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Concepts of English A

Language and Literature

What is Perspective? Perspective can be defined in different ways
• It can be referred to as an art of representation to give an
impression of something.
• It can also be defined as a particular idea toward

• Perspective can be referred to as simply a point of view,

outlook, stand point and interpretation.

the narrator's point of view or outlook on the

world, its people, and its events.

Perspective may be associated with individuals, organizations,

cultures or disciplines. Different perspectives often lead to
multiple representations and interpretations.
In English A Language and Literature
perspective entails how someone 'sees'
something or rather interprets certain things be
it art or a literary texts, articles, photographs or
other non-literary texts.

Someone's perspective about something

depends on who they are( their character), what
they do, what they go through and what they
discover or learn from.

What we should take note of is people from

different walks of life have different perspectives
on a diverse array of topics.
The opinions of the narrators are influenced by their identities, their
knowledge, their experiences, and other factors, just like people's
perspectives in real life are shaped by a specific circumstances. As a result,
the narrator's point of view affects how the reader perceives a story.

Additionally, readers add their own viewpoints to their engagement with the
text. The vantage point from which we view events, things, truths, concepts,
and views is called perspective.

There are three types of perspectives;

First person where I, My or me are used. Here the narrator is the protagonist.
Second person where the pronouns you or your are used. Here the reader is
the protagonist but it is rare
Third person where he or she are used. Here the narrator is not a character in
the story.
A text may present several
perspective that may or may not
reflect the authors
viewpoint. Readers' interactions with
the text are further enhanced by the
addition of their
own perspectives. The several
viewpoints of a text offer a better
understanding of a work and merits
consideration and discussion.
The various circumstances
(environments, lifestyles or situations)
of creation and reception has
influenced and even led to the
formation of several perspectives.
In English A the main focus will be on;
• How different texts offer us new perspective on different issues or of this world.
• How the different characters we will read about will open up our minds to a whole
different world
• The contradicting interpretations of a texts by readers and how is it possible to
have those differing perspectives. We'll examine the readers perspective. We'll
reflect on your on biases beliefs and experiences that may affect
your interpretation of the text. This self-awareness is valuable when analyzing
• How a writer narrates or states something can determine the readers
understanding and interpretation.
• How we can learn to welcome and accept or consider another's perspective on life,
art ,etc.

As an IB student You'll analyze the author's choices in terms of narrative perspective,

character development, and thematic exploration. Understanding why authors
make these choices and their implications is essential.

By exploring Perspective we are exploring diversity and developing our Ability to

show empathy. ~Anonymous~

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