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St. Nicolas Golden Field Academy Inc.

Brgy. San Nicolas, San Pablo City 4000

1ST Summative Exam

General Biology 1
SY 2023-2024


Last Name First Name Middle Name

Grade:11 Section: Napier Strand: STEM

Subject: General Biology 1 Teacher: Marvin A. Salvador Date:



I. True or False. Choose your answers below. Write your answers on the line before the number.
a. Only statement A is true.
b. Only statement B is true
c. Both statements are true.
d. Neither of the statements is true.

______1. A. Biology is branch science that deals with the structures, functions and relationships of living
things and their environment.
B. It has 3 minor branches: microbiology, botany and zoology.
______2. A. One of the branches of biology is genetics.
B. Genetics is focusing mainly in formation and development of organisms.
______3. A. Biology came from the Latin words bios and logos.
B. Bios means life; logos means study.
______4. A. Anatomy deals with functions of the parts of an organism.
B. Physiology focuses on the parts and structures of organisms.
______5. A. The father of genetics is George Mendel.
B. The father of evolution is Charles Darwin.
______6. A. There are two approaches in making scientific investigations.
B. These approaches are inductive and deductive reasoning.
______7. A. Scientific method is a method of inventing knowledge about the natural world.
B. It is based on making falsifiable predictions, testing them empirically, and developing peer-
reviewed theories.
______8. A. Hypothesis possible explanation for a set of observations.
B. Hypothesis may be right or wrong.
______9. A. Control group is a group that contains every feature of the experimental group except it is
not given the manipulation that is hypothesized.
B. Experimental group is a group that contains every feature of the control group and is given
the manipulation that is hypothesized.
______10. A. Dependent variables are changed or controlled in a scientific experiment to test the effects
on the independent variable.
B. Independent variables are being tested and measured in a scientific experiment.

II. Determine the independent variables and dependent variables in the following problems.
1. Stressful experiences significantly increase the likelihood of headaches.
IV: _______________________________________________________________________
DV: ______________________________________________________________________

2. Different rose bushes are grown in a greenhouse for two months. The number of flowers on each
bush is counted at the end of an experiment.
IV: _______________________________________________________________________
DV: ______________________________________________________________________

3. One tank of goldfish is fed the normal amount of food once a day, a second tank is fed twice a day,
and a third tank four times a day during a six week study. The fish’s body fat is recorded daily.
IV: _______________________________________________________________________
DV: ______________________________________________________________________

4. Strawberry plant clones are given different amounts of water for a 3-week period. First strawberry
plant receives 400 milliliters (ml) a day. The second strawberry plant receives 200ml a day. The
third strawberry plant receives 100ml a day. The fourth strawberry plant does not receive any extra
water; this plant only receives natural ways of receiving water. The height of the strawberry plants is
recorded after the experiment.
IV: _______________________________________________________________________
DV: ______________________________________________________________________

5. Justin believes that the temperature lowering during the fall months is what causes the color of the
leaves to change. He set up an experiment wherein he placed some plants in 80 degrees rooms
and some in 60 degree rooms. He then observed the color of the leaves for a total of 1 month. At
the end of the month Justin observed that ¾ of the plants in the 60 degree temperature had begun
to change colors and only ¼ of the plants in the 80 degree temperature began to change colors.
IV: _______________________________________________________________________
DV: ______________________________________________________________________

III. Analogy. The analogies below are word problems that consist of two word pairs. Look at each
pair and decide how the two words relate to each other. Then select one of the words below so
the second pair of words has the same relationship. Write your answers on the blanks.

1. Aristotle : __________ :: Bible : Divine Creation

2. Biogenesis : ______________________ :: Abiogenesis : life originates from nonliving matter.

3. Francesco Redi : challenged Aristotle’s theory :: Lazzaro Spallanzani : ______________________

4. ___________________ : did not boil the broth well :: Francesco Redi : made an experiment about
maggots in meat

5. Louis Pasteur : disproved abiogenesis :: _________________ : Panspermia

IV. Identification. Identify what is being asked on the following question. Write your answers on the
line before the number.
_______________1. It is the sum of all chemical processes and energy changes happening inside the
body of an organism.
_______________2. The ability of organisms to do work
_______________3. This is the process of removing metabolic wastes inside the body.
_______________4. Where do plants obtain energy?
_______________5. The reaction of an organism to stimuli is called _______________.
_______________6. It is the ability of an organism to respond appropriately to a stimulus.
______________7. The increase in size and volume by converting food to become a part of body cells.
______________8. It refers to the changes in the characteristics of a group of organisms over time.
______________9. This is the maintenance of the body's internal environment.
______________10. The process by which organisms acquire food.

V. Creating.
a. Make a problem to be solved using the scientific method.
1. Observation:_______________________________________________________________
2. Hypothesis/
3. Experiment:_______________________________________________________________
4. Conclusion:________________________________________________________________

b. Figure Analysis. Examine carefully the given pictures. Choose the word / phrases from
the table that would best describe each picture.
Rubrics: 2 points – grammar
3 points- content

Figure 1.

Figure 2.

Cheating is a choice. Cheating is a crime. Therefore, when you choose to cheat, you choose to commit a crime.
Teacher Marj and Teacher Marvz (2019)
Prepared by: Checked and Approved by:

Marvin A. Salvador Mr. Leandro B. Dizon

Science Teacher High School Principal

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