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____a_o_E_K_H o_u____

23 AUGUSTUS 2017
____a_ o_o_KK_E_E_PI_N_G ______.
23 AUGUST 2017

14:00-16:15 Totaal:[100) 14:00·16:15 Total: [100)

Kand/date kry 1S minute om die vraestel deurte Candidates are allowed 15 minutes to peruse
lees voor hulle begin skryf. Geen kandldaat the paper before starting to answer the
mag tydens hlerrlle tyd In die antwoordboek questions. Nocandldatemaystartwrlllng ln the
begin skryf nle. Die eksamen van 2 uur volg answerbook durlng this period. The examination
dan. of 2 hours then follows.

1. Kandidate mag sakrekenaars gebruik. 1. Candidates may use calculators.

2. By beantwoording van vrae moet die betrokke 2. In answering the questions you should ensure that the
inskrywings duidelik ge'identifiseer, omskryf en relevant entries are clearly identified, narrated
uiteengesit word. detailed.

3. Afsonderlike besigheids- en trustkasboeke. asook 3. Separate business and trust cash books and ctients'
klientegrootboekrekeninge moet geopen word en moet ledger accounts must be opened and are not to be
nie gekombineer word nie. Joemaalinskrywings moet combined. Journal entries must be property identified
behoorlik beskryf en ge'identifiseer word. and narrated.

4. Skryf assebllef slegs in pen op die regterkantse bladsye. 4. Please write only in pen on the right-hand pages.

5. Tensy daar 'n spesiale rede bestaan, word 'n kandidaat 5. Except if a special reason exists, a candidate will not be
nie vir 'n mondeling in hierdie deel ingeroep as 50% en required to do an oral in this part if 50% or more is
meer behaal is nie. lndien 'n kandidaat minder as 40% attained. If a candidate achieves less than 40% he/she
behaal sal hy/sy nie kwalifiseer vir 'n mondeling nie en will not qualify for an oral and will have failed this section.
sal hierdie deel druip.
(100) 11001

VRAAG 1 [15] QUESTION 1 [15)

U besigheidskasboek toon op 28 Februarie Your business cash book as at 28 February
2016 'n oortrokke saldo van R10 000. 2016 reflects an overdrawn balance of R 10 000.
Vergelyking ��e toon die volgende: A corn parison oftt).etv,,o revealed the fol lowing:

a) 'n Tjek vir R26 000 gemerk "verwys na a) A cheque of R 26 000 marked "refer to
Trekker" maar die ontering is nog nle in drawer" has not been entered in the cash
die kasboek aangeteken nie. book.
b) Rente van R3 000 op die oortrekking is b) Interest of R3 000 on the overdraft has not
neg nie in die kasboek aangeteken nie. been entered in the cash book.
c) Bankkoste van R4 000 is nog nie in die c) Bank charges of R4 000 have not been
kasboek aangeteken nie. entered in the cash book.
d) 'n Elektroniese oordrag van 'n klient ter d) An electronic transfer from a client in
vereffening van u fooie van R3 000 is nog payment of your fee account of R3 000
nie in die kasboek aangeteken nie. has not been entered in your cash book.
e) 'n Deposito van R8 700 is verkeerdelik in e) A deposit of R8 700 has been incorrectly
u kasboek aangeteken as R 1 700. entered in your cash book as R1 700.
f) Die bank het foutiewelik u rekening met f} The bank has incorrectly debited your
R10 000 gedebiteer. account with R1O 000.
g) Die bank het foutiewelik 'n trusttjek vir g) A trust cheque for R 12 000 has been
R12 000 uit u besigheidsrekening betaal. incorrectly paid by the bank from your
h) 'nAftrekordervan R7 000 vir maandelikse business account.
kantoorhuur is nog nie in die kasboek h) A stop order of R7 000 for the office
aangeteken nie. space monthly rental, has not been
i) Tjeks ten bedrae van R 10 545 is nag nie entered in the cash book.
by die bank vir betaling aangebied nie. i) Cheques totalling R 1 O 545 have not yet
been presented to the bank for payment

U meet die volgende doen: You are required to prepare:

1.1 'n Aanvullende kasboek opstel vir 1.1 Prepare a supplementary cash book for
28 Februarie 2016; (9) 28 February 2016. (9)
1.2 Die balans op die bankstaat bereken 1.2 Calculate the bank statementbalance by
deur die bankrekonsiliasiestaat op te preparing the bank reconciliation
stel. (6) statement. (6)

VRAAG 2 [30) QUESTION 2 [30]

U ontvang die volgende staat van u You receive the following statement from your
korrespondent: correspondent:

[100( (11JO]


Dagvaardingsfooie 3 000 1 000 Summons fees 3 000 1 000

81W 420 140 Vat 420 140
Betaal balju 1 000 Paid Sheriff 1 000
Kontant White 18 000 Cash White 18 000
lnvorderingsfooie 1 800 600 Collection commission 1 800 600
BlW 252 84 Vat 252 84
Tjek hiermee 13 352 Cheque herewith 13 352
19824 19824 19824 19824

U meet al bogenoemde transaksies in u boeke You are required to record all the above
van eerste inskrywing en grootboekrekeninge transactions in your books of prime entry, and
aanteken. Dra die bedrag waarop u geregtig is ledger account. Transfer the amount you are
oor na u besigheidsbankrekening en betaal entitled to, to your business banking account.
Black wat horn toekom. Toon ook daardie Account fully to your client - Black. It is not
inskrywings. Dit is nie nodig om •n verrekening­ necessary to prepare an accounting statement.
staat op te stel nie.

VRAAG 3 [25) QUESTION 3 (25)

U klient, David, gee u opdrag om 'n InterVivos Your client David instructs you to register an
trust te registreer en 'n boedelbeplanning te lnterVivos trust and prepare an estate plan for
doen. Hy betaal u 'n deposito van R50 000 vir him. He gives you a deposit of R50 OOOto cover
u fooie en uitgawes. U trek inkomstese!ls ter yourfees and disbursements. You issue revenue
waarde van R1 800 uit u seE!lvoorraad en hef'n stamps of R1800 from your stock of stamps and
fooi van R30 000 plus BTW teen 14% van charge a fee of R30 000 plus Vat at 14% of
R4 200. R4 200.

Teken bogemelde transaksies in u rekenkundige Record the abovementioned transactions in

boeke aan en verreken ten volle aan u klient. your accounting records and account fully to
Stel die verrekeningstaat op. your client by preparing an accounting

VRAAG 4 [30] QUESTION 4 (30)

U ontvang op 5 Februarie 2016 die volgende You receive the following amounts from your
bedrae van kliente: clients on 5 February 2016:
a) Klient Reddy betaal u R400 000 vir die a) Client Reddy pays you R400 000 in cash
aankoop van 'n e iendom. Die for the purchase price of a property. The
ooreenkoms magtig u om die fondse agreement mandates you to invest the
namens horn te bele. U bele die bedrag money on his behalf. You invest the
by'n Bank. money with a Bank.
b) Kliijnt Van der Merwe betaal u b) Client Van Der Merwe pays you
R1 000 000 om in trust gehou te word R1 000 000 in cash to be held in Trust
hangende oordrag van 'n eiendom. pending transfer of a property.
[100) (100)

c) KlientNgubane deponeer R685 000 om c) Client Ngubane deposits R685 000 in

in trust te hou hangende 'n kompromie­ cash to be held in Trust pending a
aanbod. compromise offer.

d) Klient Adams betaal R300 000 om in d) Client Adams pays you R300 000 in cash
trust te hou hangende skikking van 'n to be held in trust pending settlement of
egskeidingsgeding. a divorce action.

e) Klient Khoza betaal u R500 000 vir die e) Client Khoza pays you R500 000 for the
aankoop van 'n motorvoertuig van 'n purchase of a motor carfrom your client.
ander klient.

U bele R1 500 000 in 'n trustbelegging You decide to invest R 1 500 000 in a
byNedbank. Trust Investment at Nedbank.
U betaal die verkoper van die You pay the seller R 500 000 for the sale
motorvoertuig die prys van R500 000. of the motor car.
Op 28 Februarie 2016 onttrek u alle On 28 February 2016 you withdraw all
trustbeleggings en ontvang R 1 515 000 Trust Investments and receive
vanNedbank en R422 000 van die Bank. R 1 515 00OfromNedbankand R422 000
U betaal die rente aan die begunstigdes. from the Bank. You pay the interest to
the beneficiaries.


4.1 Teken al die transaksies in die kasboeke 4. 1 Record all transactions in the cash books
en grootboeke aan. and ledgers.

4.2 Dui aan hoe u sal vasstel of u voldoende 4.2 Indicate how you determine whether you
trustfondse in u trustbankrekening het have sufficient monies in your Trust
om trustkrediteure te kan betaal. account to pay trust creditors.



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