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Name: _____________________ ID No.

: _________________ [Empty box for

Class: ______________________ Date: _[date you submitted] your score]
Hello everyone!

Title (capitalize the essential words)

Did You Know?

1. Make sure to put your name, ID number, class, and date on top of the paper.
Leave an empty space on the top left side of the paper for your score.

2. Font style and font size will be your call. Fit the entire essay in one piece of paper.

3. Make sure to indent the first line of your paragraphs and justify them (ctrl + j).

4. Check your essay for basic writing convention mistakes. Follow the corrections
provided by the teacher.

5. Design will be scored but they must follow the values of EIS (no indecent designs
and ungodly symbols). The content of the essay must be given more priority over
the design.

6. Score will be divided into the following rubric:

Organization 5
Content 5
Conventions 5
Design 5
Total 20

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