QueueRite Cloud Admin User Guide

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QueueRite Cloud Management

Software System
Company Admin User

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I. Introduction .…………………………………………….....………................………………......4

II. QueueRite Company Admin ………………………..……………………….…………………..5

A. Dashboard ………………………………………………………………...……………….6

a. Activity Monitoring Screen …………………….……………..….…………………7

B. Ads …………………………………………………………………………………………7

a. Videos ..……..……..………………………………….…………………………………7

b. Video Schedule ...………………………….…………………………………………..8

c. Announcement …….…………………….…………………………………………….9

C. Configuration ……………..………….…………………………………………………..10

a. Company ……..….……...……………………………………………………..……...10

b. Audio .....…..………...…………………………………………………………………10

c. Ticket …..…………...….………………………………………………………………11

d. Display ……...………...…………………..…………………………………………...12

D. Manage …………….………………………………………………………………………13

a. Branches ...……………...……………………………………………………………..13

b. Users ...……………...………………………………………………………………….16

c. Services ………......……………………………………………………………………17

d. Group ………………………………………………………………………….………..20

e. Sections ………..……...…….……………………………………………..………….21

f. Transaction Types ……………...…………………………………………………….23

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E. Reports …………….……………………………………………………………………...24

a. User Log Report ……………...…………………………………………………....24

b. Section Log Report …….…………………………………………………………..26

c. Service Log Report ……………...………………………………………………...27

d. Queue Activity Report …………………………………………………………….28

e. User Time Tracking ………………………………………………………………..30

f. Queue Transaction Report ……………………………………………………… 31

g. Export to PDF and Excel ……………...………………………………………….33

h. Show Graph …………………………...……………………………………………...33

F. Other Features …………….…………………………………………………………….34

a. Audit Trail …...………………………………………………………………………..34

G. How to require customer name input for creating a ticket …………......…….....35

H. Where to find the URL link for customer queue ticket …………….……………..37

I. Sample QR Code generator ……………..……………………………………………..39

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I. Introduction

The QueueRite Software is a highly configurable queue management system that allows business owners to offer
convenience to customers who are waiting in line to be served. The software is highly-customizable so it can be fitted to
your Company’s unique requirements.

The QueueRite Software does not require you to make additional purchases for custom hardware devices because
this system works with any brand or model of hardware devices. As long as you have a desktop PC, laptop, LED TV and
POS printer at hand, you can use the QueueRite Software without encountering issues with hardware compatibility.

The QueueRite Software is a browser-based application, so there is no need for software installation on the client
computers. It runs on the Company’s existing local area network connection (LAN).

QueueRite was created by Ivant Technologies and Business Solutions, Inc., a Philippine-based company that offers
web applications and custom software development services to different companies across different industries

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II. QueueRite Company Admin

Using your internet browsers (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and IE) you can access the queuing system
with this address:
Queuerite Cloud Main Menu URL: https://portal.queuerite.com
Username: admin@gmail.com
Password: password12345

Login Company Administrator User Type

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A. Dashboard
As you access the QueueRite Admin program, the main menu or dashboard will be displayed on the
screen. The dashboard is basically a summary of queue data of all branches up to the last 30 days.

For more detailed monitoring you can view the Activity Monitoring Screen updated realtime.

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a. Activity Monitoring Screen

This aids in monitoring of business activities, number of queue tickets, tickets currently serving,
longest waiting customer and etc. per branch selection.

B. Ads

QueueRite has ads features that can be shown on the customer display screen. It can be configured as video
or an announcement.

a. Videos

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1. How to upload video ads:
Click “Choose File”. Accepted formats (mp4,flv,MP4,FLV).
Click Upload.
Successful uploads will be shown on the table as shown below:

2. How to delete video ads

Click the bin icon as highlighted below.

b. Video Scheduler

Video scheduler should be configured to show the video ads in customer display screen.

How to configure videos by schedule:

Video ads can be set daily from Monday – Sunday.

Click “Add Video” corresponding to the day the video will be set to play.
Click Save.

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Multiple videos to be played in a day can be sorted out:

Click “Sort Order” corresponding to the day the video will be set to play.
Drag and drop the video accordingly.
Click Save.
Refresh the Customer Display Screen.

c. Announcement

How to set up an Announcement:

Click the Ads tab.

Under Ads tab, click Announcement.
Edit the text field for Display Announcement then click the Save button.
Refresh the Customer Display Screen.

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C. Configuration
a. Company

Company details tab.

Company Logo
Used to set / displayed the Logo under Customer Display Screen

Require the Customer TV Screen to finish playing the bell and audio before calling another Queue Ticket
This setting required the System to open the Customer TV Screen to finished and call the next
inline queue ticket(s)

System will delete all user input after (#) days

This setting will delete all the user information on the Queue Activity reports on the said date.

b. Audio
The sound or audio used when calling a queue ticket that is shown on the customer display screen. It can
be configured as Bell or Voice audio.
Upon calling a queue, the customer display screen will play a bell sound.

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Upon calling a queue the customer display screen will be playing a read-out based on the

“number 1001 please proceed to counter 1”<queueNumber>– Queue number of the called
queue from the waiting list. <counterNumber> – Counter number that called the queue

c. Ticket

Printed ticket can be configured on this page. Turn on and off the desired details to be shown on your
printed queue ticket.

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d. Display

Display Configurations:

Pop Up Delay (If implemented) (seconds) – Configuration of the duration of pop up message
display during customer calling in the display screen

Select Customer Display JSP – Selection of which Template will be displayed in Customer Screen
Video Volume (100%) – Volume configuration of Video Ads
Color Scheme – Selection of Various color to be displayed in Customer Display Screen ( From Color Scheme 1 to
10 )

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D. Manage
The manage tab were used to add, edit and delete essential data (users, services, etc.) for the queueing to

a. Branches

All the branches connected at the Company Admin can be managed at this page as shown in the
figure below.

How to Add Branch:

Click the Manage tab.

Under Manage tab, click Branches.
Fill up the necessary details under the Add New Branch.
Select which Services will be available for the branch by clicking the checkbox beside it.
Click Save.

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Customer Check in Ticket Page for this Branch:
link for the client that will join outside the premises

Generate Ticket Page without login for this Branch:

link for the Ticket Screen that will not require to login the Company Admin account

TV Display without login for this Branch:

link for the Display Screen that will not require to login the Company Admin account

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How to Add Counter in Branches Page:

Click the Manage tab.

Under Manage tab, click Branches.
Edit the branch you desired to add or manage a counter by clicking the edit icon.
Scroll to the bottom and click manage branch counters.

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Input necessary counter details then click Save.

b. Users

All the users enrolled in the system can be managed at this page.

User Types:

Company Administrator – Can access QueueRite/Company Admin pages

Branch Administrator – Can access branch management pages
Staff – Can access Call Next module

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How to Add Users:

Click the Manage tab.

Under Manage tab, click Users.
Under Add New User form, input details then click Save.

How to temporary suspend users:

Click the Manage tab.

Under Manage tab, click Users.
Edit user and enable the Suspended checkbox.

c. Services

All services available can be managed and configured at this page.

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How to Add a Service:

Click the Manage tab.

Under Manage tab, click Services.
Under Add New Service form, input details then click Save.

Services Configurations:

Generate Ticket Display – Enable to show the service in the Print Number Module
Hide this transaction? – Hide the button from the Ticket Generation Page
Description – Input details to show the service description in the Print Number Module
Prefix – The prefix will added to the queue/ticket number
Number starts at – Start of queue number series
Number ends at – End of queue number series
Group – Include the service into a group

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How to Map Sections to a Service:

Click the Manage tab.

Under Manage tab, click Services.
Edit a service and go to the Sections at the bottom.
Drag and drop the sections that should be available for the service.
Once done click Save

How to Map Transaction Types to a Service:

Click the Manage tab.

Under Manage tab, click Services.
Edit a service and go to the Transaction Types at the bottom.
Drag and drop the transaction types that should be available for the service.
Once done click Save

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How to Add the Service into a Group:

Click the Manage tab.

Under Manage tab, click Services.
Edit a service and go to the dropdown labeled as Group.
Select which group the service will be added.
Once done click Save.

d. Group

Services can be added into a group and be managed at this page.

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How to Add a Group:

Click the Manage tab.

Under Manage tab, click Group.

Under Add New Group form, input details then click Save.

e. Sections

All Sections can be managed at this page.

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How to Add a Section:

Click the Manage tab.

Under Manage tab, click Sections.
Under Add New Section form, input details then click Save.

Sections Configurations:

Benchmark Waiting Time (mins) – Used to notify the teller if queue waiting time is within the

o Green – within the benchmark

o Orange – 80% of the benchmark
o Red – beyond the benchmark

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Benchmark Processing Time(mins) - Used to notify the teller if queue processing time is
within the benchmark
Alert Time Start (mins) – Used when to start notifying the teller if queue processing time is
within the benchmark (The time when the queue processing time will start blinking)

f. Transaction Types

All transaction types available can be managed and configured at this page.

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How to Add a Transaction Type:

Click the Manage tab.

Under Manage tab, click Transaction Types.
Under Add New Transaction Type form, input details then click Save.

E. Reports

a. User Log Report

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Report Columns:

User – Specific user / teller

Tickets Served – Count of tickets served by the specific user
Tickets per day – Count of tickets served per day by the specific user
Tickets Canceled – Count of tickets canceled by the specific user
Tickets Canceled per day – Count of tickets canceled per day by the specific user
Waiting Time – Average waiting time of customers to be served by the specific user
%Benchmark – Percentage of tickets that had pass the waiting time benchmark
Processing Time – Average processing time of customers served by the specific user
%Benchmark – Percentage of tickets that had pass the processing time benchmark
Longest Idle – Longest idle time recorded for the specific user
Transactions – Number of transactions served by the specific user

How to Generate User Log Report:

Click the Reports tab.

Under Reports tab, click User Log.
Select the value of the filter if necessary.
Select the “from and to” date.
Click Generate

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b. Section Log Report

Report Columns:

Section – Specific section

Tickets Served – Count of tickets served for the specific section
Tickets per day – Count of tickets served per day for the specific section
Tickets Canceled – Count of tickets canceled for the specific section
Tickets Canceled per day – Count of tickets canceled per day for the specific section
Waiting Time – Average waiting time of customers to be served for the specific section
%Benchmark – Percentage of tickets that had pass the waiting time benchmark
Processing Time – Average processing time of customers served for the specific section
%Benchmark – Percentage of tickets that had pass the processing time benchmark
Longest Idle – Longest idle time recorded for the specific section
Transactions – Number of transactions served for the specific section

How to Generate Section Log Report:

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Click the Reports tab.
Under Reports tab, click Section Log.
Select the value of the filter if necessary.
Select the “from and to” date.
Click Generate

c. Service Log Report

Report Columns:

Service – Specific service

Printed Tickets (Ave per day) – Count of tickets created for the specific service
Completed Tickets(Ave per day) – Count of tickets served per day for the specific service
INC (Ave per day) – Count of unattended tickets for the specific service
No Show (Ave per day) – Count of tickets per day that tag as no show for the
specific service
Stand By (Average per day) – Count of stand by tickets per day for the specific service
Max Waiting Count (Date) – Maximum count of waiting customers and the specific date for
the specific service
Average Waiting Time – Average waiting time of customers served for the specific service

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How to Generate Section Log Report:

Click the Reports tab.

Under Reports tab, click Service Log.
Select the value of the filter if necessary.
Select the “from and to” date.
Click Generate

d. Queue Activity Report

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Report Columns:

Branch – The branch which the particular queue has been created and served
Date – Arrival/creation date of the particular queue
Number – Queue or Ticket Number of the particular queue
Arrival Time – Time the particular queue has been created
Service – The service which the particular queue belongs to
Section – The section which the particular queue belongs to
Counter – The counter which the particular queue has been served
User – The user which the particular queue has been served
In – The time the particular queue has been called
Out – The time of the particular queue has been finished
Duration – The time duration of the particular queue from the time it was created until it was
Processing – The time duration of the particular queue from the time it was called until it was
Waiting – The time duration of the particular queue waited to be called
No Show – The time duration of the particular queue in “no show” status
Stand By – The time duration of the particular queue in “stand by” status

How to Generate Queue Activity Report:

Click the Reports tab.

Under Reports tab, click Queue Activity.
Select the value of the filter if necessary.
Select the “from and to” date.
Click Generate

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e. User Time Tracking

Report Columns:

Branch – The branch which the user belongs

Date – The date the user logged in & out of the system
User – The particular user that logged in & out of the system
Time In – The time the particular user logged in in the system
Time Out – The time the particular user logged out of the system
Duration – The time duration of the particular user logged in in the system at the specified

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How to Generate User Time Tracking Report:

Click the Reports tab.

Under Reports tab, click User Time Tracking.
Select the value of the filter if necessary.
Select the “from and to” date.
Click Generate

f. Queue Transaction Report

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Report Columns:

Branch – The branch which the queue has been created

Date – The date the queue has been created
Created By – The user who tagged the transaction type in a particular queue
Section – The section which queue belongs
Queue Number – The queue number of the particular queue
Transaction Type – The transaction type selected in a particular queue
Count – The count of specified transaction type in a particular queue

How to Generate Queue Transaction Report:

Click the Reports tab.

Under Reports tab, click Queue Transaction.
Select the value of the filter if necessary.
Select the “from and to” date.
Click Generate

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g. Export to PDF and Excel

How to export the reports to Excel or PDF format:

Click the Reports tab.

Under Reports tab, click any of the report types.
Select the value of the filter if necessary.
Select the “from and to” date.
Click Generate
Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Export to Excel” or “Export to PDF”.

h. Show Graph

How to export report in a graph:

Click the Reports tab.

Under Reports tab, click any of the report types.
Select the value of the filter if necessary.
Select the “from and to” date.
Click Generate
Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Show Graph”.

Sample Graph:

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F. Other Features
a. Audit Trail

Every configuration done on Company Admin will be logged at the Audit Trail. It can be seen at the
bottom page of every configuration tabs.

How to view Audit Trail:

Click the Configuration tab.

Under Configuration tab, click any of the pages available.
Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Audit Trail.
Click on the page number to view to the succeeding pages.

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G. How to require customer name input for creating a ticket
1. Login to https://portal.queuerite.com using your Company Administrator account

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2. Click Administrator Module

3. Go to Configuration > Display

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4. Under Online Ticket Fields, tick the “Required” check box for the additional fields to be displayed on the
customer online queue where they can type in their name and so on then click Save button.

H. Where to find the URL link for customer queue ticket

1. Access the link https://portal.queuerite.com/company/3XVR/queueticket.do

Company Code: 3XVR

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2. Change the company code from the given URL link that correspond to your Company Code Account

3. To check your Company Code, login to https://portal.queuerite.com using your Company Administrator account.
Go to Configuration > Company

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I. Sample QR Code generator

1. Access this sample link https://www.qr-code-generator.com for creating QR Code

2. Copy and paste the URL link for customer queue ticket

3. Click DOWNLOAD JPG button at the lower right portion

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4. Wait while QR code is being generated

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5. Here is my sample QR Code from my Company Account

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