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Foreign and local study

Psidium guajava, guava, documented to possess several medicinal properties, has been
extensively researched for various pharmacological properties. The laboratory studies and
clinical trials provide a strong scientific base supporting the various
ethnobotanical/ethnopharmacological reports from across the world. In addition, as guava
propagates easily and thrives in almost all the climatic conditions, it is widely available for
medicinal use as well as commercial applications. T.J. Birdi et al (2017).

Another reason why people prefer consuming guava is that it’s packed with nutrients. Not only
does guava have more vitamin C than oranges, but it is also rich in other antioxidants and has
been recorded to have various health benefits. P. Taculao (2021).

Foreign and Local Literature

Palwe Vimal Devidas, Dr. L. D. Hingne (2022) stated that because betel leaves and guava leaves
are the best for reducing hair fall or acting as a promoter of hair growth and exhibit the best
antioxidant activity, their combination formulation is not currently available in the market. The
formulation was evaluated for general parameters such as pH, dirt dispersions, and appearance
and was stable for 2 months. It is best for treating the hair loss conditions, alopecia.

In the Philippines, guava fruit is freely eaten for its good taste and nutritional benefits. Many
medicinal uses have been validated by scientific research. Chemicals isolated from guava leaves
like quercetin, guaijaverin, several flavonoids and galactose-specific lecithins have shown
promising activity in many human clinical trials. Guava is one of the few medicinal plants which
has been very extensively studied in terms of pharma-cological activity of its major
components ,and the results indicate great potent antimicrobial/antibacterial activities.
Flavonoids extracted from guava leaves including quercetin and were reported to have strong
antibacterial action. G. Penecilla, C. Magno (2011)

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