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Practice 1
Assignment 1

Instructer: Mahmoud Zuaiter

Bashayer Alammari TA5260
Jana Ghalib TA5108
Amr Taha TA0067
Choose a brand (specific product) brief identification

Part 1: Data Collect 20 media for different campaigns from different periods

Monitoring Define the product's target audience

Collect audience feedback

Brand overview
McDonald's is an American company spread all over the
world. It offers fast food with high quality and with a
standardized preparation. It offers all kinds of burgers with
fries and soft drinks, and recently it started offering healthy
food such as salad. McDonald's is a commercial company
owned by millions of people whose main goal is to
generate more profits. McDonald's has more than 30,000
branches in 121 countries and has more than 465,000
workers and its headquarter is based in Chicago.
The specific product

A big and tasty Halal chicken patty smothered in

our one of a kind Big Tasty Sauce and 3 slices of
emmental cheese, dressed with 2 slices of
tomato, a handful of crispy shredded lettuce and
slivered onions.
Media through different time
audience Demographic Geographic
Between the ages of 17 and In Saudi Arabia (Middle East)
Highschool Education and
Male -Female

People who doesn't have
time to cook
Fast food lovers
Road travelers
Audience feedback
Specify the competitors

Part 2: Competitior What campaigns have been used by our competitors?

(Collect 20 media)
monitoring How are they meeting the needs of our target audience?
(SWOT Analysis)
What makes Quality Experience -It is impossible to
become a leading sustainable brand if the
the brand company's quality is associated with only
the products. McDonald brothers not only
stand out from focused on the quality of products,
its services, and processes but also on the
quality of infrastructure for enabling
competitors? awesome experiences
The campaigns have been
used by our competitors
Strengths Weaknesses
- Most Valuable Brands - Supply chain interruptions

- Lack of Employee
- Tasty Food
- Highest Brand Value in - McDonald’s Breakfast
Fast Food Brands Menu Has Lost Its Charm

Opportunities Threats
analysis - Value Meals
- New Age Fast Food

- Innovative Products - Economic Uncertainty

- Global Expansion - Tighter Regulations

Define your issue (the goal)

Part 3: Planning Select a campaign's insight

your campaign Set the campaign's Tone of Voice + Define and construct
its message in one sentence (SMP)

Analyze the collected data

The goal
Macdonalds goal is to feed and foster communities. As the
leading global foodservice retailer, we believe it's our
responsibility to make our impact on this world a positive
one. And to make delicious feel-good moments easy for
everyone. This is how we uniquely feed and foster

Big tasty goal is to reach as many as possible to the

audience so that they don't be the missable meal for a
limited time.
Campaign insight

Everyone when they watching the matches they

doesn’t prefer cooking and ordering online becomes
easier for them so, during the match McDonald's
launched the first chicken meal in the history of the
Big Tasty because when they encouraged and
enthusiastic while watt they have the ability to try
something new and delicious at the same time.
Campaign tone of

Tasty Friendly

Energetic Enthusiastic
The message
The message that Macdonalds
want's to deliver is you can enjoy
eating your meal while watching a
football match to give you energy.

Enjoying while watching = Eating

while watching
Analyzing the
collected data
McDonalds Company functions in a global restaurant industry, where it
franchises and operates restaurants

McDonald's has been driving its kitchen equipment suppliers to improve

energy efficiency for years, and the company currently encourages the
use of low-oil-volume fryers and custom exhaust hoods

Mcdonald's also uses teenagers for part time help, which opened up a
larger variety of people who were allowed to work causing even more
jobs to open.

McDonald's success today is largely attributed to its franchising model,

consistency, and innovation
- McDonald's is one of the largest fast food
companies in the world.

- They continue their path for success by keeping

their consumers in mind regarding their product
selection as well as their prices.

- McDonald's will certainly be around for plenty more

years to come.

B, M. (n.d.). Conclusion.

Wikipedia contributors.
(2022, December 11).
McDonald’s. Wikipedia

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