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1: Mark the the correct statement:

(a) An increase in lithostatic pressure caused an increase in the volume of rocks and an increase in the density.

(b) An increase in Iithostatic pressure causes decrease in the volume of rocks but an increase in the density.

(c) An increase in lithostatic pressure causes a decrease in the volume of rocks but an increase in the density.

(d) An increase in lithostatic pressure causes no effect on the volume of rocks and in the density.

2: “strain is proportional to stress in elastic deformation" is known as:

(a) Poisson’s ratio. (b) Hooke’s law.

(c) Smith’s law. (d) None of these.

3: Factors which increase the ductility of a rock are:

(a) Temperature and pressure.

(b) Rate of application of stress and temperature.

(c) Temperature and amount of intergranular fluids present in the rock.

(d) Pressure, rate of application of stress, temperature and amount of intergranular fluids present in the rock.

4 The line of maximum curvature in a fold is known as:

(a) Crest. (b) Axis.

(c) Hinge. (d) Trough.

5 A recumbent-syncline fold may be determined by observing:

(a) Its concave upwards. (b) Its limbs dip towards the axial plane.

(c) Younger beds in the centre of the fold. (d) Cannot be determined.

6. Ptygmatic folding is a type of:

(a) Flexure folding. (b) Shear-folding.

(c) Flow-folding. (d) None of these.

7. Salt domes are the best examples of:

(a) Diapiric fold. (b) Reclined fold.

(c) Drag fold. (d) Pericline fold.

8. Lines joining points of equal limb dip in successive layers through the fold profile are known as:

(a) Agonic lines. (b) Isohyetes.

(c) Dip isogans. (d) Contour lines.

9. Which told is a type of conjugate fold:

(a) Fan fold. (b) Chavron fold.

(c) Box fold. (d) Kink bands.

10. Choose the correct statement:

(a) Vertical faults have a footwall in downthrow side and hanging wall in upthrow side.

(b) Vertical faults have a hanging Wall in downthrow side and foot wall in downthrow side.

(c) Vertical faults have neither a footwall nor a hanging wall.

(d) All the statements are wrong.

11. The low angle faults with normal fault displacement that originate from the upward movement of the footwall block is known as:

(a) Kink fault. (b) Slip fault.

(c) Lag fault. (d) Recumbent fault.

12. A geologist could use the Principle of Inclusions to determine the relative age of:

A) fossils B) metamorphism

C) xenoliths D) shale layers

13. a genus of extinct insects from the Carboniferous period (approximately 300 million years ago), which resembled and are related to the present-day

A) Arthropleura B) Meganeura C) Megalodon D) Eurypterida

14. A sausage structure that forms by the segmentation of pre - existing bodies is called:

(a) Mullion. (b) Boudinage.

(c) Rodding. (d) Pebbles.

15. A sandstone interbedded with slate into long parallel slabs with smooth rounded surfaces will form:

(a) Boudinage (b) Rodding.

(c) Sandstone lensing. (d) Mullions.

16. In graded bedding:

(a) Fine particles show top of the bed. (b) Coarse particles show bottom of the bed.

(c) From graded bedding top and bottom of a bed cannot be determined. (d) Both (a) and (b) are correct.

17. Is an astronomical term for a hypothetical “just right” region of space where the temperature on Earth is not too hot and not too cold, where water can flow
easily and life can exist.

A) ASTEROID BELTS B) venus zone

C) Goldilocks Zone D) Jovian Zone

18. The world's largest caldera having a volcanic crater with a diameter of 150 kilometers (93 mi) located within the Benham Rise (Philippine Rise) and was
discovered in 2019 by Jenny Anne Barretto, a Filipina marine geophysicist and her team.

A) Apolaki Caldera B) Benham Rise Caldera

C) Mt Taal Caldera D) Mt Benham Rise

19. Sole markings are:

(a) Marking on shale beds. (b) Marking on mica sheets.

(c) Casts on the undersides of beds. (d) Scratches on the miners.

20.The smallest rock / lithologic unit is known as:

(a) Bed (b) Subformation.

(c) Formation. (d) Group.

21. Rock units formed at different places exactly at the same time are known as:

(a) Homotaxial-beds. (b) Synchronous-beds.

(c) Hetrotaxial beds. (d) None of these.

22. First fishes and the first land plant appeared in the system:

(a) Cambrian. (b) Ordorician.

(c) Silurian. (d) Devonian.

24. ‘Archaeopteryx’ an ancient bird existed in:

(a) Permian. (b) Triassiac.

(c) Jurassic. (d) Cretaceous.

25. The lines joining the points of equal thickness of particular stratigraphic units are known as:

(a) lsobars. (b) lsobaths.

(c) lsohyets. (d) lsopaches.

26. Which was the warmest epoch of the Cenozoic:

(a) Paleocene. (b) Eocene. (c) Oligocene. (d) Miocene.

27. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are also called as Jovian Planets while Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are?

A) Extra Terrestrial Planets C) Terrestrial Planets E) Gaseous Planets

B) Rocky Planets D) Both B&C

28. A gently sloping platform, extends seawards from the shore. Because it is underlain by continental crust, it is clearly a flooded extension of the continents.

A) Continental Margin C) Continental Shelf

B) Continental Slope D) Continental Rise

29. Young’s modulus is obtained by:

(a) Stress. (b) Ratio of stress to strain. (c) Strain. (d) Ratio of transverse strain to longitudinal strain.

30. Rock deformation is:

(a) Brittle. (b) Ductile. (c) Both brittle and ductile (d) Not known.

31. Orogeny or tectonic process that includes:

(a) Folding and faulting. (b) Intrusion. (c) Metamorphism. (d) All the above.

32. According to "rule of V’s", the outcrop of a horizontal bed forms a ‘V’as it crosses a valley and that the apex of the V points:

(a) Upstream. (b) Downstream. (c) Diagonal. (d) ln any direction.

33. It the limbs of a fold are unequal and inclined to the axial plane or of unequal length the told is known as:

(a) Asymmetrical. (b) Monocline or Monoclinal. (c) Recumbent. (d) Inclined.

34. He is best known for his continental drift hypothesis, also wrote numerous scientific papers on weather and climate.
A) Alfred Wegener C) Nicolaus Steno
B) Charles Lyell D) Marie Curie

35.A small aquatic freshwater reptile whose fossil remains are limited to rocks of Permian age (about 260 million years ago) in eastern South America and
southwestern Africa.

A) Megalodon C) Glossopteris
B) Mesosaurus D) Lystrosaurus

36. The direction and amount of pitch of the drag fold is same as that of the major told. It is known as:
(a) Rahael’s rule. (b) Pumpelly’s rule. (c) Rittman's rule. (d) Eskola’s rule.

37.: Match the following:

1. Gentle fold. i. Interlimb angle -12O°- 70°
2. Open fold. ii. Interlimb angle -30°- 0°
3. Close fold. iii. Interlimb angle -18O°- 120°.
4. Tight fold. iv. lnterlimb angle -7o°- 3o°.

(a) 1-i, 2-ii, 3-iii, 4-iv. (b) 1-iii, 2-i, 3-iv, 4-ii. (c) 1-ii, 2-iv, 3-iii, 4-i. (d) 1-iii, 2-i, 3-ii, 4-iv.

38. Rocks that formed thousands or millions of years ago and contain a “record” of the direction of the magnetic poles at the time of their formation are said to
possess paleomagnetism, or also known as____ magnetism.

A) Rock C) Age

B) Mineral D) Fossil

39. Which fold has got two hinges:

(a) Fan fold. (b) Chevron fold. (c) lsoclinal fold. (d) Box fold.

40. When an anticline and syncline coincide, lt results in a:

(a) Culmination. (b) Depression. (c) Both (a) and (b) will result. (d) Dome.

41. The maps which place rocks in their presume position before folding and thrusting are known as:

(a) Paleogeologic map. (b) Paleotectonic map. (c) Paleogeographic map. (d) Palinspastic map.

42. The kink bands and chevron folds are characterised by their:

(a) Straight limbs. (b) Sharp angular lines. (c) Symmetrical nature. (d) Both (a) and (b).
43. The stress-strain relationships in rocks are controlled by:

(a) Confining pressure and strain rate. (b) Temperature. (c) Nature of chemical environment. (d) AOTA

44. When the Greatest principal strain Axis is vertical and the Intermediate and least principal strain Axes are horizontal, then the resulting fault is:

(a) Normal fault. (b) Thrust fault. (c) Overthrust fault. (d) Both Normal and reverse faults.

45. When the tensile stress at grain boundary exceeds the local tensile strength of material failure occurs, stated by:

(a) Mohr’s theory of failure. (b) Coulomb’s theory of failure. (c) Griffith’s theory of failure. (d) None of the above.

46. Which of the following feature indicate faulting:

(a) Slicken sides. (b) Grooves. (c) Breccia. (d) All the above.

47. ‘Fault drag’ is:

(a) Striation on fault plane. (b) Curvature of layering adjacent to faults. (c) Breccia on fault plane. (d) Tilting of faulting blocks.

48. Conjugate joints are often considered as:

(a) Tension fractures. (b) Shear fractures. (c) Compression fractures. (d) Both tension and compression fractures.

49. What are cleats:

(a) Joints in igneous rocks (b) Joints in coal. (c) Joints on fault plane. (d) Folded coal seams.

50. ‘Plumose marking’ associated with:

(a) Folds. (b) Faults. (c) Joints. (d) Anticline fold.

51. An unconformity shows:

(a) Difference in composition. (b) Difference in structures. (c) Difference in Ages. (d) Difference in locations.

52. The coulomb theory of failure is related to the:

(a) Shear stress. (b) Shear stress and shear strength. (c) Tensile strength. (d) Compressive strength.

53. ‘Klippe’ is a:

(a) Nappe outlier. (b) Nappe inlier. (c) Window. (d) Hogback.

54. If you take a carbon date on a mammoth bone in a Pleistocene deposit, what type of dating and stratigraphy method is this for the Pleistocene deposit?

a. Chronostratigraphic, relative dating C. Chronostratigraphic, absolute dating

B. Lithostratigraphy, relative dating D Biostratigraphy, relative dating

55. Stratigraphy is the science of

A. Time and movement. B. The past is key to the present. C. The present is key to the past. D. Layered character of rocks.

56.Sequence stratigraphy focuses on

A. Palaeoecological frameworks characterized by unique fossil assemblage

B. The order in which the strata accumulated combined with depositional and erosional surface frameworks to interpret depositional settings

C. Basin modeling and sea level

D. Astroblemes and other allochthonous events that can have local and regional implications, resulting in unique traps

57. Walther's Law

A. Involves paleobotany and involves the depth and temperatures of sea water.

B. Establishes the geochemical signature of different formations.

C. Proposes that the vertical progression of facies should be the same as corresponding lateral facies changes.

D. Differentiates between clay minerals and carbonates.

58. The outer planets are composed mostly of?

A rocks and ice B oxygen and nitrogen C hydrogen and helium D helium and krypton

59. What is the main source of evidence in the paleontology?

A Living organisms B Body fossils C rocks D NOTA

60. What focuses on the study of pollen and spores?

A. Paleobotany B Paleoecology C Palynology D Paleozoology

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