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1. All tasks must be delivered in English.

2. The cover sheet of your assignment must contain the following information: Getaway
code and name / Semester / Your full name and student number / Your email address
and mobile number.
3. For the written assignment, use Times New Roman or Arial, 12-point font, with 1.5-line
spacing in A4 format. Ensure that the assignment you submit is paginated.
4. Present your responses to the tasks in a MULTIPLE portfolio file. Adhere to the following

i. Part I Task 1 – A recorded video presentation (max 400MB)

ii. Part I Task 2 – Reflective Proposal
iii. Part II – Proof of Online Class Participation
5. Submit your portfolio ONLINE in MULTIPLE files by 15 November 2023.

6. Late submission without prior permission will be penalized with a mark deduction.

8. This assignment accounts for 70% of the total marks for the getaway:
Part I Task 1 Video Presentation – 40%

Task 2 Reflective Report – 20%
Part II Proof of Online Class Participation – 10%


This assignment has TWO parts, namely Part I (consists of TWO tasks) and Part II.


The assignment aims to assess your ability and confidence in preparing and practicing
effective communication skills in a professional setting.

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You are the Sr. Manager of the Human Resource Department of ASTROID Art and Design
company in Malaysia. You are required to make a presentation to report the success of the
3-day ‘WE are FAMILY GETAWAY’ which involved the administrative and support staff of the

You are required to submit a 7 - 10 minutes video presentation to be presented in a board

meeting. Your presentation must be professional and suitable for the meeting.

The following are the requirements that you need to consider in preparing the proposal

a. As the first step, focus on the objective (or more than one) to support the mission
and vision of the company and think of the activities to support the objective(s) in
the 3-day ‘WE are FAMILY GETAWAY’.

b. Plan, construct and imagine the implementation of the 3-day ‘WE are FAMILY
GETAWAY’. Be aware of the basic details of the getaway like: duration, date, time,
venue, objectives, activities, expenditure, and others. You must be able to link some
of the details to the report later.
c. Remember to refer to Topic 3, 4, 7 and 10 of OUMH 2203 Module. You must
understand the conventions of a board meeting, making presentations, using
graphical presentations and the format of a report.
d. Prepare your notes and visual aids for the report. You might want to use applications
to further exemplify the presentation like PowerPoint Presentation, iMovie,
Funimate, Adobe and many others.
e. The graphical presentations (graphs/charts etc) must support your report and
further clarify the getaway is a success.
f. Record the 7 – 10 minutes report presentation. Marks will be deducted for speeches
that do not adhere to the time duration.
i. Look confident and professional. Your background and recording details must be
good too.
ii. Make sure you have an introduction in the video presentation.
iii. The video screen must capture the top half of your body so that your hand
gestures and facial expressions are visible at all times OR at least 80% of the
recording duration.
iv. Make sure that you greet the board and briefly introduce yourself and the
report. You must exude professionalism.
v. Structure your video according to the report format.
vi. Organise the content to report on the basic details of the 3-day Getaway as
background information to the Board. The presentation must be convincing and
explain the advantages and the specialties of the 3-day Getaway too.
vii. You must offer an ending (conclusion) in the video that summarises why the 3-
day Getaway is a success.

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g. Make sure the recording content is authentic, clear and engaging. In other words,
“you are the scriptwriter, the speaker and maybe even, the producer!” Thus, you
need to be creative as if you are presenting in a board meeting.
h. Submit your video online according to the instructions. If your video is larger than
400MB, please refer to the guidelines on how to compress your video for
submission. You may also include a link to your video as a backup in Task 2. To get
this link, upload your video to YouTube or an online storage service such as GDrive or
OneDrive. Make sure that your link is NOT set to private access only and that the link
is accessible before you submit your assignment.
i. Your speech will be assessed through 6 criteria:
i. Content: report of the 3-day Getaway
ii. Suitability & Creativity of Report Presentation,
iii. Presenter’s style and Delivery,
iv. Organisation of Video presentation,
v. Overall and Clarity of the Video; and
vi. Use of Language


● This is an individual task. The aim is to present confidently and naturally, and NOT to
make a creative video for social media platforms.
● Refer to the assignment rubrics as a guide to achieving cohesion and coherence.

● Remember to refer to Topic 1,3,4,5 and 7 of OUMH 2203 Module

[Total: 40 marks]

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use Referral Code: MartinL for an extra 10% off. | 🔗 |

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Excellent Good Fair Poor Or
No response
QN CLO Criteria Weight Marks
4 3 2 1 0
Task 3 Content: 1.0 Covers the getaway in- Includes basic knowledge of Includes essential The content includes Lack of content and 4
1 report of the depth with details and the getaway and important information about the minor details and it has no purpose.
3-day examples. examples. The content is getaway, but contains few several confusing facts.
Getaway good and inviting to the mistakes in the facts. The The content is not
Explanation of the board. content is particularly not inviting to the board.
getaway activities and really inviting to the
advantages are Explanation of the getaway board. Lack of explanation of
convincingly sufficient to activities and advantages the getaway activities
prove the whole getaway are sufficient to prove the Some explanations of the and advantages and are
is a success whole getaway is a success. getaway activities and not effective in proving
advantages and somewhat the whole getaway is a
The purpose of the report The purpose of the report is effective in proving the success.
is excellently met with met with many reflections whole getaway is a
excellent reflections on on the Malaysian context. success. The purpose of the
the context. report is not clear and
The purpose of the report lacks reflections on the
is somewhat met with Malaysian context.
some reflections on the
Malaysian context.
3 Suitability & 1.0 The report presentation The report presentation The report presentation is The report presentation No originality and 4
Creativity of the shows great originality, shows professionalism with rather stiff and not is presented as no creativity at all.
Report creativity and the use of appropriate professional and should be “reading” and not
Presentation professionalism. The creativity and concise edited suitably for a board suitable for a board
information presented is information suitable for the meeting. meeting presentation.
concise and suitable for board meeting.

the board meeting. Moderate use of visual Lacks visual aids and
Good use of visual aids and aids and few creative any creative efforts
Excellent use of visual aids there are additional efforts to enhance
and extra creative efforts creative efforts to enhance understanding of the
to enhance understanding understanding of the presentation.
of the presentation. presentation.
3 Presenter’s Style 3.0 Delivery is effectively Delivery is natural, fluent, Delivery is quite natural, Delivery is not natural/ No attempt to 12
and Delivery natural, fluent, professional and confident. and fluent, with some fluent and or audible. deliver the speech
professional and evidence of individually.
confident. Voice delivery is clear with professionalism and A lot of reading the
good pronunciation and almost showing script which hinders the
Voice delivery is very clear enunciation, stress and confidence. presentation and focus
with excellent intonation. of the presenter.
pronunciation and Voice delivery is
enunciation, stress and The gestures and somewhat clear with some
intonation. expressions are quite errors in pronunciation
spontaneous. and enunciation, lack of
The gestures and stress and intonation.
expressions are natural,
very relaxing and The gestures and
spontaneous. expressions show some
signs of nervousness.
3 Organisation of 1.25 The direction and The direction and A moderate direction and Little effort has been No effort has been 5
Video organisation of the video organisation of the video organisation of the video made to direct the made to make the
presentation are well-planned and are good and capture the and at times able to video. video organized or
capture the audience’s audience’s attention capture the audience’s interesting.
attention throughout. throughout. attention. The time duration is
either too short or too
The time duration is The time duration is good. The time duration is long.
excellently met. between 7-10 minutes.
There are clear attempts to The structure and
The structure and details link details in the video but There are attempts to link organization of ideas in
of the video are placed in in one or two parts, the details in the video but the the video are not
a logical order and the details appear incoherent. structure and organisation smooth and/or might
way they are presented of the video lack direction contain some mistakes
effectively keeps the The beginning and ending that affected the viewer’s in the facts that affect
interest of the viewer. parts of the video are comprehension. the general
recognisable, but do not understanding of the
The beginning and ending necessarily contribute to There is no clear beginning viewer.
parts of the video are the viewer’s understanding. or ending or unexpected/ OR
recognizable and give a not interesting. The recorded video is
very clear and meaningful organised for a social
understanding. media platform rather
than to deliver a
presentation to a board
3 Overall and 1.25 The overall quality of the Most of the quality of the The quality of the video is The quality of the video The quality of the 5
Clarity of the video and the focus were video and the focus were not very good but the is acceptable but the video and the
Video excellent. The presenter is good. The presenter is seen overall focus was overall focus was not overall focus are
seen from the top-half from the top-half angle at acceptable. The presenter good or quite bad. very poor and not
angle at all times. all times. is seen from the top-half acceptable.
angle most of the time. The video angle and
The video angle and The video angle and good lighting poorly capture
perfect lighting excellently lighting capture the The video angle and the speaker, too many
capture the speaker. speaker. lighting somewhat capture animations.
the speaker moderately.
The audio is excellent. The audio is good. Inaudible audio
The audio is OK.
3 Use of Language 1.5 No errors in grammar and Minimal errors in grammar Some errors in grammar A lot of errors in Too many major 6
language that distract the and language that do not and language affect grammar and language errors and very
viewer from the content. affect the viewer’s viewers’ understanding. affect viewers’ poor grammar and
The choices of words are understanding. The choices Some of the words used comprehension. The language. The
very appropriate and of words are most are not suitable for the choices of words are language used is
suitable for the video and appropriate and suitable for video and targeted very poor and not not suitable for the
targeted audience. the video and targeted audience. appropriate for the video and targeted
audience. video and targeted audience.
Total 40
*QN = Question Number

The assignment aims to assess your ability to describe basic language-based skills in
interpersonal communication, business etiquette and relationship-building in workplace

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IMPORTANT: This task is a continuation of your video presentation of Task 1: A video report
to present the success of the 3-days ‘WE are FAMILY GETAWAY’.

Write a critical reflection on the process of carrying out the Report Presentation. The
structure of this report presentation follows the basic essay structure of the introduction,
body and concluding paragraphs. Refer to the sample outline below.

Your Reflective Report presentation MUST include the following FIVE criteria and each
criterion should be written in paragraphs between 300 and 350 words:

i) Reflection on the PROCESS; the planning stage of the video, during the recording
of the video and after the video has been recorded. Describe the timeline of
completing the task and the preparation of visual aids. How long did you plan and
record etc.? How important are creativity and innovation in this task? Why do you
say so?
ii) Reflection on the CONTENT (the topic/ issue). Did you manage to refer to the
module for the content? Do you feel that there is/ are differences between writing
a report presentation and presenting a report presentation? During the process of
recording the video report presentation, there might be some instances where
you realised the content could have been organised better, share this experience
iii) Reflection on the CHALLENGES that you faced in this assignment. How did you
overcome your shyness/ lack of confidence in delivering the speech? Did you face

any issues with the recording and editing? Share your challenges on the language
process too – vocabulary and grammar in writing and delivering the speech.
Describe well.
iv) Show the video to ONE PERSON and inquire if the Report Presentation is suitable
for a board meeting. If he/she believes the presentation is not suitable, ask for
other suggestions that might help improve the presentation or the presenter
(you). Share this person’s thoughts on the strengths and weaknesses of your
presentation and compare them with your own beliefs.
v) Your PERSONAL THOUGHTS about completing this assignment (the video report
presentation and Reflective Report presentation). How do you feel about it?
Describe too, what are the advantages/disadvantages of this assignment. If you
feel the video report presentation recording and/or Reflective Report
presentation is/are not advisable, what would be a better alternative? Explain
your rationales.


i. A Reflective Report presentation is writing to evaluate, summarise, analyse, and

reflect on an individual’s journey of some particular actions. It is almost similar to
journal writing.
ii. Plagiarism is a serious offense. Avoid using or claiming other people’s writing in
this assignment.
iii. Refer to the assignment rubrics as a guide to achieving cohesion and coherence.

[Total: 20 MARKS]

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Video Link: xxxxxxxxxx

(7-10 lines)

(all the 5 criteria mentioned above)

(7-10 lines)


Excellent Good Fair Poor Or
*QN/ Max
CLO Criteria No response
*NS Weight Marks
4 3 2 1 0
Task 1 Introduction 0.5 The introduction is The introduction is The introduction is There is no clear There is no 2
2 excellently written. good. sufficient introduction. introduction.

1 Reflections 3.5 A convincing, critical A critical and detailed A thorough and Demonstrates a lack High possibility of 14
and detailed discussion of the detailed discussion of of understanding plagiarism.
discussion of the activity; pre, during activity; pre, during and insights into the
activity; pre, during and post and post 5 criteria required. Does not
and post demonstrate
Demonstrates good Demonstrates Less than 5 criteria understanding nor
Demonstrates very understanding and satisfactory are elaborated. insights into the 5
good understanding insights into the 5 understanding and criteria required
and insights into the criteria required. insights of 5 criteria Too few personal OR
5 criteria required. required. reflections and The word count is
All 5 criteria are examples are less than 249 words.
All 5 criteria are elaborated well, All 5 criteria are unimportant or not
elaborated within 300-350 elaborated, within detailed.
extensively and very words 300-350 words. OR
descriptively, with Word count is much
more than 300-350 Personal reflections Some personal less than 300 words
words per criterion. and relevant reflections and (150 – 249 words).
examples are relevant examples
All personal essential and are somewhat
reflections and detailed. essential and
relevant examples detailed.
are very essential
and detailed.
1 Conclusion 0.5 The conclusion is The conclusion is The conclusion The conclusion is There is no 2

well connected to all connected to all the shows some not clearly written. conclusion.
the reflections. reflections. connections to the

1 Language/ 0.5 The writer makes no The writer makes The writer makes The writer makes a Writing is generally 2
Grammar errors in grammar or minimal errors in some errors in lot of errors in incomprehensible
spelling that distract grammar, structure grammar, structure, grammar, structure due to grammar,
the reader from the and spelling that do or spelling that affect or spelling that structures and
content. not affect the the reader’s affect the reader’s spelling mistakes.
reader’s understanding. comprehension.

Total 5 20
*QN = Question Number

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Discuss the following topic(s) in the forum and submit proof of your participation in the
online discussions:

1. Share your expectation(s) at the beginning this course.

2. Discuss the following comic strip in terms of effective management in workplace


[Total: 10 Marks]

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Do the following:
1. Select the BEST FIVE (5) posts of your own from the e-forum discussion set up by
your tutor.
2. Take screenshots of the posts and include them in your assignment as IMAGES.
3. The screenshots should be in an image file (either JPG or PNG format). See the
screenshot example below.
4. The screenshots should show CLEARLY display: Name, Discussion Title, Day, Date,
and Time.

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Excellent Good Fair Poor Unsatisfactory Max

QN CLO Criteria Weightage 4 3 2 1 0 marks

Quality of All five comments are Four of the Two or three of the One post was Postings are done
Postings good, appropriate, comments are good, comments are submitted. OR past the
active, relevant, appropriate, active, somewhat good, All posts are done in assignment
meaningful, and relevant, meaningful, appropriate, active, one day. timeline.
respectful. and respectful. meaningful and OR None of the OR No postings
Postings reflect active Postings reflect respectful. comments is good given as proof of
1,2 2 2.5 participation within participation within Postings show and relevant. participation in 10
the assignment the assignment relatively short OR Comments are discussion
timeline. timeline. participation time. short responses that
are not substantial
or meaningful.
Minimum effort (e.g.
“I agree with Tina”)

Total Marks 2.5 10

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