Student Title Proposal Sheet

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[ ] Main [ ] Branch DIGOS

Research Topic/Title: Employee Work Performance during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the
Context of Digos City

A. Description of the Project

1. Rationale

The SARS-CoV virus, which causes Corona Virus Disease (hereafter referred to as Covid-19), is
an infectious disease with a high infection and mortality rate. As of June 2022, there were at least
546,357,444 verified cases of COVID-19, with a peak in January 2022, according to the CDC,
which designated the illness a pandemic. Employee performance also suffered significantly during
the COVID-19 epidemic as a result of a number of internal and environmental factors, including
age, gender, work environment, stress levels, and physical and mental health. External elements,
such as motivation, rewards, the workplace the environment, and the amenities offered, can also
influence employee performance. This study aims to assess employee performance during the
COVID-19 outbreak in Digos City.

2. Objectives of the Study

2.1. General

To determine the employee performance during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the context of
Digos City.

2.2. Specific

1. To know the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Sex
1.2 Age
1.3 Year of experience

2. To determine the level of the employee performance during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the
context of Digos City in terms of:

2.1 Work Environment

2.2 Leadership in your place of Work
2.3 Work-Life Balance
2.4 Job Satisfaction
2.5 Work Performance

3. Theoretical / Conceptual Framework

This study will be anchored primarily on the Event System Theory (Morgeson et al., 2015).
According to Event System Theory (Morgeson et al., 2015), an event must possess three crucial
characteristics in order to stand out in people's minds: novelty (i.e., "a new or unexpected
phenomenon," on page 520), disruption ("a discontinuity in the environment," on page 521), and
criticality ("the degree to which an event is important, essential, or a priority," on page 521).
According to Event System Theory (EST), such events also call for extra consideration because
they spark in-depth interpretation and fundamental shifts that have a big impact on people's

Note: Secure three (3) copies (for Subject Teacher, Panel Member 1, and Panel Member 2/Research
Coordinator). Moreover, make sure to have the signatures of your Subject Teacher and Program Head.
[ ] Main [ ] Branch DIGOS
According to EST, workplace outcomes are significantly impacted by discrete, discontinuous
events that are limited in time and location and "diverge from the stable or routine features of the

organizational environment" (Morgeson et al., 2015, p. 519). The EST states that "the hierarchical
level at which an event occurs" determines the magnitude of the event and the consequences it
will have (Morgeson et al., 2015, p. 525). In other words, the more significant and long-lasting the
effects of the event, the higher the level of the event (i.e., if the event is of a global order rather
than locally limited). In contrast to many other exogenous events, COVID-19 has a high level of
novelty, disruption, and criticality, making it a particularly good candidate for EST testing (Liu et al.,
2021; McFarland et al., 2020; Min et al., 2021; Roulet & Bothello, 2022). The majority of today's
generation has never before seen a global pandemic that results in unexpected, out-of-the-
ordinary, and uncommon reactions, making COVID-19 a novel event.

Event System Theory offers a suitable framework for the systematic investigation of COVID-19's
effects on employee job performance since COVID-19 is unexpected, disrupts routines, and has a
major impact on long-term growth (Roulet & Bothello, 2022).

 Work Environment
 Leadership in your place of Employee Work Performance
 Work-Life Balance
 Job Satisfaction

The Conceptual Framework

4. Methodology

A. Respondents

The respondents of this survey will be the employees of Digos City during the
COVID-19 pandemic. Stratified random sampling is the method of sampling that
will be utilized in this study. Stratified random sampling is necessary for some
circumstances to guarantee that particular population subgroups are
appropriately represented in the sample. A random sample is chosen from each
group after the population has been divided into various strata or groups
according to particular factors (such as age, gender, and income). Each subgroup
will be represented in the final sample due to this strategy. This study centered on
assessing the employee performance during the COVID-19 pandemic.

B. Instruments

The researchers will use survey questionnaires adopted from the research
entitled “Employee work performance during the COVID-19 pandemic ” (Karlskron
& Sweden, February 2022), in order to obtain the necessary information that
pertains to the employee performance during the COVID-19 in the context of
Digos City. To acquire the data, the information questionnaire will be divided into
two parts. The first part is the demographic profile of the respondents mainly their
name (optional), age, sex, and year of experience. The second part of the
Note: Secure three (3) copies (for Subject Teacher, Panel Member 1, and Panel Member 2/Research
Coordinator). Moreover, make sure to have the signatures of your Subject Teacher and Program Head.
[ ] Main [ ] Branch DIGOS
questionnaire is the Covid-19 and the employee experience, and t he third part of
the questionnaire involves the dependent variable of the study which is employee

work performance and its indicator; work environment (WE), leadership in your
workplace (LIW), work-life balance (WLB), and job satisfaction (JS).

C. Design and Procedure

The causal-comparative/quasi experimental research approach will be utilized to

acquire data regarding the employee performance during the COVID-19
pandemic in the context of Digos City. Research using causal comparison and
quasi-experiment tries to establish the links between the variable, such kinds of
designs closely resemble genuine ones. Experiments, but only to a certain
significant variation. A different factor is identified, but unaltered by the test
subject, and the independent's effects determinant of the dependent
(Maheshwari, 2018). In order to find the answers to the study questions, the data
will be collected from the respondents and analyzed. The frequency count and
percentages will be gathered from the questionnaires by descriptive statistics
analysis. Tables will be used to present them to the audience. In order to
comprehend the total analysis, demographic data from the respondents was also

D. Data Analysis

Data analysis summarizes collected data. It involves the interpretation of data

gathered through the use of analytical and logical reasoning to determine
patterns, relationships or trends.

In this research, the data were examined by these following steps:

1. The researchers will use cross-tabulation charts and graphs to compare

2. Analyze scale data using mode, mean, and bar charts.

5. Research Agenda

The agenda of this research is regarding disaster. This study will focus on how the employee
performance in the context of Digos City is affected during the outbreak of COVID-19


B. Research Project Duration: 1 Year

Prepared by:

Dalvir Rhey T. Templa

Note: Secure three (3) copies (for Subject Teacher, Panel Member 1, and Panel Member 2/Research
Coordinator). Moreover, make sure to have the signatures of your Subject Teacher and Program Head.
[ ] Main [ ] Branch DIGOS

Denver John C. Davin


Mia Mae A. Mamad


Date Accomplished:

Endorsed by:

_________________________________ _________________________________
Subject Instructor Program Head

Note: Secure three (3) copies (for Subject Teacher, Panel Member 1, and Panel Member 2/Research
Coordinator). Moreover, make sure to have the signatures of your Subject Teacher and Program Head.

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