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Full Name : Daffa Ilham Alfaruq

……………………………………………………………….. Weekly
Student ID : 5010231035
……………………………………………………………….. Report
Course / Class : Engineering Drawing
Topic Gathering Information & Sketches Techniques
: ………………………………………………………………..
Rich Picture / Mind Map explanation about current weekly
Submission Date / # : 10 September 2023
……………………………………………………………….. topic or content (lesson learnt), use your own picture!


Explain about last week topic implementation/best practice in a real-life specific Brief analysis (your own argument) about the case study above, and
industry from qualified journal, case study, video, or project overview. consider theoretical framework / basic theory relevant to the topic.

Gathering Information In my opinion, gathering information is a essential

step in engineering drawing. By gathering
Gathering information is the first step in engineering
informations, engineers can calculate wether their
drawing. This method has a purpose to gather all of the
design can work well, based on the materials they
detailed information that needed before start drawing. This
used, the required geometry, and anything else.
information such as materials, geometery, and forces. When
engineer wanted to draw a machine product, they gather the
Standard of Engineernig Drawing are also an
information first. What are the materials they will use, what
important aspect. Every professionals that invloved,
geometric shape are required, and what is the forces of the
need to know about these standard. Without these
machine. By collecting these information, engineers can
standards, misunderstandings in interpreting
calculate wether this machine will works or fail, because of
sketch or draws will very likely to happend
the materials it used, or the force that makes the machine
didn't work.

Standard of Engineering Drawing MARK C

Standard of Engineering Drawing is used to avoid
misunderstanding. Some example of the standard is JIS,
NEN, DIN, SII, and ISO. Professionals that involved in the Journal / Book / Case Study / Reference Link.
field of technical drawing need to know about these
standards. Because these standard is always used by the mtek/#:~:text=Standar%20gambar%20teknik%20merupakan
engineers when they designing some sketches. %20suatu,teknik%20perlu%20mengetahui%20tentang%20sta

Please write your answer (using English) inside the related boxes, you may add your own additional art drawing at any place to make this resume becomes
more attractive. Your writing should be clear and neat. This form is not necessary to be color printed, a good quality photocopy is accepted.

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