S20 W7 Acoustics IAQ Part2

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Acoustic Materials – Acoustic Concrete Block (Cavity Resonator)

o High sound absorption in low frequency sounds.
o Used in gyms, swimming pools, mechanical rooms, and large scale transportation terminals.
o Works well for a specific frequency.

-벽체에 공기층을 갖도록 구멍을 낸 것, 구멍수만큼 공명기가 배치되어 있다고 할 수 있음

-개구율이 많아 질수록 고주파수에서 흡음률이 높아짐
-얇은판에 작은 구멍으로 촘촘히 천공하면 고주파수를 효과적으로 흡음
-두꺼운 판에 큰 구멍으로 천공하면 충분한 두께의 공기층을 갖게 되어 저주파수를 효율적으로 흡음
-천공의 크기와 간격에 변화를 주면 흡음률을 높일수있음

천공판 흡음재

-강당이나 회의실에 주로 사용
-공기층과 슬릿폭에 따라 흡음률이 달라짐

슬릿 흡음재
4) 특수 흡음 구조 15
① 현수흡음체
벽이나 천정을 흡음처리 했을 때
흡음 면적이 충분하지 못하거나 곤란할 경우 천장에 매달아 사용하는 것

동, 알루미늄, 하드보드 등의 구멍 뚫린 판으로 패널, 입방체, 구, 원통 등의 모양(직경 0.45-0.9m)을 만들고

그 내부에 암면, 유리병 등의흡음재를 넢어 천정에 배단 구조
-달아매는 간격에 따라 변함
② 가변흡음구조
실의 용도 및 목적에 따라 실의 잔향시간을 조절 할 필요가 있는 경우
흡음면과 반사면을 필요에 따라 가변시킴으로써 잔향시간을 조절

가변 흡음구조의 예

o Persistence of sound after the sound source has ceased, as a result of repeated reflections in an enclosed space.
Reverberation Time
o Time required for the sound level to decrease 60 dB after the sound has stopped producing sound.
o For standard size and shape rooms the reverberation time can be found by using the following formula:

𝑇𝑇𝑟𝑟 : Reverberation Time also known as RT60

𝑇𝑇𝑟𝑟 = 𝐾𝐾 𝑥𝑥 ∑ 𝐴𝐴
Seconds K : a constant, equal to 0.16 in meters (0.05 in feet)
V : room volume, ft3 or m3
∑ 𝐴𝐴: total room absorption, sabins (ft2 or m2) at that frequency
Optimum Reverberation Time
Absorption & Reverberation
o Space with highly reflective surfaces and therefore low average absorption (𝑎𝑎𝑚𝑚 < 0.2) sounds live.
o Conversely, a space with highly absorptive non-reflective environment (𝑎𝑎𝑚𝑚 > 0.4) sounds dead.

Chart shows the relationship between Room Volume

Total Surface Area and Room Proportion (2:1.5:1)
Principles of Architectural Environment
Spring 2020

Seoul National University of Science & Technology

School of Architecture

Week 7-2 : Indoor Air Quality

April 28, 2020

Class: Tuesday 11:00am – 1:50pm

Instructor: Oscar Kang, AIA, LEED AP BD+C, NCARB

Topics to cover

 Part 1: Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)

o Introduction (Definition, Significance, Health Impacts)
o Source & Effects
o Considerations to avoid Indoor Air Pollution

 Part 2: Airflow Design


Introduction: Definition 24

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) (실내공기질) refers to the air quality within and around buildings an
d structures, especially as it relates to the health and comfort of building occupants.

Source: US Environmental Protection Agency

Introduction: Significance 25

o The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ranks indoor air pollution among the top four environmen
tal risks in America.

o People spend about 90% of their lives indoors, and pollution is consistently two to five times highe
r indoors than outdoors.

o The indoor air pollution have been reported as high as 100 times the level encountered outside.
Introduction: Background 26

o 1973 World Energy Crisis advances energy efficiency in buildings with a downside, the sacrifice in ind
oor air quality.

o In an effort to conserve fuel in commercial and residential buildings, buildings were designed and cons
tructed as airtight with inoperable windows and reduced air exchanges (introduction of outside air requ
ires additional cooling in the summer and heating in the winter).

o Proliferation of chemicals in architectural materials produced a vast array of potential air pollutants fro
m (1) synthetic products to (2) equipment used indoors and (3) chemicals used to clean and maintain
our buildings.
Introduction: Health Impacts 27

o Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) or also known as the “tight building syndrome”
• A condition whereby the occupants of a building experience health and comfort problems that s
eem to be linked to a building, and the cause is unknown. One definition of SBS is that more th
an 20% of the occupants complain of symptoms associated with SBS, such as headaches, up
per respiratory irritation, and irritations of the eyes, among others. If these symptoms dis
appear after leaving the workplace (weekends are especially good periods of contrast), SBS is
even more strongly indicated.

o 새집 증후군:
• 신축 건물의 건축 자재나 마감재에서 나오는 휘발성유기화합물(VOC), 포름알데히드(HCHO) 등
화학물질이 두통, 천식, 피부병 등 알레르기 증세를 일으키는 현상.

o 화학물질과민증( MCS : Multiple Chemical Sensitivity also known as the environmental illness)
• Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS), often referred to as environmental illness (EI), is an acquired
chronic disorder in which exposure to low levels of chemicals causes related symptoms of
varying intensity, from mild to totally disabling. Symptoms can affect multiple organs or systems:
nervous, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, respiratory, genitourinary and skeletal-muscular
systems, skin, and ocular epithelia

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