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hambruna, hambre
Firmado por
Scholar... académico - 72181349N
Skeleton... esqueleto el día
This proves two things
Play dice... jugar a los dados
The Garden of Eden
Lead balloon... fracaso completo
Overreaction... reacción excesiva-exagerada
Almighty... todopoderoso/ tremendo
Subtle... sutil, disimulado
Mild night
Two demons lurk...acechar, merodear
Graveyard... cementerio, camposanto
Bugger... sodomizar
Let us recount the deeds of the day... relatar, narrar/ actos
Bribe... soborno
Craftsmanship... artesanía, destreza
Head office=headquarters
Why are you so glum? Triste, abatido
That is moment is at hand... por llegar, a la vuelta de la esquina
At the hands of... a manos de “many people die at the hands of...”
Gladly... (adv) con mucho gusto, gustosamente “I’ll gladly give you a lift to the station”
You dip it in soy sauce
Something strange is afoot... se avecina, está en marcha.
Yo need to keep him under observation... bajo observación
It’s a miracle he hasn’t spotted you yet...Divisar, localizar, detectar.
Goddamn! Maldición, mierda
Undoubtedly... indudablemente, indiscutiblemente
Stab... apuñalar
Reward... premio, recompensa
Forgetful... olvidadizo
Thanksgiving... día de acción de gracias
Yes, she’s a little entitled
It’s a nonfat... sin grasa, magro
What a douche... idiota
Luxurious = plush
What’s that for? ¿Para qué es eso?
Needles... innecesario, superfluo
It’s the first day of your afterlife
I’m a coder... programador
Your hair is spooky... espeluznante
We’ve had a ton of upgrades lately
Mother of God...
It was a glitch... fallo técnico
It is supposed to be foolproof... a prueba de tontos, fácil de manejar
Wig... peluquín, peluca
Nice to meet you... likewise
It can cheer you up... alegrarte, animarte
Do i keep petting you, or...?
Sorry, you’re stressing me out...
I’ll give to you an assignment... encargo, tarea
But I just need you to sign it right
One of the most meaningful events was...
Come again? ¿Cómo? ¿Qué dijiste?
Grumpy... cascarrabias, gruñón
I blanked out... me quedé en blanco
(Slang) he sucks... apesta
Yikes! ¡Ostras!
There are boundaries
I can’t deal with any more hiccups... traspiés, deslices
You outdid yourself... te has superado
Jerk off... hacerse una paja
Gap... espacio, hueco
Pan out... dar resultados, salir bien
I’m just being ungrateful... desagradecido, malagradecido
Behold... mirar, contemplar
Supposedly... presuntamente, aparentemente
Smug... presumido, engreído
Purpose... propósito, finalidad
Worthwhile... (adj) que vale la pena, que merece la pena
It sounds corny... cursi, sentimentaloide
Pun... juego de palabras
Dummy... estúpido, imbécil
Payback (= repayment), pero también “venganza”
Muslim... musulmán
I’m open-minded
You are constantly pulling away... alejando
I’m not a plaything
Perchases... compras
He’s lapping me
I want wreck your ass... reventar el culo
Fade... disminuir, atenuar
Hook up... ligar, follar
That’s intriguing... intrigante, interesante
Demeaning... humillante, degradante
Horny... cachondo, caliente
Supplier... proveedor, abastecedor
Sleepover... fiesta de pijamas
Clogged... tapado, obstruido
Neat! = cool = great
Creep... (slang) asqueroso, arrastrado, adulador
You can tip her... darle una propina
It’s very freaky
Nora! What the fuck?... ¿pero qué cojones?
I’ve just drifted off... me quedé frito, dormido
Snooping... entrometido
Have a peek... echar un vistazo, una ojeada
Fraternize with someone... fraternizar con
Don’t pout... no te enfades, no te enojes
Run out... Agotarse
Dump her... (end a relationship) dejar, abandonar
Play out... representar, interpretar
Don’t fuck up again! No la cagues otra vez
Which, frankly, your mother can’t afford... francamente, sinceramente
If you run out of money... si te quedas sin dinero...
Dream on! ¡Sigue soñando! ¡En tus sueños!
We would be willing... estaríamos dispuestos (willing = dispuesto y estar dispuesto)
Talk out... (resolve through discussion) resolver, arreglar
Concierge... conserje, portero
Undercover... encubierto, infiltrado
I thought sneaking the code to Kannerman was the best way... sneak/ sneak on
I screwed over Jamie... joder a alguien, jugársela a alguien

Overwhelmed... agobiado
Are on the brink of war
Traitor... traidor
Let in the coroner
Tell of (sth)
Quake... temblor, terremoto
You need to go home and cool off
Impending (coming soon)... inminente, latente, imperioso
Freak (sb) out... you’re freaking me out... me estás asustando, me das miedo
Flee... huir, darse a la fuga
Ripped jeans... rasgados, desgarrado
Drag... arrastrar
Deceive sb/ fool sb... mentir, engañar
Trick, prank, joke
Sorcerer... hechicero, brujo (wizard)
Tribe... tribu
Seer... vidente, adivino
To what do we owe this great honor?
Trespasser... intruso/a
Theme park
Move on
Was it about the Tower? ¿Qué pasó con la torre?
What brings you here?
You have a good hand
Tear down... derribar
Swap, exchange, trade
Importar un pimiento
It wasn’t a chore!
Y todo lo demás/ y todo eso... and all that stuff
Whats happens in one world echoes in others
Hey kiddo
Create illusions to distract you
I heal fast... me curo rápido (heal sb/sth)
You handle yourself well
Who the hell are you? ... ¿quién demonio eres?
You call me with your every desire to get rid of the brat... deshacerte del mocoso
It looks like I’ve got myself a stalker
Asylum... manicomio, psiquiátrico
Shame on you! (Exp.) ¡qué vergüenza! ¡Debería darte vergüenza!
On his own/ alone/ by himself/ in his lonesome
Aimlessly... sin rumbo fijo
Roam... vagar, deambular (roaming... vagabundo)
Open up... sincerarse, abrirse (share your feelings)
Entertaining/ enjoyable... entretenido (film entertaining)
It will be ready shortly
Disobey... desobedecer, desacatar
Body and soul... en cuerpo y alma
Vengeance... venganza
Be out of...
Por despecho... Laura turned the volume up high out of spite (out of diferentes significados)
Not any more... ya no
Any more
Trying to fight against it accomplishes nothing
Go find somewhere close to hide understand?
Commercial... anuncio del televisión/radio
I’m stronger than most
So aside from your infection and the wound from the
Painkiller... analgésico, calmante
Hey cutie! Bombón, guapo
Don’t be like that! No seas así
The least
He who... El que/ aquel que

Seaman/ sailor marinero

Barren... infertil, estéril
Rocky rocoso
Shelter/ refute... refugio
Accursed/ cursed/ damned
Flabby... fofo, gordo
Let off wind... tirarse pedos?
Fear = be afraid of
Heave... tirar, arrojar
I’m not superstitious
Assault... abusar de, agredir sexualmente
Battery... violencia “the suspect was charged with battery”
It’s our policy... política
Disrespect... irrespetar, faltar el respeto “how dare you disrespect your elders like that!”
Christening... bautizo
Motherfucker... hijoputa
Asshole... Mamón
Risky... arriesgado, peligroso
Good Samaritan
What was your downfall?
Fiercely... ferozmente, salvajemente
Dumb... Bobo, estúpido
Goddess... diosa
You’re a little creepy
Leprechaun... duende
Swindler/hustler... estafador
Cheater... tramposo
We have a compact... acuerdo, pacto
I’m done. Let’s go home... estoy agotado, estoy muerto
With panache... con estilo, con garbo
Fella... colega, amigo, tío
Obituary... necrológica
Joy/ delight... placer, deleite
Savings... ahorros
Skip... saltarse
Hug... abrazar
Prisoner... prisionero
I have a proposal for closure for us both

Unharmed... indemne, ileso

Bullshit... gilipollas
Slit... rajar, cortar “slip your throat”
Mob... multitud, muchedumbre
Lynch... linchar
Repress emotions... reprimir, contener
Sniff = smell (esnifar es snort)
Highway... autovía
I don’t like dropping in on friends empty-handed
Fill tank with petrol... llenar el depósito
Onset = start = beginning
This is gibberish
You don’t have to worry anymore
Are you blackmailing me? ... ¿chantejeando? ¿Extorsionando?
Hold on... espera
It’s awesome! Impresionante
Who knows if they’ll be still be a client
Dress code... etiqueta, código de vestimenta
Sorry. I’m just in a bad mood.
I can’t get Gideon to give me a raise
He can’t stand me and you know why
Backward = towards the rear... hacia atrás
I know she went through a divorce... go through pasar por, atravesar
Counterfeit = fake... Falso
Sedate... sedar, tranquilizar
You at least understand what it’s like to feel alone
Slope... Cuesta, pendiente (figurative)
I want we to be on good terms... en buenas relaciones
I’m not okay with that
I want us to get along for her sake
Witness... ser testigo, presenciar “I witnessed his first ‘I love you’ with Angela”
Just yet... justo ahora, por el momento
He’s a moron... idiota, imbécil
(...) one that brands us with an employee badge
Soulmate... media naranja, alma gemela
The one
Why are deep voices so underrated? Infravalorado, subestimado
Anonymous... anónimo
Loneliness... Soledad
Junkie... drogadicto
Purity... pureza
How much? - on the house
I can’t screw up in my first week... cagarla
Don’t worry, I got you
You’ll be happy if we went under
What do you want from me?
Suspenseful... intrigante, de suspense “suspenseful music”
Is this a delusion?
Neighbourhood... vecindario, barrio
Date/ dating
Rare = scarce = escaso
Nonexistent... inexistente, imaginario
Dickhead... gilipollas, imbécil
Entrenched... arraigado, afianzado
Meltdown... colapso
Mortgage.. hipoteca
That’s why you pick me... me escoges
We need a tech savvy here
Once you decrypt it, you’ll know where...
I need to take my mind off things
To live in a bubble
Naive... ingenuo, inocente
Cheat on... poner los cuernos
He has a proclivity for... propensión
Communication is key, Elliot
It’s fine. I’ll get over it... lo olvidaré, lo superaré
Rightful = merited = deserved... merecido, debido, legítimo
Call this number if you need to get in touch with mr. Wellick
I hate it when your employers can’t take a hint... captar la indirecta
Tricky... complicado, delicado
Noob, novice, beginner... principiante
Break the rules
Did you get this? Lo pillaste, comprendiste (v. Get sth) “do you get what I’m saying?”
(...) unless the FBI frees Colby... liberar
Charity... organización benéfica (tb “donativo”
Slavery... esclavitud
Meet (anche) = satisfy... “meet these demands and I won’t kill you”
Since when does he have a dog?
Stain... mancha
Cum... corrida (vulgar)
Fool with someone... tomar el pelo “Don’t you try to fool with me”
I owe you one... te debo una
Ransom... rescate
Head start... ventaja
Beneath every choice...
This has nothing to do with Colby... no tiene nada que ver con
I’m culpable
Figure out... resolver, descubrir la solución
Sullen... silencioso, taciturno
I trust your respect this boundary
Threshold of pain... umbral del dolor
Dealer... traficante, camello
Just like... igual que “Just like Shayla, he’s left me no choice”
“Might as well do nothing” might as well... también podría, por qué no
When he was battling his cancer
Shut up! Cállate
Jittery... nervioso, agitado (anche “nervous, tense)
Erase... borrar, eliminar
Arcade... salón recreativo, salón de juegos
Es desgarrador, doloroso “it’s heartbreaking”
Disloyal... traicionero
Betray... traicionar (“for betraying his trust”)
Mishap... percance, contratiempo
By all means
Hinder... dificultar, entorpecer
Truce... tregua
Oh, Excellency, I don’t know...
Untrustworthy... de poca confianza, de poco fiar
I ripped my shirt again
I’m popping out to the shops, I will be back in 10 minutes
Temple... iglesia/ sien
I’m a very down-to-earth person/grounded... sensata, con los pies en la tierra
Outer space... espacio exterior
Uncharted territory... inexplorado
Respite... respiro, alivio
Break up... romper/ break up with... romper con alguien
I’ll gather the crew... juntar, reunir la tripulación
Vastness... vastidad, amplitud/ spaciousness... espaciosidad
Our mission is straightforward... Clara, directa
Unambiguous... inequívoco “the senator’s speech was unambiguous”
Unwise... insensato, imprudente
We are trapped... atrapados
Endeavour... esfuerzo, empeño
Distress... angustia, aflicción
Demise... fallecimiento
Nut... tarado, loco de atar
The remainder... el resto
Swarm... multitud, muchedumbre
Decay... descomposición, putrefacción/
Sealed... sellado, cerrado
Prophet... profeta
Bloody... maldito, condenado “this bloody pen wont work”
It’s tried and tested... de eficacia comprobada
Drought... sequía
Crop failure... pérdida de la cosecha
Breed... Criar, formar, engendrar “breed hunger in places...”
Thrive... progresar, prosperar “conflict already thrive”
Shrink... encogiendo, reduciendo “shrinking islands”
Our prosperity are in jeopardy
“And yet, we can reverse it”... revertir, dar marcha atrás, retroceder
Threat... amenaza
Clean energy... energía limpia
Our nations have taken bold actions... valiente, audaz, atrevido
In the midst of a global recession
And so... por lo tanto, en consecuencia
Earn a failing grade.. obtener una suspenso
Unease... ansiedad, inquietud
Endanger... arriesgar, exponer “without endangering our planet”
Seize... agarrar, sujetar “we must seize the opportunity”
Denial... negación “denial won’t make the problem go away”
Widespread... extendido, generalizado “there is finally widespread recognition of the urgency...”
Depend on a global commitment... compromiso
Unleash... dar rienda suelta, desatar “we will unleash the creative power”
Entrepreneur... emprendedor, empresarios
Setback... revés, contratiempo
Tireless... incansable (tirelessly... incansablemente)

Shore... Costa, orilla

Are seen as outcast... son vistos
Newcomer... recién llegado
Benighted... ignorante, inculto
Rear our children
Plow our fields... arar nuestros campos
Work out factories... trabajar en (imp. Works en plural “obras”)
Side over... sacar del apuro a alguien
Tide... marea, corriente (anche figurative “a great tide of anger is rising in this city)
Stand over... supervisar
You gave nothing away... give away=relevar/ anche “reveal”
When you’ve lived with a secret as long as I have...
When we could be who we truly were
Take vows... hacer voto (iglesia)
Vow = promise
A dozen times... una decena de veces
That’s all... eso es todo
Hang on a minute... esperar
Muddle... Lío, desorden, revoltijo
And to think, the story... y pensar que, la historia../
Spread... extenderse, difundirse
Weather = endure = resist... soportar, aguantar “we can weather this if we stand together”
Pant... jadear
Back in the day... tiempo atrás, por aquel entonces, hace tiempo
Rage... enfurecer, encolerizarse “the storm is raging”
Here and there
I’m bases in Quito
Go crazy... volverse loco
Last... durar “the episode lasts 50 minutes”
Brand sb... encasillar a alguien/ tildar de
Rumors... rumores
Duty... deber, obligación
Pop off... (informal) estirar la pata, dejar este mundo
Very wise... muy sabio/ inteligente
I’m phoning on behalf of my daughter
A gent
I’m grateful for
Drive sb... llevar a alguien/ acercar
By the day
Our flesh deceives us...!
Dressmaker... modista
At sb’s expense... a cargo de, a costa de
Spare no expense... no reparar en gastos
What is it? ¿Qué pasa? ¿Qué sucede?
I will be vacating my room at month’s end
Don’t play me for a fool
Harlot... ramera, prostituta
I’m a grown woman
I’ll call the guards
They kidnapped him
Sequester sb
We have much in common
The sole heirs
What you’re saying doesn’t make any sense
Treasure... Tesoro
Catch up with... pillar a “you go on ahead: I’ll catch up with you as soon as I’ve finished my work
What the fuck do you know about music?
Grant... conceder
Keep an eye on him, understood?
Masterwork... obra maestra
As it ought to be... como Dios manda, como debiera ser
Watchmaker... relojero
Go on! Adelante!
You’re under arrest
Cuff him! Espósalo
With respect to... en relación con
Help us grow one way or another... de una manera u otra
Take unawares... coger desprevenido, coger por sorpresa
Tirarse a... bone sb. “Patrick bragged that he had boned twenty girls, but no one believed him”...
fanfarroneaba de que se había tirado a veinte chicas,pero nadie se lo creía.
Presdicament... apuro, dilema
Madness... locura
Rascal... pillo, granuja
His regimen is waning
By all means! ¡Por supuesto!
Kind clase
Foothold... punto de apoyo
Social circle
The tip of the iceberg
Come again? ¿Qué dijiste? ¿Cómo?
Statement... declaración
Glum... triste, abatido
Wisdom... sabiduría
Take it or leave it
Reputation undone
Sooner or later
Unless they hang me first
Poised... en equilibrio, equilibrado
Prized... apreciado, estimado
One step at a time... “un passo alla volta”
Sordid business...
Philo is fucking dead twat
Emptiness... vacío
Remorse... remordimiento
Embarrassment... vergüenza, bochorno
Homesick... nostálgico, melancólico (tb noun)
Brutal... brutal, cruel, despiadado
She asked to see me one more time, but I never showed up
Coward cobarde
I wouldn’t be surprised if you despise me
Does the thought of it repulse you?... repeler, repugnar
I’m well-acquainted with danger
Is Mr. Agreus to accompany you?
Lark (informal) juerga, diversión, jolgorio
Auctions... subasta
Unflattering... poco favorecedor, poco halagador
Assumption... suposición, conjetura
Godspeed, my boy.
The world has boundaries
Family tree... Árbol genealógico
That’s preposterous
In the dead of night... en mitad de la noche
Early on
Improper... inapropiado
Graceless... sin gracia, sin elegancia
Ridiculous charade
¿Cómo fue? How did that go?
Harbor sth... guardar, albergar
Rage rabia
Is in grave danger
I think we’re in luck
Unaccounted disappearance
I’m in need of an honest man
Weep... llorar (cry)
Threat... amenaza
We will prevail
We will steel ourselves against those who plot our destruction
Petty (small and unimportant) insignificante, baladí, mínimo “petty politics”
A new day is dawning
As much
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Confront/face... afrontar
How do you mean?... ¿En qué sentido? ¿A qué te refieres?
Misbehave... comportarse mal (ir behave badly)
Go after... Ir por, perseguir
Fair enough... está bien, me parece justo
Damn it!
Bow... inclinarse (bow to.. hacer una reverencia ante)
Stand by... estar preparado
All you right? ¿Todo bien?
Big deal! Gran cosa
Starship... nave espacial
You’re dismissed... estás despedido
Il gerundio deve essere utilizzato dopo le espressioni can't help, can't stand, to be worth e it's no use
Gotta... (informal) tener/ tener que
War... enfrentarse a
Riches (pl)... riqueza
Iron fist... mano de hierro
Homeland... país natal, patria
Yearn... ansiar, anhelar
Creak... chirriar
Folks are saying... la gente (informal)
Screaming... grito, chillido (v. Scream)
Whistle... silbar
Civic lesson
Or else what?
Stammer... tartamudeo (v=)
He’s one of the good ones
Hunting... caza (v. Hunt)
Do you remember what he looked like?
His head was shaved
Anything else?
Course not
At once... inmediatamente, al mismo tiempo
Misbegotten.. descabellado
Pittance... miseria, nimiedad
Impugn... cuestionar, impugnar
Indeed... ciertamente/ (!) no me digas, en serio?
My coming and goings... idas y venidas?
Under siege... bajo asedio
Wreckage... (figurative) desastre, daño
Unseen... desapercibido, inadvertido
Deliverance... liberación, rescate
She was indentured to... (contract to serve ) contratada
Maid... criada, sirvienta
Goals for a long time to come
Veritable... the restaurant serves a veritable feast of regional specialitie
Kin... pariente
Quaint... pintoresco (strange, curious)
It’s a disgrace
What are you insinuating?
Bald... Calvo, Pelado
Reward... recompensa, recompensar
Over there... allí
Spread... extenderse, difundirse
Shiny... brillante, resplandeciente
It’s easy enough
War wound... herida de guerra
Tell me one- Some other time... en otro momento, otro día
Feat... hito, hazańa, proeza
Errand... recado
Can I count on your discretion?
Absolutely not!
Hunch... corazonada, premonición
It’s proper... correcto, apropiado
I go to piss
Step away!
Fathom... entender, comprender
I just have a lot on my mind
I don’t burden you with these things
Grief... Pena, dolor, aflicción (anche “sorrow”)
Come back from the dead.. (figurative)
Drag trafficker
Multitask/ multitasking
Snowfall... Nevada (snow... nieve)

Tough... Duro, resistente

Drawer cajón
Right away sir! Inmediatamente !
Bloke... tío (informal)
Whoever it was...
Sea como sea? Haga lo que haga?
Push! Empujar
I doubt that...!!
How dare you?
She was at the height of her fame
The rich and powerful claimed...
You can count on it
China... vajilla de porcelana
Sneak out... escabullirse
I don’t want to see her for as long as I live
Manservant... criado, sirviente
Ban... prohibir, vetar
Property... propiedad
To the best bidder... postor
Hostage... rehén
Get him out of my sight
Run back and fetch it
Assuredly...con confianza
In heat... en celo
What is it? ¿Qué pasa?
Writ... orden, mandato
She was brutalised
Sew... coser
Hard to say
Sigh suspiro
There was a killing... asesinato, matanza
Bars... barrotes, rejas
Debt... deudas
WHAT IF I told you there was a quicker way... ¿y si...? ¿Y qué pasaría si...?
Cunt... coño
Even so... aun así
And she’s gone, just like that? Así como así? Como si nada?
To report her.. para denunciarla
Track down... rastrear a alguien, ubicar
What have you got in mind?
Piss off... Tocar los huevos
Have a word with sb... hablar unos minutos, tener una charla
Ghastly... horroroso, horrible
Yo también... So am I
Get by... arreglárselas
Ransom rescate (ransom demand)
I won’t abide it? Tolerar, soportar
Foresee... predecir, prever book
Cuff sb.. esposar a alguien
I’m timing you... te estoy cronometrando
Countrymen... compatriotas
Righteous.. honesto, honrado
Envy.. envidia
Cripple... lisiar, mutilar
Time’s up... se acabó el tiempo.
No, I’m done with them... (done) terminar, acabar
It’s costumary...
I task you... te asigno una tarea
Take a seat... tomar asiento
Why in heaven’s name would you waste that kind of money?
Show out... acompañar a la puerta
Squander... despilfarrar, derrochar
I’m merely trying to make you understand I had no choice
Refurbish... renovar, requipar
I jam to adjust our fate, you must have faith
my father will crush you... te machacará
There’s always a first time
Besides, I’ve always hated that fucking bear
She’s free to do as she pleases
The investigation is ongoing
Love begets love and light begets light
How well did you know her?
Harm..hacer daño, lastimar
Look upon... considerar (regard, consider)
Conspirar... plot, scheme
I was robbed
Does no one care?
It’s mercy... piedad
Enrollment... inscripción, matrícula
Weird... extraño, raro.
Lay down... rendirse, deponer las armas /lei/
Lie down... acostarse /lai/
What brought you to Italy?
Riddle... acertijo, adivinanza
Weapon... arma
You have my word (if you break your word.../ if he doesn’t keep his word)
Keep a close eye on him
Go ahead! You leave if you want
Without a doubt... sin duda
It’s preposterous... ilógico, absurdo
Curse, hex, evil, spell... maldición
Droll... divertido,gracioso
I was sobbing
Blush... sonrojarse, ruborizarse
I can get home within hours
Injury... herida
Chap... tío (informal)
It’s not what it looks like... no es lo que parece
Hand in
Sharpshooter... francotirador
Ally/allies... aliado/s
Spoil... arruinar
Bury... esconder, tapar, ocultar
As long as we meet each other again
Give over
I was a liability for you
I’m struggling with Spanish
Loo... baño (UK. Informal)
Good to see you
Footprint... huella
Lad... (informal) Chico
Shipment... cargamento, envío
We have a cricket in our midst. Someone’s been chirping
We are not accustomed to the shadows
Outlaw... bandido, criminal
Step forward!
So be it... que así sea
It is the last time I pretend to look away
Bloke... informal tío
Just guessing... solo una suposición
For what purpose?
Unholy... profano, infame
Try me! Ponme a prueba
I’m a rational man
Proof... prueba, evidencia
Skepticism might keep you sane, but not alive
Prosper... prosperar, triunfar
Bashful = shy
Like I said, We’re very creative
Don’t worry, I have this in my hand
How so? = why is that? = ¿(y eso) por qué?
Have an inkling
Yield... ceder/ ceder la palabra “I yeald to...”
Push against... oponer resistencia
Push sb (figurative) presionar
What the devil are you talking about, Mary? ... ¿de qué diablos estás hablando?
He’s a damn fool
You’re my advisor, advise me!
Forgive me, sir, I can’t
I’m trapped between... atrapado entre
The lifeless body... el cuerpo sin vida
Haggle = bargain = regatear
In plain words... en palabras sencillas
I’m an asset... I can do many things for you
Don’t scare me!
You are not invincible
Hideous... espantoso, horroroso
Ordeal... calvario, experiencia dura
Bloody... ensangrentado
Senseless... inconsciente/ estupido
To jog his memory... (memory) refrescar, estimular
Plead... suplicar, implorar
Don’t waste your breath
Thank you for your concern
Patrick recalled the hot summer in his youth
I meant to test the waters of your generosity
Lack... carecer de (son prep)
It was foolish of me
We can arrive at any accommodation... acuerdo, reconciliación
Cocksucker... chupapollas
Close your eyes- why?- because I told you to
Suck (sb) off... hacer una mamada
I’ve never taken you out
When it suits you... cuanto te viene bien

Struck down... postrado en la cama

Entwine.... enroscar, entrelazar
Faith...fe/ certeza, seguridad
Humble... humilde
Repository... depósito
I could sense it somehow
Conjure... convocar, conjurar
Am I interrupting?... ¿te interrumpo?
Seek... buscar
How he would deign to spend it?
I will not negotiate with
You must stay off the Row!... mantenerse alejado de
Treachery... traición
Childish things... cosas inmaduras, infantiles
In the public eye... mirada de la gente, atención pública
Die down... ir apagándose, bajar
Physician... Médico
Constabulary... (UK) policía
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go out
Do feel free to have a look about
Damp... mojado, Húmedo
Most kind
Sin... pecado (v. Pecar) (commit a sin)
What made you think of that?
Truthful... honrado (anche truthfully)
...but he did succumb to the appetites of the flesh...
Thank you for being forthcoming
Lo tonto que eres... how silly you are
I see now I haven’t the strength
Bargain = deal = agreement = acuerdo, trato
I should have known you wouldn’t have the mettle for this
It is so! ¡De verdad! ¡En serio
... ¿y?... that car is nicer than your car. So?
Broken-hearted... descorazonado, afligido (anche sorrowful)
Endeavour to do = try to
Eager to do... impaciente, deseoso
By all means... por favor, por supuesto
Forefather... antepasado, ancestros
Outcast... marginado
The overcame the prejudices of that time
It’s certainly different/ we have completely different opinions/ I don’t entirely understand what you
Properly... correctamente, adecuadamente
Listener... oyente
Handymans are hard to get
The following year... al año siguiente
Set aside... dejar a un lado, interrumpir momentáneamente
Damned... condenado/ jodido-maldito
Amusement park... parque de atracciones
Midget... (offensive) enano
Tasty... Rico, sabroso
Far more
Take that into consideration
From time to time... de vez en cuando
Handout... limosna
Clumsy... torpe, patoso
Reclaim (take back)... recuperar “the rightful heir has now reclaimed the throne” el legítimo
heredero ha recuperado el trono
Demand... reclamar
Claim... asegurar, sostener
Bound by/ bound to... obligado por/obligado a
Willing to... dispuesto a
I can help you in return
Hold out for...(phrasal) esperar “holding out for a hero”
Dare to do... atreverse a, osar
Rage... rabia, ira (v. Enfurecerse) “your tears have turned to rage”
Throughout... durante, a lo largo de
There’s always room for improvement
Kidnap/abduct... secuestrar
How to spend less time grading
If so,... en tal caso/ ... and so on. (y así sucesivamente)
Standing ovation
Threaten... amenazar
Recipe... receta (recipe book)
Throughout the year...
I’m doing ok... me va bien, lo estoy haciendo bien
People jumping at you... personas que te saltan encima
Misread... leer mal, incorrectamente
Get on well... llevarse bien
Go all out... darlo todo, dejarse la piel.
Deliver... mandar pero también “deliver sb... parir a alguien”
We nearly missed the train... casi/ por poco
Yeah I know but I was tempted
Lobby... presionar/grupo de presión/ pero también “vestíbulo,recibidor”
Better than that in a way... en cierto modo/de alguna manera, era mejor
We’ve eaten nearly... por poco, casi
To seek... buscar
Eager... entusiasta
I ran as fast as ever
I’m struggling to think in another
Awesome... impresionante
language... en apuros
I’m kidding... te estoy tomando el pelo
According to the forecast... en conformidad con el pronóstico...
Steve hardly ever gets angry
Don’t let me down... no me decepciones
Hoax... chiste, broma
Mess about... hacer el tonto
Needy and disperate
What’s my first task...tarea, trabajo
Bother... molestar
Reward... recompensa, gratificación
I’m not crazy about it... no me vuelve loco
Dusty.. polvoriento
It’s not a problem at all... no es un problema en absoluto
I haven’t been to Santander but I’d like to!
Appoint... nombrar
Bruised... herido, magullado, con moratones
There’s a film on tv starting in 5 minutes
... which means... lo cual significa
Defínanle... resistencia, desafío
Pleasant... placentero, agradable
I’m also starting to learn German after 15 years of not using it
Due to the big number of applications... debido a, a causa de
Sorry if I am bombarding you with too much information, I wanted to give multiple options

Get in the way... estorbar, interponerse

End up... acabar
It’a nice to have... è beloved
If you’re referring to... si te refieres a
Dig deep in... profundizar en
I get laid... echar un polvo
I’m also... yo también
So far... hasta ahora, hasta la fecha
Overtime... con el paso del tiempo
along with... junto con
Laugh my head off... desternillarse
Beloved... amado, querido
How’re you getting on? ¿Cómo andas?
Settle down... establecerse, sentar cabeza, echar raíces
I miss natural beauty (besides the desert and beaches).
You can’t pass up... dejar pasar, desperdiciar
Beyond anything!
Make ends meet... llegar a final de mes
Damn it to hell! Me cago en diez/ mierda
It is hard to put into words just how meaningful (significativo) this milestone (peldaño, escalón) is
for me and my family.
And while I know that the concept of the "American Dream" is flawed (defecto, imperfección), I'd
be lying if I said that this moment didn't feel damn good (muy bien)
I am forever grateful and indebted to my parents and ancestors without whose tireless (incansables,
infatigables) efforts I would not be standing here.
Humbled...humildes, modesto
Aprovechar... make the most of/ enjoy/ take advantages of “make the most of your time. Do waste it
sitting in front of the TV.
Estructura importante: now they’re not speaking to each other... ahora no se hablan
Shameless... descarado, desvergonzado
It’s up to you... depende de ti
Do you mind if... te importa si..?
I bet you love it!... apuesto que te encanta
I remember school very clearly
Rely on... confiar
Get on with... llevarse bien
I’m impressed... impresionado, conmovido
Unpack... desembalar “i unpacked the pillow”
Disgusting... disgustoso
Forgive me... perdóname
sentirsi la lingua impastata: tener la lengua pastosa
To get honry... cachondo, caliente
You have a gift for the music... tienes un don
Domineering... dominante
I can think of something I’d like you to eat
Yesterday I studied way too much... demasiado
It isn’t enough to live on... mantenerse, sostenerse
To cheat... hacer trampas, jugar sucio
Feasible... viable, factible
Which so far (lo cual/por el momento) I find engaging (interesante, cautivador).
So far I feel like (siento que/siento como si) it’s more of a vocabulary book. I’ll supplement
(suplemento, pero también complementar) it with one of the grammar workbooks in about weeks
Oriented... familiarizado, orientado. We’ll need a few days to become oriented here
Relating to.../ connected to-with
I need to brush up on my Spanish... repasar
Lifetime... vida (in her lifetime)/ de por vida (It’s lifetime commitment... es un compromiso de por
Don’t be shy, give me a greeting
Don’t hesitate to contacto me!
Stand up and be counted... hacerse oír
It’s the one way to... es la única manera de
??? Haha ah man you’re already up to studying body parts, that’s good progress !
How’s your day been by the way ?
That’s the way I feel... esto es lo que siento
I didn’t want to come across like that... no quería dar esta impresión
She nailed it... lo clavó
To spotlight... centrar la mirada
Break up... romper (relación)
Get to know sb... conocer
Hey dude... ey tío (coloq.)
Bother to... molestarse en, tomarse la molestia en
He process is insanely slow... increíblemente
It’s been years since I rode a bike. (it’s = it has
Since then... desde entonces
Since + -ing
We can use since + -ing form to refer to time when the subject of the verb is the same in the main
clause and the subordinate clause:
Since leaving school, he has had three or four temporary jobs. (Since he left school, he has …)
Fiel... campo
Take care of yourself, it’s very important es diferente de “taking care of yourself is very important”

Practice makes perfect.

I don’t blame them... no les culpo
Don’t feel bad about mistakes
English speaking countries... países de habla inglesa
Unfair... justo
Medicamentos... medicines
Make ends meet... llegar a fin de mes
Up to 50%
Servir... be useful for
Brat... niño mimado
Overseas... adv. en el extranjero, afuera
Yo sería uno de esos que... i would be one of those who
Le dieron sus regalos... give him their respective presents
A esas alturas... by that time... / a estas alturas... at this point/ by now
It’s not problem for me
Leave mark... dejar huella (the American tradition left its mark)
Age of majority
At the age of..
Did you actually mean “¿?”
Pillar... to get “I didn’t get it”
Whatever I do/ no matter what I do... haga lo que haga
Overgrown... grandote, grandullón
It looks pretty damn good
Son bienvenidos... are highly appreciated
Genre.. género
Mainstream... corriente principal, cultura dominante

Smashed your joystick
Hairy... peludo
The Earth is on the brink of extinction
Deadly virus
Unhealthy... poco saludable, dañino
You’re sweating dude
Witness... testigo
I hate that jackass... idiota, gilipollas
Are you cherry? (Slang, vulgar) virgen
Hideous... horroroso, espantoso
blemish... imperfección, mancha
It’s not en encouraging
You’re the saviour/savior
I’m in heat.. en celo
Mate... aparearse
Wolf, it’s just a little cum... un poco de lefa
You’re the first person that have beaten the game
I know this is a lot for you to digest... asimilar, digerir
What the heck?
Fight back... contraataca, tomar represalias
We live in a sewer... alcantarilla, cloaca
Mankind... humanidad, especie humana
Timeout... pausa, descanso (sport: tiempo muerto)
It remains fully intact
If we’re actually ripping his cock off... rip off es arrancar algo
Tease... burlarse de
Been there, my old lady’s a... (expres.) ¡si lo sabré yo!
He’s a real cunt... es un gran hijo de puta
She’s completely harmless... inofensivo, inocuo
I finally managed to drag you away from Moscow... conseguir, lograr (entre otros)/ arrastrar, sacar
por la fuerza
I’m assuming you’ve seen the BNI article about..
Fund.. fondos
It would restore confidence... recobrar confianza
Will you save me if I drown? Ahogarse
Tough... duro, resistente
Drill... taladro/taladrar
Pay off
Expertise... experiencia, habilidad, dominio
Launderer... blanqueador de dinero
What are you up to?... (saludo) qué tramas, que haces, que tienes entre manos
It’s a good turnout
I’m sorry for your loss
He came stoned... (slang) colocado, drogado
Swore pasado de “swear” jurar
Caution = carefulness precaución, cuidado
He kicked your family out of Russia
Backer... patrocinadores, esponsor
If I don’t show up, they’ll invest somewhere else
Grieve... llorar la muerte
Bribe... sobornar
If it pans out... si sale bien, si da buen resultado
Pimp... proxeneta, chuloputas (anche v.)
We’re back on track
On track
I’m having issues with the Czechs
Goodwill... de buena gana (adv)
The world moves on... move on sigue adelante
These pricks... estos capullos, malparados
You’ll get through this... lo superarás, saldrás adelante
How are you doing today?
I decided I need to treat myself a bit
I’m going to pick it up this afternoon
Smuggle... traficar, contrabandear
Most likely..
Complimentary remark
I’m sorry. I’m just been really swamped
Conquer... dominar, conquistar
Win round...
I’m not going to blackmail you... chantajear, extorsionar
Throw up... echar la pota, vomitar (tb lanzar)
Greed... gula, glotonería/ tb codicia y avaricia
Shipment... cargamento
Ley down... decepcionar
Swill... bazofia, comida para cerdos/ tb beber a tragos
As far as I know... por lo que sé, hasta donde yo sé
If you’re amenable... dispuesto
Arouse the suspicion... levantar sospechas
I waited for your wife to take your son to school
Intruder... intruso
Smart move... buena jugada
Unsavoury... desagradable, repugnante
Piggyback sb... llevar a caballito, a las espaldas
I have to reboot... reiniciar
They were understanding
I’ll be right back... volver ahora, volver enseguida
Crook... delincuente, criminal
Rapist... violador (v. Rape)
You haven’t turned your back on me like everyone else...
...the life that you led...
This is a little awkward...
How well do you know Alex?
You’ll avenge them and then why?
So-so... así así, regular, más o menos
Attachment es adjunto, pero también apego, vinculo “that’s why in this business, it’s easier to have
no attachments”
Warrant... orden judicial
Worldwide... mundial
Take a rest... tomar un descanso
That’s all... eso es todo
She’s moved out... mudarse
Her parents have passed away... pasar a mejor vida
I bet it’s not cheap
Get rid of sb/sth... deshacerse de, librarse de
Crime syndicates... mafia
All they wanted a slice of pie
You overestimated me
You underestimated me
I’m sorry - Don’t worry, water under the bridge
Monday of last week... el lunes de la semana pasada
That’s so fucked up
Ah you messed up little man
Retractarse... take back/ (formal) retract
I don’t want anyone else to know. Not even Ilya.
I have nothing to lose
My parents both are Russian but I raised here
Cheat sb... hacer trampa, jugar sucio
You have my blessing... bendición, aprobación, consentimiento
For now... por el momento, por ahora
Do you think I betrayed your mother?... traicionar
Send away
I only want to put my mind at rest... tranquilizar, estar tranquilo
In good faith... de buena fe
Make my case... exponer mis argumentos
My parents send their love???
You are not civilized
God forgive you... que Dios te perdone
He turned me on and I couldn’t resist
In exchange for your protection... a cambio
It’s outdated... pasado de moda, anticuado
Their methods are inefficient
Ruthless... despiadado, implacable.
Of course.. claro
He was concerned when I need to it
God watched over you
There’s one more thing... hay algo más
... but for the sake of our future partnership...
They can discredit you...
...and you’ve made your deal and now you have to see it through... see sth through (task, project)
llevar a cabo
Make a deal... hacer un trato, llegar a un acuerdo
You don’t have the guts... no tienes agallas
He’s a good boy, I’m biased I know... partidista, tendencioso, “di parte”
Wholesale... venta al por mayor (wholesaler... mayorista)
Retail sale... venta al por menor
Inherit... heredar
Fade away... disiparse, desvanecer, esfumarse
Godforsaken... dejado de la mano De Dios, abandonado por Dios
Stand down... renunciar, dimitir
Son of a bitch... hijo de puta
Bruised... con moretones; magullado
rib... costilla
Barefoot... descalzo
I’m not cutting off your brother... repudiar, distanciarse de (tb amputar)
Junk... porquería, basura
Come on, hand it over!
I can expel you... expulsar (estudiante)
Hallucinations... alucinaciones
Untie... desatar, liberar, soltar
I’m not insane... loco, demente
Wile... treta, artimaña
Here’s your change of clothes... tu cambio
Rave... delirar, desvariar (anche “juerga)
Den... guarida, madriguera
Shrink... encogerse, reducirse (pero también psiquiatra)
I can’t wait... lo estoy deseando
I’m so done... estoy muerto, agotado
Be done también acabarse “this bag of nappies is done”
It’s not on you... no depende de ti
Enlighten us! Iluminamos (figurative)
Gruesome... repugnante, horripilante
Stay put! Quédate ahí, no te muevas
Unload... disparar, descargar sobre (with a gun)
He’s looking for you... showed up at my folks’... apareció en casa de mis padres
It was a bloodbath... fue una masacre, carnicería, baño de sangre
Sit tight, brother... espera
It was self-defense

I had this whole dream life that I envisioned for myself... imaginar, concebir
Shut the hell up... ¡cierra la puta boca!
Ryan Gosling would never do this crap... mierda, estupidez
I’m not sabotaging you
Carry around... llevar a todos los lados/todas las partes, siempre
You crossed the line... te pasaste de la raya
I can’t fall for a fat person right now... caer a los pies, colarse, enamorarse
I guess... supongo (como respuesta seca)
I guess... supongo que “I guess you’re right”
Knit... tejer, hacer punto
I see you in the playing field (tb figurado)... cancha, campo de juego
Shame on me for taking the money... shame on you for making me famous...
I quit... renuncio (informal, Job)
You’re cracking up... desternillarse de la risa (tb “tener una crisis nerviosa”/ “darle un patatús”)
Nightcap... copa, bebida (antes de ir a dormir)
Do you want to fool around? ... acostarse, pero tb “hacer el tonto, perder el tiempo”
Sorry, I’m not processing anything...
Something meaningful... algo significativo
During the delivery... parto, alumbramiento
He saved countless babies... innumerables, incontables
Let’s go! Vamos
Censor... censurar
What’s the endgame? Final del juego, desenlace
Nothing. You’re my best friend, you’re venting... desahogarse, descargar
So I took on you
What’s done is done... lo que está hecho, está hecho
I’m starving... famélico, muerto de hambre
I’m asking to you for the love of God...
You’re dapper... elegante, sofisticado
I’m overdoing, so bye.
Ride out the next couple years, all right?... aguantar, soportar
Do you forgive me?
Nap... siesta (anche v. Dormir la siesta)
I don’t want to be sappy... sensiblero, sentimental
Abandon... abandonar
Drifter... vagabundo
Your Highness... alteza
My issues are not gonna go away overnight, Toby... (adv) de la noche a la mañana
Or thereabout... aproximadamente, más o menos
I am so deeply sorry... lo lamento profundamente
That’s ballsy...
He slaps the baby... abofetear
I have to pee... tengo que mear
Could you butt out? ... métete en tus asuntos
Mind your business...
You take the pill every day like clockwork, right?
It’s a riddle... acertijo, adivinanza
They’ll go nuts... enloquecerían, volverse loco
Punched me.. me dio un puñetazo
I’m not cut out for theatre... hecho para, tener vocación, tener talento
I feel dopey today
I’m not a weirdo
This work is sloppy
Randall’s gifted... dotado, talentoso
All due respect, Sir... con el debido respeto
Can I start over? Empezar de nuevo
I’d be thrilled... emocionado, entusiasmado
Do you want the gig? (Informal) curro
Empower...empoderar a, fortalecer/ tb conferir poderes a, facultar (authorise)
You’re making fun of me
We look alike... nos parecemos
I want you to stand out... sobresalir, resaltar
Washing machine is officially cooked.. (vulgar) jodida
Nut... tarado, chiflado, loco de atar
Dungeon... mazmorra, calabaza
no dice! De ninguna manera
Are you starving? ¿Estás muriendo de hambre?
That’s awesome
Maybe she has a point... tiene razón
Oh, my God, are you taking her side?
Replacement... reemplazo, sustitución
(Estructura importante) “I want her to hurt as much as I do”

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