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(Mayonnaise risoles)

NAME : Nufail Afif Al Hakim

Make snacks or snacks that are rich in protein, with basic ingredients that are easy and easy to
get. Selling mayonnaise risoles at the SMPN 25 Surabaya school bazaar


200 grams of all-purpose flour
350 ml of liquid milk (+/- 2 medium cups)
3 tablespoons of margarine, melted
1 egg
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon broth powder
200 grams of mayonnaise
6 sticks of sausage, diced
5 boiled eggs, split into 6 parts
50 grams of grated cheddar cheese
Coarse breadcrumbs

1. Make the skin first by mixing flour, liquid milk, chicken eggs, salt and powdered broth.
Mix well using a balloon whisk until all the ingredients are mixed evenly and leave no lumps.
2. Add melted margarine, then stir again until evenly. Adjust the texture of the dough by
adding enough liquid milk or you can also add boiled water.
3. After the dough is ready, let it rest for a while for the dough to really come together,
approximately 10-15 minutes.
4. Heat a non-stick flat pan over low heat, pour in 1 ladle of batter then spread it by tilting the
pan in a circular motion. It can also be flattened using a ladle with a circular motion.
5. Wait a while until the risoles skin is cooked. The sign is that the top of the skin is dry or no
longer sticky when touched. Remove, make more risoles skin until all the dough is used up.
6. Now it's time for the filling, prepare the filling ingredients in the form of chopped sausage,
pieces of boiled egg and grated cheddar cheese, and mayonnaise, then arrange on top of the
risoles skin.
7. Roll the risoles skin according to your wish. It can be rolled up in a circular shape or it can
be made into a triangle. Do this until all the skin and stuffing is used up.
8. Dip the risoles in the beaten egg, then roll them in the coarse bread crumbs until the entire
surface is covered.
9. At this point, the risoles are ready to be fried, they can also be stored in the refrigerator to
be fried at any time. To fry it, fry the risoles as usual until cooked and golden brown. Then
10. Serve mayonnaise risoles while warm with cayenne pepper or chili sauce.

Make nutritious snacks, basic ingredients that are easy to get and at affordable prices. And
can be sold at a low price

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