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Video games have been a topic of controversy for a long time.

Some people argue that playing violent

video games can lead to aggressive behavior, while others claim that there is no direct link between
playing video games and violent behavior. This essay aims to expand on the argument that video games
do not make us violent.

Firstly, it is important to understand that video games are a form of entertainment. Like any other form
of entertainment, they can be enjoyed in moderation. Just because someone plays violent video games
does not mean they will become violent. In fact, studies have shown that the majority of people who
play violent video games do not exhibit any violent behavior. This suggests that there is no direct
correlation between playing violent video games and violent behavior.

It is also important to consider the benefits that playing video games can have. Video games can improve
cognitive skills, hand-eye coordination, problem-solving skills, and creativity. They can also be a great
stress-reliever and a way to socialize with others. These benefits are not limited to just non-violent video
games. Many violent video games require the player to use critical thinking and strategy to overcome
obstacles, and they can still improve cognitive skills.

Furthermore, the argument that video games make us violent is often based on the assumption that all
video games are violent. This is simply not true. There are countless video games that are not violent and
that promote positive values such as teamwork, cooperation, and kindness. Games like Minecraft,
Animal Crossing, and Stardew Valley are examples of games that do not have any violent content.

In addition, it is important to consider the context in which people play video games. Many people use
video games as a way to unwind after a long day at work or school. They are a form of escapism and a
way to de-stress. It is unlikely that playing video games in this context would lead to violent behavior. On
the other hand, people who already have violent tendencies may be drawn to violent video games, but
this does not necessarily mean that the games caused their violent tendencies.

Moreover, video games have been around for several decades now, and yet there has not been a
significant increase in violent behavior. In fact, violent crime has decreased over the past few decades,
despite the increased popularity of video games. This suggests that other factors, such as poverty,
mental illness, and access to firearms, are more likely to contribute to violent behavior.

Finally, it is important to recognize that video games are not the only form of media that contains violent
content. Movies, television shows, and books can also contain violent content, yet they do not receive
the same level of criticism as video games. This suggests that there is a bias against video games that is
not present in other forms of media.

In conclusion, video games do not make us violent. While some people may become more aggressive
after playing violent video games, the vast majority of people who play these games do not exhibit any
violent behavior. Video games can have many benefits and can be enjoyed in moderation. It is important
to recognize that there are many factors that contribute to violent behavior, and blaming video games
for this issue oversimplifies the problem. Instead, we should focus on addressing the root causes of
violence, such as poverty, mental illness, and access to firearms.

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