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Assignment 1:

P1 ) Assume that the fuel inputs in MBtu per hour for units 1 and 2, which are both on-
line, are given by

H 1=8 P 1+ 0.024 P1 +80

H 2=6 P 2+0.04 P 22+120

Where; H = fuel input to unit n in MBtu per hour (millions of Btu per hour)

P = unit output in megawatts

a. Plot the input-output characteristics for each unit expressing input in MBtu per hour
and output in megawatts. Assume that the minimum loading of each unit is 20 MW and
that the maximum loading is 100 MW.

b. Calculate the net heat rate in Btu per kilowatt-hour, and plot against output in

c. Assume that the cost of fuel is 1.5 P/MBtu. Calculate the incremental production cost
in F/MWh of each unit, and plot against output in megawatts.



H 1=8 P 1+ 0.024 P1 +80

H 2=6 P 2+0.04 P 22+120

Power H1 H2
MW MBtu/h MBtu/h
20 249.6 256
30 341.6 336
40 438.4 424
50 540 520 b)
60 646.4 624 Heat rate it is the amount of Btu that is consumed
70 757.6 736 by one kilowatt-hour
80 873.6 856
90 994.4 984
100 1120 1120
input ( )
h Btu
Heat rate= =
out put ( Kw ) Kwh

Heat rate=
input ( MBtu
h )
∗10 6

out put ( Mw )∗1000 Kwh

So all fuel input should be in Btu and all Power outputs should be in Kw

All calculations I have done them by Excel as shown below:

Power H1 H2 Power H1 H2 heat rate 1 heat rate 2

MW MBtu/h MBtu/h KW Btu Btu Btu/kwh Btu/kwh

20 249.6 256 20000 249600000 256000000 12480 12800

30 341.6 336 30000 341600000 336000000 11386.67 11200

40 438.4 424 40000 438400000 424000000 10960 10600

50 540 520 50000 540000000 520000000 10800 10400

60 646.4 624 60000 646400000 624000000 10773.33 10400

70 757.6 736 70000 757600000 736000000 10822.86 10514.29

80 873.6 856 80000 873600000 856000000 10920 10700

90 994.4 984 90000 994400000 984000000 11048.89 10933.33

100 1120 1120 100000 1.12E+09 1.12E+09 11200 11200

Heat rate-output (MW) characteristic








20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

output (MW)


By assuming the cost of fuel is 1.5 R /MBtu, the equation of fuel cost will be different so
the new equation will be :

According to

F = Fuel cost × H

F1 = 120 + 12 P1 + 0.036 P12

F2 = 180 + 9 P2 + 0.06 P22

=C ᵢ

dF 1
=C ᵢ ₁=12+ 0.072 P 1
dP 1

dF 2
=C ᵢ ₂=9+0.12 P 2
dP 2
power C ᵢ₁ Cᵢ₂

MW $/MWh $/MWh

20 13.44 11.4

30 14.16 12.6

40 14.88 13.8

50 15.6 15

60 16.32 16.2

70 17.04 17.4

80 17.76 18.6

90 18.48 19.8

100 19.2 21

Increment (Cᵢ)- output(MW) characteristic


IIncrement Cᵢ



20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Output power (MW)

Lamda1 Lamda2
P3.2.) Dispatch with Three-Segment Piecewise Linear Incremental Heat Rate Function

Given: two generating units with incremental heat rate (IHR) curves specified as three
connected line segments (four points as shown in Figure A1).

Unit 1: Unit 2:

Point MW IHR (Btu/kWh) Point MW IHR (Btu/kWh)

1 100 7,000 1 150 7500

2 200 8,200 2 275 7700

3 300 8,900 3 390 8100

4 400 11,000 4 450 8500

Fuel cost for unit 1 = 1.60$/MBtu Fuel cost for unit 2 = 2.10

Both units are running. Calculate the optimum schedule (i.e., the unit megawatt output
for each unit) for various total megawatt values to be supplied by the units. Find the
schedule for these total megawatt values:
300MW, 500MW, 700MW, 840MW

Notes: Piecewise linear increment cost curves are quite common in digital computer
executions of economic dispatch. The problem is best solved by using a “search”
technique. In such a technique, the incremental cost is given a value and the units are
scheduled to meet this incremental cost. The megawatt outputs for the units are added
together and compared to the desired total. Depending on the difference, and whether
the resulting total is above or below the desired total, a new value of incremental cost is
“tried.” This is repeated until the incremental cost is found that gives the correct desired
value. The trick is to search in an efficient manner so that the number of iterations is


First, change the values of IHR to incremental cost (λ)

Btu/KWh =Btu/1000Wh=MBtu/MWh = (Btu /1000000)/(kWh/1000)= Btu//kWh x10⁻³

Increment unit cost (λ) $/MWh = Increment heat rate IHR Btu (/KWh) x x10⁻³ x Fuel

Sing above relation for calculating the increment unit cost is calculated for unit1 and
tabulated bellow:

Unit 1

Point MW IHR(Btu/KWh) $/MWh

1 100 7000 7000 ×10−3 ×1.6 = 11.2
2 200 8200 8200×10−3 ×1.6 =13.12
3 300 9800 9800×10−3 ×1.6 =14.24
4 400 11000 11000×10−3 ×1.6 =17.6

Then find the equation for each segment ( Y = S X + CONSTANT)

Unit 1 at segment 1
IHR 11 = 11.2 ----- $/MWh 0< p1< 100

Unit 1 at segment 2

S = 200−100 = 0.0192

IHR 12 = S× P1 + Constant ,

at P1=100 MW

11.2= 0.0192x (100) + Constant

Constant =9.08

IHR ₁₂ = 0.0192 P1 + 9.28 ----- $/MWh 100< p2< 200

Unit 1 at segment 3

S = 300−200 = 0.0112

IHR ₁₂ = S× P1 + Constant

at p1=200 MW

13.12= 0.0112x (200) + Constant

Constant =10.88

IHR ₁₃ = 0.0112 P1 + 10.88 ----$/MWh 200 < p1 < 300

Unit 1 segment 4

S = 400−300 = 0.0336

IHR ₁₃ = S × P1 + Constant

at p1=300 MW

14.24 = 0.0336(300) + Constant

Constant =4.16
IHR ₁₄ = 0.0336 P1 + 4.16 -----$/MWh 300 < P1< 400

Unit 2

Point MW IHR(Btu/KWh) $/MWh

1 150 7500 7500×10−3 ×2.1 = 15.75
2 275 7700 7700×10−3 ×2.1= 16.17
3 390 8100 8100×10−3 ×2.1 =17.01
4 450 8500 8500×10−3 ×2.1 =17.85

Then find the equation for each segment ( Y = S X + CONSTANT)

Unit 2 segment 2

IHR ₂₁ = Constant =15.75 $/MWh 0< p1< 150

IHR ₂₂ = S × P2 + Constant

S = 275−150 = 0.00336

at P2=150 MW

15.75= 0.00336(150) + Constant

Constant =15.246

IHR ₂₂ = 0.00336 P2 + 15.246 -----* 150 < p2 < 275

Unit 2 segment 3

IHR ₂₃ = S × P1 + Constant

S = 390−275 = 0.0073

at P2=275 MW

16.75 = 0.0073 x(275) + Constant

Constant =14.1613
IHR ₂₃ = 0.0073 P2 + 14.1613 ----* 275 < p2 < 390

Unit 2 segment 4

IHR ₂₄ = S × P2 + Constant

S = 450−390 = 0.014

at P2=390 MW

17.01= 0.014(390) + Constant

Constant =11.55

IHR ₂₄ = 0.014 P2 + 11.55 -----* 390 < p2 < 450

After finding the equation for incremental cost all segment calculate the
optimum schedule (i.e., the unit megawatt output for each unit)

Unit 1 Unit 2
Power Segment Increment Heat Rate
Power Segment Increment Heat Rate
MW (IHR ) $/MWh MW (IHR) $/MWh
1 0-100 11.2 0-150 15.75

2 101-200 0.0192*P+9.28 151-275 0.00336*P+15.246

3 201-300 0.0012*P +10.88 276-390 0.0073*P+14.1613

4 301-400 0.0336*P+4.16 391-450 0.014*P+11.55


P1 +P2 =300 MW--------------1

Unit 1 Unit2 Cost $/h
300 0 3341
250 50 3575
200 100 3816
150 150 3995
100 200 4253
50 250 4481
0 300 4679


P1 +P2 =500 MW--------------1

Unit 1 Unit2 Cost $/h

400 100 5668

350 150 5995
300 200 6474
250 250 6709
200 300 6910
150 350 7046
100 400 7268
50 450 7336


P1 +P2 =700 MW--------------1

Unit 1 Unit2 Cost $/h

400 300 8776

350 350 9060

300 400 9503

250 450 9578

P1 +P2 =840 MW--------------1

Unit 1 Unit2 Cost $/h

400 440 10752

Demand (MW) Unit 1 set (MW) Unit 2 set (MW)

300 300 0
500 400 100
700 400 300
840 400 440

P3.3 (es extension del P1)

P3.4 es extension del P1)



Case 1: two units are on line.

For 18:00 hrs to 06:00 hrs

For ceonomic operation:

or, 8+0.048P1 = 6+0.08P2

or, 0.048P1-0.08P2=-2 ..........1

and P1+P2 = 50 ............2

Solving equation 1 and 2

P1 = 15.625 MW

P2 = 34.375 MW

As P1 can not be lower than 20 mW

So, P1 = 20 MW and P2 = 50 - 20 = 30 MW

So, Total fuel cost for 12 hrs = {(8*20 + 0.024*202 + 80) + (6 * 30 +

0.04*302 + 120)} MBtu/Hrs * 1.5 $/ MBtu * 12 hrs = 249.6 * 1.5 *12 =
10540.8 $

For 06:00 hrs to 18:00 hrs

For ceonomic operation:

or, 8+0.048P1 = 6+0.08P2

or, 0.048P1-0.08P2=-2 ..........1

and P1+P2 = 150 ............2

Solving equation 1 and 2

P1 = 78.125 MW

P2 = 71.875 MW

So, Total fuel cost for 12 hrs = {(8*78.125 + 0.024*78.1252 + 80) + (6

* 71.875 + 0.04*71.8752 + 120)} MBtu/Hrs * 1.5 $/ MBtu * 12 hrs =
28968.75 $

Case 2: one unit on line.

For 18:00 hrs to 06:00 hrs

As incremental cost for unit 1 is lower, unit 2 will be shut down for 12

So, Total cost for 12 hrs including $ 180 for start up of unit 2 = (8*50 +
0.024*502 + 80) MBtu/Hrs * 1.5 $/ MBtu * 12 hrs + 180 = 9900 $

as this cost is lower than that of when two units run for 24 hrs

So, it is economical to run unit1 for 18:00 hrs to 06:00 hrs.


Economical scheduling for 06:00 hrs to 18:00 hrs:

For ceonomic operation:

or, 8+0.048P1 = 6+0.08P2

or, 0.048P1-0.08P2=-2 ..........1

and P1+P2 = 150 ............2

Solving equation 1 and 2

P1 = 78.125 MW

P2 = 71.875 MW (ANS)

As it is economical to run unit1 for 18:00 hrs to 06:00 hrs.


P1 =50 MW

P2 = 0 MW (ANS)


Q3) Economic Dispatch using different Method of Solution

Assume that all three of the thermal units described below are running. Find the
economic dispatch schedules as requested in each part. Use the method and starting
conditions given.

Minimum Maximum Fuel Cost

Unit Data (MW) (MW) (P/MBtu)

H1= 225 + 8.4P1 + 0.0025P₁² 45 350 0.80

H2 = 729 + 6.3P2 + 0.0081P₂² 45 350 1.02

H3 = 400 + 7.5P3 + 0.0025P₃² 47.5 450 0.90

a. Use the lambda-iteration method to find the economic dispatch for a total demand of
450 MW.

b. Use the base-point and participation factor method to find the economic schedule for
a demand of 495 MW. Start from the solution to part a.

H 1=225+ 8.4 P1+ 0.0025 P1 45 ≤ P1 ≤ 350

Fuel cost = 0.8 $ / MBtu

F = fuel cost * H

F 1(P 1)=(225+8.4 P1 +0.0025 P1)× 0.8

F 1 ( P1 )=180+ 6.72 P1 +0.002 P21−−−−−−−−−(1)

F 2 ( P2 ) =( 729+6.3 P2 +0.0081 P22 ) × 1.02

−3 2
F 2 ( P2 ) =743.58+ 6.426 P 2+ 8.262×10 P2 −−−−−−−−−( 2 )

F 3 (P 3)=( 400+ 7.5 P3 +0.0025 P3 )× 0.9

F 3 ( P3 ) =360+6.75 P3+ 2.25× 10−3 P23−−−−−−−−−( 3 )

Set λ=8 for initial value

∂ F 1 P1
=6.72+0.004 P 1=λ
∂ P1

8=6.72+4 × 10 P1

1.28=4 × 10 P 1

P1=320 MW

( P¿¿ 2)
∂ F2 =6.426+0.016524 P2= λ ¿
∂ P2

8=6.426+0.016524 P2

P2=95.255 MW

( P¿¿ 3)
∂ F3 =6.75+0.0045 P3=λ ¿
∂ P3

8=6.75+00.0045 P3

1.25=00.0045 P3

P3=277.778 MW

∑ PT =320+ 95.255+ 277.778

∑ PT =693.033
since PT > PL we should reduce lambda by 10 %

Second iteration we used

λ = 7.2 $/MWh

7.2=6.72+ 4 ×10 P1

0.48=4 × 10 P1

P1=120 MW

7.2=6.426+ 0.016524 P2

0.774=0.016524 P2

P2=46.84 MW

7.2=6.75+ 4.5 ×10 P3= λ

0.45=4.5 ×10 P3

P3=100 MW

∑ PT =120+100+ 46.84=266.84 MW
since PT < PL we should increase λ

Third iteration

λ 3=( λ 2−λ1
e 1−e 2)× e2 + λ 2

e 1=450−693.033

e 1=−243.033

e 2=450−266.84

e 2=183.16 MW

∴ λ3= ( −243.033−183.16
)× 183.16+7.2
∴ λ3=7.5438

7.5438=6.72+ 4 × 10 P1

0.8238=4 × 10 P 1

P1=206 MW

7.5438=6.426+0.016524 P2

1.1178=0.016524 P2

P2=67.6 MW

7.5438=6.75+4.5 ×10 P3

0.7938=4.5 ×10 P3

P3=176.4 MW

∑ PT =206+ 67.6+176.4=450 MW


Now the demand is 495 MW (increased)

( P¿¿ 1)' ' −3

∂ F1 =4 × 10 ¿
∂ P1' '

( P¿¿ 2)' '

∂ F2 =0.016524 ¿
∂ P2' '

( P¿¿ 3)' '

∂ F3 =4.5 × 10−3 ¿
∂ P3 ' '

−3 −1
∆ P1=(4 ×10 )

∆ P2=(0.016524)−1

−3 −1
∆ P3 =(4.5× 10 )

∴ participation factor is
( ) 1

( )Σ 1
∆ Pi FI ' '
(F '' )
∆ Pd

( )

∆ P1 −3 −1
( 4 ×10 )
∆ Pd ( 4 ×10−3)−1 +(0.016524)−1 +(4.5 ×10−3)−1

( )
∆ P1
∆ Pd

( )

∆ P2 ( 0.016524)
∆ Pd ( 4 ×10−3)−1 +(0.016524)−1 +(4.5 ×10−3)−1

( )
∆ P2 (0.016524 )−1
∆ Pd

( )
∆ P3 ( 4.5 ×10−3 )−1
∆ Pd

∆ Pd = 495 – 450 = 45 MW

The new generation for each unit :-

Pi new=P i base + ( )
∆ Pi
∆ Pd
× Pd

P1 new=206+ ( 0.47 ) × 45

P1 new=227.15 MW

P2 new=67.6+ ( 0.1136 ) × 45

P2 new=72.712 MW

P3 new=176.4+ ( 0.4171 ) × 45

P3 new=195.1695

Σ P T =227.15+72.712+195.1695

Σ P T =495 MW


In this type of question We can use the same schedule that used in question two (piece
wise ) some power books use excel word to find in average line for all prices as shown

The plotting by excel as shown above starting solving this problem by plotting the value
of net heat rate ( Btu /KWh) after changing the unit to ( Btu /MWh) Vs output power
using excel , then find the derivative function (meaning the straight line ) then solving
the problem.

Unit Output power (MW) Net heat rate (Btu/MWh) Input H (Btu/h)
45 13512.5×10−3 × 45 608
1 300 9900×10−3 × 300 2970
350 9918×10−3 × 350 3471.3

45 22769.5×10−3 × 45 1024.4
200 11465×10−3 × 200 2293
300 11060×10−3 × 300 3318
350 11117.9×10−3 × 350 3891.3
47.5 16039.8×10−3 × 47.5 528
200 10000×10−3 × 200 2000
300 9583.3×10−3 × 300 2875
450 9513.9×10−3 × 450 4281.3

Input output characteristic

output power(MW) 45 300 350
heat rate(Btu/h) 608 2970 3471.3
output power(MW) 45 200 300 350
heat rate(Btu/h) 1024.4 2293 3318 3891.3
output power(MW) 47.5 200 300 450
heat rate(Btu/h) 528 2000 2875 4281.3

input -output characteristic


4000 unit 1
unit 2
3500 unit 3

IPUT (Btu/h)






0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500

output power (MW)

Incremental heat rate

output power(MW) 45 300 350
net heat rate(Btu/Mwh) 13.5125 9.9 9.918
output power(MW) 45 200 300 350
net heat rate(Btu/Mwh) 22.7645 11.465 11.06 11.1179
output power(MW) 47.5 200 300 450
net heat rate(Btu/Mwh) 16.0398 10 9.5833 9.5139

unit.1 incremental heat rate unit 1

Net Heat Rate(Btu/Mwh)


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

out put power(MW)

unit 2 incremental heat rate unit 2
Net Heat Rate(Btu/MWh)



0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
out put power MW

unit 3
incremental heat rate


Net Heat Rate(Btu/Mwh)


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3

Increment Heat Power Power Increment Heat

Power Segment Increment Heat
Rate (IHR ) Segment Segment Rate (IHR)
(P) MW Rate (IHR) $/MWh
$/MWh MW (P) MW $/MWh

1 45 8.24 45 17.073 47.5 12.03

2 46-300 8.623-0.008*P 46-200 19.533-0.0547*P 48-200 13.455-0.03*P

3 301 350 5.973+0.0002*P 201-300 9.2-0.003*P 201-300 7.56-0.0003*P

4 301-350 8.037+0.00086*P 301-450 7.292-0.0004*P

As the segments as linear for power unit 1,2&3 equation of increment heat per output
segments are found using the formula (IHR2-IHR1)/(P2-P1=(IHR2-IHR)/(P2-P), from
data given for each unit at each power segment has been found and tabulated bellow:

Demand is distributed between generators for each of system demands, 300, 460, 500
&650 MW and costs/ hour are calculated using formulas above for each unit demands
segments. Loading on generating units are increased to satisfy the total demand such
that ƩPᵢ=PD costs rates are calculated the minimum of total cost is considered as the
units commitments.

When system demand is 300 MW:-

P_1+P_2+P_3=300 MW

Calculating costs in as per loads

U1 MW U2 MW U3 MW Cost $/Hr.

212.5 45 47.5 2788.2

157.5 100 47.5 3125.2

157.5 45 100 2961

100 100 100 3229.4

157.5 150 47.5 3418.5

105 45 150 2923.2

45 207.5 47.5 2722.1

45 55 200 2770.7
Unit Power MW, Unit Cost and total cost in $/h,

Unit Power MW Cost $/h

1 45 370.8
2 207.5 1779.8
3 47.5 571.4
Total 300 2722.1

When system demand is 460 MW:-

P_1+P_2+P_3=460 MW
U1 MW U2 MW U3 MW Cost $/Hr.
350 67.5 47.5 3755.9
350 45 65 3745.2
300 100 60 3927.7
300 60 100 3842.4
250 110 150 4454.8
250 150 110 4441.3
200 200 60 3803.6
200 60 200 3850.7
150 250 60 3913.9
150 60 250 3948.5
100 300 60 3966.6
100 60 300 3993.4
45 350 65 4034.5
45 65 350 3961.7
45 300 115 4011.4
45 250 165 3886.6
45 200 215 3700.9
45 165 250 3995.4
45 115 300 4162.1
45 65 350 3912.7

Unit Power MW, Unit Cost and total cost in $/h,

Unit Power MW Cost $/h

1 45 1678.7
2 200 768.3
3 215 1491
Total 460 3938
350 102.5 47.5 4114.2
350 45 105 3965.4
300 100 100 4318.7
300 45 155 4000.0
300 152.5 47.5 4145.7
252.5 200 47.5 3958.5
255 45 200 3938.0
250 150 100 4401.0
250 100 150 4405.5
200 150 150 4447.6
200 200 100 4169.8
200 100 200 4302.1
205 45 250 4070.9
202.5 250 47.5 4101.9
155 45 300 4153.6
150 100 250 4391.2
150 150 200 4313.3
150 200 150 4176.4
150 250 100 4271.4
152.5 300 47.5 4190.3
102.5 350 47.5 4289.5
100 300 100 4317.8
100 250 150 4238.0
100 200 200 3993.1
100 150 250 4353.4
100 100 300 4429.9
105 45 350 4086.8
45 350 105 4371.1
45 300 155 4225.6
45 250 200 3974.3
45 200 250 3961.9
45 155 300 4326.0
45 105 350 4322.2
45 55 400 4132.5
Unit Power MW Cost $/h

350 252.5 47.5 4818 1 255 1678.7

350 200 100 4881
350 150 150 5157 2 45 768.3
350 100 200 5012 3 200 1491
350 45 255 4792
Total 500 3938
300 45 305 4822
300 100 250 5144
300 150 200 5066
252.5 350 47.5 5157
Unit Power MW Cost $/h
250 300 100 5191
250 250 150 5112 1 350 2115
250 200 200 4867
2 45 768.3
250 150 250 5226
250 100 300 5303 3 255 1908.3
255 45 350 4950
Total 650 4791.6
205 45 400 5052
200 100 350 5314
200 150 300 5345
200 200 350 5626
200 250 300 5669
200 200 250 4996
200 250 200 5017
200 300 150 5236
200 350 100 5368
150 350 150 5375
150 300 200 5643
150 250 250 5097
150 200 300 5074
150 150 350 5317
150 100 400 5373
155 45 450 5113
100 100 450 5389
45 155 450 5285
45 200 405 4978
100 150 400 5407
45 300 305 5048
45 250 355 5022
100 300 250 5144
100 350 200 5204

Starting at the West Coast, we can see that the least cost paths begin

The cost from San Francisco(SF) to B1 = 4

The cost from San Diego(SD) to C1 = 3

Considering B1, the next path incurring least cost is from B1 to B2 = 2

So far, from SF to B2, the cost is 4+2=6

Considering C1, the path incurring least cost among all paths emerging
from C1 is from C1 to B2 = 4

So far, from SD to B2, the cost is 3+4=7

Thus we see that the cost is lesser from SF to B2.

Also, among the paths emerging from A1, B1 and C1 we see that there
is no path with lesser price than 2 which is between B1 and B2. Thus,
SF to B2, which uses this path is the most feasible among all sites on
the West Coast.

So, continuing with SF to B2(costs 6):

B2 to B3 costs 7,

B3 to Savannah(S) costs 8. B2 to S costs 15

B2 to C3 costs 6,

C3 to Savannah(S) costs 10. B2 to S costs 16.

Thus, B2 to S costs the least at 15

SF to S is thus 6+15=21

So the least cost path is from San Francisco to Savannah at $21*10^8



Q 5)

a) Unit 1

H1 = 80 + 8 P1 + 0.024 P1² MBtu/h 20 MW ≤ Pl ≤ 60 MW

F1(P1) = { 80 + 8 P1 + 0.024 P1² } MBtu/h × 1.5 $/ MBtu

F1(P1) = 120 + 12 P1 + 0.036 P1² $/ h

H1 = 196.4 + 3 P1 + 0.075 P1² 60 MW ≤ Pl ≤ 100 MW

F1(P1) = { 196.4 + 3 P1 + 0.075 P1²} MBtu/h × 1.5 $/ MBtu

F1(P1) = 294.6 + 4.5 P1 + 0.1125 P1² $/ h

Unit 2

H2 = 120 + 6 P2 + 0.04 P2² MBtu/h 20 MW ≤ P2 ≤ 40 MW

F2(P2) = { 120 + 6 P2 + 0.04 P2² } MBtu/h × 1.5 $/ MBtu

F2(P2) = 180 + 9 P2 + 0.06 P2² $/ h

H2 = 157.335 + 3.3333 P2 + 0.08333 P2² 40 MW ≤ P2 ≤ 100 MW

F2(P2) = { 157.335 + 3.3333 P2 + 0.08333 P2²} MBtu/h × 1.5 $/ MBtu

F2(P2) = 236.0025 + 4.99995 P2 + 0.124995 P2² $/ h

Unit 3

H3 = 100 + 4.6666 P3 + 0.13333 P3² MBtu/h 20 MW ≤ P3 ≤ 50 MW

F3(P3) = { 100 + 4.6666 P3 + 0.13333 P3² } MBtu/h × 1.5 $/ MBtu

F3(P3) = 150 + 6.9999 P3 + 0.199995 P3² $/ h

H3 = 316.66 + 2 P3 + 0.1 P3² 50 MW ≤ P3 ≤ 100 MW

F3(P3) = { 316.66 + 2 P3 + 0.1 P3²} MBtu/h × 1.5 $/ MBtu

F3(P3) = 474.99 + 3 P2 + 0.15 P3² $/ h

Power F1(P1) F2(P2) F3(P3)

MW $/h $/h $/h
20 374.4 384 369.996
30 512.4 504 539.9925
40 657.6 636 749.988
50 810 798.4875 999.9825
60 969.6 985.9815 1194.99
70 1160.85 1198.475 1419.99
80 1374.6 1435.967 1674.99
90 1610.85 1698.458 1959.99
100 1869.6 1985.948 2274.99

input output COST FUNCTION






10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110


F1(P1) F2(P2) F3(P3)

b) Unit 1

H1 = 80 + 8 P1 + 0.024 P1² MBtu/h 20 MW ≤ Pl ≤ 60 MW

F1(P1) = { 80 + 8 P1 + 0.024 P1² } MBtu/h × 1.5 $/ MBtu

F1(P1) = 120 + 12 P1 + 0.036 P1² $/ h

d F1(P1)/d(P1)= λ = 12 + 0.072P1 --------*

H1 = 196.4 + 3 P1 + 0.075 P1² 60 MW ≤ Pl ≤ 100 MW

F1(P1) = { 196.4 + 3 P1 + 0.075 P1²} MBtu/h × 1.5 $/ MBtu

F1(P1) = 294.6 + 4.5 P1 + 0.1125 P1² $/ h

d F1(P1)/d(P1)= λ = 4.5 + 0.225 P1 $/MW h --------*

Unit 2

H2 = 120 + 6 P2 + 0.04 P2² MBtu/h 20 MW ≤ P2 ≤ 40 MW

F2(P2) = { 120 + 6 P2 + 0.04 P2² } MBtu/h × 1.5 $/ MBtu

F2(P2) = 180 + 9 P2 + 0.06 P2² $/ MWh

d F2(P2)/d(P2)= λ = 9 + 0.12 P2 $/MW h --------*

H2 = 157.335 + 3.3333 P2 + 0.08333 P2² 40 MW ≤ P2 ≤ 100 MW

F2(P2) = { 157.335 + 3.3333 P2 + 0.08333 P2²} MBtu/h × 1.5 $/ MBtu

F2(P2) = 236.0025 + 4.99995 P2 + 0.124995 P2² $/ h

d F2(P2)/d(P2) = λ = 4.99995 + 0.24999 P2 $/MW h --------*

Unit 3

H3 = 100 + 4.6666 P3 + 0.13333 P3² MBtu/h 20 MW ≤ P3 ≤ 50


F3(P3) = { 100 + 4.6666 P3 + 0.13333 P3² } MBtu/h × 1.5 $/ MBtu

F3(P3) = 150 + 6.9999 P3 + 0.199995 P3² $/ h

d F3(P3)/d(P3)= λ = 6.9999 + 0.39999 P3 $/MW h --------*

H3 = 316.66 + 2 P3 + 0.1 P3² 50 MW ≤ P3 ≤ 100 MW

F3(P3) = { 316.66 + 2 P3 + 0.1 P3²} MBtu/h × 1.5 $/ MBtu

F3(P3) = 474.99 + 3 P3 + 0.15 P3² $/ h

d F3(P3)/d(P3)= λ = 3 + 0.3 P3 $/MW h --------*

Power dF1(P1)/dp1 dF2(P2)/dp2 dF3(P3)/dp3

MW $ / MWh $ / MWh $ / MWh
20 13.44 11.4 14.9997
30 14.16 12.6 18.9996
40 14.88 13.8 22.9995
40 14.88 14.99955 22.9995
50 15.6 17.49945 26.9994
50 15.6 17.49945 18
60 16.32 19.99935 21
60 18 19.99935 21
70 20.25 22.49925 24
80 22.5 24.99915 27
90 24.75 27.49905 30
100 27 29.99895 33
20 13.44 11.4 14.9997

incremental coct charactristic

incremental (cost $/ MMh)

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

unit 1 unit 2 unit3

C) for unit 1 and unit 2 :-

F2 = f1 (D-P2) + f2 (P2)

Fuel cost for all unit = 1.5

P1=P2=P3 F1 F2 F3
0 ∞ ∞ ∞
20 374.4 384 370
40 657.6 636 750
60 969.6 985.9815 1194.99
80 1374.6 1435.9665 1674.99
100 1869.6 1985.9475 2274.99

P1=20 , F1=374.4
P2=20 , F2=384 |
F2 =758.4 ●


P1=40 , F 1=657.6
P2=20 , F2 =384 |
F 2=1041.6

P1=20 , F1=374.4
P 2=40 , F 2=636 |
F2 =1010.4 ●


P2=20 , F2=384
P1=60 , F1=969.6 F =1353.6

P2=40 , F 2=636 |
P1=40 , F 1=657.6 F =1293.6

P2=60 , F2 =985.9815
P1=20 , F1=374.4 F =1360.3815


P 2=20 , F 2=384 |
P1=80 , F1 =1374.6 F =1758.6

P 2=40 , F 2=636|
P1=60 , F1=969.6 F =1605.6

P2=60 , F2 =985.9815
P 1=40 , F 1=657.6 F =1643.5815

P2=80 , F2 =1435.9665
P 1=20 , F 1=374.4 F =1810.3665


P 2=20 , F 2=384
P1=100 , F 1=1869.6 F =2253.6

P 2=40 , F2 =636 |
P1=80 , F1 =1374.6 F =2010.6

P1=60 , F1=969.6
P2=60 , F2 =985.9815 |
F2=1955.5815 ●

P 1=40 , F1 =657.6
P2=80 , F2 =1435.9665 |
F 2=2093.5665

P 1=20 , F 1=374.4
P2=100 , F2=1985.9475
F 2=2360.3475

P2 =40 , F2 =636|
P1=100 , F 1=1869.6
F 2=2505.6

P1=80 , F1 =1374.6
P2=60 , F2 =985.9815 |
F2=2360.5815 ●

P 1=60 , F 1=969.6
P2=80 , F2 =1435.9665 |
F 2=2405.5665

P1 =40 , F1=657.6
P2=100 , F2=1985.9475 |
F 2=2643.5475


P1=100 , F1=1869.6
P2=60 , F2 =985.9815 |

P2=80 , F2 =1435.9665
P1=80 , F1=1374.6 F =2810.5665 ●

P 1=60 , F 1=969.6
P2=100 , F2=1985.9475 |
F 2=2955.5475


P2=80 , F2 =1435.9665
P1=100 , F1=1869.6 F =3305.5665 ●

P2=100 , F2=1985.9475
P 1=80 , F1=1374.6 F =3360.5475


P2=100 , F2=1985.9475
P1=100 , F 1=1869.6 F =3855.5475 ●
D (MW) P 1( MW ) P2 F2
40 20 20 758.4
60 40 20 1010.4
80 40 40 1293.6
100 40 60 1605.6
120 60 60 1955.5815
140 60 80 2360.5815
160 80 80 2810.5665
180 80 100 3305.5665
200 100 100 3855.5475
For this value above, unit 1 and unit 2 share the demand at optimum economic dispatch
operation according use DP method

Now unit 3 will share in supplying the demand

D = 100 MW ( P2 ,P3 )

P3=20 , F3 =370 |
P2=80 , F2 =1293.6 F =1663.6

P3=40 , F 3=750 |
P2=60 , F2 =1010.4 F =1760.4

P3=60 , F3 =1194.99
P 2=40 , F2 =758.4 F =1953.39

D = 140 MW

P 3=20 , F 3=370
P2=120 , F2=1955.5815 F =2325.5815 ●

P3 =40 , F3 =750|
P2=100 , F2=1605 F =2325.5815

P3=60 , F3 =1194.99
P2=80 , F2 =1293.6 F =2488.59

P3=80 , F3 =1674.99
P2=60 , F2=1010.4 F =2685.39
P3=100 , F3 =2274.99|
P 2=40 , F2 =758.4 F =3033.39

D = 180 MW

P2=160 , F2=2810.5665
P 3=20 , F3=370 |
F 3=3180.5665

P2=140 , F2=2360.5815
P3 =40 , F3 =750 |
F 3=3110.5815 ●

P2=120 , F2=1955.5815
P 3=60 , F3 =1194.99 |
F 3=3150.5715

P2=100 , F2 =1605.6
P3=80 , F3 =1674.99 |

P2=80 , F2 =1293.6
P3=100 , F3 =2274.99 |
F 3=3568.59

D = 220 MW

P2=200 , F2=3855.5475
P3=20 , F3=370 |
F 3=4225.5475

P2=180 , F2=3305.5665
P3 =40 , F3 =750 |
F 3=4055.5665

P2=160 , F2=2810.5665
P3=60 , F3 =1194.99 |
F 3=4005.5565 ●

P2=140 , F2=2360.5815
P 3=80 , F3 =1674.99 |
F 3=4035.5715
P3=100 , F 3=2274.99|
P2=120 , F2=1955.5815 F =4230.5715

D = 260 MW

P2=200 , F2=3855.5475
P3=60 , F3 =1194.99 |F 3=5050.5375

P2=180 , F2=3305.5665
P 3=80 , F3 =1674.99|F 3=4980.5565 *

P2=160 , F2=2810.5665
P3=100 , F 3=2274.99|F 3=5085.5565

Now :-

For D = 100 MW

P1 = 40 MW , P2 = 40 MW , P3 = 20 MW

∴ F1 = 657.6 , F2 = 636 , F3 = 370

∴ Σ F 1 + F2 + F 3=657.6+636 +370=1663.6

For D = 140 MW

P1 = 60 MW , P2 = 60 MW , P3 = 20 MW

∴ F1 = 969.6 , F2 = 985.9815 , F3 = 370

∴ Σ F 1 + F2 + F 3=¿ 969.6 + 985.9815 + 370 = 2325.5815

For D = 180 MW

P1 = 80 MW , P2 = 60 MW , P3 = 40 MW

∴ F1 = 1374.6 , F2 = 985.9815 , F3 = 750

∴ Σ F 1 + F2 + F 3=¿ 1374.6 + 985.9815 + 750 = 3110.5815
For D = 220 MW

P1 = 80 MW , P2 = 80 MW , P3 = 60 MW

∴ F1 = 1374.6 , F2 = 1435.9665 , F3 = 1194.99

∴ Σ F 1 + F2 + F 3=¿ 1374.6 + 1435.9665 + 1194.99 = 4005.5565

For D = 260 MW

P1 = 100 MW , P2 = 80 MW , P3 = 80 MW

∴ F1 = 1869.6 , F2 = 1435.9665 , F3 = 1674.99

∴ Σ F 1 + F2 + F 3=¿ 1869.6 + 1435.9665 + 1674.99= 4980.5565


YES, by using Lagrange method:-

As we see from the solution by using D.P that for D = 100 MW unit one operate at P 1 =
40 MW & unit 2 , P2 = 40 , P3 = 20 MW for that the Heat rate curve for each unit will

unit 1 :- H 1 (P¿¿ 1)=80+8 P1 +0.024 P1 20 MW ≤ P1 ≤60 MW ¿

unit 2 :- H 2 (P¿¿ 2)=120+6 P2 +0.04 P22 20 MW ≤ P2 ≤ 40 MW ¿

unit 3 :- H 3 (P¿¿ 3)=100+ 4.6666 P3+ 0.13333 P3 20 MW ≤ P 3 ≤ 50 MW ¿

Fuel cost = 1.5

2 $
∴ F 1 ( P¿¿ 1)=120+12 P 1+ 0.036 P1 ¿

2 $
∴ F 2 (P¿¿ 2)=180+9 P2 +0.06 P2 ¿

2 $
∴ F 3 (P¿¿ 3)=150+ 6.9999 P3 +0.199995 P3 ¿

The incremental cost for each unit :-

∂ F1 $
=12+ 0.072 P1 =λ−−−−−−−−(1)
∂ P1 MWh

∂ F2 $
=9 +0.12 P2 = λ−−−−−−−−(2)
∂ P2 MWh

∂ F3 $
=6.9999 +0.39999 P 3 = λ−−−−−−−−(3)
∂ P3 MWh

P1 + P2 + P3 = 100 MW−−−−−−−−( 4)

∴ 12 + 0.072 P1 = 9 + 0.12 P2 ………. P2 = 25 + 0.6 P1

12 + 0.07 P1 = 6.9999 + 0.39999 P3 ……… P3 = 12.50056 + 0.1800045 P1

∴ P1 + 25 + 0.6 P1 + 12.50056 + 0.1800045 P1 = 100 MW

P1 = 35.111956 MW

P3 = 12.50056 + 0.1800045 × 35.111956 = 18.82 MW

P2 = 25 + 0.6 × 35.111956 = 46.067

We see that P3 not within the limit then we will change its Heat rate curve and take the
second one:-

H 2 (P¿¿ 2)=157.335+3.3333 P2+ 0.08333 P22 ¿

∴ F 2 ( P¿¿ 2)=236.0025+ 4.99995 P2 +0.124995 P2 ¿

∂ F1
=12+ 0.072 P1= λ
∂ P1

∂ F2
=4.99995 +0.24999 P2=λ
∂ P2

∂ F3
=6.9999 +0.39999 P 3=λ
∂ P3

∴P1 + P2 + P3 = 100 MW

∴ 12+0.072 P1=4.99995+0.24999 P2 … … … . P2 =28.00132005+ 0.2880115205 P1

12+ 0.072 P1=6.9999+ 0.39999 P3 … … … … P3=12.50056251+0.1800045 P 1

∴ P 1 + 28.00132005+0.2880115 P1+ 12.50056251+ 0.1800045001 P1=100

∴ P 1 = 40.5296 MW ≠ 20 MW

P2=28.00132005+0.2880115 × 40.5296=39.674 MW

P3=12.50056251+0.1800045 P1=19.796 MW

∴P1 + P2 + P3 = 99.999 MW ≈ 100 MW

∴ λ = 12 + 0.72 × 40.5296 = 14.9181

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