size and spectral identifi-
fish, 2) laboratory based fish exposed to microplastic diet, 3) trawl cation. The particles were mounted on double-sided adhesive
S. Ghosal et al. / Environmental Pollution 233 (2018) 1113e1124 1115

carbon tab on a standard SEM (Secondary Electron Microscope) Renishaw system, GRAMS WiRE software package (Galactic In-
stub for analysis. dustries Corp., 395 Main St., Salem, NH) was used for instrument
Two surface trawl samples from the North Pacific Ocean were control and data acquisition. The spectral resolution was ~2.5 cm 1.
analyzed for evidence of plastic contamination in the ocean. These On the Senterra Raman microscope, all spectra were recorded and
samples were extracted both as particles >1 mm using a 1 mm analyzed using OPUS 7.5 software (Opus Software Inc., San Rafael,
stainless steel sieve and as <1 mm fraction collected on 25 mm, CA) with a spectral resolution of ~3e5 cm 1. Wavelength calibra-
10 mm pore size PC filter. The manually extracted particles >1 mm tion was performed periodically using neon laser light. A silicon
were mounted onto seven SEM stubs with double-sided adhesive wafer spectrum was acquired on a daily basis as a quality control
carbon tabs for analysis. There were 2e5 particles per stub for a step to check and correct for minor wavelength offsets. Raman
total of 30 particles. The <1 mm filtered fraction was analyzed spectra of polymers used in the medaka feeding experiments were
directly on the PC filter for evidence of polymers. acquired as reference spectra for commercially available polymers.
Ocean-based lantern fish of the family Myctophidae were Raw spectra were processed to eliminate dark noise and con-
analyzed to assess the ingestion of polymer fragments by oceanic tributions from the spectrometer's optical parts. Each spectrum was
fish. The fish were sampled from two different locations in the baseline corrected using a laboratory built baseline correction
ocean. Gut samples were received individually frozen and were method (see below) and smoothed using a Savitzky-Golay filter. For
stored in the freezer prior to analysis. Each gut was dissected for spectral identification both a commercial and an in-house library
analysis using a clean stainless-steel scalpel blade and was visually were used. The spectral library searches were performed using an
screened under a stereozoom microscope for ingested polymer automated correlation based search algorithm (GRAMS/AI version
particles. Rigid particles >1 mm in size and resembling polymer 9.00 R2) in order to compare and determine similarities between
material were set aside in a clean glass Petri dish for further anal- the sample and the various library spectra. Within this algorithm
ysis. The dissected stomach was suspended in ultrapure water in a the quality of the spectral match is determined based on the value
clean glass vial for PUE procedure, which had been identified as the of the Hit Quality Index, wherein a value of 0 corresponds to a
method of choice for the extraction of particles from fish stomach perfect match. The final spectral identification was based on indi-
(Wagner et al., 2016). The PUE extracted stomach contents were vidual evaluation of each spectrum, wherein the sample spectrum
subsequently filtered through a 1 mm screen onto 10 mm PC filters, was identified as a polymer if it contained the characteristic bands
thereby screening for both >1 mm particles as well as 1 mme10 mm of the suspected polymer. The automated correlation values served
fraction. The manually extracted individual particles as well as the as an additional indicator. In addition to the polymer identification,
PUE extracted stomach contents were analyzed by RMS. In the case each spectrum was also analyzed for additional constituents e.g.
of 1 mme10 mm PUE fraction extracted on PC filter, a portion of the flame retardants.
filter (~1 mm2) was cut and mounted onto a SEM stub with double-
sided adhesive carbon tab for analysis. Additional details of sam- 2.5. Data analyses
pling and extraction methods pertaining to the fish and the trawl
samples analyzed in this study can be found in Wagner et al. (2016) As mentioned earlier, Raman spectra of samples associated with
Special precautions were taken to minimize potential airborne biological material are frequently accompanied by broad auto-
contamination of the samples. Filtrations as well as drying of fluorescence backgrounds which tend to complicate the identifi-
cleaned filtration equipment were performed in a cleanroom rated cation process. Zhao et al. have proposed an automated algorithm
at class 2k (less than 2000 particles > 0.5 mm per cubic foot), which to remove this broad fluorescence signal, so as to reveal any po-
was equipped with particle-free ventilation hoods with HEPA tential Raman peaks in the processed spectra (Zhao et al., 2007).
(high-efficiency particulate air) filtered air curtains. Glassware and The algorithm builds upon the modified multi-polynomial fitting
the filtration unit were cleaned in the clean room as well. The method (ModPoly) developed by Lieber et al., which iteratively fits
cleanroom was equipped with an optical particle counter (LasAir II, a polynomial function to a spectrum's fluorescence background and
Particle Measuring Systems) to monitor the airborne particulate thereby subtracts the auto-fluorescence signal (Lieber and
concentration and typically yielded no detectable airborne Mahadevan-Jansen, 2003). A slightly modified in-house MATLAB
particles > 0.5 mm per cubic foot. In addition, laboratory blanks GUI implementation of this automated algorithm for broad back-
were periodically analyzed for possible airborne contamination, ground subtraction was adapted in this study in order to remove
which was found to be negligible. the auto-fluorescence background and thereby expose any poten-
tial Raman peaks. In addition, the GUI implementation also
2.3. Optical microscopy included a smoothing option using a Savitzky-Golay filter to aid the
identification process. The source code for the procedure is avail-
A reflected-light stereozoom microscope (Leica S8APO) with able at https://github.com/michaelstchen/modPolyFit. Fig. 1a
digital CCD camera (Leica MC170 HD) was used for initial docu- shows the spectra of a manta trawl particle before and after MAT-
mentation of the samples prior to RMS analysis. Optical microscopy LAB GUI processing. Using the processed spectrum, the particle was
was conducted at 6.3X e 80X with a minimum resolution of 10 mm. identified as PP with additional peaks for phthalocyanine dye.

2.4. Confocal Raman micro-spectroscopy 3. Results

Raman spectroscopic measurements were performed using two 3.1. Extraction and identification of microplastics in laboratory
micro-Raman setups e 1) Renishaw inVia Raman microscope based Medaka fish
(Renishaw Plc., Old Town, Wottonunder-Edge, Gloucestershire,
U.K.), and 2) Senterra Dispersive Raman microscope (Bruker Optics Five polymers - PE, PS, PVC, PET, and PP ewere used as surrogate
Inc., Billerica, MA). Both instruments are equipped with near- microplastic particles to spike the diet of laboratory based medaka
infrared 785 nm diode lasers, which were used for these mea- fish. All five polymers have distinct spectral signatures (Fig. 1b)
surements. Samples were excited using 1e100 mW of laser light which were used to identify the microplastic residues. RMS spectra
focused onto the sample through a 20xe100x objective with signal of virgin microplastic particles and microplastic particle mixed
acquisition times of 10e60 s per measurement. In case of the with fish diet were found to be identical, thereby confirming the
1116 S. Ghosal et al. / Environmental Pollution 233 (2018) 1113e1124

was most likely from the lint material added to the food. Some of
the particles were identified as a mixture of cellulose and plasti-
cizer (Fig. 2f). The combined presence of cellulose and plasticizers
may be indicative of the release of plasticizers from the ingested
polymers adsorbing onto other contents in the fish gut.
A portion of the medaka gut suspended in DI water was also
filtered using a PC filter and the filter surface was analyzed for the
evidence of ingested microplastics. Compositions of the identified
particles on the filter were similar to that of the air-dried droplet
sample discussed above. PVC and PET were the only observed
microplastic in this medaka gut.
The contents of a medaka gut digested in 10% KOH solution were
analyzed for comparison. The KOH digestion process is expected to
remove a large portion of the biological residues, thereby making it
easier to extract the microplastic particles. For instance, cellulose is
expected to be digested by the KOH treatment and in fact no cel-
lulose material was detected in the KOH treated sample unlike the
water suspended gut sample discussed previously. Removal of most
of the biological residues through digestion is expected to make it
easier to identify the microplastic particles. Spectral analyses of the
digested and subsequently filtered gut contents revealed the
presence of PVC and PET particles, same as in the previous case.
However, exposure to 10% KOH solution appeared to generate a
significant amount of residual debris which impacted the overall
sample. For instance, Fig. 3aeb shows medaka gut extracted in
water versus 10% KOH solution. The medaka gut extracted in KOH
had attendant residual material which was not present in the water
extracted sample. Furthermore, to determine the impact of KOH on
the polymer particles, virgin PE particles exposed to water or to10%
KOH solution were examined. The particles exposed to 10% KOH
solution appeared degraded with residual material surrounding the
particles, implying possible dissolution of the microplastic surface
(Fig. 3ced). SEM/EDS (Scanning Electron Microscopy/Energy
Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy) analyses of microplastics exposed
to KOH treatments of medaka gut revealed fine particulate coatings
and strong potassium peaks (Wagner et al., 2016). Such modifica-
tion of the polymer surface residue is likely to interfere with the
detection of potential POPs on the polymer surface. For both the
medaka guts discussed so far, PVC was the most abundant micro-
plastic identified. It is possible that the predominance of PVC par-
ticles may be indicative of preferential ingestion of these particles
due to their relatively smaller size (50e150 mm) and brighter
appearance compared to the other microplastics (200e2000 mm
Fig. 1. RMS spectra of microplastic particles. (a) Spectrum of oceanic polymer particle sized PET, PE, PP particles).
before and after MATLAB GUI processing. The processed spectrum (black) identifies the The final medaka stomach underwent PUE extraction sus-
particle as PP (blue). (b) Processed spectrum of known microplastics showing their
pended in ultrapure water (Fig. 4aec). Overall, PE, PVC, PS and PET
unique spectral signatures. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure
legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.) were among the particles extracted from the processed fish stom-
ach. In this case, RMS identification of the particles was not
complicated by surface residues commonly observed with chemical
polymer identity of these particles even when mixed with fish food. extraction. Theoretical densities of the four detected plastics range
This validated the applicability of using the polymer spectra to from 0.9 to 1.4 g/cm3, therefore suggesting the possibility of density
screen for potential microplastics in fish diet. However, prior to separation of the of the different plastic types. However, attempted
identification, the presence of auto-fluorescence background due to density separation to distinguish between the extracted micro-
residual biomaterials on the particles had to be addressed using the plastics was overall inconclusive. This suggests that the relative
automated background subtraction procedure mentioned density of the extracted particles did not necessarily match the
previously. expected density of the virgin polymers. The presence of attendant
Fig. 2 presents RMS characterization of medaka fish gut contents residual material from the digestive tract on the extracted particles
suspended in DI water and analyzed as an air-dried droplet on a may help explain the attendant discrepancy. A total of 38 particles
quartz slide. Dispersed particles of varying sizes can be seen on an were analyzed, 21 of these were identified as microplastics. The
optical image of the prepared sample (Fig. 2a). RMS analyses and extracted microplastics were in the size range of 100e300 mm. In
subsequent molecular identification of representative particles contrast, PP particles which were larger in size (approximately
identified the presence of PVC and PET microplastics, which 400e800 mm), were not found in the gut. The remaining 17
represent only two of the overall plastic types added to the fish diet. analyzed particles were of non-plastic origin and were identified as
In addition to the microplastics, other identified particles included cellulose, hydroxyl apatite, aragonite, phosphates, silicates, and
plasticizers, cellulose as well as indigo fiber (jeans material) which carbonates, apparent components in the fish gut.
S. Ghosal et al. / Environmental Pollution 233 (2018) 1113e1124 1117

Fig. 2. RMS characterization of water suspended Medaka gut contents air-dried on a quartz slide. (a) Optical image of the glass substrate showing the distribution of particles.
(b)e(e) Processed RMS spectra and optical images of representative identified particles. (f) A multi-component particle showing the presence of cellulose and methyl ricinoleate.
Red and blue spectra correspond to the particle and library match, respectively. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web
version of this article.)

3.2. Characterization of particles from North Pacific Ocean manta aluminum telenate, and surface associated biofilms. Presence of
trawl samples biofilm on the polymer particles often resulted in a broad fluores-
cent band around 800-1800 cm 1 region, which overshadowed the
Two trawl samples collected by the Office of Environmental underlying polymer peaks. This is evident in Fig. 5b, where raw
Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) were screened for potential spectrum of a region of the particle with attendant biofilm is
polymer residues present in the ocean. One of the trawl samples characterized by a broad fluorescent band. This is in direct contrast
was manually extracted and the 30 extracted particles mounted on to the spectrum of the exposed polymer region, where the polymer
seven SEM stubs for RMS characterization. The particles ranged in peaks (PE) are evident. Overshadowed polymer peaks can usually
size from 1 to 5 mm (Fig. 5a) and were identified as 25 PE, 4 PP, 1 be resolved through background subtraction analysis described in
particle was a mixture of PE and PP. The identified polymer parti- detail previously.
cles often included additional ingredients which were identified as The second trawl sample was filtered through a 1 mm screen
iron oxide (red pigment), phthalocyanine dye, titanium dioxide, onto a 10 mm PC filter and the filter surface was screened for plastic
1118 S. Ghosal et al. / Environmental Pollution 233 (2018) 1113e1124

Fig. 3. Impact of KOH extraction. Extraction of Medaka gut in (a) water versus (b) 10% KOH solution. Polyethylene particles exposed to (c) water, (d) 10% KOH solution.

Fig. 4. Extraction of microplastics from Medaka stomach. (a) RMS characterization of particles from Medaka stomach extracted in water. Red and blue spectra correspond to the
particle and library match, respectively. (b) Different particle types identified in the Medaka stomach. (c) Polymer types identified among the three different filtrations of the
Medaka stomach used to examine the effect of polymer buoyancy. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this
S. Ghosal et al. / Environmental Pollution 233 (2018) 1113e1124 1119

Fig. 5. RMS identification of representative plastic particles in OEHHA Pacific Ocean trawl samples mounted on SEM stubs. (a) RMS spectra identifying various trawl particles. (b)
RMS spectra of a trawl particle with biofilm coating. Raw spectrum for the region containing the biofilm (red) does not show distinct polymer related peaks, which become evident
only after background subtraction (lower red spectrum). The polymer was identified as PE. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred
to the web version of this article.)

residues. Three pieces of polymers, PP, PE and PS in the size range of of these gut sample was received individually frozen in optimum
100e300 mm were identified on the filter. The remaining analyzed cutting temperature (OCT) media on cork substrate. Two separate
particles were identified as various composite minerals. sample preparations - manually extracted particles >1 mm and
One of the objectives of RMS analyses was to identify any evi- 1 mme10 mm sized particles filtered onto a PC filter - were
dence of POPs including flame retardants that were detectable on analyzed. For the six processed myctophid stomachs, a total of 103
the polymer surfaces. It should be noted that the surface concen- particles were selected for RMS analysis based on visual identifi-
tration of POPs on polymer particles are expected to be in the parts cation of the particles as potential polymer entities. Of these, three
per million range. Given the detection limit of RMS analysis is ~1%, particles were identified as distinct pieces of plastics in two of the
such low concentrations are not anticipated to be readily identifi- myctophid stomachs, BB13A and BB14A, as shown in Fig. 6. In case
able by RMS. However, for solid flame retardants such as deca- of myctophid BB13A, two particles on the PC filter were identified
brominated diphenyl ether (deca-BDE), heterogeneous distribu- as PP. The particles were approximately 30  5 mm2 and
tion of the chemical within the polymer often results in localized 25  10 mm2 in size and hence identified as microplastic. The two PP
concentrations which are greater than 1% and therefore detectable particles were from the top portion of the PUE filtrate and therefore
by RMS (Ghosal and Wagner, 2013). Inspection of some of the trawl in agreement with the expected buoyancy of PP. One of these
polymer particle spectra identified potential deca-BDE and anti- particles also contained phthalocyanine, a dye for blue color. For
mony trioxide related peaks, thereby suggesting the possible BB14A, a relatively long piece of PE fiber (13  0.2 mm2) was
presence of the flame retardant. However, deca-BDE related peak extracted directly from the dissected stomach prior to PUE pro-
intensities were not strong enough for a conclusive confirmation. cessing and filtration. The relatively long length of the fiber
appeared to have obstructed the fish stomach as it was virtually
3.3. Identification of potential polymer debris ingested by free of additional contents. The fiber also contained phthalocyanine
myctophid fish from subtropical gyres dye in agreement with its blue color.
Apart from the three distinct polymer particles described above,
A selection of six South Atlantic myctophid stomach contents six particles identified as co-adsorbed polymer and fatty acid res-
were analyzed for the evidence of polymer ingestion (Fig. 6). Each idues were also observed in the PUE filter samples. Identification of
1120 S. Ghosal et al. / Environmental Pollution 233 (2018) 1113e1124

Fig. 6. RMS characterization of particles from Atlantic Ocean Myctophid fish stomach. (a) Summary of Atlantic Ocean Myctophid stomach particle analyses. (b) Optical images and
processed spectra showing three particles identified in the Myctophid stomach as microplastics. Red and blue spectra correspond to the particle and library match, respectively. (For
interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

the Raman peaks of these composite particles is shown in Fig. 7a. PE.
The peaks pertaining to the fatty acid component were identified as Several of the extracted particles were anticipated to be of
oleic acid. RMS spectrum of one of these composite particles is polymer origin based on optical observations prior to RMS analysis.
compared to the spectrum of a PE particle from the oceanic trawl However, subsequent RMS examination of these particles identified
sample, as shown in Fig. 7b. The presence of PE in the composite them as non-polymer entities; respective spectral matching iden-
particle is confirmed by the spectral match with the trawl PE par- tified their actual composition as shown in Fig. 8. This underscores
ticle. Additional peaks in the composite particle spectrum were the difficulty of attempting to identify polymers especially micro-
identified as oleic acid and the substrate background (carbon). As plastics by optical observations alone, which is often responsible for
such, these particles appeared to be a composite of fatty acids the misidentification of biogenic particles as polymers. Further-
derived from lipid content in fish stomach and ingested polymer more, spectral identification often provides information about
residues. This observation is consistent with reports that identify additional ingredients which may be of interest. For instance, one of
stomach oils as organic solvents solubilizing ingested polymer the particles extracted from BB27B was identified as a composite of
particles and associated chemicals, thereby enhancing their hydroxyl apatite and propylene glycol ricinoleate, which is a
bioavailability (Tanaka et al., 2013, 2015; Kershaw, 2015). These commercially used skin-conditioning agent. This was also observed
composite particles were detected in three myctophid stomachs - in the case of laboratory based medaka fish which contained par-
four in BB27B, one in BB13A and one in BB18A. The polymer ticles with plasticizer signatures.
component of majority of these particles was identified as PS, In addition to the six South Atlantic myctophids, six North Pa-
except for two particles in BB27B, which were identified as partially cific myctophid fishes were analyzed as well. In this case, each gut
S. Ghosal et al. / Environmental Pollution 233 (2018) 1113e1124 1121

Fig. 7. Characterization of composite microplastic/fatty acid particles. (a) Spectral identification of the microplastic and specific fatty acid in two of the composite particles. Red and
blue spectra correspond to the particle and library match, respectively. (b) RMS spectra comparing a PE particle from OEHHA trawl sample and a composite particle from BB27B
Myctophid stomach along with the substrate background. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

sample was received individually frozen and packaged inside 4. Discussion

aluminum foil, OCT media was not used. In some cases, the
aluminum foil in which the fish gut was frozen was damaged, The work presented here focused primarily on the extraction
resulting in micron scale aluminum foil debris in the fish stomach, and Raman micro-spectroscopy based identification of polymer
which were readily identifiable and as such were not considered for residues in ocean water and fish stomach. The extraction of poly-
results reporting. Each sample was treated to the same polymer mers from laboratory based fish stomach was evaluated for water
extraction procedure as described for the South Atlantic mycto- and KOH based suspensions as part of method development. Water
phids. The PUE filter samples for the North Pacific Ocean fish were based PUE extraction was demonstrated to be an effective method
analyzed less extensively compared to the South Atlantic Ocean for the extraction of plastic residues from fish stomachs (Wagner
samples. The polymer particles identified in this case were in the et al., 2016). Stomach sizes of the fish examined in this study
millimeter size range and were manually extracted directly from ranged from 2.5 cm (laboratory based medaka) to 9.3 ± 1.3 cm
the Pacific Ocean myctophid stomach during dissection, prior to (oceanic myctophid fish). They were of a reasonable size for water
PUE filtration. Fig. 9 shows the polymer pieces identified in samples based PUE extraction. Larger fish species with typically larger
M080 which contained a PE particle and in M143 which had two stomach and therefore greater quantities of biomass and lipids in
particles, PE and PP. In addition, several non-polymer particles the stomach, often require the stomach contents to be divided into
were identified on the PUE filter samples as well. multiple portions for PUE based extraction. Additionally, PUE is
often conducted for a longer time period to optimize the extraction/
1122 S. Ghosal et al. / Environmental Pollution 233 (2018) 1113e1124

Fig. 8. RMS identification of non-microplastic particles in fish stomach. Red and blue spectra correspond to the particle and library match, respectively. (For interpretation of the
references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

filtration process. laboratory based medaka stomach suggest the intake of micro-
One of the anticipated impacts of plastic ingestion is expected to plastic <300 mm in size by the fish. There are studies which indicate
be the exposure to POPs that are believed to preferentially adsorb visual awareness of particles and often a distinctly preferred
on the polymer surfaces (Koelmans et al., 2016; Bakir et al., 2014a,  et al., 2015; Ory et al.,
ingestion of certain particles by the fish (de Sa
2014b, 2012; Chua et al., 2014). However, there have also been 2017). However, in this case given that the size distribution of the
studies that consider the impact of POPs to be minimal due to a ingested polymer particles was not the focus of the study, this
proposed cleaning mechanism that counteracts their bio- observation was not explored in any detail in the experiments.
magnification (Koelmans et al., 2013). In any case, typical the con- Examination of manta trawl samples from the North Pacific
centration of POPs on plastic debris are expected to be in the sub Ocean identified PE and PP as the predominant plastic debris,
ng g 1 to mg g 1 range (Teuten et al., 2009). Given the detection which is consistent with the findings in other studies (Cozar et al.,
limit of RMS analysis (~1%), most surface adsorbed POPs if present 2014; Hidalgo-Ruz et al., 2012). The densities of virgin PE and PP are
are not expected to be readily identifiable by RMS in this concen- typically 0.94 and 0.85 gm/cm3, respectively, hence less than that of
tration range. However, to ensure the retention of any potential POP water (1 gm/cm3). As such, they are expected to be buoyant in the
signatures for possible detection by an applicable technique, it is ocean. This is in agreement with the collection location of the
necessary to preserve the integrity of the sample by using a mini- manta trawl samples, which gathered particles floating near the
mally invasive extraction procedure for the ingested microplastics. ocean surface. Also, as discussed earlier, polymer debris are ex-
As such, water based PUE extraction was identified as the method pected to be potential carriers of POPs in the marine environment.
of choice. KOH based extraction led to modification of the extracted The tentative identification of deca-BDE and antimony trioxide on
polymer surface, as such enabling the potential loss of any surface some of the trawl polymer particles appear to support this view.
POPs. The presence of plasticizers identified on some of the parti- However, as stated earlier, the detection of POPs on oceanic poly-
cles, extracted from the laboratory based medaka stomach in water, mer residues by RMS is challenging based on their typical
are likely indicative of plasticizers that were released from the concentrations.
ingested plastics and/or laundry lint adsorbing onto other contents Two types of plastic residues were observed in the stomachs of
in the fish gut. Hence, these plasticizers represent a form of poly- some South Atlantic Ocean fish, which were analyzed more
mer related residue that the fish are exposed to as a result of plastic extensively compared to the North Pacific myctophids examined in
contamination. this study. These included 1) polymer particles and 2) composite
The observed size range of polymer particles extracted from the particles with mixture of polymer and fatty acid residues. Presence
S. Ghosal et al. / Environmental Pollution 233 (2018) 1113e1124 1123

Fig. 9. RMS characterization of particles from Pacific Ocean Myctophid fish stomach. (a) Summary of analyzed Pacific Ocean Myctophid stomach particle. (b) Optical images and
processed spectra showing three particles identified in the Myctophid stomach as microplastics. Red and blue spectra correspond to the particle and library match, respectively. (For
interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

of the composite particles may indicate digestive processing of with the work done by Kappler et al., where they show significant
consumed plastic fragments whereby the stomach oils serve as underestimation of microplastics identified by FTIR imaging
organic solvents solubilizing some of the ingested polymer debris compared to Raman imaging, especially in the size range <20 mm
over time and thereby leading to the formation of these composite (Kappler et al., 2016). In fact, they were able to identify particles as
particles. Tanaka et al. have reported the presence of similar plastic- small as 5 mm using Raman imaging. However, Cincinelli et al.
derived chemicals in tissues of seabirds ingesting marine plastics report the identification of significantly smaller microplastics
(Tanaka et al., 2013, 2015). As such, this may indicate a potential compared to 600 mm, by FTIR (Cincinelli et al., 2017). In addition,
pathway for the incorporation of ingredients associated with the the automated RMS data processing algorithm employed in this
polymer into fish tissue. work greatly reduced the potentially negative effects of biomass
One of the major advantages of RMS analysis is the ability to fluorescence associated with RMS. However, the time required for
potentially differentiate between polymer and non-polymer ag- individual RMS analysis (~1 min) is typically longer compared to
gregates. This is particularly relevant in terms of estimating the FTIR (Kappler et al., 2016).
amount of polymer intake by the fish. As this analysis shows, a
number of particles visually identified as polymers were deter-
mined to be non-polymeric residues by RMS analysis (Fig. 8). Some 5. Conclusion
of the polymer particles identified in oceanic fish were <50 mm in
dimension. This indicates the detection of smaller microplastic Water based isolation and subsequent screening of resultant
particles by RMS in this study compared to those identified by particles by Raman micro-spectroscopy identified polymer con-
Wagner et al. using FTIR, in which case 600 mm was the smallest taminants in ocean water and representative fish stomach. The
microplastic identified (Wagner et al., 2016). This is in agreement chemical differentiation between polymers versus non-polymer
ingredients accessible through RMS identification highlighted the
1124 S. Ghosal et al. / Environmental Pollution 233 (2018) 1113e1124

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