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The Solar System

The solar system is the gravitationally bound system of the Sun and the objects that orbit it, including eight
planets, five dwarf planets, hundreds of moons, and millions of asteroids, comets, and other small bodies. The
Sun accounts for about 99.86% of the mass of the system.

The planets in our solar system are:

 Mercury

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Mercury planet

 Venus

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Venus planet

 Earth
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Earth planet

 Mars

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Mars planet

 Jupiter

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Jupiter planet

 Saturn
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Saturn planet

 Uranus

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Uranus planet

 Neptune

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Neptune planet

The dwarf planets in our solar system are:

 Ceres
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Ceres planet

 Pluto

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Pluto planet

 Eris

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Eris planet

 Haumea
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Haumea planet

 Makemake

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Makemake planet

The solar system formed about 4.6 billion years ago from a cloud of gas and dust. The cloud collapsed under its
own gravity, and the material began to clump together. The planets formed as these clumps of material grew
larger and larger.

The solar system is constantly evolving. The planets are slowly moving away from the Sun, and the moons are
slowly moving away from their planets. The comets and asteroids are also moving around the solar system, and
they can sometimes collide with the planets.

The solar system is a vast and dynamic place. It is home to a wide variety of objects, and it is constantly
changing. Scientists are still learning about the solar system, and there is still much that we do not know about

Here are some other interesting facts about the solar system:

 The Sun is a star, but it is not the only star in the universe. There are billions of stars in the Milky Way
galaxy, and there are billions of galaxies in the universe.
 The planets in our solar system orbit the Sun in a nearly circular path. However, the orbits of some of
the comets and asteroids are more elliptical.
 The planets in our solar system are made up of different materials. Mercury and Venus are mostly made
of rock, Earth is mostly made of rock and metal, Mars is mostly made of rock and ice, Jupiter and Saturn
are mostly made of gas, Uranus and Neptune are mostly made of ice and gas.
 The planets in our solar system have different moons. Earth has one moon, but some of the other planets
have many moons. Jupiter has 79 moons, Saturn has 82 moons, Uranus has 27 moons, and Neptune has
14 moons.
 The solar system is home to a number of asteroids, comets, and other small bodies. Asteroids are rocky
bodies that orbit the Sun. Comets are icy bodies that orbit the Sun.
 The solar system is constantly changing. The planets are slowly moving away from the Sun, and the
moons are slowly moving away from their planets. The comets and asteroids are also moving around the
solar system, and they can sometimes collide with the planets.

The solar system is a fascinating place, and it is still full of mysteries. Scientists are constantly learning new
things about it, and there is always more to discover.

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