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Teacher RJ
A thesis is a statement or theory that is
put forward as a premise to be
maintained or proved.

Your thesis must be arguable; it must

assert or deny something about your
topic. To be arguable, a thesis must have
some probability of being true. It should
not, however, be generally accepted as
true; it must be a statement with which

Thesis people may disagree. Keep in mind that

a thesis contains both an observation
and an opinion.
How to
Turn the topic into State an argument Briefly outline your
a question and —and then refute it. main points.
answer it. Introduce an idea that contrasts with Introduce your main point and explain
For example, in your title or your belief, and immediately explain how you’ll back it up. For example:
introduction, you could pose the why you disagree with it. For example: “You can turn a peanut butter and jelly
question, “What is the best type of “While some people believe peanut sandwich into a gourmet meal by
sandwich?” And then answer with butter and jelly sandwiches are too using artisanal bread, toasting the
your thesis statement: “The best type simple, they’re versatile sandwiches bread, and adding additional
of sandwich is peanut butter and jelly.” that you can easily turn into a gourmet toppings.” This method is effective
This method is effective because meal.” This method is effective because it gives readers a clear idea of
intriguing questions draw readers in because it uses evidence and everything you’ll discuss in your essay.
and encourage them to keep reading immediately demonstrates your It also serves as a roadmap to help
to find the answer. credibility. keep you organized and on track.
A good way to test the
strength of your thesis is
to see if it yields a strong
A thesis expressed as a fragment. -
Eventhough most people love sandwiches
because they make a good snack.
A thesis which is too broad. - Sandwiches are
the best snack because of million of reasons.
A thesis worded as a question. (Usually the
answer to the question yields the thesis)
A thesis which includes extraneous
information. - Sandwiches are the best snack
for students because they are healthy, easy
to prepare, and they are invented in 1762.
A thesis which begins with I think or in my
A thesis which deals with a stale or trite issue.
A thesis which contains words which lead to
faulty generalizations (all, none, always, only,
everyone, etc.) - Sandwiches are the best
snack for school because everyone loves it.
A thesis evolves as you work with
your topic. Brainstorm, research,
talk, and think about your topic
before settling on a thesis. If you are
having trouble formulating a thesis,
begin freewriting about your topic.
Your freewrite may suggest a
workable thesis.
During the writing process, consider
your thesis a working thesis and be
willing to modify and re-focus it as
you draft and revise your paper.
Copy your working thesis on an
index card and keep it in front of you

Tips as you research and write. Having

your thesis in plain view may help
focus your writing.

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