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Task 2
Implement program governance

BSBPMG622 - Implement program governance V2 2020 Page 1

RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Student Declaration
To be filled out and submitted with assessment responses

◻ I declare that this task and any attached document related to the task is all my own work and I have not
cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with any other student(s)

◻ I understand that if I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against me ac-
cording to the process explained to me

◻ I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.

◻ I have read and understood the assessment requirements for this unit

◻ I understand the rights to re-assessment

◻ I understand the right to appeal the decisions made in the assessment

Unit Title
Unit Code


Student ID 39434

Student signa- ANDRES GARCIA 17/11/2020


Task Number 2

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RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
------OFFICE USE ONLY-----

For Trainer and Assessor to complete:

◻ Student requested reasonable adjustment for the assessment

Completed successfully Comments Y N D

Did the student satisfactorily:
The student has satisfactorily completed and ☐ ☐ ☐
submitted the following:

· Program Board Support Plan in Task 2.1

· Developed policy in task 2.1
· Record of feedback from the Program Board
in Task 2.2
· Observation checklist in Task 2.2
· Email to program personnel in Task 2.2

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Completed successfully Comments Y N D
Did the student satisfactorily:
Demonstrated ability to: ☐ ☐ ☐
· Document decisions and accountabilities rel-
evant to the program objectives
· Establish suitable systems and processes to
meet program objectives
· Implement effective management control
systems to monitor program progress
against organisational objectives (planning)
· Generate audit documentation, presenting
information and distributing reports to all
pertinent stakeholders (Planning)
· Establish and monitor process efficiency and
support it with suitable program policy
· Identify both organisation and external com-
pliance requirements relevant to the program
· Establish and securely maintain audit records
in accordance with relevant legislation
· Identify management and internal personnel
support needs for the program
· Establish skill development support systems
for program personnel to meet program

This is evidenced by:

· Program Board Support Plan in Task 2.1
· Developed policy in task 2.1

Demonstrated ability to: ☐ ☐ ☐

· Negotiate and communicate clear roles and
responsibilities within the program and make
available to all relevant stakeholders
· Confirm and agree decision making roles
with stakeholders
· Make valid and reliable decisions regarding
complex priorities and competing demands
using repeatable methods

This is evidenced by:

· Program Board Support Plan in Task 2.1
· Developed policy in task 2.1
· Record of feedback from the Program Board
in Task 2.2

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RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Completed successfully Comments Y N D
Did the student satisfactorily:
· Observation checklist in Task 2.2
· Email to program personnel in Task 2.2

Feedback on how governance management was ☐ ☐ ☐

planned for the program, including consultation
with and engagement of relevant stakeholders,
by the program sponsor (trainer and assessor) in
the simulated work environment.

Task Outcome: Satisfactory ☐ Not Yet Satisfactory ☐

Student Name:

Assessor Name:

Assessor Signature:


Table of Content

Task 2 – Define and plan for program governance......................................................................................7

Task 2.1 Program Governance Support Plan..................................................................................................................7
Task 2.2 Present, discuss and negotiate the governance support plan for approval.....................................................25

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RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
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RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Task 2 – Define and plan for program governance


1. Review the assessment scenario, the business documentation, including policies and proce-
dures and the templates provided:
o Templates:
▪ 1 – Program Governance Support Plan in Task 2. 1
▪ 2 - Email in Task 2.2

2. Develop a Program Governance Support Plan (Template 1) as instructed

3. Discuss and negotiate approval for the governance support plan with the Program Board
played by a group of classmates in simulated work conditions (Role-Play).

4. Record the feedback received and apply changes to the governance support plan as re-
The trainer and assessor will check that the feedback is applied to the plan.

5. Share the plan with program personnel

Write an email (Template 2) to relevant program personnel: departmental managers sup-
porting the program, program and project teams to share the program governance support

Complete the following activities:

Task 2.1 Program Governance Support Plan

Develop a program governance plan to facilitate decision making, establish effective systems and
methods, ensure program compliance, identify and plan for program support services.

A planning template is provided (Template 1), follow the instructions and complete all parts.

Template 1 - Program Governance Support Plan

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RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Program governance model
Address the following:

· Outline the process that was followed to develop the program governance model

(40-80 words)

· Develop the program governance structure/model for the program (chart) and document it in the space provided below.

Governance Model - Process:

Project governance is a framework that includes guidelines, processes, decision models, and
project execution tools. Each organisation should adjust this general framework in accordance
with its existing policies and governance models. The project is carried out within the organi-
sation and must be consistent with the decision-making method and the business culture of
the project.

The project manager and team must review the project governance framework throughout
the life cycle and, at times, must adjust the model based on environment, evolution, and ex-

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Program Governance Chart:

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Stakeholder analysis
Develop a stakeholder analysis matrix using the table provided. (8 stakeholders – groups and individuals)

Stakeholder Stakeholder inter- Stakeholder author- Strategies to gain Communication

est in the program ity/power in the pro- support needs
Name, title, role,
department or

Board of Direc- Support of High-level decision Periodic commu- Monthly Progress

tors strategic growth making for strate- nication, atten- Reports; Atten-
of the company gic decisions with dance to board dance to Board
through the re- financial implica- meeting to in- meetings bi-
alisation of the tions. form the Board monthly.
program. about program
progress, con-

CFO Responsible for High-level decision Check in with Report on bi-

the allocation of making for strate- principals every weekly and
funds for the gic decisions. two weeks to monthly face-to-
project. understand plan face meetings.
client. Support project High-level feed- Analyse the in- I conducted a sur-
and business back will help ver- formation pro- vey and provided
growth by ify the plan and act vided by the feedback on the
analysing com- on the situation. client about the project.
pliance data. project.

Security In charge of tak- Low performance Communicate Status report.

ing care of the in decision making. regularly and
realization of should attend
outdoor projects meetings to exe-
and social activi- cute the action
ties. plan in place.

Partner Responsible for High-level decision Communicate Monthly progress

the investment making within the regularly and at- report, monthly
of the entire organization will in- tend meetings meetings with all
project. volve strategic, fi- to report on those responsible
nancial and man- plan progress. for the project.
agerial involve-

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RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Stakeholder Stakeholder inter- Stakeholder author- Strategies to gain Communication
est in the program ity/power in the pro- support needs
Name, title, role,
department or


Communication plan
Develop a communication plan to communicate the governance structure, roles responsibilities, authorities, the decision-making process,
and updates to all stakeholders. Include the following:

o Stakeholders
o Purpose of the communication
o Methods and frequency of communication
o Communication content
(6 communication needs)

Stakeholder Purpose of communica- Methods and frequency Communication content

tion of communication

Example: Board Example: Information Example: Attendance Example: Financial mat-

of Directors about progress, issue to Board Meetings – ters, risk, quality man-
management, consul- Bi-monthly agement, schedule,
tation progress towards objec-
Progress Reports –
tives, changes.
Monthly email
Issue resolution.
Ad-hoc consultation
via a written feedback Request for feedback or
form guidance on specific mat-

CEO Issue management Project meeting – Problem resolution

CFO Financial issues, ap- Board meeting – Financial statements, fi-
proval budgets, monthly reports nance advise
Partner Communicate regu- Monthly progress re- Financial matters, project
larly and attend meet- port, monthly meet- schedule, quality man-
ings to report on plan ings with all those re- agement, changes and
progress. sponsible for the everything necessary to

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Stakeholder Purpose of communica- Methods and frequency Communication content
tion of communication

project. execute the project.

Client. Analyze the informa- conducted a survey Opinions, customer opin-
tion provided by the and provided feedback ions.
client about the on the project.

Program personnel
Address the following:

o Outline how roles, responsibilities and authorities for the program were identified and allocated (30-50 words)
o Develop a program personnel matrix (10 roles) to document decisions and accountability relevant to the program objectives using
the table provided (include key decision-making roles).
o Outline how the program personnel matrix will be made available to all relevant stakeholders. Specify what stakeholders. (30-50

Negotiation and confirmation of roles, responsibilities and authorities -process:

Name Department/Group Role Responsibility Authority

Example: Mark White Example: HR Dept Example: HR Manager Example: HR manage- Example: Decision on
ment for the program. recruitment and selec-
tion planning and de-
livery; guidance with
HR disputes

Aurnia O’Sullivan CEO Project manager Project devel- Decision on

oper strategic goals
Lambert Gosling Financial Dept CFO Finance man- Decision on al-
agement locating the

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Name Department/Group Role Responsibility Authority

Andres Event planner Project manager Sports events Responsible for

developing and
directing sport-
ing events and
complying with
all implemented

Felipe Event planner project manager Staff social ac- Responsible for
tivities providing em-
ployee appreci-
ation activities
within the orga-

Monica Sports expert Project Assistant Sports events Responsible for

assisting the
project manager
to participate in
sporting events,
which must be
held according
to the estab-
lished schedule
and comply with
the budget

Viviana Web development Project Assistant Web develop- Responsible for

specialist ment everything nec-
essary to help
Anderson and
have a broad vi-
sion of the en-
tire project.

Communicating and sharing the matrix:

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RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Decision Making Framework
Outline the decision-making process to make valid and reliable decisions regarding issues, complex priorities and competing demands in the
program. You should consider:

o The program and the project level

o The steps needed to make a decision
o The impact of the decision
o The severity of the issue
o The areas of decision making (who needs to be involved)
(40-80 words)

Planning and coordination define the day-to-day development of the project and its gover -
nance. Although all his tasks lead him to one goal: to achieve the agreed conditions, his tasks
are many. To do this, you should pay attention to the following points:

• Plan and control the finished work.

• Promote occupational safety in all the facilities for which it is responsible.

• Identify risks, assess risks and mitigate them if they cannot be avoided.

• Comply with the required quality standards.

Clarify the organization's value proposition. The value proposition is the driving force behind
the organization.

Change Management process

Develop a program change process, you could use a flow chart to support your process.

(40-80 words)

· Information exchange processes and procedures.

· Project decision-making process.
· Project life cycle approach.
· A process that enables internal stakeholders to meet the requirements of the project
· Define the strategic framework to select projects and plans appropriate to the company.

Resource and system requirements

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RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Describe how resource requirements for the program were identified and negotiated with relevant stakeholders (name the stakeholders).
Identify and mention the stakeholders who have the authority to approve the resources for the program.

Resources may include human resources, services, physical resources and information systems.

(30-50 words)

Aurnia O'Sullivan CEO of the project was asked for the following resources for the develop-
ment of the project:

Physical resources:

Meeting office.
Computer equipment.

Qualified human resources for the development of its activities provided with training.

Asset Register
Complete an asset register to record office space and equipment needed by the project (add additional rows if needed).

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RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Asset Cate- Qty Description Location/ Use

Office space 1 Meeting room All the employ- It will be used to

ees. hold meetings and
make decisions
within the organi-
1 Customer service office. Organize recep- She will supervise
tion, reception. the reception of all
the personnel in-
volved in the instal-
4 Team members offices Responsible for or-
Development ganizing the devel-
Department opment of all
Office Equip- 8 Desk Development of Required in the or-
ment the meetings ganization.
16 Organization of all computer N/A Components neces-
equipment development pro- sary to meet the
cesses. objectives of the
organization and
the project.
3 The smart office will be used to N/A Development De-
develop all the ideas of the partment.

Information Systems Register

Identify information system needs to deliver the program: complete the Information System Register

Add additional rows if needed.

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RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Information Sys- Qty Existing in the or- Description and use Access: Implemen-
tem Category ganisation Y/N tation date*

Software/ 1 Y The software used for Web devel- 11/11/20

the web development of oper
this project.
5 Y Apply to join the organi- Project Assis- 5/11/20
zation. tant.
1 N Software for PQR recog- Human Re- 12/12/20
nition of organizations. curse

Database 2 Y A database of all the Sports devel- 3/11/20

people who participate in opment assis-
sporting activities and tant.
1 Y Employee database. Human Re- 7/11/20
2 N Unit, the cloud used to Directors and 11/12/20
record all project reports. partners
Shared drive/In- 1 Y A good component of the All members 18/12/20
tranet Internet for the develop-
ment of all the activities
of the organization.

*If the system has been purchased for the program, indicate when it will be implemented.

Service Requirements Register

Identify service requirements to deliver the program: complete the Service Register.

Add additional rows if needed.

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RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Service Cate- Qty Out- Description and use
gory sourc

2 N HR officer – strategic HR planning, recruitment and selection,

compensation and benefits, employee relations and support,
training and development, internal communications management,
performance management support, termination of employment,
record keeping and reporting, and IT contract management and
1 N Select professionals: select personnel with the appropriate per-
sonal attributes and skills for the plan.
1 N Professional training-responsible for training to improve your mo-
tivation and leadership skills.
IT 1 Y IT services include server hosting, network installation and man-
agement, provision, maintenance and update of all software and
licenses, database administration (inventory and staff files), data
management, data protection compliance and systems security,
and technical support and maintenance/repair of software and
1 Y Larger ERP system
2 Y Develop online channels for customers
Financial 2 N Financial officer - Duties include strategic financial management,
risk management, accounts receivable, accounts payable, invoic-
ing, payroll, financial record keeping and reporting, preparation
and payment of taxes/fees, cash flow management, external con-
tract management and all elements of financial and legal compli-
1 N Owner
2 N Investors

Monitoring and control systems

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RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Identify and describe four (4) monitoring and controlling systems and processes developed to monitor program progress.

For each one of them include the following information:

o If the system has been developed specifically for the program or if it is an existing organisational system or process
o The departments/projects that will be utilising the system/process
o The use of the system/process in the program
o The reason why the system/process is important for the program and how it aligns with program objectives

Monitoring and Existing Used by Use Importance for the

control system program

Example: Review Example: Y Example: Fi- Example: Moni- Example: keeps the
of financial state- nance Depart- tor financial ex- program within fi-
ments and in- ment; Program penses; adher- nancial constraints,
voices Team ence to budget signal issues (vari-
and variations; ances in expenses)
alignment with
financial author-
ity as stipulated
in the gover-
nance model

Performance Y Program direc- Supervise the Maintains the de-

evaluation. tors. performance of velopment of the
the employees program within the
and how the ac- standards for the
tivities have fulfillment of its ob-
been develop- jectives.
Check the quality N Quality manager. Responsible for Following the in-
standards. following the structions for creat-
quality guide- ing quality guide-
lines within the lines will make your
strategic frame- project more visi-
work of the or- ble.

Project progress. Y Administration. Supervise the It will keep the pro-

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RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Monitoring and Existing Used by Use Importance for the
control system program

achievement of gram within estab-

the project ob- lished standards.
General Review. Y Partner, board of Monitor the It is important to
directors general status control everything
of the project and continue to
and how it af- contribute to the
fects the organi- organization in a
zation. positive way.

Program Audit
Identify the following:

· Four (4) audit activities that will be performed in the program (internal and external)

For each audit activity specify:

o Who is responsible for each audit activity?

o When the audit activities will be performed
o How the Program Management Office will collect or generate audit and configuration information and maintain document integrity
Use the table provided below.

Audit Activity Internal (I) Audit Period Responsibility

External (E)

Example: WHS audit Example: I Example: Yearly Example: HR Manager

Finance audit I, E Quarterly CFO

WHS audit. I Annual Director of operations
Complete review. I Annual Ex. Director
System audit. I Quarterly Ex. manager

Outline the following about audit documentation (40-80 words):

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RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
· How the audit records will be securely collected and maintained
· How the audit findings will be communicated to relevant stakeholders (specify what stakeholders)
· How document integrity will be maintained for audit purposes

Audit documentation:

The information will be compiled in reports.also by email when some change it is made for
faster deliver.

Program Policies
The Program Management Office establishes process efficiency and supports it with suitable program policy.

Address the following:

o Identify and list what organisational policies will be used in the program. (4)
o Identify what program specific policies need to be created and why. (2)

Organisational policies:

Inspections must be made more often to keep the audit more precise and organised

Improve and train personnel knowledge with skills required in the project

Program specific policy (with rationale behind the choice):

The achievement of goals is the main Policy ,with this one all the important aspect has been
take into consideration to hit the target .

Develop a high-level draft of a program-specific policy for your program. Attach it to your submission in a separate file or copy and paste in
the space provided below.

Suggested format:

▪ Policy Title
▪ Purpose of the policy (briefly describe purpose and scope of the policy)
▪ Policy (summarise the content of the policy including relevant procedures -step by step)

To review and evaluate the planned process and procedures, we have adopted a policy of continu-
ous improvement, which will help to fine-tune our working methods to make them as effective and
efficient as possible.

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RTO Provider: 91153 - CRICOS Code: 02672K
Program Compliance
Develop a program compliance system. Address the following:

o Identify and describe both organisational and external compliance requirements relevant to the program (5)

For each compliance specify:

o Reporting requirements (if any)

o Data collection requirements
o Strategies to rectify non-compliant behaviours, processes and products

Compliance Re- Internal (I) Reporting Re- Data collection re- Strategies to rectify
quirement quirements quirements non-compliance
External (E)

Example: Example: I,E Example: Yearly inter- Example: Trainer and Example: External and in-
nal audit and external Assessor’s: ternal training
Trainer and assessor audit from ASQA
requirements · Qualification Improve recruitment prac-
· Evidence of indus- tices
try Currency
· Evidence of Pro-
fessional Develop-
· Current resume
· Trainer’s matrix

All-in-one collec- I Annual internal The coach is ma- Establish a baseline

tion policies and audit trix for the work to be
procedures done

Risks evaluation. I External audit Organizational Practical training for

evidence and de- all employees.
communication I Internal audit Consultants and Train all workers on
trainers. the importance of
keep getting E Annual external Rate the evi- External training for
better. auditor. dence shown all relevant staff
and improve the
Making plans E Annual external Evidence of Improve the execu-
audit progress and tion of the action
status of the plan

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Management and governance support
Identify, evaluate and describe management and governance support needs for the program. (5)

· Risk Response Plan: Several options and actions are formulated to increase opportuni-
ties and reduce threats to project objectives.

· Risk management plan: in which it is decided how to proceed, plan and implement the
project's risk management activities.

· Risk identification: it is possible to determine which risks may affect the project and
record their characteristics.

Skills, Knowledge and Attributes (SKAs) requirements and KPIs

Identify and list the Key SKAs required for program personnel. (5 roles)

Identify 2 KPIs for operational performance for each role.

Role Skills, Knowledge, Attributes Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

CFO · Integrity and ethical values · Sales

· Skilled in financial accounting · Increase the number of
· Broad domain in business ad- clients
· Leadership and long-term vision
· Ability to solve problems

Project Manager. · Organized and efficient in plan- · Develop the project plan.
ning. · Set priorities.
· A leader. · To coordinate.
· A team leader.
· Motivator
· A good negotiator.

Marketing manager. · Global vision of the business · Billing levels.

· Emotional intelligence · Budget spent and results.
· Leadership · Degree of customer satis-
· Planner. faction.
· Analytical

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Skill development support
Develop a strategy to support skills development for program personnel. Include what development support systems for program personnel
have been planned to meet program needs (4).

(50-100 words)

· The training will provide new skills and knowledge on how to improve customer ser-
vice before, during and after sales.

· Training will be provided when all project teams are complete and need consultation.

· Government regulations on employment, supply chain contracts, rights and customer


Knowledge Management
Develop a program knowledge management strategy. Address the following:

o Identify what knowledge* is needed for the program (4)

o Identify how the knowledge can be stored
o Describe how the knowledge will be shared
o Describe how lessons learned from the program will be recorded and shared to support current and future organisation require-
ments for program development
*Remember that knowledge includes data and information (tacit and explicit knowledge)

(50-100 words)

In the meeting schedule, the project manager should meet with all the project managers to
update the information and plan the performance, and one minute of the meeting is to hear
the opinions of the project manager and this is necessary for your project .

Expert knowledge about current and future market trends.

IT knowledge support: system update, Microsoft Project support and communication support

Task 2.2 Present, discuss and negotiate the governance support plan for approval

Schedule a time with the trainer and assessor in week 4 of class and present, discuss and negotiate
approval for the governance support plan with the Program Board played by a group of classmates in
simulated work conditions (Role-Play).

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Duration: 20-30 minutes

The trainer and assessor will evaluate your performance during the meeting.

If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to make alternative arrangements with the trainer
and assessor to perform the Role-Play.
Before the meeting

· Prepare the draft of the Program governance support plan

· Prepare to present
· Prepare questions to gather feedback and inputs from the Program Board
· Prepare to negotiate
During the meeting

· Present the program governance support plan

· Answers questions and respond to objections from the Program Board
· Seek feedback and inputs from the Program Board
· Confirm roles and responsibilities
· Confirm the decision-making process and roles
· Agree on systems and processes to meet program objectives
· Confirm monitor and control systems
· Report on compliance requirements and audit procedures
· Discuss relevant policies and procedures
· Agree on support systems and processes for the program and program personnel
· Negotiate changes/adjustments/refinements to the plan using appropriate negotiation techniques
· Use communication techniques such as summarising, questioning, active listening and rephrasing
· Use interpersonal skills
· Use this opportunity to build constructive work relationships with the Program Board
· Obtain approval for the program governance support plan
After the meeting

· Record the feedback received and apply changes to the governance support plan as required.

The trainer and assessor will check that the feedback is applied to the plan.

Document the feedback in the space provided below.

Every step of the project was accurate with goals of the company ,also the supply chain was ar-
range to be more efficient and faster.

This is going to help provide best service to our customers .

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· Write an email to relevant program personnel: departmental managers supporting the program,
program and project teams to share the program governance support plan.

Advise them to pay particular attention to roles and responsibilities, decision-making process and
support services.

Attach the plan to the email.

Use Template 2 to write the email. The text of the email should be in grammatically correct Eng-
lish, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.

(40-80 words)

Template 2 -Email

Email to relevant program personnel

To: Aurnia O’Sullivan,

Cc: managers,project team
Subject: program governance support plan
Date email is sent:
Attachments: governance plan template

Dear Team.

In this Email you will find attached the governance plan in which you will find a description of the
roles , responsibilities and decision making process within the company if you have any doubt do
not hesitate asking.

Have a good day

Best Regards,

Andres Garcia

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