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a B) Contents, feral Information for certifieation Applicable certificates 1) Certificates issued by the Statutory certificates Class certificate Goneral instructions forthe issuance of certificates ass and Statutory certifi Flag Administration General for Cla n)Class cemtificates UDStatutory cetiiea Harmonized System of surveys and Certification Load line ty Construction ty equipment Safety Radio lopp lapP Page GENERAL INFORMATION FOR CERTIFICATION A)_APPLICABLE 1 1 trade, the master showkd present to the port authorities the here below Im onder a cargo vessel 10 trae 1 CERTIFICATES ISSUED BY THE FLAG ADMINISTRATION, Ia ea be “Daovisional” with validity up to six months or "Permanent, without duc date i jon requires the in order permanent registration certificate to be issued, the Flag Administration requires Supt C Note” to be duly endorsed by a surveyor of a Recognized ty). ‘Ship's Carving and Marking Organization (Classification s RADIO LICENSE This certifiate is compulsory in order vessel to be capable to use the radio equipment for communication. This cert Provisional” with validity up to six months or with validity usually up to four years. e can be In order permanent radio license to be issued, the Flag Administration requires the “Radio Installation survey report” to be duly completed and endorsed by the classification surveyor. 3. MINIMUM SAFE MANNING This certificate indicates the minimum number of persons and rank of each member of erew. 4. INTERNATIONAL TONNAGE CERTIFICATE Indicates "GROSS TONNAGE" and "NET TONNAGE" of the vessel NOTES 1. This certificate can be issued by authorized organization (Classification societies) also, 2. This certificate is compulsory for Intemational voyages only (not compulsory for domestic trade within the teritory ofthe Flag State. M1) STATUTORY CERTIFICATES These esis ae being sued by the cassfeton societies on behalf of he Flag ae mentioned herebelow: a Beak oe * INTERNATIONAL LOAD LIN} 'g Issued in accordance with the requirements of the Intemational Load. Line Convention oplicable to new vessels of 24 meters and over ot to existing vessels og 150-Tons Gross and mM) “TY CONSTRUCTION CERTIFICATE cae ee oT the rgurenents oF SOLAS oavenon. arias ‘> “500 gross tonnage and upwards. Applicable 1 vessels of SAFETY ROUIEMENT CERTIFICATE Ho raccordance wil Ie reqirements SOLAS convention. and upwards, + CARGO SIP Ths certificates Being Applicable to vessels of S00 rs fo EY RADIO CERTIFICATE cing issued in accordance with the requirements of SOLAS convention, ne + CARGO SHIPSA This cet Applicable to vessels of 300 gross fonn ATIONAL OIL POLLUTION PREVENTION CERTIFICATE, ie and upwards. + INE Hee re Acie isu in secordance with fe requirements of Anne I of MARPOL Sebi to vessels of 40 gross onnage ad upward INTERNATIONAL AIR POLLUTION PREVENTION CERTIFICATE is being issued in accordance with the requirements of Annex VI of MARPOL, This eerie convention Applicable to vessels of 400 gross tonnage and upwards, + DOCUMENT OF COMPLIANCE This certificate is being issued in accordance with the requirements of the ISM code (by ISM. auditor, for the managing company of the vessel. + SAFETY MANAGEMENT CERTIFICATE This certificate is being issued in accordance with the requirements of the ISM eode (by ISM. auditor), forthe vessel Applicable to vessels of $00 gross tonnage and upwards, + INTERNATIONAL SHIP SECURITY CERTIFICATE ‘This ceifcat Being issued in accordance with he requirements ofthe ISPS code (by ISPS auditor), for the vessel Applicable to vessels of 500 gross tonnage and upwards, wores 1. Cerain Pon Autores ote vss o bear Sewage and Garbage ceri ar Sewage and Gauge cerifcts (in acordanc e pric tbe semen pone IV and V of MARPOL convention) : : types of vstels may require additonal statutory eontcate ference ia 3 of SOLAS 1974 convention as amended), ee 3. IN ore the sary cries 10 be ised, vessel should have valid registaion exter he suns of Saely Rao caries veel shoud have aso va Rad 4 Forvessl of siz lt than conventional ‘on-Conventional” certificates are to be issued. CERTIFICATE OF CLASS cpeanerangte of Classis compulsory for vessels built in or ater 01 July 1998, However for most vessels bear certificate of class (Hull, Machinery and Equipment). B)_ GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE ISSUANCE eTIFICATES a GENERAL FOR CLASS AND STATUTORY C1 cart to every certificate that will be issued. ‘The vessel's registration certificate should be consulted in order the main particulars of the vessels fo be assigned to the certificates. im 3 sifcats should bear the INSB stamp and the “Interim or “ProvisionaP samp, A certificate number should b All cert a ‘The certificates should also indicate the appropriate type of vessel CLASS CERTIFICATE sistration certificate should be consulted in order the particulars concerning builders, Th ‘main engine, v.01 to be assigned. The type of talshaft usualy is L.V, (lignum vitae) oF Lub Oil (il lubricated) with periodicity tree to five years, For the assignment of proposed class notation the rules and regulation of our society should be consulted STATUTORY CERTIFICATES All statutory certificates should indicate the Flag State on behalf of which the certificates are issued (on top of the box with the main particulars). ‘The date of keel laid is often different from the year of built tn ease the vessel retains her National Gross tonnage for application of SOLAS and MARPOL requirements, then the tonnage figure as per National Requirements shall indicated to the appropriate place of the certificate and the relative certificate shall be endorsed with the nate. ‘WThe above gross tonnage has been determined by the tonnage authorities of the Administration in accordance withthe national rules which were in foee prior to the coming into force of the Intemational convention on Tonnage Measurements of ships, 1969". This te Permitted only in case the relative remark is endorsed to the ITC*69. LOAD LINE CERTIFICA Existing ship is vessel bull prior 21 July 1968, All other ships are new ships. The relative sentence should be deleted as necessary, re epsctbl type of vessel should be indicated (the other should be deleted). Vessels of esecabl fecboards shouldbe assigned. The Tropical, Summer, Winter Neste Allantic freeboards have to do mainly with geographical limits SAFETY CONSTRUCTION CERTIFICATE ‘The issuance or not of exemption certificate should be indicated, SAFETY EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATE Tre Bsuanee oF not of exemption certificate should be indicated Ane gecord of cargo ship Safety Equipment (form E) shovid be duly completed for the total The "er of ersons on board and ofthe navigation equipment required to be installed oe sitboats should indicate the number of pees ee ee accommodate taking in ‘consideration the present equipment of life boats, = ‘applicable trading area. completed for th + INTERNATIONAL OIL POLLUTION PREVENTION CERTIFICATE ar nent JOPP certificate shoud be duly coencied as appropri ‘New ship is as ship (a) her building contract is placed after 31.12.1975 or (b) Keel was laid ter 30.06.1976, oF (c) delivery is after 31/12/1979, Existing ship is as ship which not a new ship, + Incase SOPEP manual has not be Notation *Provisionally issued pending approval of SOPEI paragraph ofthe supplement relative to the SOPEP. + In case waiver has been approved by the Flag Administration for certain equipment, the relative remark should be endorsed to the IOPP certificate. approved at the date of issuance of IOPP certificate, the ”* should be endorsed to the GENERAL NOTES |. Bach statutory cenifeate should be stamped with the indication that its validity is automatically expited upon the expity of vessel's registration certificate or the radio license in case of safety radio certificate. 2. The Non-conventional certificates should be endorsed with the indication “NON- CONVENTION” as header. © HARMONIZED SYSTEM OF SURVEY AND CERTIFICATION For vessel for which the harmonized system of surveys and certification has been implemente ‘eys and certification has been implemented, then ster Grtficacs are to be issued for five years. In such case the applicable stiveye are ‘mentioned to the herebelow table for the period of five years, pl THE HARMONIZED SYSTEM OF SURVEY. Reeth te ; AND CERTIFICATION Monte 9 9 13 45 LOAD LINE SAFCON PASSENGER sre RADIO MARPOL Annex | a cae A. sol ae panna we eee ” Roy Rear > Tmermetisin Al 2 | ec Load Line seston ‘oe + on Load Lins (ILC 68) apples 1 al ships engaged on international voyages. 2 a ere (flea than 24 metres (79'infangth, 3} Seats ens not engaged n commer ado, a ship whase Keo i aid, or which Isat a similar stage of construction, on or ater the Sites! waning noose ofthe present Convention foreach Contracting Government - This date fixed to the Betty 1968, Eeebg sp mean a ship which not nw si. 2. Definitions ~ Things to remember Poston of Hatchways, Doorways and Ventiatars (Reguation 13) For the purpose ofthe Regulations, two positions of hatchways, door-ways and ventilators are defined as Postion 1 Upon exposed freeboard and raised quarter decks, and upon exposed superstructure decks Situated forward of a point located a quarter of the ship's length from the. forward perpendicuar Postion2— Upon exposed superstructure decks situated abaft @ quarter of the ship's length from the forward perpendicular. Hatchway coamings(Regulaions 15,16) soccs safe faMas closed by parable covers secured weather-tght by tarpaulins and batening Soveee chal be of substantial constuction, and heir height above the deck shal be a eect ac fale £00 millimetres (23's inches) fn postion 2 450 mimes (17', inches) in positon 2 Vontiators (Regulation 19) cca ca bel Paregraph of his Regulation vertiato openings shal be povided with efficient Spolances shal ne ermuaneas. ships of nat mare tan 100 mates (328 fea) mr ca a closing lowed near na er permanenty ataced; where nol so proved inaer shige, Gey aa conveniently slowed near the ventilators to which they are to be nea Venuitorsn positon 1 shal havea height of al east 900 mm above the deck Inostion 2 sha havea height of atleast 760 mm above tne eck and nos in Postion | the coomings of vhich extend to more than 4:5 metres (14.8 feet) above the deck, ext ingoton be coamoge of whch ond one a es ek mote han 23 mets (78 fon shove he aoe ne Se ew cong orange use secreted ben woe 8 EK, Nec ok Ar pipes (Regulation 20) feast the exposed J above the freeboard or superstructure decks, Wr a ee caren coat Ucken ie sgh erate eee ps pars ofthe ppes sal be ofS are deck and pave aa 750 mato (90 Ines) on fe "Enehes} on the superstucure deck ea oat 450 mint (7 aa sie eee i ner hoes regs may ree veo sing arrangements and ather creamstances justify tow iSight ergo poh cca aly rytmears permanent a General information cboard which is the minimum freeboard computed as 3 raughts are considere: oso iP's particulars (length, sponding t0 geomet fr rim ° pected under Raguatons 9 fo 45 of fe Convento, on Sass Ofte o8 conti tug stich the maxinum permissible raugh rom the viewpoln ofthe sti's ») Scanting éraught which the Sian draught which fe im draught deduced from the stability information (intact bit caught which, 16 the mania Sabin ond ansteddanepe rsa) + Geometric eeboard and conditions of assignment (atnoy doa aeseel'kow he exact caning eraught andthe caught the shipouner applies for (as they donot necessary cance), + stably fring bean ne eMted loading cases whch are clued ee gerne intact stably fe, this fe avng been aporoved in aocrdance with Reguaton Tote Convention Initia! Survey Se et oman ser rad Sona ee Caner Fear ‘the present Convention’, a a aa re "Scope of the suvey rate at 8 8 hon conor ah pod rn cs ‘conditions of freeboard assignment,” bibiea ‘solve gana + Loading marks Thea tt Ste ema casos The Savoy cn “inetatlom anc Tamang Sip one hah Me mati rks can be welded on the sides of the ship provided that the usual precautions Cees att elcodes, oe ae taken + certfeabon «out othe Surveyor’ sasfacton, an inerim certicae can be issued tte aurvey hs been cai + Specific requirements Renewal survey * ‘nears “a survey at intevals specie’ by the Admiistaton, but nat exceeding five years, micah bccn as erare fel ho site, equrnen anengemant, nate and som ange Al Comply wth te requirements o the present Convention Survey. Survey dates ts imperatve thatthe periodical suvey be cared out jit wth the Hull Special Survey. Survey ma open ta one sue) ropa ie Salt a parael Saey shal coaspond ts that ofthe Special Survey, + Administrative issues In pursuance of Regulation 10 of the Convention, the Surveyor veriles that the following documents are svoble > Stabity data > Loading manual (if applicable) Zs Surveyor, ater checking the Survey fr freeboard, makes sure that no modifications have been made since the cerfcate was issued, which could modily the conditions of freeboard assignmont ‘oud here have been any such modifications, the Surveyor reports tothe Head Office for ade, + Scope ofthe surveys 1. Hall strength (Regulation 1) Craminarans nb's stucure shal be also examined during the Special Survey, However, if the Feiss ana om ade a al ie, the Surveyor makes sur (general neposhon off vais holds and compariments) that the general stuctural strength = adoeonia 2% Resets openings in bukhead at ends of enclosed superstuctures (Regulation 12) or amrosany “2? fenble and clamping devices fre lock out for devices jammed vith paint or earosion). 3: Hatehways close by portable covers (Regulation 16) Wooden hatchway covers conan eer 8nd condition of covers including end bands shal Ten cluding end bands shall be checked. When condition of row nd ginal caver oye, 88 Frewed, the Surveyor makes sue tea he characteristics of Portable beams Their conditon shal be checked, ) Pontoon covers * Te concen of orton coves and closing arrangements shat be checked. 10. Glests yoten ton or highly corraded, trey shall be duly re-condtioned as they are Cleat are tp shat ad wedges. that the number of battens and wedges including spares Is Battens and wedges rave many uses on board se te. parcauar wedges whieh Mi 1, Because of exposed conditions, tarpaulins get torn Terpaulins ee es 1 tarpaulins are provid impair weatherighiness. Hatchways closed by weathertight covers (Regulation 16) Covers sl be ox cially fanged edges which often are heavily corroded. Soe eet cal alo be examined wi care together with als (Lo be kept in good arangements shal also Be exa Giesing conedon for easing toh) Hatchway coamings Lower coamings often get heavily corroded, and wom parts shall be renewed, scellaneous openings in freeboard and superstructure decks (Regulation 18). These are te most exposed parts of he ship. They rege proper and regular maintenance, which the crew can easly cary out. Weathertght devices and closing arrangements are, therefore, kept in perfect condition, and no derogation fo this requirement is accepted. The Surveyor makes also sure that no modifications have been made Venilators. Air pipes (Regulations 19, 20) 3 ‘They very often are corroded, in particular parts (dificult to paint) facing a bulwark or a bulkhead. Ventilators and air pipes showing Signs of wear and tear shall be renewed, The ‘Surveyor makes sure that orienting devices of portable ventilators are in good condition and that Closing arrangements of pipes are ted and not jammed, Sarge pons. Scuppers, nets and discharges, Side scutes Freeing pots (Regulations 21, 22,23, 4). ‘The Surveyor makes sure that non-etum valves, remote controls of closing appliances for side scutes and deadights (it deadights are required), shutters of freeing ports. (eometines Condemned by crew). are in good working order. Protection ofthe crew (Reguation 25) The Surveyor makes sure that guard rails, butwarks, gangways (often distor 9004 condition gangways (often distorted or coroded) are in Load Line marks The Surveyor makes sure that marking xa ate propery parted and ng, a7898 Comply exacy wih the data onthe carticate and that hey Timber Load Line marks ‘The Surveyor makes su “wover makes sure that fxd or mobile stowage arrangements wich are ‘Specific to timber 180, ate kept in good condition. deck cargo ships, even notin use, are kept 1 condton and the owner unwiling to have them repaired, the Uf such orange thay be ismanied and repors 10 the Head Offs for canting the Suneyor ree al oY jeer eon carried out to the Surveyors sallefaction, an interim cartifcata Ia the pein iy a mamum & ments but, n any eas, not exceeding The vail of the Hil Gsiteaton Ceriieate 1s, which s exceptional accepted withthe consent of Head Office, a tae crak sade and an endorsements eniered accordingly ono the Hull Crise, Annus inspection “Annual survey” means “an inspection within three months either way of each annual anniversary date fo the corfate fo ensure fat allratons have not been made to the hull or superstructures which would fect the calculations determining the poston ofthe load ine and eo as fo ensure the maintenance in an lefecive conditon of ftings and appliances for: nef openings, (i) guardral, freeng ports, and Ww) means of access to crew's quarters” ‘Ths annual survey is carried out within three months either way of each anniversary date of the certificate and atthe same time as the Annual Classification Survey. Surveys of special type + Change of ag Renewal survey isto be cared out + Structural modifications merge tbs ead OMe 38 soon aha fad boon Sed Seg a eR ‘modifications (lengthening, etc.) and forwards the relevant detail drawings, ne Seca Spec instctors wilten be gen ohm by eee aan, ‘Ships carrying timber deck cargoes SHS Cater AIST), adopted of 6 November 1901 *CODE OF SAFE PRACTICE FoR SHIPS CARR 4 ardiastes, N° TBER DECK CARGOES, 1061 is remindeg is Gena Managers, Operators Safety Construction 1 Soar ssuance of the Safety Construction Certificate are covered Eee eoar 1° applicable surveys are those which are appicabh Deena Conds 0a oe ha ea by ‘Clssieaton cortical, ofthe documents in tho Maste’s possession, then updated information shall be provided. ‘Stabilty documents shall be approved by the Flag Adminisaton of, on its behalf, by the Classification Society The siabity booklet includes the information enabling the Master to oblain accurate guidance as to the hp stati hat generally anera arrangement pan, Capacity plan including geometric characteristics of each compartment, Characterstics of compartments in elation to actual ing level, Hyarostate cures, Cross curves, ustifcaion of ightship paras, Deal loading conditions, Postion of oping considered for determining the down-feeding angle 1 Loading Manual tgagbe noted that. adaton to a "Sibily Boalt showing information pertaining tothe Stability sarig ales ld 2 “Loasing Booklet or “Loading Manual showing information pettalsny to tee ee iene ng does happen that bot booklets are combined ina single one (applicable te eeeoe tae ‘evan ac ovr arto estes of 85 m an over when constructed ono afer oy aoe 1, Damage stability wn Bes Fat 8, SOLAS 104 Cap ny car po 100 mae eg o moe cbescromcry curt February 102” and wy cago anno! SOrnenee eof MS nanan sty 198m sbeced oo damage sity ahd nsec aoe oe Price” cate © 2n6Y wth We sdvson a comoge bly Tecate ete MO fairer calito rede welabe Sab Momsen Oe "waar be ove on Bord he tai come a cpus elacerite haga (GM) verve erat or curv of maxiuen ete centres of gravity (KG) versus draught, i suc ororng operation ose feong aangement, ~ Data deemed necessary to maintain ‘stability after damage a a a ster rou ar nyc | ele rh ae cea oer oe ho cnr tranaa oh ts emai fod 2oteaton mn ibe creas ase Gonavenel sy Foss maa tare a sas door fe closed or open shall be available at the navigation bridge. In addition, shell doors and henge wich cou to.a major flooding, if left open, shall be fitted with same indicators. peninge which could Additional requirements + Emergeney owing aangements on tankers (Reg. IHS) yency towing arrangement (ETA) 1904 Amendments to SOLAS 1974 have provided for fiting of an emergency towing arrangement ( toh ends [stem and ston) of any ol tanker. chemical tanker and gas carrier constructed onvafter 1 January 1996 an having 20000 ta or more. i ‘The design and the construction shall be approved on basis of the “Guidelines on Emergency Towing Arrangements for Tankers” (Res. MSC.35(63)), + Safe acess to tanker bow (Reg. IM/3-3) Fea 45-3 requres requires that any now tanker constucted onafter 1 July 1998 must be provided with means to enable the crew to have safe access to the bow. This is applicable to tankers constructed before 1 July 1998 at the fist dry-docking ler 1 July 1998, but not later than 1 July 200% Tre means of access shall be approved on the basis on the "Guidelines for safe access to tanker bows" (Res. MSC 62(67), * Secondary means of argo Tanks Venting, Combustite gas indleators (Reg. 59.1) * Probab of gion (Ch. 1-2) Zhe reioens of reguatons 4510.1 and 4510.4 and a sytem for continues merierng of the ezetaten cl nrcaron gases sabe ed ona rare conanaaed boos Ot hay Donn ee Fe tec dock tert hy 2002 ha Note e Ge oh ae ice ore ss a ne a. er ee at lane he area Pump casings. A continuous audible and visual alarm signal sf i ‘effected in the cargo control room or the pump control station Ma earns Reguaton 45.10.14 camel ‘O0ms sal be provided with bige level montoring devices together wih ‘approximately located Diese engine High pressure fel delivery pipes (Reg. 1.2/6) Water lvel detectors on sin level detectors. on single hold cargo ships (Rep, 23.3 of Ch, st) In accordance with irom pan oes TaTents of Regulation 233 of Chapter: of SOLAS Convention single hold S29 shoe eer on pak eres Pete scr via eat (twas en 56 oS NN a 8 ea i ce ae be aay B ser level detectors not later than the date of the frst intermediate or renewal survey of the ship to be Ya J ey 207 wher comes HL so detectors fr bk carr (Reg. XIU42) sted wh wotr ve! detectors ging ab and vial alas ot ater han he date ei fanwal suey of ha hp tobe cared ot afr 1 Jy 2008 (ichever scarier sha Site aint eiomesle ‘comes fs} Wate ove! detectors for bukcariors (Reg. XIN13) 4 wih dewatering arrangements for forward cry spaces and bast anks ot ater aan carsales ermodateoranonalsuvey oh ship oe cried ou air Ty 2008, btn ro ease late than Jy 2007. $0 spaces, tanks inseuctons to be followed by the altending Surveyor btore entering cargo spaces, tanks, pump rooms, fusl tanks, coffergams,, duct keels, Ballast tanks. and’ similar enclosed compartments. Betore entering cargo spaces, tanks, pump rooms, fuel tanks, cofferdams, duct keels, ballast tanks and similar enciosed compartments, ther safe access should be confirmed ‘The surveyor is advised not to enter an enclosed space unless authorized by the Master or a responsible officer and only after the safety Checklist controls, ‘The simosphere in any enclosed space may be incapable of supporting human Ife. It may be lacking in ‘oxygen content or contain flammable or tox gases. This also applies to tanks which have been gas- inerted ‘The Master or a responsibe officer shall ensure that itis safe to enter an enclosed space by ensuring that he space has been thoroughly vented by natural or mechanical means, testing the atmosphere of the space at diferent levels for oxygen deficiency and harmful ‘vapour where sutable nstuments are availabe, and ~ aug treating apparatus fo be worn by al persons entering the space where there is any doubt as tothe adequacy of ventilation or testing Before ent, Note: Where itis known that the aimosphere in an enclosed space is unsafe, it shall be entered nly when itis essential orn an emergency. Al the safely checks shall be carried out bare entry and bresthing apparatus must be worn, Sint oi shal bo won, Sate eels cee sen eager oe SIN sence, og bumps. Loose coting, whieh is ay {6 cles oe ener ae anes eed astoal rcnitens wo tcensan hers os a he, See remit Sfty hess, bale an Haney Sad rege fk of conta danger of falling from a height. get) "aca Safety Equipment A, Lifesaving appliances + Genera requirements \cneck hata e-saving appliances have been approved and that het otal number Tre Suny hetireiement of ho Convention for the numba of persons cared on Boar rg capocty man te rau the ships equipment normally sha be inorder. Faeroe at setects which camot be rapared ical, sich ws boats which may no onger teers acotorder etc, the Head Office shall be Immediately informed and the necessary renee’ sha be tansmited to the Surveyor. The Flag Adminstration agreement shall also be ‘Ravested, Unser these cicumstances, the ship fs only authorised to sal fo the Nearest pot where oo ga aS ae meer nesta feces ee tase ane diaper a ea The lifesaving appliances as fied on board ships constructed before 1 July 1998 need not being changed, ‘except where provided, f they ae propery maintained, + Immersion suits (Reg, 132) ‘An immersion sui complying withthe requirements of section 2.3 of the Code shall be provided for every Berson on board the ship. However, for ships other than bulk carers, as defined in regulation IX, these Immersion sus need not be required i the ship constantly engaged on voyages in warm climates where, inthe opinion of the Administration, immersion suits are unnecoseery, Ia ship has any watch or work stations which are located remotely from the place or places where immersion sus are normally stowed, adaitonal immersion sults shal be provided al neve locators fer te umber of persons normally on watch or working a hose locations at ary tine + Distress signals (Reg. 1N6.3) ranseigepag makes sure thal 12 rocket parachute fares (of a fed colour) are stowed at of near the navigation bridge. f our) vod at of near th ott paractefarscompyng wih scion 3.1 he LSA Code (neous Reg 35) il ome that every Host sha bo fed th 6 rocket parachute fre, 6 hard . Tocket parachute flares, 6 hand fares, comphing wih SSarne foi RaSh Cade orevousy Regie) and 2 buojanta sles ee a ae 3S ofthe LSA Code pronoust Rog ey * Emergency raining and Dts Res m9 The Suryor makas sue hat dls, muster, monty Instr, monty inspections of he We-seving appliances, a ‘nvoar in are recercudin sch og book a rst oye areas san, and

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