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profit economics: study of scarcity and its implications for the

● objective of most businesses use of resources

● amount of money a business takes in after all the
expenses needed to operate the business have resources: include natural, human, and financial (also
been deducted from the revenue called factors of production)
● total income - expenses = total profit
economic system
revenue a. capitalism
● total amount of money a business ears during a ● individuals own and operate the majority of
given period by offering products to the market businesses and provide goods or services
● revenue = sale of goods/services ● free enterprise
● competition is encouraged by market forces
organization and government regulations
a. for profit organization b. communism
i. exist to make a profit ● society in which the people – without regard
ii. owners keep the profit to class – own all the nations resources
iii. income from sales ● everyone contributes to the goods and
iv. vital part of a free-market economy services based on their needs
b. non profit organization ● no competition because government owns
i. exist to serve society and operates businesses
ii. have religious, educational, welfare, or c. socialism
charitable purposes ● government owns and operates basic
iii. income from donations, subscriptions, and industries but individuals own most
grants businesses
● competition is restricted in major industries
forms for business organizations owned and operated by the government but
a. sole proprietorship it is encouraged in small businesses
● owned and operated by an individual
● owner has full authority on the business why have businesses
and owns all assets and profits a. providing goods and services
● personally liable for all obligations and b. creating employment opportunities
losses c. advancing the economy
● simplest form of business organization d. investing in innovation and excellence
b. partnership e. promotes sustainability
● two or more people share ownership as
well ass the responsibility for managing the ethics
company or the income or losses the ● study of moral problems, practical reasoning, right
business generates and wrong, good and bad
● dissolved upon death of the partner or ● character, moral duty, and related issues involving
when the partner chooses to leave the nature, origins or scope of moral values
● common professional partnerships are law ● discipline that examines one's moral standards or
and accounting firms the moral standards of one's society
c. corporation ● talks about how we should behave as human
● 5 to 15 people who are called incorporators beings
● hold at least one share of stocks and are
bound by the articles of incorporation man is endowed with intellect and rationality.
● bound by the articles of incorporations filed
with SEC (securities and exchange business ethics
commission) ● refers to implementing appropriate business
policies and practices with regard to arguably
business organizations and economy controversial subjects
● economic conditions affect businesses in the ● application of moral values to business
market ● study of just and unjust actions in business
● changes in the economic and the political system
can have an impact on certain industries or the
whole business system
six ethical lenses
mission purpose of the organization and focus is
at present a. the rights lens
● states that the human person has dignity
vision what the organization wants to become including moral rights of making ones
in the future choices freely
b. the justice lens
values lay the foundation of what the company ● states that each person should be given
cares the most about
their due
● due means fair and equal treatment
importance of business ethics c. the utilitarian lens
a. improve the reputation of your business ● produces the greatest balance of good over
i. attracts and retains a strong customer base harm for many stakeholders as possible
b. employee perception d. the common good lens
i. employees want to work in a positive ● calls attention to common conditions that
environment are important to the welfare of everyone
ii. companies should maintain an atmosphere (clean air, just laws, effective health care,
of fairness and openness – if they sense good educational system, etc.)
unfairness they will leave the organization e. the virtue lens
c. become a better businessman and human being ● states that ethical actions should be
i. becoming a better person comes first consistent with virtues that provide full
before becoming a better businessman development of humanity
f. the care ethics lens
what is the law ● rooted in relationships and it employs care,
● universally accepted rules and regulations imposed kindness, compassion, generosity, and
by the government / an organization concern for stakeholders to resolve ethical
● can be imposed by imposing penalties conflicts
corporate social responsibility (csr)
to be socially responsible a business must meet economic, corporate culture
legal, ethical, and philanthropic expectations given by ● values beliefs and behaviors that determine how
society at a given point in time the employees and management interact, perform,
a. economic responsibility: be profitable and handle business
b. legal responsibility: obey the law ● reflected on the following:
c. ethical responsibility: be ethical a. office set-up
d. philanthropic responsibility: be a good corporate b. business hours
citizen c. dress code
d. hiring decisions
e. employee benefits
f. treatment of employees
g. employee turnover
h. treatment of clients
i. client satisfaction
j. business operations

common ethical issues in business organizations

a. misinterpreting the benefits of a product
● overstating a products benefits in order to
six key ethical values that can help you make a sale – committed by a sales
a. trustworthiness personnel or even by marketing officers
b. respect b. misuse of company time and resources
c. fairness ● some employees might change activities
d. caring that are not related to their job
e. responsibility c. abusive behavior
f. citizenship ● harassing a colleague by using physical
threats, false accusations, profanity, and
d. conflict of interest f. filipino hospitality
● happens when an employee is presented a ● known for hospitality worldwide
dilemma of whether to advance personal ● trait works best in hospitality and tourism
gain or interests or that of the company’s industries
impacts of different belief systems on business ethics corporate social responsibility
a. buddhism ● practice of business organizations that accounts for
● there are five precepts or training rules the social and environmental impacts that the
which help promote coexistence and business creates
harmony in the society
1. no killing - respect for life practicing csr means
2. no stealing - respect for others a. duty not to cause harm
property ● if company caused harm to a property or
3. no sexual misconduct - respect for person then the business organization
our pure nature should be held accountable for violating its
4. no lying - respect for honesty responsibilities
5. no intoxicants - respect for a clear ex. toyota recalls 2.9 million cars for faulty airbag sensors
mind b. responsibility to prevent harm
b. islam ● when a company has the capability to
● shariah – islamic religious law which is prevent harm from occurring
guided by honesty (no cheating or ex. unilab created a subsidiary company to market and distribute
deception) generic medicines that are sold for a cheaper price to cater to the
c. christianity
c. responsibility to do good
● based on old and new testament
● social responsibility to do good things and
● called by God to be stewards of resources
make society a better place
and responsibilities leading other people to
● providing solutions to social issues, giving
the right path or using and caring for the
support to education, arts, and culture
ex. jollibee group foundation implements programs for
agriculture, education, and disaster response with their
impact of filipino practices and belief systems on
partner communities nationwide
business ethics
a. filipino time – being late
pyramid of csr
b. padrino system – patronage
● when one gains favor, promotion, or
political position through family affiliation or
friendship as opposed to earning it due to
c. utang na loob – indebtedness in gratitude
● concept of “paying” back a person in
non-monetary terms
● the good deed that has been received will
be paid back with a good deed
● may cause ethical dilemmas such as giving
a promotion or a special favor to an
undeserving employee
d. pakikisama – comradeship
● how filipinos take care of their interpersonal
● agreeing to what the majority wants and
getting along with others
employer and employee relationship
● a person may do a favor out of
● refers to the working connection between
“pakikisama” even if it is illegal
employers and employees in the workplace
e. bahala na / mamaya na habit
● managers and subordinates are reliant with each
● bahala na – leaving everything to chance
other in order to produce outcome beneficial to the
● mamaya na – delaying to do things instead
of doing things now
● two must have a strong relationship
employer rights discrimination and diversity
a. hire an employee a. employee discrimination
b. manage work and give instructions and regulations ● treating an employee or co-worker
relating to work management unfavorably or unfairly because of his/her
c. dismiss or dissolve a contract of employment within religion, gender, race, sexuality, or disability
the limits provided by law (downsizing) ● treating someone less favorably because
they have different characteristics from the
employer responsibilities other office staff
a. provide a safe workplace and protect the health of b. ways that workplace discrimination manifests
the employees ● unfair treatment
b. provide equipment and machinery that is in safe ● harassment
condition ● denial of transfers and other opportunities
c. provide adequate training ● exclusion or isolation by co-workers
d. practice due process and just cause ● unfair dismissal

downsizing business and environmental sustainability

● to limit their costs due to financial difficulties, ● leo tolstoy: one of the first conditions of happiness
closure of branches, use of technology that replace is that the link between man and nature will not be
human resource broken
● not unethical but companies must act ethically in ● mahatma gandhi: earth provides enough to satisfy
the process of downsizing by maintaining respect, every man’s needs but not every man’s greed
dignity, transparency, and consistency
● stakeholders must be informed of the decision four biggest environmental issues in the philippines
regarding downsizing and should not come as a a. air pollution
surprise to them ● causes: vehicular emissions, use of
● termination pay is provided to the terminated firecracker, agricultural burning,
employee to help him cope while looking for a new industrialization
job b. plastic pollution
● severe problem of the country
health and safety ● causes: dependence of single use plastic,
● employers have the responsibility to protect the inefficient recycling system, inefficient
employees at work waste management
● make sure that the company is free from hazards c. marine pollution
● precaution should be taken to reduce chances of ● causes: inadequate filtering of waste water,
injury illegal disposal of wastes, dynamite fishing
d. sea level rise
due process and just cause ● cause: mountain glaciers and polar ice
● employers need to take action when an employee sheets are increasingly melting causing
commits a mistake and will give a sanction oceans to expand
commensurate with the mistake committed ● effect: typhoons
● a legal case must be done in a way that protects
the rights of all people involved six reason on the depletion of natural resources
a. consumer affluence
employee rights ● increase in wealth of individual income has
a. equal work opportunities for all lead to increase in indiscriminate spending
b. security of tenure and consumption which produce wastes
c. work days and work hours b. materialistic and cultural values
d. weekly rest days ● mentality of consumption over conservation
e. wage and wage related benefits ● “throwaway culture”
f. safe working conditions c. urbanization
g. right to self organization and collective bargaining ● concentration of people in cities increase
● more people = more demand for houses
and cars
d. population explosion
● population growth = more industrialization, government agencies to work in service to
product consumption, waste and pollution the environment
e. new and uncontrolled technologies ● consumers will be willing to support
● some companies that prioritize profits, activities for pollution control if the
convenience, and consumption over perceived benefits outweigh the costs
environmental protection disregard the ex. e-trike or e-jeep
impact of technology used b. the regulatory approach
f. industrialization ● regulatory standards established by the
● industrial activities deplete natural government should be in place to prevent
resources and the destructive use of the the occurrence of pollution, environment
environment for economic reasons causes degradation and extinction of species
environmental decay c. sustainability approach
● development that meets the needs of the
natural step framework present without compromising the ability of
● planning tool to enable communities and the future generations to meet their own
businesses to profitably integrate environmental needs
and social considerations into strategic decisions
and daily operations three pillars of sustainability
a. economic sustainability
● providing products and services to
customers without negatively impacting
social, environmental, and cultural aspects
of the community
b. environmental sustainability
● the responsible interaction with the
natural step backcasting environment to avoid depletion and
● planning tool method in which future desired goals degradation of natural resources for future
are then defined to attain those goals generations’ use and the preservation of
● examines what the future will be when we emerge human life
through the funnel c. social sustainability
● managing and identifying the business
three steps for backcasting impact both positive or negative on people
● treating employees fairly, being a good
company to its clients and a community
● having good working relationships with
other companies both locally and

sustainable development goals

● urgent call/a blueprint for action by other countries
developed and developing to attain a better and
more sustainable future for all
backcasting for businesses and sustainability a. no poverty: end poverty in all its forms
● businesses must take action in order not to everywhere
jeopardize human well-being by exceeding the b. zero hunger: achieve food security and
Earth’s capacity to renew the resources and absorb improved nutrition and promote sustainable
the wastes agriculture
c. good health and well being: ensure healthy
three approaches to environmental sustainability lives and promote well-being for all at all
a. the market approach ages
● focuses on efficient markets that seek d. quality education: ensure inclusive and
profits but allow the market to allocate equitable quality education and promote
resources efficiently lifelong learning opportunities for all
● premised on the idea that it is possible to e. gender equality: achieve gender equality
involve corporations, individuals and and empower all women and girls
f. clean water and sanitation: ensure
availability and sustainable management of
water and sanitation for all
g. affordable And Clean Energy: ensure
access to affordable reliable, sustainable
and modern energy for all
h. decent work and economic growth: promote
sustained, inclusive and sustainable
economic growth, full and productive
employment and decent work for all
i. industry, innovation and infrastructure: build
resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive
and sustainable industrialization and foster
j. reduced inequalities: reduce inequality
within and among countries
k. sustainable cities and communities: make
cities and human settlements, inclusive,
safe, resilient and sustainable
l. responsible consumption and production:
ensure sustainable consumption and
production patterns
m. climate action: take urgent action to combat
climate change and its impacts
n. life below water: conserve and sustainably
use the oceans, seas and marine resources
for sustainable development
o. life on land: protect, restore and promote
sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems,
sustainably manage forests, combat
desertification, and halt and reverse land
degradation and halt biodiversity loss
p. peace, justice and strong institutions:
promote peaceful and inclusive societies for
sustainable development, provide access
for justice for all and build effective,
accountable and inclusive institutions at all
q. partnership for the goals: strengthen the
means of implementation and revitalize the
Global Partnership for Sustainable

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