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 Children Rights

 Introduction:-
Every child has the right to health, education and protection, and
every society has a stake in expanding children’s opportunities in life. Yet, around the
world, millions of children are denied a fair chance for no reason other than the country,
gender or circumstances into which they are born. Pakistan’s recently-introduced Single
National Curriculum for schools across the country promises uniform educational
attainment for her children, but there are several impediments to equal outcomes for
children via education in Pakistan and only a multi-pronged, composite strategy can
hope to overcome Pakistan’s complex problems in the education sector.
 Data Collection:-
Poverty is one of the main factors that impedes parents from
sending their children to school. Limited income and spending capacity of parents
along with unsafe transportation services puts education, particularly of female
children, at stake, with girls dropping out of school more than boys. Pakistan is marred
by intricate problems which affect the education of her children. It is easier said than
achieved that one curriculum can address all these complex problems. Educational
inequality exists in Pakistan not just because students are studying different curricula,
are enrolled in private and state schools, are elite and poor, and (those who can
afford) opt for higher education abroad, compared to the local education; the reasons
for educational inequality lie beyond these aspects.
Poverty affects children disproportionately. Around the world, one out of six children lives in
extreme poverty. Their families struggle to afford the basic health care and nutrition needed
to provide them a strong start. These deprivations leave a lasting imprint; in 2021, 149 million
children under the age of five were stunted.

 Formulation of Hypothesis:-
More than twenty years ago, the world united
to condemn and mobilize against the use of children in armed conflict. Since then,
thousands of children have been released as a result of Action Plans mandated by the UN
Security Council and other actions aimed at ending and preventing recruitment and use of
children by armed forces and groups. However, serious challenges for the protection of
children affected by armed conflict remain.
The right of children to protection from violence is enshrined in the Convention on the
Rights of the Child and yet still one billion children experience some form of emotional,
physical every year; and one child dies from violence every seven minutes.
 Analyzing the data:-
Children have the right to speak, express and share what
they learn, think and feel. They may use any means of creative expression available to
them unless their expression somehow harms others.
Children can determine their thoughts, means of expression, opinions, sociopolitical
ideologies, and religious and spiritual beliefs, provided that their thoughts do not
infringe upon the rights of others. Parents should teach children to express
themselves and respect the opinions of others.

 Testing of hypothesis:-
A study was designed to investigate the relationship
between cognitive style and hypothesis testing strategies used in solving concept
attainment problems. A field-independent (FI) and field-dependent (FD) cognitive style
group of third grade students were administered concept attainment problems using a
blank-trial methodology. The results demonstrated that while the hypothesis
sampling of FI students coincided with a perfect focusing model, FD students did not
process information systematically and showed a response bias to an available
stimulus dimension. A second experiment was then designed to determine if the
information processing of FD students could be enhanced by providing stimulus aids in
accordance with their cognitive style characteristics. The results revealed that
consistent focusing could be obtained in FD students in a treatment condition in which
compound stimuli were disembedded into their component parts.
 Evaluating results:-
Children have the right to transmit and receive
information through the internet, radio, phone, television, books and other resources.
Governments should make access to information as free as possible. They should
share information from multiple sources and in multiple languages. Every child
deserves privacy. The law must protect children’s privacy in all areas, including online.
Personal documentation of children should not be published. Every child has the right
to engage in cultural and creative activities. Children from minority populations have
the right to participate in activities that the majority populations of their country do
not participate in.
 Conclusion:-
Children have the right to be treated as citizens. They deserve to
grow in a society that loves, cares, respects and protects them. Children are entitled to
rights just as much as adults.
You can do something to raise awareness about child rights. Take action to support
child rights in Pakistan today.

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