TILTED TOP HAT by Stephanie Pokorny

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TILTED TOP HAT by Stephanie Pokorny

Construction Overview/Color Placement Info:

First, we create the center tube portion of the hat from the bottom up, followed by the top enclosure.
Next, the brim is created. The curls come next, both creating and sewing into place to complete the hat.
Finally, we create and sew on the poinsettia.

Sized For:

I prefer my hats to begin fairly snug as I find they stretch with wear and it is a personal preference.
Choose the way to create your hat based on YOUR preferred fit.

Tighter fitting hat or Teen/Average Adult for up to 22”: Meet gauge and use that hook

Looser fitting hat or Large Adult for over 22”: Meet gauge and go UP one hook size

All this is further addressed on the gauge check after round 1.


Ch chain Nxt next

Sl st slip stitch Rem remaining

Sc single crochet Rep repeat

Hdc half double crochet

Scbp single crochet back post

Rnd round


Made as part of pattern, check when instructed.


- I (5.5mm) crochet hook -OR- size needed to obtain gauge.

- 475 yards worsted weight yarn HELD DOUBLE STRAND ENTIRE PROJECT for hat

(OR HALF the yardage using 5/bulky yarn and held single strand)

(OR 1.5 times the yardage using 3/DK yarn and held triple strand)

- 40 yards or less of each red, yellow, and green worsted weight yarn for the poinsettia

- E (3.5mm) crochet hook for the poinsettia

You want a sturdy yarn not too soft, Red Heart Super Saver or similar is best. If you live in a hot climate
consider using 2 strand cotton yarn. Every yarn is different even if marked the same, try a gauge check
with yarn of choice to make sure it is suitable for the project.

- scissors, tapestry needle, tape measure, stitch markers


Do not turn rounds. Do not join rounds unless specifically instructed.

YOU MUST use a st marker, marking the 1st st of each round. When completed, count the sts in the
round making sure you are correct. Then, make the 1st st of the nxt round and move the marker to the
new 1st st.

Make sure you are working so the hooked end of your hook is pointing to the inside of the hat as you
work around and the right side of the sts are facing out.



Hat Center Body:

Rnd 1: Make a chainless foundation row of 72, do not sl st into a ring, PAUSE AND CHECK GAUGE
BELOW, THEN ONCE MET, Use the tail from the beginning to sew the bottom edge of the foundation
row together. (72)

Alternately, chain 72, without twisting, join into a ring in the 1st ch made with a sl st, ch 1, sc in same ch
the ch-1 emerges from and in each ch around. (72) If you use this method you will need to check gauge
once it is completed using a soft tape measure so you can measure the diameter of the circle.


Lay round 1 flat and smooth on a table without stretching.

It should measure: 21 ¼” long

If you are LONGER, then your tension or yarn has you over, go DOWN a hook size and try again.

If you are SHORTER, then your tension of yarn has you under, go UP a hook size and try again.

Once you meet gauge:

If you prefer a MORE snug hat, use that hook and proceed.

If you prefer a LESS snug hat, go up one hook size, begin round 1 again with that hook and proceed.

Rnd 2-5: Marking the 1st st of each round and moving the marker to the 1st st of each subsequent round
throughout, sc in each st around, at end of round 5, sl st to 1st st made. (72)
Rnd 6: ch 1, working TWO rounds below, scbp around each sc. (72) (scbp are worked by 1st inserting
your hook from inside the hat to the outside, then around the post of the st, then back inside the hat to
complete the st. A pronounced ridge will form on the right side of the hat. You can fold the current
round down to expose the round that is two below a bit better if that helps. See images below.

Left image shows hook around one st for the scbp from front side. Right image shows back side.

Left image shows a few scbp sts worked from inside view. Right image shows the front side. Notice how
the sts are worked around the round TWO rounds below (shown in red) not the round you just finished
(shown in gray).

Rnd 7-10: sc in each st around, at the end of round 10, sl st to 1st st made. (72)

Rnd 11: ch 1, working TWO rounds below, scbp around each sc. (72)

Rnd 12-14: sc in each st around, at end of round 14, sl st to 1st sc made. (72)

Rnd 15: ch 1, working TWO rounds below, scbp around each sc. (72)

Rnd 16: hdc in nxt 6 sts, sc in nxt st, sl st LOOSELY in nxt 25 sts, sc in nxt st, hdc in last 39 sts. (72
counting sl sts)
Rnd 17: hdc in nxt 6 sts, sc in nxt 27 sts, hdc in last 39 sts. (72)

Rnd 18-19: sc in each st around, at end of round 19, sl st to 1st st made. (72)

Rnd 20: ch 1, working TWO rounds below, scbp around each sc. (72)

Rnd 21-22: Rep round 16-17.

Rnd 23: Rep round 16.

Rnd 24-26: Rep round 18-20, at end of round 26, sl st to 1st st made and cut yarn.

Hat Top:

Make a magic ring, ch 1:

Rnd 1: 8 sc in the ring. (8)

Rnd 2: 2 sc in each sc around. (16)

Rnd 3: (sc in nxt sc, 2 sc in nxt sc) eight times total. (24)

Rnd 4: (sc in nxt 2 sc, 2 sc in nxt sc) eight times total. (32)

Rnd 5: (sc in nxt 3 sc, 2 sc in nxt sc) eight times total. (40)

Rnd 6: (sc in nxt 4 sc, 2 sc in nxt sc) eight times total. (48)

Rnd 7: (sc in nxt 5 sc, 2 sc in nxt sc) eight times total. (56)

Rnd 8: (sc in nxt 6 sc, 2 sc in nxt sc) eight times total. (64)

Rnd 9: (sc in nxt 7 sc, 2 sc in nxt sc) eight times total, sl st to 1st st made leaving 36” tail for sewing. (72)

The circular hat top just made will be sewn onto the LAST round of the hat center body. Note that it is
NOT sewn to the ridge created when you worked the last round, it is sewn down into the last round of
the hat center body itself.
Lay the hat top with the right side of the sts facing up onto the last round of the hat center body,
matching the sl st closure of the two rounds. Using the long end tail of the hat top, sew it in place
working through the loop CLOSER to you on the hat top AND the loop closer to you on the last round of
the hat center body.


This is worked from the inside of the hat out, your hook will point AWAY from the center as you work.
This is done so when the brim is folded up the right side of the sts is facing out.

With the wrong side/inside of the hat center body facing you and the open end of the hat facing up, join
yarn with a sl st in the same st as the join closure of round one of the hat center body, ch 1:
Rnd 1: (the sts of this round will be in either the bottom of the foundation row or the rem loop of the
beg ch depending on how you started your hat), sc in same st the ch-1 emerges from and nxt 71 sts. (72)

Rnd 2: (sc in nxt 3 sts, 2 sc in nxt st) eighteen times total. (90)

Rnd 3: sc in nxt 9 sts, marking the nxt st made (hdc in nxt 2 sts, 2 hdc in nxt st) nine times total, (sc in nxt
8 sts, 2 sc in nxt st) six times total, sl st to 1st st made, cut yarn. (105)

Brim Curl:

With the inside of the hat facing you and working from the inside of the hat to the outside, join the yarn
with a sl st in the 14th st counting LEFT of the marked hdc from round 3 beginning counting with the
marked st:

Row 1: ch 1, sc in same st the ch-1 emerges from and nxt 13 sts. (14)

Row 2: ch 1, turn, scdec over the st the ch-1 emerges from and nxt st, sc in nxt 10 sts, scdec over last 2
sts. (12)

Row 3: ch 1, turn, scdec over the st the ch-1 emerges from and nxt st, sc in nxt 8 sts, scdec over last 2
sts. (10)

Row 4: ch 1, turn, sc in each st across. (10)

Row 5: ch 1, turn, scdec over the st the ch-1 emerges from and nxt st, sc in nxt 6 sts, scdec over last 2
sts. (8)

Row 6: ch 1, turn, sc in each st across. (8)

Row 7: ch 1, turn, scdec over the st the ch-1 emerges from and nxt st, sc in nxt 4 sts, scdec over last 2
sts. (6)

Row 8: ch 1, turn, sc in each st across. (6)

Row 9: ch 1, turn, scdec over the st the ch-1 emerges from and nxt st, sc in nxt 2 sts, scdec over last 2
sts. (4)

Row 10: ch 1, turn, sc in each st across. (4)

Row 11: ch 1, turn, sc in same st as ch-1, scdec over nxt 2 sts, sc in last st. (3)

Row 12-19: ch 1, turn, sc in each st across.

Row 20: ch 1, turn, sc in same st as ch-1, scdec over last 2 sts. (2)

Row 21: ch 1, turn, sc in each st. (2)

Row 22: ch 1, turn, scdec over the 2 sts, do not cut yarn continue to edge.

Edge Round 1: ch 1, turn, sc in the end of each of the 22 rows just made, sc in the same st the edge st of
row 1 of the brim curl is worked into, sc in each st around the hat, sc in same st at the opposite edge of
row 1 of the brim curl, sc in each of the 22 rows up the 2nd side of the curl, make 3 sc in the tip, sl st to
1st st made.

Edge Round 2: ch 1, reverse sc in each st around, sl st to 1st st made and cut yarn. Use tail to close the 1st
and last st together nicely.

Top Hat Curl:

Place hat on table with closed top facing up, mark the stitch directly across from the center st of the
brim curl. Join yarn with a sl st in the st SEVEN sts to the right of the center st you just marked on the
free ridge (not the sewn area from adding the top circle).
Rows 1-22: repeat as for rows 1-22 of brim curl, and end of row 22 cut yarn.

Edge: Flip the curl so the underside is facing you. This is the side that will show when the closed top is
facing down. Join yarn with a sl st in the st just PRIOR to the 1st st of the curl, ch 1, sk that st, sc in the
end of each of the 22 rows, 3 sc in the tip, sc back down once in the end of each of the 22 rows, sl st in
the nxt st on the hat, cut yarn.

Secure Curls and Finishing:

Use the main pattern picture as a guide. Play with the curls by rolling them up to your desire then pin
them in place. Then using a separate strand of yarn, sew them in place with a few stitches.

The brim curl rolls in towards the hat and is secured about 5 rows from the end so the pointed tip stays
free in the middle of the curl. It is also attached at the spot it touches the hat at the 1st scbp round
made. The top curl is done in the same manner. Pin in place and try on before sewing in place to make
sure you have them just how you want them. Weave in all remaining ends.


Flower Base:

With single strand red yarn and E hook, make a magic ring:

Rnd 1: ch 1, make 8 sc in the ring, pull tail tightly to close. (8)

Rnd 2: do not turn, do not join round, make 2 sc in each sc around. (16)

Rnd 3: do not turn, (sc in nxt st, 2 sc in nxt st) eight times total, sl st to 1st sc made, cut yarn. (24)

Small Petal (Make 5):

With single strand red yarn and E hook, chain 9:

Rnd 1: sl st in 2nd and 3rd ch from hook, sc in nxt 2 chs, hdc in nxt 3 chs, make 5 hdc in last ch, working up
opposite side of beginning chain in remaining free loops, hdc in nxt 3 chs, sc in nxt 2 chs, sl st in nxt 2
chs, ch 2, sl st in the 1st and 2nd back bump of each ch just made, sl st to 1st sl st made, cut yarn.

Large Petal (Make 5):

With single strand red yarn and E hook, chain 11:

Rnd 1: sl st in 2nd and 3rd ch from hook, sc in nxt 3 chs, hdc in nxt 2 chs, dc in nxt 2 chs, 6 dc in last ch,
working up opposite side of beginning chain, dc in nxt 2 chs, hdc in nxt 2 chs, sc in nxt 3 chs, sl st in last 2
chs, sl st to 1st sl st made, ch 1, cut yarn.

Yellow Center:
With single stand yellow yarn and E hook, make magic ring, ch 1:

Rnd 1: 8 sc in the ring, sl st to 1st sc in the BACK loop only, pull tail tightly to close ring. (8)

Rnd 1: *ch 2, sl st in the 1st and 2nd back bump of the 2 chs, (sl st in nxt blo, ch 2, sl st in 1st and 2nd bb, sl
st in same blo, ch 2, sl st in 1st and 2nd bb) all in the same blo, sl st in nxt blo, repeat from *, three times
more eliminating the final “sl st in nxt blo” on 3rd repeat, sl st to 1st ch of beg ch-2 made, cut yarn leaving
tail to sew later.


Sew the 5 large petals on the flower base evenly spaced with the fat end on the base. Sew the 5 smaller
petals, placing one in between each space of the larger petals. Sew the yellow center in the middle.
Weave in all ends. Sew the poinsettia to the hat where desired.

Follow me on any of my social media to stay in touch, I would love to have you! Much
love and yarn, Stephanie Pokorny (Crochetverse)

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