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Composites Part B 112 (2017) 213e223

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Immobilization of hexavalent chromium by fly ash-based

c a, *, Miroslav Komljenovi
Violeta Nikoli c a, Natasa D
c a, Tijana Ivanovi
c a,
Zoran Miladinovi cb
Institute for Multidisciplinary Research, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Institute of General and Physical Chemistry, Belgrade, Serbia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this paper the immobilization of hexavalent chromium (Cr (VI)) by fly ash (FA)-based geopolymers was
Received 28 June 2016 investigated, depending on FA characteristics, mechanical activation of FA, geopolymer synthesis con-
Received in revised form ditions and concentration of Cr added. The effectiveness of Cr immobilization was determined via
18 November 2016
investigation of geopolymer compressive strength and Cr leaching. Structural changes of geopolymers
Accepted 4 December 2016
Available online 19 December 2016
during the Cr immobilization were assessed by means of gas adsorption, XRD, and NMR analysis. FA
reactivity was a key factor determining both physical-mechanical and immobilizing properties of geo-
polymers. Mechanical activation of FA caused an increase of both geopolymer strength and effectiveness
Mechanical properties
of Cr immobilization. The presence of Cr induced physical-mechanical and structural changes in geo-
Physical properties polymers. The correlation between concentration of Cr leached and geopolymer physical-mechanical and
Environmental degradation structural parameters was established.
Powder processing © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction process of toxic and radioactive elements [3,11]. Significant number

of publications indicates the possibility of effective immobilization
Geopolymers are formed as a product of alkali activation of of toxic elements by geopolymers [12]. Immobilization of Cr (VI) is
aluminosilicate materials, including fly ash (FA) from thermal po- of particular significance because of its extreme toxicity and car-
wer plants [1]. Geopolymer properties depend largely on FA char- cinogenicity. However, Cr (VI) immobilization by geopolymers
acteristics (chemical composition, content of glassy phase, amount seems to be difficult [13,14].
of soluble silicon and aluminum, particle size distribution, and Previous investigations showed that mechanical activation of FA
presence of inert particles) [2,3]. It is well known that coarser FA positively influenced the effectiveness of Pb immobilization by
particles represent less reactive material in the process of geo- geopolymers [15]. However, to the best of our knowledge, there are
polymer synthesis [4]. Mechanical activation of FA in high energy no data regarding the influence of mechanical activation of FA on
mills positively affects the particle size distribution of FA, improves the effectiveness of the Cr (VI) immobilization by geopolymers.
FA reactivity, and accordingly geopolymer properties [5]. Geo- Therefore, the aim of this research was to investigate the influence
polymer properties are also significantly influenced by the syn- of FA characteristics, mechanical activation of FA, and geopolymer
thesis conditions (curing temperature and time, and relative synthesis conditions on the effectiveness of Cr (VI) immobilization
humidity) [6e9]. Elevated curing temperature accelerates process by FA-based geopolymers.
of alkali activation, while at lower temperatures curing time plays
more important role [10].
Geopolymers are generally referred to as an alternative to 2. Experiment design
Portland cement binders. Due to their three-dimensional zeolite-
like structure, geopolymers can also be used in the immobilization The process of Cr immobilization was investigated in two

* Corresponding author. University of Belgrade, Institute for Multidiciplinary

1) Investigation of the influence of physical-mechanical charac-
Research, Kneza Viseslava 1, 11 030 Belgrade, Serbia. teristics of FA and mechanical activation of FA on the effective-
E-mail address: (V. Nikoli
c). ness of Cr immobilization by geopolymers,
1359-8368/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
214 V. Nikolic et al. / Composites Part B 112 (2017) 213e223

2) Investigation of the influence of geopolymers synthesis condi- 196-1). Water was added in the amount required to obtain equal
tions on the effectiveness of Cr immobilization by geopolymers. consistency (mortar flow measured on a flow table was
125 ± 5 mm). Mortar prisms of standard dimensions (40 х 40 х
160 mm) were prepared of FA and standard sand in the 1: 3 mass
2.1. Materials ratio on a vibrating table.
Pre-calculated amount of potassium chromate was completely
In this investigation, FA samples from two coal thermal power dissolved in the amount of distilled water required to achieve
plants (PP) were used as the initial materials: appropriate consistency. The order of geopolymers preparation was
as follows: first activator was added to FA, then potassium chro-
1 FA “Morava”, PP Morava, Svilajnac (denoted as FA M) mate solution, and finally sand. The content of Cr accounting for the
2 FA “Kolubara”, PP Kolubara, Veliki Crljani (denoted as FA K) total mass of FA was 0.0%; 0.5%; 1.0% and 2.0%.
Optimal water/binder ratio (water represents the total amount
A solution of sodium silicate was used as an alkali activator of water in the system including water from the activator, while
(”Galenika-Magmasil”; 13.60% Na2O, 26.25% SiO2). The initial so- binder represents the total FA mass and solid part of the activator)
dium silicate modulus n (SiO2/Na2O mass ratio) of 1.93 was further was established in previous investigations: in the case of mortar
adjusted by adding NaOH (“Sigma Aldrich”, p.a. min 98%). Potas- based on the initial FA M and FA K water/binder ratio was 0.46 and
sium chromate (K2CrO4 p.a., “Merck”) was used as a source of 0.61, respectively [10], while for the mortar based on MFA K it was
chromium. Concentrated 65 mass% HNO3 (p.a. “Superlab”) was 0.38 [15].
used to stabilize the solution after leaching and filtration. The influence of FA characteristics and mechanical activation of
Chemical composition, fineness, and glassy phase content of the FA on the Cr immobilization was investigated on geopolymers
initial FA samples are given in Table 1 [10]. based on the initial FA M and FA K (denoted as G-M and G-K), and
Previous investigations showed better reactivity of FA M in the on geopolymers based on MFA K (denoted as G-MK). On the other
alkali activation reaction in comparison to FA K due to the presence hand, the influence of geopolymer synthesis conditions on the Cr
of higher amount of soluble aluminum in alkaline environment that immobilization was investigated on geopolymers based on more
produced geopolymers with higher strength [10]. In order to reactive initial FA M (G-M).
improve FA reactivity, the less reactive FA K was mechanically For the investigation of the influence of FA characteristics on the
activated. Cr immobilization, geopolymers based on G-M, G-K and G-MK
were synthesized at room temperature (20  C) in a humid chamber
(90 ± 5% rel. hum.) for 24 h and 28 days. For the investigation of the
Table 1
influence of geopolymer synthesis conditions on Cr immobilization,
FA chemical composition, fineness and glassy phase content (mass %) [10].
geopolymers based on G-M were synthesized at elevated temper-
Component FA M FA K ature (24 h at 55  C, 4 h at 95  C, and 24 h at 95  C). The preparation
SiO2 55.23 62.13 of geopolymer paste samples was performed in a similar manner to
Al2O3 21.43 17.20 the preparation of mortars. Pastes were prepared by mixing the FA
Fe2O3 7.42 5.95
or MFA, alkali activator and water, and potassium chromate solu-
CaO 7.94 5.67
MgO 2.61 2.00 tion in the case of geopolymers with Cr added. Pastes were poured
SO3 0.81 0.67 into plastic moulds on a vibrating table and synthesized under the
Na2O 0.64 0.58 same conditions as corresponding mortars. After curing, pastes
K2O 1.35 1.04 were crushed and passed through a 4 mm sieve (for leaching
Loss on ignition at 1000  С 1.66 2.88
testing). For other tests, pastes were additionally pulverized in
Total 99.09 98.12
isopropyl alcohol for 1 h in order to stop further reaction, filtered,
Classification according to class class
rinsed with acetone, and dried at 50  C for 2 h.
ASTM C 618-03 F F

Particle size > 63 mm 23.30 42.65 2.4. Methods of characterization

Particle size 43e63 mm 8.05 5.30
Particle size < 43 mm 68.65 52.05
Determination of compressive strength of geopolymer mortars,
Glassy phase content 48 38 as the mean value obtained from the six samples, was performed
according to SRPS EN 196-1 standard [16] using the CONTROLS
ADVANTEST 9 device.
2.2. Mechanical activation of FA Testing of Cr leaching from FA samples and geopolymers was
performed according to standard procedure SRPS EN 12457-2 [17].
Mechanical activation of FA K was carried out in a planetary ball Standard SRPS EN 12457-2 prescribes the use of deionized water as
mill (FRITSCH Pulverisette, Germany) under air atmosphere for leachant at a liquid to solid (L/S) ratio of 10 L/kg for materials with
15 min [5]. Mass ratio FA to steel balls was 1: 20, while the rotation particle size below 4 mm, for 24 h. During the experiment, 20 g of
speed was 380 rpm. Hereinafter, mechanically activated FA K will samples (dry mass) was mixed with 200 ml of deionized water.
be referred to as MFA K. After 24 h of leaching the samples were vacuum filtered through a
membrane filter of 0.45 mm. The eluates were acidified with 65
2.3. Synthesis of geopolymers mass% HNO3 to the value of pH < 2. The inductively coupled plasma
optical emission spectrometer (ICPeOES, SpectroeGenesis EOP II,
Previous investigations showed that geopolymer with optimal Spectro Analytical Instruments GmbH) was used to determine the
physical-mechanical characteristics can be obtained by using so- concentration of Cr in eluates. The effectiveness of Cr immobiliza-
dium silicate with modulus 1.5 as alkali activator, whereby optimal tion was calculated in relation to the total concentration of Cr
activator concentration is 10 mass% of Na2O with respect to the FA added.
mass [4]. Geopolymer mortars were prepared by mixing FA or MFA The specific surface area of geopolymers was calculated accord-
with alkali activator and water, and then with standard sand (EN ing to the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) method, from the linear
V. Nikolic et al. / Composites Part B 112 (2017) 213e223 215

branch of the adsorption isotherm of gaseous nitrogen at tempera- stabilized materials can be considers as satisfactory if it has a
ture of liquid nitrogen, using the Micromeritics ASAP 2020 instru- compressive strength of at least 0.35 N/mm2 [24e26]. Based on the
ment. Samples were degassed at 105  C for 10 h under reduced results of compressive strength testing (Table 3) it can be noticed
pressure (vacuum). The mesopore volume was calculated according that all investigated samples, regardless of the FA characteristics,
to the Barrett-Joyner-Halenda (BJH) method from the desorption showed the compressive strength markedly above the recom-
branch of isotherm. Mineralogical characterization of geopolymers mended value.
was conducted using X-ray powder diffractometer type Ital Struc- After 28 days of curing at 20  C, the compressive strength of G-M
tures APD 2000 (CuKa radiation). The diffraction patterns were was almost three times higher than the compressive strength of G-
recorded within 5e60 2q range, with a step of 0.05 and time per K. The main reason for this is higher reactivity of FA M [10]. Also,
step of 1 s. For the identification of crystalline phases, the geopolymers based on G-MK showed remarkably higher strength
“PCPDFWIN” software (based on JCPDS-ICDD database) was used. in comparison to the strength of G-M and G-K. This is the conse-
Si MAS NMR spectra of geopolymers were obtained at Larmor quence of improved reactivity of MFA K induced by mechanical
frequency of 79.49 MHz using Bruker MSL 400 system, Apollo activation [5].
console upgraded (Tecmag). Chemical shifts d(29Si) were externally It was found previously that the increase in the curing tem-
referenced to 2,2-dimethyl-2-silapentane-5-sulfonate (DSS) stan- perature and time leads to the increase in geopolymer strength
dard. Gaussian peak deconvolution of the obtained spectra was [10]. Furthermore, the compressive strength of geopolymer after
performed using DMFIT application [18], by employing common 24 h at 95  C was more or less similar to the compressive strength
routine for analyzing peak distribution. Prior to 29Si MAS NMR of geopolymer after 28 days at 20  C.
analysis, iron content in the geopolymer samples was minimized by The addition of smaller concentrations of Cr (0.5e1.0%) caused
exposing the samples to a strong magnetic field [2,19]. minor changes in geopolymer strength (increase or decrease up to
Determination of compressive strength was performed on geo- 5%), while the addition of 2% of Cr caused more evident decrease in
polymer mortars, while all other tests and characterization of geo- geopolymer strength (5e14%), regardless of the synthesis condi-
polymers were performed on geopolymer pastes. Further in text tions and FA characteristics. Minor increase in geopolymer strength
solely the term geopolymer is used, regardless of the sample type. due to the addition of 0.5% of Cr was also noticed earlier [14].
However, such increase was observed during this investigation only
3. Results and discussion after shorter curing time (24 h), and it was not observable after
longer curing time (28 days) at room temperature. It is obvious that
3.1. Cr leaching from FAs added Cr (VI) had negative influence on the geopolymer strength in
later stages of the reaction probably by creating some defects in the
FA originally contains a certain amount of Cr (“native” Cr). Some geopolymer structure-due to its anionic nature and inability to
authors reported that the amount of hexavalent Cr in the total effectively incorporate into the geopolymer gel. This phenomenon
content of Cr in FA is less than 5%, while significantly higher amount was more pronounced at elevated temperature (55  C or 95  C). The
of Cr is present in trivalent state within the aluminosilicate glass reason for more distinctive strength decrease at elevated temper-
[20] or within the ferrite spinel [21]. The concentration of Cr atures probably lies in the fact that the reaction takes place more
leached from the initial FAs and MFA K was analyzed according to quickly at elevated temperature, and therefore the likelihood of the
SRPS EN 12457-2 [17]. formation of defects in the structure is higher, wherein the pres-
The results of leaching of “native” Cr present in the initial FA ence of Cr favored the formation of these defects.
samples and MFA K indicated that FAs tested contained minor
amounts of leachable Cr, whereby FA M contained the highest 3.2.2. X-ray diffraction analysis
amount of leachable Cr (Table 2). Based on the criteria referring to the XRD patterns of different geopolymers after 28 days at 20  C for
disposal of waste at landfilles (EU Landfill Waste Acceptance Criteria) different concentrations of Cr added are given in Fig. 1. X-ray
[22] and the Cr concentration of FA eluate, all investigated FA samples diffraction analysis confirmed the presence of crystalline phases
do not exceed the limit value for disposal at landfills for non- typical for the initial FA: quartz (PDF# 46-1045), anhydrite (PDF#
hazardous waste. The list of parameters [22], significant in terms of 06-0226), feldspar (PDF# 89-1477), hematite (PDF# 88-2359) and
risk assessment for the waste disposal, prescribes only the total mullite (PDF# 85-1460), as well as secondary calcite (PDF # 72-
concentration of Cr in the eluate, regardless of the Cr valence state. 1937) formed due to carbonation and the fact that the reaction took
place in a humid chamber. In addition to the identified crystalline
phases, a broad diffuse reflection, stretching between 25 and 35
Table 2 2q, indicated the presence of the amorphous phase.
Concentration of Cr leached from different FAs (SRPS EN 12457-2).
In geopolymers with the addition of 2% Cr, besides the observed
Sample Cr leached crystalline phases, another phase was also detected e tarapacaite
(mg/kg) (K2CrO4, PDF # 750920). Formation of this phase is understandable
FA M 3.78 since during the geopolymer synthesis Cr was added in this form.
FA K 0.62 Given that the K2CrO4 was completely dissolved, the presence of
MFA K 0.52
K2CrO4 in the XRD diffractograms may be due to sample prepara-
EU Landfill Waste Acceptance Limits inert waste 0.5
[22] non-hazardous waste 10 tion for analysis, which includes drying at elevated temperature.
hazardous waste 70
waste unsuitable for >70 3.2.3. Leaching of Cr
EU landfill
The results of Cr leached from geopolymers depending on the
concentration of Cr added, FA characteristics, and curing time at
20  C are given in Fig. 1. The EU Landfill Waste Acceptance Criteria
3.2. Characterization of geopolymers [22] are also given in Fig. 2.
Based on the difference in concentrations of Cr leached from
3.2.1. Compressive strength geopolymers G-K and G-MK after 24 h at 20  C (Fig. 2a), a positive
According to the US Environmental Protection Agency [23], a influence of mechanical activation of FA on the decrease of
216 V. Nikolic et al. / Composites Part B 112 (2017) 213e223

Table 3
The mean compressive strength of geopolymers with standard deviations.

Cr added 24 h 28 days 24 h 4h 24 h
(%) 20  C 20  C 55  C 95  C 95  C


Compressive strength (N/mm )
0.0 2.09 35.55 12.77 67.93 33.14 26.36 20.75 31.79
±0.04 ±0.48 ±0.46 ±2.04 ±1.05 ±0.68 ±0.20 ±0.96
0.5 2.15 37.48 12.08 65.23 e e e e
±0.04 ±1.25 ±0.25 ±3.33
1.0 2.10 34.50 12.34 64.15 32.33 e e e
±0.07 ±0.59 ±0.38 ±2.06 ±0.67
2.0 1.83 32.23 12.08 60.15 29.83 23.95 19.07 27.44
±0.06 ±0.57 ±0.40 ±1.57 ±1.08 ±0.61 ±0.55 ±1.21
Relative strength (%)
0.0 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
0.5 102.9 105.4 94.60 96.03 e e e e
1.0 100.5 97.05 96.63 94.44 97.56 e e e
2.0 87.6 90.66 94.60 88.55 90.01 90.86 91.90 86.32

of Cr leached. Thereby, the fact that the concentration of Cr leached

from G-MK after 24 h was smaller than the concentration of Cr
leached from G-K after 28 days of curing, indicates that mechanical
activation of FA had greater influence on concentration of Cr
leached than curing time. The concentration of Cr leached from G-
MK was even lower than that from geopolymer G-M based on
highly reactive FA M.
However, unlike geopolymers without Cr added, which can be
classified as non-hazardous waste, all geopolymers synthesized at
room temperature, irrespective of the quantity of Cr added
(0.5e2.0%), can be classified as waste unsuitable for landfilling.
The concentration of Cr leached from geopolymer G-M
depending on the synthesis conditions and concentration of Cr
added is given in Fig. 3. The concentration of Cr leached from G-M
without Cr added was very similar, whereby the lowest concen-
tration of Cr leached was detected at geopolymers synthesized at
room temperature (20  C) for 28 days. Other authors have also
noticed that longer curing time at room temperature contributes to
greater stability of geopolymers and more effective immobilization
Fig. 1. XRD of geopolymers after 28 days at 20  C.
of Cr [27].
Given that the concentration of Cr in the eluate significantly
concentration of Cr leached can clearly be seen. Comparing these exceeded the limit value [22] regardless of the synthesis conditions,
results to the results obtained for G-K and G-M after 28 days G-M with the addition of 2% Cr synthesized at elevated temperature
(Fig. 2b), it can be concluded that both mechanical activation of FA (55  C or 95  C) can also be classified as waste unsuitable for
and longer curing time contributed to the decrease of concentration landfilling. Therefore, the results of Cr leaching from G-M with 2%

Fig. 2. Concentration of Cr leached from different geopolymers versus concentration of Cr added.

V. Nikolic et al. / Composites Part B 112 (2017) 213e223 217

[29]. Barrett-Joyner-Halenda method provides information

regarding pores smaller than 100 nm, meaning that larger pores do
not take part in calculated mesopore volume of geopolymers [30].
Mesopore size distribution for different geopolymers and con-
centration of Cr added is given in Fig. 4. Mesopore volume
depending on mesopore diameter is given in Fig. 4a. Although the
mesopore volume of the investigated geopolymers in most cases
was similar, characteristic presence of smaller mesopores in a
higher degree can clearly be seen in the case of G-M, and especially
in the case of G-MK, compared to G-K. The addition of 2% of Cr in
the case of G-K led to a significant increase in mesopore volume,
unlike geopolymers G-M and G-MK where the change in mesopore
volume with the addition of 2% of Cr was less pronounced.
Mesopore size distribution curve of geopolymer G-K was char-
acterized by a single broad peak, indicating a broad mesopore size
distribution, while in the case of G-M, and especially in the case G-
MK, a narrow mesopore size distribution was noticed (Fig. 4b), as
Fig. 3. Concentration of Cr leached from geopolymer G-M versus concentration of Cr previously also observed [15]. The maximum of these peaks reflects
added for different synthesis conditions. the size of the majority of mesopores.
In spite of the limitations of Barrett-Joyner-Halenda method
[30], the results obtained by this method have clearly shown the
Table 4
shifting of the curves maximum towards lower values of the
The effectiveness of Cr immobilization by geopolymers.
mesopore diameter in the case of G-MK in comparison to G-K. It is
Synthesis conditions Cr added Cr immobilized (%) obvious that due to mechanical activation of FA the mesopore
G-K G-MK G-M diameter of G-MK was significantly reduced. Shifting of the peak
24 h - 20  C 0.5 64.58 76.47 e
maximum from mesopores to micropores suggested the formation
1.0 63.06 70.60 e of larger amounts of the reaction products (gel). Other authors
2.0 62.01 68.88 e [29,30] have also used BJH methods in order to investigate pore
28 days - 0.5 74.80 91.16 e
refinement in alkali activated materials. Physical characteristics of
20  C 1.0 66.20 78.08 71.91 geopolymers based on the initial FAs and MFA depending on the
2.0 63.23 73.48 70.01 concentration of Cr added are given in Table 5.
24 h - 55  C 2.0 e e 70.77 Due to mechanical activation of FA, the average mesopore
4 h - 95  C e e 65.30 diameter of G-MK was three times lower than of G-K. However, the
24 h - 95  C e e 70.09 addition of 2% of Cr did not trigger significant changes in the spe-
cific surface area, mesopore volume, and average mesopore diam-
eter in the case of G-MK. The addition of 2% Cr in the case of
of Cr added showed that the immobilization of Cr by geopolymers geopolymers based on the initial FAs led to the increase in specific
under given experimental conditions was insufficiently successful. surface area and mesopore volume of geopolymers. G-K with 2% of
The highest concentration of Cr leached was in the case of G-M Cr added showed slightly higher specific surface area and signifi-
synthesized at 95  C for 4 h. The reason for this was relatively short cantly larger mesopore volume in comparison to G-M with 2% of Cr
curing time, whereby the diffusion of Cr from incompletely hard- added, probably due to the presence of larger amount of unburned
ened geopolymer was facilitated. With the increase of curing time carbon particles in FA K, i.e. higher loss on ignition at 1000  C
from 4 h to 24 h at 95  C, the effectiveness of Cr immobilization was (Table 1).
increased by approximately 5%. Finally, it can be concluded that Despite the fact that important pore volume appeared to be
geopolymer synthesis conditions had minor influence on the present above the largest measurable pore diameter, BJH method
effectiveness of Cr immobilization. has been applied most widely to the investigation of pore size
Depending on the FA characteristics, geopolymer synthesis distribution for alkali-activated binders [29e33]. In this research, as
conditions, and the concentration of Cr added, the effectiveness of already mentioned, BJH method clearly confirmed the shifting of
Cr immobilization by geopolymers was in the range of 62e91% the mesopore size distribution curve peak towards lower values of
(Table 4). mesopore diameter, as a result of the formation of larger amounts
The major reason for higher effectiveness of Cr immobilization of gel. The formation of larger amounts of gel led to an increase of
by geopolymers G-M and especially G-MK (compared to geo- compressive strength of geopolymers.
polymer G-K) was in higher geopolymer compressive strength The results obtained by Barrett-Joyner-Halenda method are
(Table 3). consistent with the results of the compressive strength of geo-
It is also clear that leaching of Cr from geopolymers depended polymers (Table 3), given that the geopolymers with smaller
on the concentration of Cr added. Higher concentration of Cr added mesopore volume and smaller average mesopore diameter
led to lower effectiveness of Cr immobilization. (Table 5) were characterized by higher compressive strength.
Pore volume alone is insufficient to characterize the function-
ality of porous materials; the size of the pores is critical for con-
3.2.4. Physical characteristics trolling many processes such as mass transfer [30].
According to the IUPAC classification, porosity is generally Kramar and Ducman [32] showed that even small w/s variation
classified as macroporosity, mesoporosity, and microporosity [28]. had a strong influence on the porosity values and consequently to
In geopolymers macropores mainly represent gaps between the compressive strength. Larger w/s ratio increased the porosity
unreacted FA particles, while mesopores are typical pores between and a shift toward larger pore sized. The porosity and compressive
geopolymer phases, and micropores exist within the gel network strength of geopolymers are in negative correlation. The same
218 V. Nikolic et al. / Composites Part B 112 (2017) 213e223

Fig. 4. Mesopore size distribution for different geopolymers and concentration of Cr added: a) mesopore volume versus mesopore diameter and b) mesopore size distribution

Table 5 geopolymers with 2% Cr added after 28 days at 20  C, depending of

Physical characteristics of geopolymers. the average mesopore diameter and mesopore volume are given in
Sample Cr added Specific Mesopore Average mesopore Fig. 5. It can be seen that with the increase of average mesopore
(%) surface volume diameter (nm) diameter the concentration of Cr leached also increased, while the
(m2/g) (cm3/g) geopolymer compressive strength decreased (Fig. 5a). Featuring
G-M 0 47.6 0.153 10.5 diagrams clearly indicate that the effectiveness of Cr immobiliza-
2 60.6 0.162 10.1 tion by geopolymers is directly dependent on physical-mechanical
G-K 0 33.1 0.144 17.9
characteristics of geopolymers, and thus on the FA characteristics.
2 72.7 0.241 12.6
G-MK 0 78.3 0.146 5.6
The more reactive FA led to the more favorable physical-mechanical
2 78.1 0.147 6.3 properties (higher strength and smaller mesopore diameter) of
geopolymers based on such FA, and to the lower concentration of Cr
trend is observed for average pore diameter, and the smallest In a similar way it can be seen that in the case of geopolymers
average pore diameter is for the lowest w/s ratio. In this investi- with 2% of Cr added, with the increase in the mesopore volume the
gation, the highest water/binder was in the case of geopolymer G-K, concentration of Cr leached from geopolymers increased while the
while the lowest was in the case G-MK. Decreasing the w/s can compressive strength of the appropriate geopolymers decreased
reduce the porosity of the geopolymer, as was also found by Kramar (Fig. 5b).
and Ducman. The mesopores represent the main porous structure, Phair and van Deventer [34] pointed out that matrix perme-
which is the cluster(s) of aluminosilicate particles that constitute ability is one of the most probable physical properties linking
the Si-O-Al network, as shown by Sindhunata et al. [32]. matrix leachability to matrix strength. Cho et al. found a very good
Concentration of Cr leached and compressive strength of relationship between the diffusion coefficient of Cr(VI) and the pore

Fig. 5. Concentration of Cr leached and compressive strength of geopolymers after 28 days at 20  C versus: a) average mesopore diameter and b) mesopore volume.
V. Nikolic et al. / Composites Part B 112 (2017) 213e223 219

Fig. 6. 29
Si MAS NMR spectra deconvolution of geopolymers based on the initial FAs after 28 days at 20  C.

volume [35]. geopolymers based on the initial FAs were centered at

approximately 92 ppm. Generally, 29Si MAS NMR spectra of
geopolymers consist of overlapping resonances attributed to the
3.2.5. NMR analysis silicon sites present in aluminosilicate gel, unreacted crystalline
Si MAS NMR spectra deconvolution of geopolymers based on phases, and unreacted glassy phase present in the initial FA [18].
the initial FAs after 28 days at 20  C is given in Fig. 6. The spectra of

Table 6
Si MAS NMR spectra deconvolution of geopolymers based on the initial FAs after 28 days at 20  C (Fig. 6).

Geopolymer sample Q1a Q2a Q4(4Al) Q4(3Al) Q4(2Al) Q4(1Al) Q4(0Al) Quartzb Q4b

0% Cr
G-M d (ppm) 72.95 79.00 84.50 89.40 94.00 99.30 106.4 107.0 112.7
Width (ppm) 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1.2 7
Area (%) 2.99 6.77 19.64 22.99 20.29 13.53 9.39 1.23 3.14
G-K d (ppm) 72.90 79.00 84.70 89.80 94.60 99.80 106.6 107.0 113.8
Width (ppm) 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1.5 7
Area (%) 2.66 7.23 17.79 24.50 22.15 12.39 9.38 1.79 2.11

2% Cr
G-M d (ppm) 72.90 79.00 84.70 89.60 94.50 99.90 106.9 107.4 113.7
Width (ppm) 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1.2 7
Area (%) 1.25 4.59 15.35 24.03 20.61 14.87 12.70 1.28 5.32
G-K d (ppm) 72.90 79.00 84.00 89.00 94.00 99.60 106.99 107.4 113.9
Width (ppm) 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1.5 7
Area (%) 0.46 2.39 11.49 22.71 25.81 17.87 12.18 1.98 5.09
Signals associated with less condensed silicon species, Q1 and Q2.
Quartz and other Q4 silicon units.
220 V. Nikolic et al. / Composites Part B 112 (2017) 213e223

Fig. 7. Si MAS NMR spectra deconvolution of geopolymers G-M.
V. Nikolic et al. / Composites Part B 112 (2017) 213e223 221

The deconvolution of broad 29Si MAS NMR spectra of geopolymers ordered crystalline structure and can be attributed to quartz orig-
based on the initial FAs with the additions of 0% and 2% Cr, con- inating from the initial FA [18]. The resonance at 112 ppm is
sisting of individual Q4(mAl) silicon species, is given in Fig. 6 and in usually attributed to different SiO2 polymorphs [40,41], i.e.
Table 6. unreacted fractions from the initial FA or Q4(0Al) units in the
It was assumed that 29Si MAS NMR spectrum of geopolymers products of alkali activation reaction [39].
consists of all five Q4(mAl, m ¼ 4, 3, 2, 1 or 0) silicon species, with 29
Si MAS NMR deconvoluted spectra of geopolymers G-M
Q4(4Al), Q4(3Al), Q4(2Al), Q4(1Al) and Q4(0Al) resonating at depending on the synthesis conditions and the concentration of Cr
approximately 84, 89, 94, 99 and 107 ppm, respectively added are given in Fig. 7 and in Table 7.
[36,37]. In addition to Q4(mAl) silicon peaks, in the 29Si MAS NMR As in the case of geopolymers synthesized at room temperature,
spectra of all investigated geopolymer samples in this study small the results of deconvolution of 29Si MAS NMR spectra of G-M
resonances at approximately 73, 79, 107 (sharp peak), synthesized at elevated temperatures indicated that the most
and 112 ppm were observed. Peaks at approximately 73 common structural units in geopolymers were Q4(2Al) and Q4(3Al).
and 79 can be ascribed to less condensed silicon species Q1 and Q2 The addition of 2% Cr led to the reduction of fraction of Q4(mAl)
[38,39], probably originating from unreacted alkali activator, structural units richer in aluminum (m ¼ 3, 4) and the increase of
although the possibility that some part of these units can originate fraction of structural units richer in silicon (m ¼ 0, 1, 2). Given that
from unreacted FA glassy phase should not be excluded. Some the synthesis of geopolymers was performed using sodium silicate
authors also ascribed these signals to the residual and less solution with modulus 1.5, i.e. where an excess of soluble silica was
condensed species, monomer or dimer units with silanol groups present, the content of soluble aluminum was the dominant
[2,38]. Sharp peak at approximately 107 ppm indicated an chemical factor that determined the process of geopolymerization,

Table 7
Si MAS NMR spectra deconvolution of geopolymers G-Mor (Fig. 7).

Synthesis conditions Q1a Q2a Q4(4Al) Q4(3Al) Q4(2Al) Q4(1Al) Q4(0Al) quartzb Q4b

0% Cr
24 h-55  C d (ppm) 72.90 79.00 84.58 89.40 94.50 99.87 106.9 107.2 113.9
Width (ppm) 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1.2 7
Area(%) 0.40 3.78 14.72 26.10 24.13 16.26 10.83 1.08 2.67
4 h-95  C d (ppm) 72.07 79.00 84.74 89.98 94.96 99.97 106.8 107.2 113.9
Width (ppm) 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1.2 7
Area (%) 1.49 4.08 15.89 26.99 21.83 15.17 10.07 1.13 3.32
24 h-95  C d (ppm) 72.99 79.00 84.90 89.99 94.95 99.98 106.7 107.2 112.0
Width (ppm) 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1.2 7
Area (%) 1.82 5.57 16.86 25.94 22.52 15.04 9.43 0.97 1.84

2% Cr
24 h-55  C d (ppm) 72.00 79.00 84.80 89.00 94.00 99.78 106.9 107.1 113.9
Width (ppm) 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1.2 7
Area (%) 2.26 5.98 13.82 22.01 23.41 16.20 11.39 1.16 3.75
4 h-95  C d (ppm) 72.07 79.01 84.13 89.00 94.03 99.02 106.3 107.2 112.0
Width (ppm) 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1.2 7
Area (%) 2.69 6.63 14.77 26.49 20.52 15.07 10.53 1.41 1.89
24 h-95  C d (ppm) 72.95 79.00 84.60 89.00 94.14 99.70 106.4 107.4 112.0
Width (ppm) 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1.2 7
Area (%) 1.49 5.96 12.34 23.25 25.01 15.57 10.54 1.36 4.47
Signals associated with less condensed silicon species, Q1 and Q2.
Quartz and other Q4 silicon units.

Fig. 8. The relationship between geopolymer Q4(mAl) structural units and a) concentration of Cr leached and b) compressive strength of geopolymers.
222 V. Nikolic et al. / Composites Part B 112 (2017) 213e223

as confirmed by the previous study [10]. Thus the compressive effectiveness of Cr immobilization.
strength of geopolymers also depends on the amount of aluminum
present, i.e. higher geopolymer strength is the consequence of Acknowledgements
larger amount of soluble aluminum in the initial FA [10]. Besides the
physical factors, such as the volume and size of pores, the This research was financially supported by the Ministry of Ed-
compressive strength of geopolymers depends also on the struc- ucation, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of
tural factors, such as the fraction of aluminum rich structural units, Serbia through TR 34026 project. The authors would like to thank
i.e. the fraction of Q4(4Al) and Q4(3Al) units in the structure [10,42]. Dr. Bojan Joki
c (Faculty of Applied Arts) for XRD analysis and Dr.
Thus, the reduction of geopolymer compressive strength was also Slavica Lazarevi
c (Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University
the consequence of reduced fraction of structural units richer in of Belgrade) for porosity investigations. The valuable advice of
aluminum. Professor Dr. Miroslav Nikolic (Plant and Soil Laboratory, Institute
The reduction of fraction of structural units richer in aluminum for Multidisciplinary Research, University of Belgrade) in ICPeOES
with the addition of Cr indicated the formation of Si e O e Al bonds technique and the results interpretation is also acknowledged.
in geopolymers to a lesser extent, i.e. that there were more Si e O e
Si bonds. It is known [43] that Cr3þ ion can replace Al3þ in alumi- References
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