Template - Jurnal - Studi - Pemuda (2020)

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The Title of Article

The title of article title is sought to attract the attention of the reader and represent the

Name of Authors
Followed by name of institution and email

Abstract consist of 100-200 words with using both Bahasa Indonesia and English
Abstract should include:
1. Brief background and main idea containing novelty (either the differences between
this research and the previous research or the differences between the main
ideas/formulations of the submitted thesis and an established thesis)
2. The research method is outlined especially the research objectives / ideas.
3. Finding
4. Result

Minimal mencantumkan 3-5 keywords. Keywords represent specifically to ‘topic, theory and
concept from the ideas’. Keywords are written in both Bahasa Indonesia and English.

Preface should contain, at least:

1. Phenomena description
2. Research Questions related to phenomena
3. Literature review
● Main ideas from previous studies that are relevant to the formulation

● Standing point of authors based on argument of previous studies.

4. Thesis statement

Thesis statement is as tentative answer of proposed questions based on results review of

previous studies. This is the important part which act as foundation and
focus of the thesis.

Framework of Theory / Concepts / Ideas

In this section author should explain the relevant theory or concept with phenomena or topic
that will be discussed. A theoretical framework is not mandatory in the literature study.

Research Method
This section describe the used research method, collecting data techniques,, interviewees
category, and data validation.

Finding and Analysis

In this section at least explain: a general description of the findings, an analysis of the findings
using a theoretical / conceptual framework as .

The title structure of finding and analysis should be made thematically.

In this section describe the significant theoretical/written synthesis/theoretical
construction/concept based on data field (not a summary of writing).

Name of Authors
Followed by institution

The Title

The title of article title is sought to attract the attention of the reader and
represent the contents


Containing general description of submitted issue. In Essay, the submitted issue focus on
specific issue using popular language.

Containing the main argument/analysis of submitted issue

Retelling the important ideas that were built in the contents section.

Using ASA style (American Sociological Association).

Name of Authors


The title of article title is sought to attract the attention of the reader and represent the
The title is not same as the title of the book being reviewed.

Book Description

Contains of book title, author, publisher, year of publication of book, No. ISBN, and book

Book description is placed next to the book cover.


Explaining about content of book, but did not retell the book.

Advantages and Weakness of Book

Discussing about both the advantages and weakness of submitted book. It can contain
criticism, comment, or suggestion.

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