Pas Bahasa Inggris Viii

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TAHUN AJARAN 2022/2023
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : VIII (Delapan)
Hari dan Tanggal : Rabu, 08 Juni 2023
Waktu : 07.30-09.00 (90 Menit)

Petunjuk Umum :
1. Perhatikan dan ikuti petunjuk pengisian Lembar Jawaban yang disediakan;
2. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawab;
3. Laporkan kepada pengawas kalau terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas, rusak, atau jumlah soal kurang;
4. Dahulukan mengerjakan soal-soal yang Anda anggap mudah;
5. Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang benar dengan menghitamkan bulatan jawaban;
6. Apabila Anda ingin memperbaiki/mengganti jawaban, bersihkan jawaban semula dengan penghapus
sampai bersih, kemudian hitamkan bulatan jawaban yang menurut Anda benar;
7. Periksalah seluruh jawaban Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas.

I. Pilihlah jawaban A, B, C, atau D yang paling tepat dengan memberi tanda silang (X) pada
kolom lembar jawab yang tersedia!
1. Alvin : Would you pass me the salt, please?
Bovin : . . . . Here you are.
What is the best response to complete the dialogue?
a. Help yourself
b. Of course
c. No way!
d. Be sure
2. Anjana : Could I have some more tea, please?
Banji :....
What is the best answer to complete the dialogue with Rejecting Request?
a. Right on the way
b. Here you are
c. I'm sorry. There's no tea left in the jar
d. Sure
3. Loli : Hi, Hana. How was your trip?
Hana : . . . .
What is the best answer to complete the dialogue?
a. It was great
b. How are you
c. What about you
d. What happened
4. Alma : Why do you look so sad?
Bams : . . . .
What is the best answer to complete the dialogue with denying information?
a. I've lost my best friend
b. I've lost my cell phone
c. Sorry, I don't want to talk about it
d. It's only 5 km from here
5. Aldo : It was an interesting performance, wasn't it?
Brian : . . .
What is the best answer to complete the dialogue? (prompt : disagreement)
a. I agree entirely
b. I am eye and eye with you
c. Perhaps, but I don't think that. It's just OK
d. Absolutely, splendid!

Teks untuk soal nomor 6-7

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Evans

Request the pleasure of your company at their marriage of their daughter Elizabeth Anne to Mr.
Michael Ryan Barnett

Saturday, the seventh of June at seven o'clock in the evening

The Hampton's Country Club Richfield, VA
And afterwards a reception in the Grand Ballroom

RSVP by May 22nd


6. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To invite the readers to come to a wedding party
b. To explain the readers the details of wedding party
c. To describe the bride and groom
d. To inform the readers
7. Who got married?
a. Elizabeth Anne and Mr. Michael Ryan Barnett
b. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Evans
c. Mr. Michael Ryan Barnett
d. The Barnetts

Teks untuk soal nomor 8-9

On celebrating Indonesia Independence day, the school canteen gives out free lunch for all students.

The lunch consists of traditional Indonesian foods and drinks.

Don't miss out and enjoy!
School Headmaster
8. What kind of
the text is it? It is . . .
a. Advertisement
b. Announcement
c. Shopping list
d. Invitation
9. Where do you possibly find this kind of text? It is . . .
a. In the garage
b. In the headmaster's room
c. In the teacher's room
d. In the school canteen

Teks untuk soal nomor 10-11

To: Daddy
I'm so happy that I've just bought a house in South Carolina. It's near a beautiful beach. My dream
came true and my hard work is paid off. I plan to leave the apartment next week.

10. Kayla feels happy because she . . .
a. Sees a beautiful beach
b. Always works hard
c. Lives in California
d. Has a new house
11. What is the relationship between the sender and the receiver of the
a. Family
b. Friends
c. Siblings
d. Colleagues

Teks untuk soal nomor 12-14

Long, long ago, a terrible dragon came to the kingdom of Tarania. It carried away the princess.
"Oh, oh, oh save my princess." The King of Tarania shouted. "Who can save Princess Tara?"
"I can save Princess Tara. I'm the bravest knight in your kingdom," Prince Gregor said proudly.
"I can save her too, but I'm the poorest boy in your kingdom," Thomas said humbly.
"You? Ha...ha...ha...," Princess Gregor laughed loudly.
"How can you save the Princess, beggar boy."
Ready! Get set! Charge! The terrible dragon roared! Prince Gregor and his soldiers ran away. But
Thomas did not run away. He opened his basket and took out a ladder, a flute, a rope, a piece of
meat, a spear and a blanket. Then, Thomas ran into the cave and saved Princess Tara.
12. How do you think of Prince Gregor's characteristic?
a. Appreciative
b. Boasting
c. Brave
d. Daring
13. Thomas used the following things to save the princess, except . . .
a. Sword
b. Ladder
c. Rope
d. Blanket
14. From the story we can learn that . . .
a. The braver the luckier
b. The poor will always get nothing
c. The bold never save the princess
d. Action is better than talk only

Teks untuk soal nomor 15-16

Last week, my parents, sister, brother and I went to the zoo. We went there for recreation. We left
at 6.00 a. m. and arrived there at 8.00 a.m. the zoo is about a hundred kilometers from my house.

There were a lot of people watching a giant snake. The snake was there for about watching a giant
snake. The snake was there for about a week. It was 9 meters long. I thought it was the biggest snake
I had ever seen. After going around and watching various animals, we went home.
15. The writer went to the zoo with her . . .
a. Parents
b. Sister
c. Brother
d. Family
16. What is special in the zoo?
a. Weird animals
b. A giant snake
c. Various animals
d. Animal's attraction

Teks untuk soal nomor 17-18

To: Liz
Sorry honey, I can't keep my promise to go with you to the Mall tonight. I've to meet Mrs. Cathy at
07.00 pm. Please, don't be angry.

17. How is Liz's mother feel about her promise?
a. Impressed
b. Confused
c. Relieved
d. Guilty
18. Mom writes the text in order to ...
a. Apologize for not keeping the promise
b. Remind Liz that she has a promise with her
c. Tell Liz that the mall is close
d. Say that she don't want to go with Liz


19. What does the text mean?
a. The truck is big
b. The truck brings electronic devices
c. Other vehicles should run faster than the truck
d. Other vehicles should be far enough from the truck
20. Choose the correct grammar for question below!
My mother ........... a cupcake and brownies right now.
a. Is make
b. Is making
c. Make
d. Made
21. Watch The Following Pictures!
Danil : What are they doing in the field?
Ikhsan : They are ..... football there
A. cooking C. drinking
B. painting D. playing

Question no 22 to 23!
22. The mouse is the ..... among the animals
A. smallest C. as small as
B. smaller D. small
23. The elephant is the ..... among all of them
A. small C. biggest
B. as big as D. bigger
24. tell (1) - about (2) - she (3) - the news (4) - me (5) - doesn`t (6)
A. 2-3-1-4-5-6
B. 3-6-1-5-2-4
C. 3-6-1-4-2-5
D. 5-1-4-2-6-3
25. Agum: What's your opinions of the disasters that keep happening in our country?
Anjar : .....
A. That's very good
B. Well I must say that I feel so sad
C. I hope it is always like that
D. I think I have a headache
26. Bentuk kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan pekerjaan yang biasa dilakukan (rutinitas) ialah
A. Simple present tense
B. Present continues tense
C. Past tense
D. Past continues tense
27. "Excellent, your painting is awesome. You deserve to win."
What is the purpose of the expression?
A. To ask opinion
B. To get attention
C. To show appreciation
D. To give an opinion
28. I think Anisa is an irresponsible woman. She doesn't not care about ..... Family
A. Her C. She
B. His D. Him
29. Which expression is used to get attention?
A. Do you know what I am saying?
B. Excuse me, may I talk to you?
C. Oh my god, I think you are annoying.
D. With me so far?
30. "what do you feel about this room?"
What is the purpose of the expression?
A. To get attention
B. To ask opinion
C. To give opinion
D. To show appreciation
II. Esay, jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan baik dan benar!
1. Rumini is ….. in her bedroom.
2. My sister and I get up early ….
3. When my sister and I get up early in the morning, we also help our mother to prepare for the ….
4. My father, my father, my sister and I always have dinner together in the night. …… always do this
5. Uncle is hospitalized because he ….. an accident on his way to the office yesterday.

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