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Key Terms used in Software Engineering

 Computer programs and associated
documentation. Software products may be
developed for a particular customer or
may be developed for a general market.
Attributes of Good Software:
◦ Acceptability.
◦ Dependability and security
◦ Efficiency
◦ Maintainability
Key Terms used in Software Engineering
Software Engineering:
 Software engineering is an engineering
discipline that is concerned with all
aspects of software production.
Fundamental Software Eng. Activities:
◦ Software Specification
◦ Software Development
◦ Software Validation
◦ Software Evolution
Key Terms used in Software Engineering
System Engineering & Software Engineering:
System engineering is concerned with all
aspects of computer-based systems
development including hardware,
software, and process engineering.
 Software engineering is part of this more
general process.
Key Terms used in Software Engineering
Challenges facing Software Engineering:
 Coping with increasing diversity.
 Demands for reduced.
 Delivery times, and developing trustworthy
Key Terms used in Software Engineering
software engineering techniques and methods:
 Games should always be developed using
a series of prototypes whereas
 Safety critical control systems require a
complete and analyzable specification to
be developed.
You can’t say that one method is better than other.
Key Terms used in Software Engineering
Influence of web on Software Engineering:
 The Web has led to the availability of software
services and the possibility of developing highly
distributed service-based systems.
 Web-based systems development has led to
important advances in programming languages
and software reuse.
Types of Software Products
 Generic Products
◦ Stand-alone systems that are produced by a
development organization and sold on the
open market to any customer who is able to
buy them.
Examples Databases, Word processors.
 Custom Products
 systems that are commissioned by a particular
customer. A software contractor develops the
software especially for that customer.
Examples: CMS, Traffic Management Etc.
Software Engineering
 Software engineering concerned with all
aspects of software production from the
early stages of system specification
through to maintaining the system after it
has gone into use.
Key Points of Software Engineering
 Engineer make things work:
◦ They apply theories, methods and tools.
◦ Always try to discover solutions to problems
 All aspects of software production
◦ Project management functions.
◦ Development of tools, methods, and theories to
support software production.
Importance of Software Engineering
 More and more, individuals and society rely on
advanced software systems. We need to be
able to produce reliable and trustworthy
systems economically and quickly.
 It is usually cheaper, in the long run, to use
software engineering methods and techniques
for software systems rather than just write the
programs as if it was a personal programming
 For most types of systems, the majority of costs
are the costs of changing the software after it
has gone into use.
Software Process
 A software process is a sequence of activities that
leads to the production of a software product.
 Common Software Process:
◦ Software Specification, where customers and
engineers define the software that is to be
produced and the constraints on its operation.
◦ Software Development, where the software is
designed and programmed.
◦ Software Validation, where the software is
checked to ensure that it is what the customer
◦ Software Evolution, where the software is
modified to reflect changing customer and market
Computer Science and Software Engineering
 CS is concerned with the theories and methods that
underlie computers and software systems,
whereas SE is concerned with the practical
problems of producing software.
 System engineering is concerned with all aspects
of the development and evolution of complex
systems where software plays a major role.
 System engineering is therefore concerned with
hardware development, policy and process
design and system deployment, as well as
software engineering.
SE is the subset of Computer science and system
Engineering but some knowledge of CS and System
Engineering is required for Software Engineer.
Issues that affect Types of Software
 Heterogeneity
 A Heterogeneous system is one that is made up
of software that could be written in different
language, running in different operating system.
 Business and Social Change
 Many traditional software engineering techniques
are time consuming and delivery of new systems
often takes longer than planned. They need to
evolve so that the time required for software to
deliver value to its customers is reduced.
 Security and Trust
◦ We have to make sure that malicious users cannot
attack our software and that information security is
Software Engineering Diversity
 Stand alone System
◦ These are application systems that run on a
local computer, and do not need to connected
on a network.
 Interactive Transaction based application
◦ applications that execute on a remote
computer and that are accessed by users from
their own PCs or terminals.
 Embedded Control System
◦ software control systems that control and
manage hardware devices.
Software Engineering Diversity
 Batch Processing System
◦ These are software control systems that
control and manage hardware devices. Ex
Phone Billing, POS etc.
 Entertainment System
◦ These are systems that are primarily for
personal use and which are intended to
entertain the user.
 Systems for modeling and simulation
◦ These are systems that are developed by
scientists and engineers to model physical
processes or situations,
Software Engineering Diversity
 Data Collection System
◦ Software systems that collect data from their
environment using a set of sensors.
 System of System
◦ Systems that are composed of a number of
other software systems. Which are specially
designed for generic products.
Software Engineering Fundamentals
 Software development company should plan
the development process and have clear
ideas of what will be produced and when it
will be completed.
 Dependability and performance are
important that means developed software
should behave expected without failure and
perform efficiently without wasting resource.
 Properly understand software specification and
requirement and do not forget to deliver system
within budget and schedule.
 If appropriate, reuse software that has already
been developed rather than write new software.
Software Engineering and the Web
 Web-based systems could be developed where,
instead of a special-purpose user interface,
these systems could be accessed using a web
 Instead of writing software and deploying it on
users’ PCs, the software was deployed on a
web server. This made it much cheaper to
change and upgrade the software, as there was
no need to install the software on every PC.
 ‘software as a service’ has been developed. It
has been proposed that software will not
normally run on local computers but will run on
‘computing clouds’ that are accessed over the
Software Engineering and the Web
 Software reuse has become the dominant
approach for constructing web-based systems.
When building these systems, software
development team think assemble them from
pre-existing software components and systems.
 It is now generally recognized that it is
impractical to specify all the requirements for
such systems in advance. Web-based systems
should be developed and delivered
 Application interfaces on web-based systems
are often poorer than the specially designed
user interfaces on PC system products.
Professional responsibility in Software Engineering
 Confidentiality
◦ Development team must respect the
confidentiality of employers or clients
irrespective of whether or not a formal
confidentiality agreement has been signed.
 Competence.
◦ Team should not misrepresent level of
competence. You should not knowingly accept
work that is outside your competence.
 Intellectual Property Right
◦ You should be aware of local laws governing
the use of intellectual property such as patents
and copyright of client and employers.
Professional responsibility in Software Engineering
 Confidentiality
◦ Development team must respect the
confidentiality of employers or clients
irrespective of whether or not a formal
confidentiality agreement has been signed.
 Competence.
◦ Team should not misrepresent level of
competence. You should not knowingly accept
work that is outside your competence.
 Intellectual Property Right
◦ You should be aware of local laws governing
the use of intellectual property such as patents
and copyright of client and employers.
Software Engineering Code of Ethics
 Public
Software engineers shall act consistently with the
public interest.
 Client and Employer
 Software engineers shall act in a manner that is in
the best interests of their client and employer
consistent with the public interest.
 Product
 Software engineers shall ensure that their products
and related modifications meet the highest
professional standards possible.
 Judgment
 Software engineers shall maintain integrity and
independence in their professional judgment.
Software Engineering Code of Ethics
 Management
 Software engineering managers and leaders shall
subscribe to and promote an ethical approach to the
management of software development and
 Profession
 Software engineers shall advance the integrity and
reputation of the profession consistent with the public
 Colleagues
 Software engineers shall be fair to and supportive of
their colleagues.
 Self
 Software engineers shall participate in lifelong learning
regarding the practice of their profession and shall
promote an ethical approach to the practice of the
Issues that may affect Code of Ethics
 Disagree with senior Management.
 Time to reveals of Problems in software
 Resign from job.
 Act in unethical way.
 Failed to develop safety critical system such
as time pressure and falsifies the safety
 Confidentiality issue
 Work pressure on critical system such as
nuclear and military system.
 Failure to adapt experience instead of
philosophical approach.
Case Studies
 The reason why not used a single case study is
that one of the key messages is that software
engineering practice depends on the type of
systems being produced.
 Choose an appropriate example when
discussing concepts such as safety and
dependability, system modeling, reuse, etc.
Types of Engineering products
◦ An embedded system
◦ An Information system
◦ A sensor based environment system

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