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Martin Malala
TEACHING May 2-3, 2023 7:00-8:00am 8:00-9:00am
The learner demonstrates an understanding of
A. Content Standards the digestive system and its interaction with the circulatory, respiratory, and excretory
systems in providing the body with nutrients for energy.
The learners shall be able to
B. Performance Standards
present an analysis of the data gathered on diseases resulting from nutrient deficiency.
Explain ingestion, absorption, assimilation, and excretion
C. Learning Competencies/
Objectives At the end of the lesson, students must be able to:
1. Identify and describe the parts and main accessory organs that made up the digestive system.
Write the LC code for each 2. Locate the position of the different parts of human’s digestive system according to its function.
3. Show appreciation on the importance of each part of the digestive system in making our body
II. CONTENT Module 4: The Digestive System (Parts of Human Digestive System)
A. References
DepEd (2014) First Edition Grade 8 Science Teacher’s Guide Pages: pp. 147-149.Pasig,
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Philippines.Author

DepEd (2014) First Edition Grade 8 Science Learners Module Pages: pp. 291-292.Pasig,
2. Learner’s Materials Philippines.Author

3. Textbook pages

4. Additional Materials from

Learning Resource (LR)

5. Other Learning video presentation about parts of the digestive system (
Resource/ Materials pencil/pen, marker, laptop, tarpapel.
Subject Integration ICT, English, Arts,
Teaching Strategies Experiential Learning, Collaborative Learning

IV. PROCEDURES 7E’s Learning Model Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity & Materials
Daily Routine:
-Opening Prayer
_________, kindly lead the prayer.
In the name of the Father…………………

Good morning/ afternoon class! Good morning/ afternoon Sir!

-Putting class into order (The student will pick up the pieces of papers
Before you take your seat, please arrange and trash and will arrange their chairs
the chairs properly and pick-up those properly)
pieces of papers on the floor.
-Checking of attendance None Sir. Everybody is present today.
__________, may I know who are the
absentees for today.
A. Reviewing the
previous lesson or
presenting the new


B. Establishing a -Presentation of Objectives

purpose for the Before we start our discussion, let me At the end of the lesson, students must be
lesson present to you our objectives for today’s able to:
C. Presenting 1. Identify and describe the parts and
examples / main accessory organs that made up
________, please read the objective
instances of the the digestive system.
number 1. 2. Locate the position of the different
new lesson
parts of human’s digestive system
________, kindly read the objective according to its function.
number 2. 3. Show appreciation on the
importance of each part of the
digestive system in making our body
________, please read the objective healthy.
number 3.

Those are the objectives that you must

attain at the end of our lesson.

Guess The Part

Students will type the words in Answers:
ENGAGE the block from the word pool to
label the parts of the digestive
D. Discussing new EXPLORE
concepts and GUTSY DRAWING
practicing new skills
E. Discussing new
Directions: Draw the human’s (Students will draw human’s digestive
system according to their prior knowledge
concepts and digestive system (its parts) or how they imaging each part arranged
practicing new skills according on how you imagine it inside human’s body)
or based on your previous
knowledge. You will be given 5
(Student’s participation)
minutes to do the task.

Each group will show their work

in the class.

Guide Question/s:

1. What are the different parts of

the human’s digestive system you

2. Where are the different parts

located in the human body?

Activity 2



Directions: Cut out the organs and

stick them by their tabs into the
correct positions on the human
body. Stick the tabs down in their
numbered order. Then cut out the
labels and match them to each
part of the digestive system. Join
your labels to the diagram with
ruled line. Finally, add more detail
to the diagram using sentences
which describe the function of
each part of the digestive system.
You will have 15 minutes to finish
the task.
(leads to Formative
Assessment) What is the digestive system?
Your digestive system is made up of the
gastrointestinal (GI) tract and your liver,
pancreas, and gallbladder. The GI tract is
a series of hollow organs that are
connected to each other from your
mouth to your anus. The organs that
make up your GI tract, in the order that
they are connected, include your mouth,
esophagus, stomach, small intestine,
large intestine and anus.
The mouth is the beginning of the
digestive tract. In fact, digestion starts
before you even take a bite. Your salivary
glands get active as you see and smell
that pasta dish or warm bread. After you
start eating, you chew your food into
pieces that are more easily digested.
Your saliva mixes with the food to begin
to break it down into a form your body
can absorb and use. When you swallow,
your tongue passes the food into your
throat and into your esophagus.
The muscular tube through which food
passes from the throat to the stomach.
The stomach is a hollow organ, or
"container," that holds food while it is
being mixed with stomach enzymes.
These enzymes continue the process of
breaking down food into a usable form.
Cells in the lining of your stomach
secrete a strong acid and powerful
enzymes that are responsible for the
breakdown process. When the contents
of the stomach are processed enough,
they are released into the small
Small Intestine
The small intestine is the longest
segment of the gastrointestinal tract the
long, continuous pathway that food
travels through your digestive system. In
the small intestine, food is broken down
into liquid and most of its nutrients are
absorbed. The waste is passed on to the
large intestine.
Large Intestine
The long, tube-like organ that is
connected to the small intestine at one
end and the anus at the other. the large
intestine has four parts: cecum, colon,
rectum, and anal canal. Partly digested
food moves through the cecum into the
colon, where water and some nutrients
and electrolytes are removed.
Your pancreas plays a big role in
digestion. It is located inside your
abdomen, just behind your stomach. It's
about the size of your hand. During
digestion, your pancreas makes
pancreatic juices called enzymes. These
enzymes break down sugars, fats, and
The liver has many functions, but its
main job within the digestive system is to
process the nutrients absorbed from the
small intestine. Bile from the liver
secreted into the small intestine also
plays an important role in digesting fat
and some vitamins.
The gallbladder stores and concentrates
bile from the liver, and then releases it
into the duodenum in the small intestine
to help absorb and digest fats.
The last several inches of the large
intestine closest to the anus.
The anus is the last part of the digestive
tract. It is at the end of the rectum. It is
where stool comes out of the body. It
consists of a muscular ring (called a
sphincter) that opens during a bowel
movement to allow stool (feces) to pass
through, as well as flat cells that line the
inside of the anus.

Did you Understand? Yes, Sir!

Very good!

G. Finding practical ELABORATE VIDEO ANALYSIS The esophagus is a muscular tube that
applications of Students will watch a video connects the mouth to the stomach. Its
concepts and skills main function is to transport food and
presentation about the parts of liquids from the mouth to the stomach
in daily living.
the digestive system to deepen through a series of coordinated muscle
their understanding of the topic. contractions called peristalsis.

The main function of the stomach is to

break down and digest food mechanically
and chemically. The stomach mixes and
grinds food with gastric juices containing
hydrochloric acid and enzymes, which
help to break down proteins,
carbohydrates, and fats into smaller
Guide Questions: molecules that can be absorbed by the
1. What is the function of
the esophagus and how The main function of the small intestine is
does it move food to the to absorb nutrients from food and transfer
stomach? them into the bloodstream. It is structured
with folds and finger-like projections
2. What is the main function called villi and microvilli, which increase
of the stomach? its surface area for absorption. The small
3. What is the main function intestine also produces enzymes and
of the small intestine and hormones that aid in digestion and
regulate gastrointestinal functions.
how is it structured?
4. What is the function of The liver produces bile, which is stored in
the liver and pancreas in the gallbladder and released into the small
digestion? intestine to help digest fats. The pancreas
produces digestive enzymes and
5. What is the main function hormones, such as insulin and glucagon,
of the large intestine and which help regulate blood sugar levels and
how is it structured? aid in digestion.
6. What is the role of the
The main function of the large intestine is
rectum and anus in to absorb water and electrolytes from
digestion and elimination? undigested food, forming feces. It is
7. How does the mouth structured with muscular contractions that
move fecal matter towards the rectum for
contribute to the digestive elimination.
system and why is it
important? The rectum stores feces until it is
eliminated through the anus. The anus
contains a ring of muscles called the anal
sphincter, which helps to control the
release of feces.

The mouth contributes to the digestive

system by mechanically breaking down
food through chewing and grinding, and
chemically breaking down food with
enzymes in saliva. This process begins the
digestion of carbohydrates and lipids, and
it also helps to moisten and lubricate food,
making it easier to swallow. The mouth is
important because it is the first step in the
digestive process, and proper chewing and
salivary function can help prevent
digestive problems such as indigestion and
acid reflux.
H. Evaluating learning EVALUATE
Directions:Choose the letter of the correct
1. The following organs are the part of
human digestive system except:
A. mouth B. esophagus
C. small intestine D. gastro vascular
2. In which part of the digestive system
does the breaking down of food into
thinier pieces occur?
A. stomach B. small intestine
C. large intestine D. mouth
3. It reabsorbs water from undigested food
materials coming from the small intestine?
A. stomach B. small intestine
C. large intestine D. mouth
4. Where does the waste or the remaining
food materials that become more solid
known as feces will be temporarily store
and eliminated?
A. retum B. anus C. liver
D. esophagus
5. J-shaped organ found at the end of the
esophagus on the upper left side of the
abdomen that produces gastric juices and
A. stomach B. small intestine
C. large intestine D. mouth
I. Additional activities Assignment
for application or List down 5 ways on how you are going
remediation to take care of your digestive system.
Write it on your Science notebook.
Yes, Sir!
Did you follow my instructions class?

Let us pray before we leave this (Let us bow our heads and feel the
classroom. presence of our lord. In the name of the
Goodbye class!
Goodbye, Sir!



Prepared by:

Karl M. Jaime

Checked by:

Mariane G. Dizon
Cooperating Teacher

Noted by:

Valentina L. Castro
Head Teacher III

Alain A. Mendoza EdD

Principal II

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